
Chapter 51: Confession.


This chapter is very strong I think. It has too much emotion. As the name 'Confession' I wanted to show the contrast between Arlo and Liam where Arlo doesn't confess to Dumbledore with his determination to protect his family. And Liam's confession to the unconscious Michael about his own self and his determination to become strong.

I wasn't very sure if I should release this chapter or not. (P.s this is one of the chapters I trashed) I thought it was too early for him to get all emotional. But this situation is when he should be feeling all these emotions so I am just going to upload this as I feel this is the right choice. Tell me what you think about this. I may have second thoughts and may even regret uploading this chapter.


[Hogwarts Dungeons]

Dumbledore was led by filch to the dungeons where Arlo was kept.

"We're here headmaster… That brat has been quite since the moment he was put here." Filch snorted.

"Thank you for your services Mr. filch, you may leave now."

Filch gave Dumbledore the keys to the dungeon and left hurriedly.

Arlo wasn't chained up he was just in a cell of the dungeon. Even though called a dungeon it was not like a dungeon. The cell was way better than a normal cell in a modern prison. But still less comfortable than the dorm rooms. When Hogwarts castle was made into a school the dungeons lost the purpose of functioning as a place for prisoners. Rather the purpose changed to that of punishing students. But as the era moved and modernization occurred in the muggle world the wizarding world changed as well.

Hogwarts students have been sent to Azkaban before many times but this became less likely to happen after the ministry took care of many of the death eaters.

"I wonder, why a young wizard like you would do something like this." Dumbledore spoke while looking at Arlo who was sitting on the stiff bed made out of wood which had no cushion or pillow.

Arlo couldn't look at Dumbledore he just kept staring at the floor.

"Who made you do it?... look you don't have to be afraid I know that you didn't do this. I am trying to help you, if you don't tell me the people who are actually responsible for doing this then you would be the one held responsible."

Arlo looked scared, his eyes started getting teary.

'No.. I have to be strong. I can't tell Professor that Edward made me do all this. Otherwise I don't know what he will do to my parents. They will have their lives ruined because of me.'

Dumbledore sighed looking at Arlo.

'Looking at him makes me think that he is being threatened. But who is threatening him. Flitwick did say that this boy was being bullied by the other students. He wouldn't go to such lengths just because of a bully.'

"What would your parents think when they find out that their child used black magic on another? The auror's may even investigate your parents as they might be involved with you having knowledge of black magic."

Arlo's expressions quickly changed, "No… it doesn't have anything to do with my parents. I am the one who did all of this."

Dumbledore smiled, 'So it's his parents that are being threatened. A boy who loves his family so much that he would do such lengths.'

He turned back and started to leave.

"Professor I am who did all this… don't involve my parent into this…"

Dumbledore ignored Arlo and kept walking.

Liam after getting out of Dumbledore's office didn't return back to Snape's office but went to the infirmary to check up on Michael and Snape.

After reaching the infirmary he saw Michael lying on a bed unconscious. He walked towards the bed and sat down on the bed just besides Michael.

"A lot of stuff happened. Even since I have got here at Hogwarts my life has been in scrambles. Sure I learned magic which I couldn't even imagine. I thought that I would just invest money in the companies which I knew would become big and then spend the rest of my life in leisure. Who would have thought that I would get involved in such a world of danger, no matter the hardships I had to face while being here being discriminated against, being hated, treated like I was nothing.

I was very mad at first I couldn't control my anger, I was pushed onto this world without my consent. At I cursed my fate… even god (Chuckle..) I thought that I had a good life in my previous world. But only after coming here is that I understood what I lacked.

I lacked love of my family, I lacked friends which I would gladly give my life for, I lacked people who cared for me so much that they would risk their life for me, there are a lot of things which I lacked. I would have lived a very sad, cold and boring life. I thought that my academic excellence and money was the only things which I needed in life. I gave up on all the other things which mattered and pursued only academic excellence and money. I wanted to prove to the people who mocked me that I wasn't weak, I too had a worth.

In this new life I have everything I ever needed, everything which was lacking in my previous if I have it now. But still I can't help but feel weak. Everything which is happening is because of me, you got hurt even professor Snape is in such a condition.

It wasn't till today that I understood all this…

I need to get stronger…

Strong enough to protect all the people that I care for. Strong enough that no one will ever think about hurting people I care about."

Liam was determined to become strong. This strong determination gave rise to a magical outbreak which could only be felt by one entity. An entity which had a very dear relation to this determination. This entity was hidden deep inside the Hogwarts castle.

"Finally a True Slytherin has awoken… I waited centuries for him."

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