
Heir to Vesta (1)

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting hues of pink and orange across the sky, I couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement in my chest. Tomorrow was my sixth birthday, it's been 6 years since I arrived in this world, I contemplated on how my 6 years of this life went, and started thinking about how my next years of this life would be. The moonlight spilled into my room, painting silvery patterns on the floor as I lay in bed, staring at the ceiling.

The sixth birthday of a child was an occasion of great significance among the noble families of the wizard community in Greece. It was the day when a child, having reached the age of six, was formally introduced to the society as the heir to their family's legacy.

According to what my parents told, the hierarchy of noble houses in the wizarding societies are as follows : Minor House (has had wizards for at least 2 generations or has a highly specialized and recognized wizard), Noble House (a House that has a member who has a seat in congress of its respective country), Ancient House (has had wizards for at least 5 generation), Most Noble house (has a seat in International Confederation of Wizards), and Most Ancient House (has a rich history of having wizards for at least 10 generations).

Our Vesta Family is one of the Most Noble and Ancient House, i.e., it has a seat in ICW and has had 5 generations of wizards. Though our family currently only has 3 members, it being a Most Noble and Ancient House with both my parents being powerful wizards, our family is revered both in the Wizarding community of Greece and Internationally.

So while my parents aren't that stringent with the traditions, they still have to make sure that my 6th birthday is grand, not only because it was my birthday but also to maintain the prestige of our house. Thus, my parents have been busy all week planning for my birthday gathering.

The guests for the gathering would be all my parent's friends and their families, along with some other important houses that are in good terms with our family.

On that note, the Greengrass family would also be coming, thus Daphne would also be coming. Last time I met her in a formal event was in my parent's business gathering at Everglade Estate, after that I haven't met her face to face, but we were able to talk a few times through letters. From our conversation, I found her to be a fun person to be around and was a lot more mature in terms of thought process for her age. Thus, I would say she's my first friend in this life. She mentioned in her letter that her little sister Astoria Greengrass would also be coming this time to my birthday gathering.

Soon my thoughts began to blur, and the weight of the day's musings settled into a comfortable drowsiness. 


(Next Day)

The next day dawned bright and clear, with the sun casting its golden rays across the landscape. I woke up to the sound of Prana chirping, as she flew from her nest in my room and nestled on my messy hair.

I brushed my teeth, bathed and put on the dress which my Mom had prepared specially for today, and boy did I look cute with my warm beige even skin tone and dark brown eyes in a olive green three-piece suit. I turned towards Prana and said : "Well, how do I look Prana, don't I look absolutely stunning comparable to those Young Masters from Chinese Cultivation novels"

Prana: *chirp* *chirp*

Why I did I feel like Prana was looking down on me. Anyhow.

As I descended the staircase of our home with Prana perched on my shoulder, the scent of breakfast wafted from the kitchen. The house-elves had been working tirelessly to prepare a feast for the day's festivities. The entire manor buzzed with activity as decorations were being hung, and magical lights were being charmed to illuminate the surroundings.

My parents, dressed in elegant wizarding robes, greeted me with warm smiles. 

Mom: "Happy Birthday sweetie"

Dad: "Happy Birthday, my YOUTHFUL Regi"

Me: "Thanks, Mom, Dad"

After a hearty breakfast, my parents and I gathered in the main hall to welcome the guests. The main hall of our wizarding manor was adorned with banners of the Vesta family crest, which was a golden hearth fire.

 The clock ticked closer to the arrival of the guests.

Dad: "Regi, today you'll officially become the Heir to our house. Embrace it with pride, for you are the future of our house. And there is no need to be so tensed, as all the guests that are coming are mostly just my and your Mom's friends, along with our some of our other business allies"

Mom: "Indeed, darling."

I nodded, feeling a little relaxed after hearing their words. The large doors swung open, revealing a procession of wizards and witches, each dressed in their finest robes.

Dad: "Welcome! Thank you for joining us in celebrating Regi's sixth birthday and his formal introduction to the wizarding society as the heir to Vesta Family."

Witch from the Bellerophon family: "Happy birthday, Regi! Such a cute young wizard you are."

Wizard from the Flamel family: "Happy birthday, Regi!"

The hall echoed with well-wishes and laughter as the guests mingled. Daphne Greengrass and her family, elegantly dressed, approached with a warm smile.

Mr. & Mrs. Greengrass in unison: "Happy Birthday, Regi"

Daphne: "Regi, happy birthday! You look splendid in that dress."

Me: "Thank you, Daphne! It's so good to see you again. And your sister, Astoria, is she here too?"

Daphne: "Yes, she's around here somewhere. I'm sure she'll be thrilled to meet you."

As the festivities continued, I noticed a hushed conversation between my parents and a couple from the Wyrmblood family.

Wyrmblood Witch: "The Vesta House has always been an exemplary house. Especially your Father was an admirable and powerful wizard. We are honored to be part of this celebration."

Dad: "Thank you. Yes, he was. It would have been nice if he here with us to see Regius grow up."

Meanwhile, Prana fluttered around, catching the attention of the guests.

Guest: "What a cute bird! Is she your familiar?"

Me: "Yes, her name is Prana."

As the day unfolded, the hall resounded with laughter, and joyous conversations. I also showed the Greengrass sisters, Daphne and Astoria, around the house.

Astoria: "Big Brother Regi, your home is so cozy!"

Me: "I'm glad you like it, Astoria"

Astoria seemed like a very cheerful little girl. I wonder how it would feel like to have a little sibling in this life. I, out of habit, saw her status screen, only to discover something concerning.


Name: Astoria Greengrass

Species: Human (Wizard)

Gender: Female

Age: ~4 years

Personal Magic : Tier 0 (Dormant Core)

Universal Magic : None

Dimensional Magic : None

Physique: Low Tier 0 (Human Child)

Mind: Intermediate Tier 0 (Human Child)

Soul: Peak Tier 0 (Peak Iron-Stage. Lost ability to sense the lower layers of spirit world due to increase in soul tier from low tier 0 and increase in age)

Condition: Happy, Maledictus Curse (Dormant)


I saw that she has Maledictus Curse. I used my ability that I got from my wishes to find what a Maledictus Curse was. I soon felt some kind of energy getting sucked into my brain from around me and I got to know what Maledictus was, albeit only the basic information.

A Maledictus curse was a blood curse that eventually turns a person into a type of beast permanently. The curse was carried from birth and passed down from mother to daughter. Maledictuses could transform into animals like Animagi, but were very different: unlike Animagi, they will lose the ability to think like a human over time, and eventually become a beast. Before their permanent transformation, they had the ability to change shape at will, which would gradually become uncontrollable. As they lost the ability to think like a human, they'll be unable to recall their time as humans and became more aggressive than they normally were. 

Concerning thing about this was that there is no cure for this curse. I felt a little pity for the girl, and decided that if I become powerful and knowledgeable enough and I still have a friendly relationship with her in the future, then I'd try my best to help her with the curse.

I know for a fact, that I am not a selfless person or a hero but if I have taken in someone as my family or friend then I would go to the ends to help them, provided they would also be willing to do the same.

The day continued.

As it was nearing evening 5 p.m. my Mom called me forward.

Mom: "Regi, it's time for the tradition of anointing you the heir. Come forward."

(End of Chapter)


Astoria: "Can I please pet Prana" *Big Teary Puppy Eyes* 🥺

Prana: *On Regi's shoulder* 😖 *Deciding to Escape*

Regius: "Ofcourse!" 😁 *Catches Prana and let's Astoria pet Prana* 🌚

*pat* *pat*

Prana: 🥲 *Betrayer* 👁️👄👁️ 

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