

I walk around the banks, my hair trailing behind me as my eyes glitter with the runic patterns engraved onto them. I walk further ad further away from Hogwarts until I break out of the anti-apparation wards. When I feel the strain of the wards leaving my body I apparate to Diagon Alley.

It looks the same as the last time. Wizards and Witches bustling around and the clear sound of apparation crackling through the air. I start my walk towards Nocturne alley, the only place where you can find anything useful. I draw the eyes of passing magic folk as I walk. My long hair and bright eyes a sight to behold. You'd think that people would have enough decency not to stare but I guess not.

I cast a few notice-me-not charms on myself to make me less noticeable. With the spells cast, I walk towards Borgin and Burkes. At the counter, Bourgin is looking through various tombs of probably dark magic. He looks up when I take down the charms, my full presence now as noticeable as it was earlier. Bourgin is taken aback at the figure that just seemingly appeared in front of him but then realizes that I am just a child.

"What are you doing in here, child?" He asks, peeking up from his book.

"I want every forbidden tomb and potion materials you have." I say as I walk up to the counter.

"I sell no such thing, boy." The man snarled. "Stop bothering me with your childishness." I then wave my hand and snakes jump out of my shadow, coiling around Bourgin. I wave my wand and rocks appear out of thin air, then transforming into knives and getting ready to stab Bourgin.

"I don't have time to deal with this." I say as Bourgin shakes with fear, unable to grab his wand he's made known to his own powerlessness. I was thinking about just killing him and taking everything I needed but then I wouldn't be able to get all the new stuff he stocks through his connections so I concoct a plan. It was dicey since I had never used this type of magic on anything other than rodents before but I figured it would be fine.

I released Bourgin from my spells, he falling onto the ground. I point my wand at him and launch the killing curse, killing him instantly. I then channel dark energy from a much more evil world, using my body as a medium for that energy to transfer and appear in our world. I guide the energy through my body and have flow to my wand, converging it at the tip. The tip of my wand glows an eerie black with splotches of deep red.

"Erigo mortuus." I chant in a whisper as tendrils of black and red seep out of the tip of my wand and flow into Bourgin's corpse. This is a necromancy spell capable of bringing back the dead. This isn't resurrection as there is no such thing. The spell basically pulls together the left over consciousness from the deceased and analyzes it. It then makes an exact copy of that persons consciousness and implants it into the body then destroying the original's consciousness to prevent any disloyalty.

A jolt went through the corpse and its eyes regained the life they once had. Bourgin stood up only to kneel in front of his new master.

"Bring me everything you have regarding forbidden magics." I tell Bourgin as he promptly stands up and bows.

"Yes, master." Bourgin says before leaving to the back of the store. A few minutes later, he comes back levitating ten books and two bags of potion ingredients. "This is everything I have. I'll be getting another shipment later this week." I don't respond, only throwing a bag of galleons onto the counter. I wave my hand and the stack of books and potion ingredients disappear into one of my spacial rings before leaving the store.

I don't bother cloaking my presence anymore since there really isn't a need to. When my plan takes place everyone's going to know my face either way.

As I'm walking a group of teen wizards surround me, a lot like in France. I'm sure they were saying the same things the kids in France were so I don't bother listening. Before the speaker could finish his rant, I move my hand in a slapping gesture and the heads of the boys all turns a ninety degree angle, killing all of them instantly.

The sound of space cracking is heard soon after and the boy is gone. The corpses seemingly to have disappeared as well.

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