
Chapter 17: A strong spell.

Liam in his room was practicing some common simple spells. As he had the whole room to himself he was unrestrained. He could do whatever he wanted. While practicing his magic. He heard a knock on the door.

Dang… Dang…

Liam put away his wand and went to open the door. On the other side, Snape had a very angry face.

"This young arrogant child…" he mumbled.

Liam opened the door, just as he saw Snape he remembered that he had to go to him to drink the potion every day after dinner but due to the excitement of being able to use magic he had forgotten about it.

Snape saw the changes in Liam's face he understood what Liam was thinking, "I don't want to hear your excuses. Don't be late tomorrow."

Liam looked down,

"Here." Snape handed Liam a small vile, "Drink this."

Liam took the vile, opened it and drank the potion. It was the same potion as before, a blue potion with a blueberry like taste. The quantity was still the same as before. Liam didn't know why he had to drink that potion but he somewhat had an idea. The voice in his head is probably the reason for this potion. Maybe there is something wrong with his body like it was with Harry's body.

He thought about it for a while but he didn't remember Harry having to drink any potion to keep his sanity, maybe it's something different. Liam still didn't know many things about himself, but he was sure that Dumbledore and Snape clearly knows something about him.

Maybe it's related to his parents, he is in Slytherin house, a house full of pureblood wizard. It's the only lead he has.

'I can't find answers in this bedroom.' He decided to look for clues tomorrow.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The next day after attending all his classes, Liam was ready to learn some spells, he knew that Cedric knew a lot about defensive spells. A strong spell which could counter a troll's attack would be great. Liam waited for Michael to bring Cedric near the herb garden.

He saw Cedric walking towards him with Michael.

"Is here the entrance to the secret tunnel? I have been here to help Prof. Sprout many times but never did I see a secret tunnel here." Cedric was skeptical of Michael. He had spent a lot of time in this room and never has he seen a secret tunnel.

"How could you have seen the tunnel, its hidden it can only be seen if you use a certain spell." Michael moved forward took out his wand and chanted, "Semita Revelare"

The wall shifted and revealed the secret way. Cedric was shocked, "Merlin's beard!! You were right." He had no idea that the place he has spent a lot of his time had such a secret hidden in it. This was his first time finding out a secret of Hogwarts castle.

Cedric remembered his father telling him that Hogwarts castle has many secrets which were still undiscovered. His father used to tell him about his adventures when he was in Hogwarts. He himself also wanted to experience such adventures but he didn't have any luck in finding an adventure. Now he was a part of an adventure.

Walking through the secret path, the trio arrived at the lake shore. Cedric looked around, they were clearly in an area which was very safe.

"There is no need to panic, this is place is still far from the forbidden forest and it comes under the Hogwarts castle area. Because of which there are no magical creatures here. We can practice with peace." Michael assured Cedric.

"Is that so there was a spell I really wanted to try out. But it is not a spell you can use normally. You are sure that we can use any spell here, right?" Cedric asked in a very serious tone.

Liam was curious, "What kind of spell is it?"

Cedric looked like he was hesitating but decided to reveal it to him, "It's a very strong spell, One day I sneaked into the forbidden section of the library and found this spell in one of the books. It's not a dark spell but I can't say it's a peaceful spell as well."

Liam was very curious about this spell, maybe it's an attack spell. He desperately wanted to learn an attack spell. "Just use it. I also want to see what spells are hidden in the forbidden section of the library."

Cedric took a deep breath he was also very excited to use this spell as he had always wanted to try out this spell for the longest time, ever since he had read about this spell. He walked a bit far away from them, "Get behind me, I don't accidently hurt anyone."

Liam and Michael got behind Cedric and stood at a certain distance from Cedric.

Cedric took a stance, he pointed his wand to a tree and shouted, "Reducto"

The whole tree's trunk exploded into pieces and the tree fell down, Liam was not very surprised by that spell. He was expecting a new spell he had never heard about but it turned out to be a spell he already knew about. Even if he knows the spell, he hadn't tried it out. Now he was curious if he could also use those spells as well.

Michael was already in a state of shock, he had held his head and shouted, "Merlin's beard!! that was awesome, such a spell I don't think we are supposed to learn that type of spell. Only Aurors know such spells."

Cedric had a smug smile on his face, "It was cool wasn't it." Liam also pretended to be a little in shock he was a bit astonished in the spell's power, he had a shock looking at the spell's power but he already knew that spell. He hadn't tried that spell but he knew about it.

"You have to teach me that spell."

Michael was very interested in that spell, "I don't think I will every need that spell but learning it wouldn't be bad. What do you say?"

"Even if you wanted to learn I don't think it's a spell which a young wizard should be able to use, even I am not able to use this spell to its full extent. Only adult wizards have the required to use this spell proficiently and have enough magical capacity. I don't think I will be able to use many spells for a while, that spell took a lot out of me." Cedric explained.

Michael face turned gloomy, "I wanted to learn that spell, will have to wait for few more years to learn that spell?"

"You can't do anything about it. Wizards magical strength is related to their age at least until you become adult wizard. The rest is dependent on talent and knowledge. Even if you try to learn that spell you wouldn't be able to use it much, just using it once may drain all your energy. So don't even attempt to do it. There is also the issue of control, You may not be able to control the spell and may end up harming those around you." This was a warning to Michael, he was older than the two because of this reason he was able to cast that spell once but just casting that spell once had drained his strength a lot.

They started their practice of magic, Michael wasn't good at many spells. Even if his spells looked to be perfect he had many small mistakes. But looking at Liam's spells Cedric didn't think he had anything to teach Liam because his spells were nearly perfect even much better than him. But one thing bugged Cedric he noticed that Liam didn't look satisfied with his performance.

"Liam, what's wrong with you? You look sad what's the problem." Cedric asked Liam.

Liam didn't think he could tell Cedric about what is going to happen, there is also the matter of his own self, "It's just that I don't think these spells aren't strong enough. I really want to become strong as fast as I can. Can you teach me some advanced spells." Liam told his problem to Cedric.

"Advanced level spells, why do need to learn those for?" Cedric quickly realized the problem, Liam was being bullied since he has entered Hogwarts maybe he wants to become strong enough to protect himself.

"Let me tell you what my father told me, 'A Wizards strength isn't in strong spells but it's in how he uses those spells.' So don't go looking for strong spells just use what you know to its full capabilities."

Liam felt conflicted, "Use the spells I know to their full capabilities? I don't understand what you are implying."


Author's Small Request:

I am not a full fledged writer and have just begun writing. I don't know what it takes to start getting paid on this platform. So this pretty much means i get nothing from writing here. But (Not getting sad) I do have a earning source, which is my website.

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