
Harry Potter: A Different Sirius

Sirius took Harry on the night Voldemort attacked and and left England. What will happen now? How will the story change? ..... Disclaimer J. K. Rowling owns everything.

Divine_Quill · Livres et littérature
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112 Chs

A Revelation and a Job Offer

"Because I know very little about muggles Harry." Self conscious that Rachel had once again transfigured his robes into suitable muggle attire.


"Because my father and mother didn't teach me about them."

"They out number wizards five thousand to one. If wizards don't want to be noticed wouldn't it make sense to know about them, making you less likely to be noticed. Not that they'd burn us at the stake like they did when the statute of secrecy was originally passed but they might demand magical solutions to problems that actually have no solution and hurt us trying to force us. Or fear us for our powers and jail us or try and take our powers away. It just makes sense to know as much as possible so we can hide in plain sight."

It was the final week they were in New York that he finally realized why these two were guarded He had overheard Sirius talking to a Beth and he mentioned Roy Mustang. Alexis knew who Roy Mustang was. He was the half-blood that was shaping up to be the future director of WIS and rumor said he provided security for the Presidents daughter. The President's daughter that had recently gotten married. Alexis blurted out in front of Rachel, Sirius and Harry, "We're guarding you because you're in-laws to the President."

Rachel rolled her eyes, "Yes that right but none of the regional teams has been told that; how did you know?"

"I listened and the I overheard the conversation and I know Mustang guards the Presidents daughter and then I knew she got married it was announced over the wireless… I just put lots of little things together."

Sirius looked hard at Alexis. "Are you happy with WIS? If not I have a job I'd like to offer you…"

Three hours later on his way to see his parents, Alexis stopped by his bosses office to turn in his three week notice.

At the end of sixty days Harry had successfully levitated feathers, changed the color of his clothes, learned numerous housekeeping charms including the all important scourgify. He had mastered all twelve of the wand movements and had a pile of charm books that gave the incantations, and knew he could learn many more with time and practice. He had done a few simple transfigurations a matchstick into a needle, that sort of thing and Sirius and Rachel had him working on turning a beetle into a button.

He was truly starting to feel like a wizard but he always kept in mind Inarra Serra's words about wandless magic and made at least one attempt of each spell he learned without his wand each day. He had taken his photography class. He had seen the American Museum of Natural History, the Ellis Island Museum, Metropolitan Museum of Art, and the Guggenheim Museum. He'd gone to the theater several times and completely fallen in love with "Les Miserables". He'd been to the top of the World Trade Center and the Empire State Building, and he strolled through Central Park and the Bronx Zoo. He and Sirius were missing Beth something fierce, so by mutual agreement they had decided the next jump would be it until the next school break. But the next jump was when Harry would start his magical warrior training.


Sirius and Harry port keyed to the WIS training center from the house in Napierville that they were staying in this leg. Harry was a little nervous. This training was going to be different because he was being taught by an actual WIS trainer. Sirius was going to be giving a series of trainings on blending in with mundanes, magical field suppression, mundane tech and police techniques. In return he was getting a glance through the files of the top 30 applicants some of whom would be muggleborn and halfbloods from this years cream of the crop not hired by the bigoted director. Sirius had decided he was going to have a small private security force and wanted to have good people, who better than WIS hopefuls.

Charlie Cruz wasn't happy he was supposed to meet the son-in-law to the Magical President and he, a trainer for WIS, was expected to teach a kid defense. He wondered how he got on Chambers' shit list, he suspected it was that he was scrupulously fair to all the trainee candidates regardless of blood status. The way he looked at it all the candidates worked hard to qualify, usually the halfbloods and muggleborns tended to work harder and rely less on connections so they deserved the shot. He looked at the clock, and reluctantly got to his feet and headed to the portkey drop point. Part of his briefing had included the information that the son-in-law in question was Sirius Black wanted criminal in the U.K. who was cleared of the charges in the U.S. in a veritaserum trial a few days after his arrival in the States. Today he was supposed to show them around the facility and assess the boy. God what a waste of his valuable time. Well he better suck it up and head to the point or he'd be late, he grabbed his crutches and headed out.

At the portkey point, Sirius and Harry had arrived a couple minutes early. Charlie wasn't sure what he'd been expecting but what he saw wasn't it. The man was tall, well built, well dressed and had a cane. The boy was obviously fit, alert and equally well dressed. "So.."

"Mister Cruz, I take it?" Sirius said.

"Mister Black." Charlie growled.

"I see my reputation is alive and well." Sirius said.

"Mister Cruz I'm Harry Potter and I have to say I'm very honored you consented to teach me. Roy Mustang spoke very highly of you. When Sirius was talking with him about who the top defense trainers were in the country yours was the first he mentioned."

"Are you trying to kiss up to me kid?"

Harry grinned. "A little, is it working?"

Charlie was stymied. Part of him wanted to be annoyed but the other part wanted to laugh at the open way the boy said it. "What exactly are your expectations Mr. Black?"

"Harry has enemies, Mr. Cruz. Enemies that want one of two things to control him, or to flat out kill him. Harry came into his magic early and strong. But he has to start, as we all do, with a grounding. He has a very good memory so I want you to give him a grounding in bad guy spell identification. I want him to learn accuracy in casting: basic hexes and jinxes for now, and if he is strong enough a shield. Defense against dark creatures feel free to just hand Harry books for most of this. He's smart and he'll get it."


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