
An Invitation

Carefully folding my end of the year results I sat down on the bed trying to collect myself and then plan about what to do.

'First I need to figure out what happened here cause clearly Harry isn't the Boy-Who-Lived... The Potter's are still alive and somehow Neville became the BWL? At least Neville starts Hogwarts this year so I can keep a watch on him.'

Remembering about my Experimentation notes I rummaged through the trunk and pulled out a diary. Looking through it for a moment I can see modification for most of the common potions, I flipped to the last page and started writing.

1. Need to use every Spell to get used to actually doing magic rather than feel like I know how.

2. Figure out these game like messages that kept popping up throughout the last 5 years, cause Blaise just used them as guidelines on what to improve next.

3. Figure out what the heck did that Potion do?...

I noticed my emotions are numbed, I can go through my memories slowly cause before I just did a soft recap and tonight I need to know everything I need to know. I looked at my to-do list and further wrote.

4. Keep looking out for any news about who the new Defence professor will be, if it's Quirrell then the plotline could be the same and I would have 4 years to prepare for Voldemort, otherwise, he could be back right now.

5. What happened to the Longbottom's? I know from my memories that Neville grew up with the Potters so at least no Petunia and an insecure BWL bullshit...

'Wait- what happened with Pettigrew? Did he defect this time or not? Is he still undercover?'

I put the quill down and looked at the Diary committing the notes to memory before closing it and locking it back in my trunk.

'I'm hungry...'

I picked up a shirt that was hanging on my chair and hopped out of my room. The hallway was long, I counted at least 4 rooms as I reached the staircase and walked towards the dining room.

'Well, at least it's not green...'

The house was decorated with medieval style furniture, cream-coloured walls. Looking at the empty dining room I noticed a serving of baked eggs and sausage with a glass of Orange juice left on the table so I sat down on my seat when I felt something shift around me.

Looking around but not noticing anything I looked through my memories of precious breakfasts at the manor but found nothing different, that's when a silky voice broke through my thoughts.

"So you can finally detect basic wards now..." I looked up to see Mother descending down the staircase in casual Office attire, a black pantsuit with a red blouse, black stockings covering her legs.

"Mother..." I said briefly before picking up another bite to eat thinking about our estranged relationship.

"I'll be going to our office in London for the afternoon..." She said as she took a seat beside me.

"Uhmmmm..." I hummed and took a sip from my orange juice.

"I noticed we did not receive an invitation to the Potter Gala for the end of next month... Did something happen?" She asked with a curious look.

'Ah, so that's why she's asking.'

"I'm working on it, we had a small fight and Harry's just pissed off, we'll get the invitation..." I shrugged trying to diminish the issue.

"Hmm your Occlumency has progressed too, I can't detect any lies but there is a pile of letters for you in the mail that arrive every other day from Daphne and Harry, so something is wrong..." she said to me with narrowed eyes, "Fix it... Potter's are a big part of our voting block and I need those votes, as are the Greengrass's... also there is this..." She put a letter down in front of her and then stood up.

"Looks like we both have work to do... it is everything after all..."

Tap Tap Tap

I listened to the fading sounds of her heels as I looked at the letter that she left behind.

{From Daniel Scott}

'Isn't he the manager of the England quidditch team?'

My Mind already supplied the answer as soon as I read the name. The letter was unopened so I guess Mother knows who he was too, and she was intrigued by this I guess. I waved my hand and concentrated as the seal opened before I stilled for a second.

'That was wandless magic and did it instinctively... Skills?'





Wandless Magic Lv-3 (232/1000) : Bend magic to your will and use spells without a wand.

5X mana consumed.

50% spell effect.




I looked through the long list of magical and nonmagical skills in front of me till I found out what I was looking for.

'Wow, I guess Blaise had the system for at least 5 years so this shouldn't surprise me, the mana cost though, is a turn off but it should decrease right?'

I looked at the spoon on the table, focused on it and thought,


As I grabbed the spoon I looked at the skill EXP,


'Alright, this is good... I could train it later... what other gamer abilities did I get... Menu? Status...'

Another screen popped up and I looked at my life summarised in just a few words.

'Alright I need to work on those stats but at least Zabini wasn't an idiot and he invested all the stat points into mana pool... what about Shop? no nothing...Inventory?'

Upon noticing no new screens I frowned and drank down the rest of my juice.

'Ok.. first the letter then to solve some personal matters.'

I pulled the parchment out and started reading.

{Mr. Selwyn}

{If you don't already know who I am let me introduce myself, I am the manager of our English National quidditch team, and although you are probably on vacation this time around I hope this letter reaches you in time. I visited your quidditch games last season in secret and there are some matters we need to discuss. I would be waiting in a private room in the Three Broomsticks in Hogsmead. This parchment also works as a portkey which could lead you directly to Hogsmead on 27th June at 10:00 AM, Simply say the word 'Chaser' while holding the parchment from 9:45 to 10:00 to activate it.}

{Daniel Scott}




I won't bore the story with Status, and full skill and spell pages so they woud be added as auxillary chapter sometime today!

Version_401creators' thoughts
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