
Meeting Voldemort

After my escape from Snape, I appeared a little outside of the Slytherin dorms where I then walked to my next class. The day continued like this, nothing significant happening until I came into Professor Quirrellmort's class and a lightbulb went off in my head.

That night, I snuck out of the Slytherin dorms and had the shadows swallow me once again, this time appearing in the Gryffindor common room. It was about three in the morning so everyone was sound asleep but just in case, I cast an area of affect sleep spell. With the comfort of everyone being asleep I make my way to Harry's room, using a magical sonar spell to pick out Voldemort's soul to determine which room Harry is in.

When I finally find my target, I use a basic alohamora spell to unlock the door. There were about four other bunks in Harry's room, each filled with two people. I was grateful for my singular person room. I walked over to Harry's bunk and cast a numbing spell on his body, a spell that I had created myself. The concept was pretty basic as far as magic went. I just used my affinity for lightning to send a small shock to his nerves, temporarily numbing them. I then elongate one of my nails and grab Harry's hand, slitting his wrist and draining some of his blood into a vial I had previously prepared. After the vial was full, I used an episkey spell to close the wound. I then sunk back into the shadows and the room returns to stillness, no one even knowing I was there.

I cast several preservative spells onto the vial to keep it fresh and afterwards, slide the vial into my bottomless pockets. My robes fly off my body and hang themselves seemingly on nothing, just floating. I slide into bed and nuzzle myself into the covers, thinking of everything that was about to happen. It seems that the original story was going to drastically change. Not that that was a problem since I had no problem with completely butchering the main plot. Hogwarts had nothing to offer me so it's not like I had any reason to stay.

Ruby coiled herself tighter around me and we both fell asleep.

I woke up early the next morning, at around four. Vampires didn't need sleep since they were, you know, dead. I just use it to pass time at this point. I got out of bed and got ready. I did some magic reserve strengthening exercises as well as ones that helped to increase my reserves. All of which I learned from various books from both my families library and Salazar's. All this took roughly an hour so it was five now. My robes flew onto my body and fixated themselves around my body in the position I found to be most comfortable, finishing my morning routine.

I walked out of my room and then exited the Slytherin common room. The teachers should be in their respective class rooms at this time, preparing for their lessons. I walked all the way to Professor Quirrellmort's classroom and saw the muttering professor grading the essays he had given the upper years to complete over the break.

I knocked on the classroom and entered, not bothering to listen for a reply. I didn't care, to be honest. To be honest, I didn't care what any teacher thought. They were all roughly at my skill level and that's only taking into account my skill level in magic but even that is iffy since I know a lot of lost spells because of the treasure trove of knowledge that is my families library and the Chamber of Secrets.

Professor Quirrellmort looks up at me with a bewildered look on his face. He looked like he was expecting someone else, probably Snape.

I waved my wand and snakes come out of my shadow, moving towards Quirrellmort at lightning speed. They coiled around his arms and legs and I transfigured them into chains, chaining him into a star position against a wall. His face contorted into an angry snarl.

"What are you doing, boy?" He asked as his face changed into one of shock, realizing the high level magic that came from such a young boy. Before I said anything, I cast several silencing charms around us and warded the entrance of the room. Needless to say the shock of the professor became palpable.

"I'm not here to talk to you, Quirrell." I say as Ruby poked her head out of my robes. "I want to talk to Voldemort. I have a proposition for him."

"I-I-I don't-t-t know w-what you're t-talking about-t, boy. Y-you shouldn't-t say that n-name s-so openly." He says, regaining his stutter.

"Drop the act or I'll kill you here and now without a second thought." I say as my wand glowed green, the aura of the killing curse radiating from my wand.

"Stop, you mongrel." Came a phantom of a voice. A raspy snake like voice permeated through the room. "Show me to the boy." The voice cried out in a domineering tone. Hearing this, I transfigure the chains back into snakes and they promptly return to my shadow. Quirrell, without the support from the chains, fell onto the floor but quickly got up and turned around. He slowly unwrapped the turban from his head, a putrid smell escaping from the turban. Before long, a ghost of a face that looked more like a Picasso painting of a snake could be seen on what was supposed to be the back of his head. "State your proposition." The voice cried out. "I am Lord Voldemort. You will call me lord." The voice said arrogantly.

"I absolutely will not. You are no lord of mine, Tom."

"Such arrogance." Quirrell cried out, turning around and brandishing his wand but before he could point it at me I launched a sectumsempra spell at his wrist, cutting his hand clean off his wrist. Blood spills out from the wound as the professor cries out in pain and falls on his knees.

"You shouldn't interrupt other's conversations." I tell him.

"Turn around, Quirrell. You worthless servant." Quirrell, still in agonizing pain, manages to stand up and turn around, grabbing his wand in the hand he had left and sealing the wound so that he didn't die of blood loss.

Voldemort was a little taken aback by me calling him Tom but thought there were more pressing concerns.

"You mentioned a proposition, young wizard."

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