
Harry Potter but I am a side character?

I woke up in the world of Harry Potter, let's venture into this familiar yet new world. An :- The story will follow cannon. The link to the discord server:- https://discord.gg/xVMf4g2ZaM

confused4you · Livres et littérature
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18 Chs

Ch. 02 Learning about magic

I woke up early in the morning I was up all night excited to learn about magic I read in the book about the importance of a fit body for use of magic.

I went downstairs and found to find my grandpa who was doing some sort of exercise and I was interested to see him so I walked up to him and asked "Grandpa what exercise are you doing" I asked with a child-like wonder.

He looked at me and said with a smile "so our little devil is interested in physical training and after all this time I asked you to train with me".

I gave him an innocent look and said "I want to be as strong as grandpa that is why I want to train with you" gramps was very happy hearing those words.

And said "ok kid we will start training together this going to help you in the long run with making your body a good vessel for your magic".

and we started training with running, doing jumping jacks, doing 10 Surya namaskar. Gramps was very happy that he was training me.

[An:- Surya namaskar is an amalgamation of stretching and pushups]

I asked grandpa about basic magic and he said "Adi do not try and do magic at your age even if you can do magic it can seriously cause damage to your core even make you inept" he said in a grave tone he then looked at me and said "you can learn about Potions, herbology, Occlumency, Arithmacy, and rune logic though they don't really require you to use magic as per se I will get you tutor on Occlumency and for the rest, you can learn from this old man" I gave him the biggest of smile and said, "thank you, gramps".

we went inside and for the first time I saw house-elves and these house elves were not wearing old rags they were wearing proper uniform males had the penguin suit and females were wearing maid outfits some were setting the table some were cleaning the mansion some were making breakfast then gramps called a house-elf named 'Gul' he appeared in front of us he was the oldest of the house elves "How can Gul be of service Master?"

Grandpa said "take the young master upstairs and make sure he looks presentable"

"as you wish master" he then snapped his fingers and we were in my room and then again he snapped his fingers and all the sweat from earlier was gone and now I was smelling like fresh lemons and Gul again snapped his fingers and I was dressed in a white shirt brown short pants with suspenders and a red bow tie Gul then said, "young master most certainly looks handsome now let's go get some breakfast" he again snapped his fingers and I was sitting on the dining table.

At the dining table were grandpa, father, and mother. Mother was looking concerned while father was looking surprised I asked them "what was happening? why are you all giving such expressions?".

mother asked "do you really want to learn Occlumency and Potions Adi? I think it's too early for you to learn about magic I think you should just take it easy like a normal kid".

Father interjected, "Now dear if he is interested in learning about magic we should support him".

"of course you would say that the red wizard Eklavvya" father looked embarrassed I asked, "what does the red wizard Eklavvya mean?".

grandpa chuckled and said, "you see your father was a prodigy in red magic which is attack magic and healing magic, and gained the highest award Eklavvya given to red mages and not only that he is the best dueling champion in India and also gained the name 'Red beast'".

[An:- Eklavva was a legendary character in Bhagwat Gita and he was the most amazing archer in history and would have remained in that position if not for his teacher. In India, this award is given to sportspersons for great performance.]

Dad was looking as red as a beat now. I said "I just want to learn about magic and I will not be performing magic so I will be fine and grandpa will teaching me about potions and runes and Arithmancy".

Mother said "If father is teaching you then it's fine".With that breakfast was done.

Grandpa took me down in his lab it was filled with so many weird ingredients, vials, and giant cyan color snake with 6 heads and golden eyes "Atul why is the kid in here".My eyes popped out of the socket seeing that snake that was talking to my gramps. My gramps looked at me and asked can you understand what Kalki said?"

I just nodded gramps said "That's amazing I thought you wouldn't be able to speak parseltongue" grandpa dragged me close to the snake and said to me "go on try to speak to Kalki"

And I started to speak in parseltongue "Hi how are you?"

Kalki said "eh so so your grandpa doesn't come down much no more so tell me what is your name I believe it is our first time meeting each other as your grandpa said my name is Kalki my race is a long descendent of Vasuki the king of snakes our race is known for its immense knowledge of medicine and poison"

"I am Aditya Chatterjee it's nice to meet you you said that you are descendants of Vasuki the king of snakes but isn't Basilisk king of snakes?"

[An:- for anyone wondering the kings of snakes in Indian mythology is Vasuki who was used by gods in Sagar Manthan so that gods could acquire the Amrit. And no there will be no gods interfering in the story, it is the same as people believing in gods. The snake descendants of Vasuki believe in their superiority because of their knowledge and ability to perform magic. It is still not known was Vasuki was even real or not.]

Kalki snorted and answered, "that worm is nowhere near the level of power that our king holds our king was literally used by gods for the discovery of Amrit one tug for gods and he would have snapped in half and I myself is two millennia old and I am still not at the peak of my adulthood".After that Kalki sort of apparted somewhere, I was even more confused.

I asked grandpa what did Kalki do because that didn't look like Kalki apparted he explained "Oh that it is apparation but better you know when a person is apparating you basically reduce the space between two points and make a small hole through which you travel in this spell you make the hole big enough so that a person can walk through the only drawback is that you need a large reserve of magic pool to stabilize the holes.".

After that grandpa taught me about herbology and runes and gave me homework we called it a day and went to have dinner and I told my parents about the day and mother was very happy to know that I can use parseltongue and she said she will teach me about basics of healing and anatomy we all ate dinner and went to bed.


Hello, I am new to writing and this is my first attempt at it I hope you guys like it and I wrote this fan-fic in India because there was no fan-fic about India although it is the most ancient and magical place and I know it can be a hassle to read this fan-fic but I can assure you that it is only going to get good with time. I will try to write about 3 chapters per week if you guys have any suggestions about this novel you can comment and I will try and incorporate them in the novel. Also if you can please leave a comment it really helps and also tells me if I should make chapters shorter or keep it as is and Thank You for reading the chapter.