
Harry Potter's Book of Sins

When a time-traveler mistakenly believes he has traveled back to 1980s England, enduring childhood hardships and eventually sinking into darkness, a strange yet familiar letter of admission reignites his life. But when he encounters deeper darkness, will he choose to stay away from the abyss or dive into it without hesitation? "Just wait, I'll be back soon." At a certain bedside on the fifth floor of St. Mungo's Hospital, he finally firmly grasped her pale hand. This is a story of a little trickster who grits his teeth, deceiving even himself, as he struggles repeatedly between pain and tenderness. Long Chapters! 2698 Chaps total! Translator's Synposis : MC is an orphan, hufflepuff, and schemer. No cheat other than being super talented. He researches potions of his own, doesn't care about the difference between light and dark magic.

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Chapter 23: Timid Malfoy

The temporary selection test came to an end with an unsurprising outcome, as Maca successfully became one of the youngest players in the history of Hufflepuff and even Hogwarts.

Judging from his demonstrated abilities, the title should include the words "strongest" to be more accurate.

As Maca had anticipated, his study time was greatly reduced as a result. However, the training schedule was fulfilling, and as Maca became more familiar with various formations and collaborations, Darren devised new tactics for actual combat. This was the strongest Hufflepuff team in years, and they had aspirations to compete for the Quidditch Cup!

The new tactic revolved around the latest strategy designed to maximize basic scoring. It could be said that with Maca's addition, everyone had a desire to win the Quidditch Cup, something rarely seen among the low-key badgers.

Because of this, news of Maca joining the team was unanimously agreed not to be leaked. In the next match against Slytherin, Maca would be deployed as a secret weapon to thoroughly defeat those Slytherins who liked to play dirty tricks!

So, Maca appeared especially busy in the days that followed. Either in the library or on the Quidditch pitch, whenever Maca started practicing, several senior Hufflepuffs would always be hovering around the pitch. It seemed that this secret weapon plan was being executed quite thoroughly by these diligent and focused badgers.

Unknowingly, Christmas was approaching.

On a particularly cold morning, everyone discovered that Hogwarts had been covered with a thick layer of snow. The snowy scenery outside the window indicated that this year's first snow at Hogwarts had silently descended during everyone's slumber.

The lake behind the castle was frozen hard, much to the delight of the students. Those sleds piled up in the storage room could finally be used, and during the Christmas break, they wouldn't have to ride those swaying little boats!

The Weasley twins were recently punished because they enchanted several snowballs to chase after Chilau, causing him to run around in a panic, and coincidentally, one of the snowballs hit him squarely on the back of his head, wrapped in layers of scarves.

At that moment, Maca happened to be passing by a window upstairs, and the scene made him burst into laughter in his heart—how unlucky Voldemort was!

Several owls delivered mail on a stormy night, experiencing hardships and even losing quite a few feathers. They had to recuperate under Hagrid's care for a while before they could continue their work.

Maca's owl, Mafa, seemed quite curious about the snowy weather. Perhaps because in its homeland, the island of Sumatra, such snowy scenery was never seen!

Maca watched as it circled high in the sky, flapping its wings to climb higher at times and then diving low in a swoop. From a distance, no one would probably think it was an owl.

Recently, at night, Maca had been wandering in the Forbidden Section, gradually deepening his understanding of dark magic. However, he still had no plans to study the most dangerous forbidden books; he believed the time was not yet right, and there was no need to seek trouble.

So, while accumulating experience in preparing potions, he also began to work hard on Transfiguration. More accurately, it was a long and endless struggle with various biological and inanimate materials.

Since there were no shortcuts, he might as well learn from Hermione. At least, studying and memorizing various materials would help to some extent in the progress of potion making.

Speaking of which, Christmas meant there was a holiday.

Last week, Professor Sprout came to register the list of students staying at Hogwarts for the holidays. Maca hesitated for a moment but still signed his name on it. He planned to visit Luna during the break. Since the start of the school year, he had been busy, and taking a break during Christmas seemed like a good choice.

Moreover, he found that since mastering the Patronus Charm, he had developed a slight yearning for Luna. He felt that he should have a sisterly affection for Luna!

Surely he wasn't a lolicon, right?

"No, no, absolutely not." Maca shook his head, amused by his own thoughts.

At this moment, Maca was on his way to the Potions classroom. He had a few questions to ask Snape.

But as he turned the corner of the corridor briskly, he encountered the large figure of Hagrid—he was huffing and puffing, carrying a large spruce tree that was even bigger than him.

The originally spacious corridor was blocked tightly by him, making it impossible to pass.

"Hey, Hagrid, do you need help?" A head popped out from the other side of the branches, it seemed to be Ron.

"No need, I can handle it, thanks, Ron." —It was indeed Ron.

"Can you move aside and not block the way?" Maca suddenly heard Malfoy's cold, dragging voice from behind the spruce tree.

"Are you trying to earn a few extra sickles, Weasley? I'm thinking, you probably want to work at the Care of Magical Creatures after graduating from Hogwarts, don't you? Hagrid's hut probably looks like a palace compared to your original home!"

Ron's head immediately retracted from between the branches, and Malfoy's sarcastic remarks obviously angered him.

"Weasley!" Maca heard Snape's voice.

"Someone provoked him first, Professor Snape." Hagrid stuck his head out from behind the tree, his messy hair flying around, and said, "Malfoy just insulted his family."

"Regardless, physical violence is against Hogwarts rules, Hagrid." Snape said in a smooth tone, "It would have been wise, like McLaggen, to willingly accept punishment. Gryffindor loses five points. Weasley, you should consider yourself lucky that I didn't assign you to polish the trophies. Now, hurry along, all of you."

On the side, Malfoy, upon hearing the surname "McLaggen," immediately showed a look of gritted teeth, indicating that he held quite a grudge against Maca.

When he and Crabbe and Goyle deliberately squeezed past the tree, knocking down a lot of needles and leaving with a face full of anger, they saw Maca.

Malfoy immediately wiped away the anger from his face, pretending not to see Maca as he walked past from the other side of the corridor. However, his deliberate avoidance of Maca revealed his inner timidity.

"It seems that the punishment had some effect."

Maca glanced back, but happened to catch Malfoy's gaze full of hatred. Seeing Maca looking over, he immediately turned his head away.

"...But perhaps it's not enough yet." Maca smiled, then continued walking forward.

"Professor Snape, excuse me," Maca stopped Snape, who was walking towards the Great Hall, "do you have time to help me answer a few questions about Potions?"

Snape turned around, still giving Maca a cold glance, before nodding slightly to indicate that he should ask his questions quickly.

"Oh, it's like this—"

As Maca was about to ask his questions, Ron couldn't help but whisper to Harry, "I really admire Maca. Even under Snape's freezing gaze, he can still ask questions normally..."

"I think Snape's best attitude is when Maca goes to him to ask questions." Harry glanced at Snape's expression when he had the chance, then continued, "Although it's not much better."

"I can't figure out Maca's progress in Potions class, even I can't understand the content he wrote in his notebook recently." Hermione said with regret, "Although I often go to him to discuss some topics, the content he wrote down recently is completely incomprehensible to me."

In fact, as far as recent situations were concerned, although Maca said he was going to ask Snape questions, they would generally end up as discussions between the two on a certain potion theory. While Maca gained a lot, Snape also gained some novel inspirations from their discussions.

Of course, the knowledge of a potions master was no joke. In most cases, discussions would end with Snape correcting Maca.

But it must be mentioned that in Snape's deeply buried heart, there seemed to be the shadow of this student, Maca. Through multiple discussions, he keenly perceived that Maca had almost identical magical research principles to him—disregarding all moral standards for the sake of achieving objectives.

In their hearts, there was no substantial distinction between dark magic and white magic; both were tools to be utilized. The difference lay only in the moral standards of the users, nothing more.

Perhaps, even Maca himself was not aware of this, but Snape, who had once been deeply immersed in darker darkness, noticed it.

After resolving the doubts encountered in their research, Maca bid farewell to Snape and walked towards Harry's group, who were waiting for him.

"Oh! You're finally done, come with me to the Great Hall to see! It's marvelous!" Hagrid said happily, his spruce tree trembling continuously with his laughter, shedding more needles.

"Let me help you, Hagrid, you quickly shake off all the needles on top!" Maca drew his wand and cast a Levitation Charm, causing the spruce tree to float above everyone's heads and followed him forward.

"Oh—actually, it's not necessary, I mean, thank you." Hagrid said embarrassedly.

So, Harry, Ron, and Hermione followed Hagrid and his spruce tree, together with Maca, to the Great Hall. Professors McGonagall and Flitwick were there, busy decorating for Christmas.

"Ah-ha! It's a good Levitation Charm, Mr. McLaggen." Professor Flitwick said happily, "Put it there—over in that corner, alright? That's the last one."

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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