

Several months had passed since that day, and anyone could find Bulma sitting at a dinner table, holding an infant in her arms, body free of any clothes as the window let moonlight shine in the room she was in.

After a few more days of fucking, Bulma eventually got pregnant by Gohan's seed.

She didn't try to abort it, for she knew it was her responsibility.

However, to keep the secret of what was happening with Gohan a secret, she had named the baby boy Trunks, mainly due to it deeply resembling the other Trunks.

No one knew that it was Gohan's child, not even the boy himself.

Most thought it was Vegeta's child, though he'd disappeared a long time ago, in what Bulma believed to be via a spaceship she had made.

That was the only logical explanation for why one of them disappeared shortly before Vegeta turned up missing.

But even while she was pregnant, Gohan still showed her no mercy in times of sex, until a bump started forming in her stomach.

Then, he settled for fucking Chi-Chi, #18, and her mother.

But, with her out of the picture, Gohan gave them even less mercy than before.

She cradled the baby in her arms, smiling as she held Trunks.

But, soon after she had had her baby, she could rejoin the "fuck circle" as she referred to it.

However, Bulma couldn't help feeling that Gohan had put an extra amount of effort into fucking her every night.

Probably to make up for lost time...

She sighed, getting up, walking towards the new second baby room she had set up in Chi-Chi's house, tucking in her child and smiling, before turning on the piece of technology she'd attached to it, seeing as the baby was sealed inside of her makeshift crib.

She'd made sure that the metal that surrounded the baby was sound proof, so that he wouldn't be woken up by the events that were soon to happening.

The reason she was naked was actually the main reason Bulma had moved into the Son house.

Almost every night, Gohan had been fucking them all brutally, but before he did any of that, he'd always tear off all of their clothes off, until not even the skill of the top ten best stitchers, not combined, but multiplied upon each other, could ever make the clothes the same way ever again.

The routine had its ups and downs, since Capsule Corporation needed its president.

Due to this, her teleportation device went through many advancements, including allowing her to hold a device that allowed her to teleport herself back to Capsule Corporation so she could do her work.

The method turned out to be rather sustainable in use.

However, to all of the women's surprise, there were several times where Gohan would show no sings of lust for them at all.

And every time that happened, he momentarily lost all of his due memories of his times of having sex.

It was a truly strange process, but it wasn't a bad thing though.

Even Chi-Chi, who had had the strongest lover of them and therefore the most tolerance to power, needed a break to avoid themselves from being so tired that even drinking water could be a task of difficulty.

Despite this, Bulma could be found walking to the master bedroom a few moments later, already hearing the screams of Chi-Chi and the impossibly loud slaps of flesh meeting.

Bulma felt ashamed of herself after thinking of this several minutes into the tournament that Gohan and many of the other Z-Fighters took place in.

It was a tournament paid for by Mr. Hercule Satan himself.

But, in the semi-final round, the alleged world champion went missing, while others were fighting for their lives.

She had probably had been thinking of those things because of the chance of Gohan, Trunks' father, of dying.

Or, at least until Gohan had entered his Super Saiyan 2 form.

It was one of those weeks that Gohan didn't recall any of the sex he'd had, so it strangely took a long time before he was able to use it.

He'd been fighting them by himself, and he coped well.

But then, at one moment, there was a rather bloody fight, as Gohan destroyed many of the monsters with a single punch.

When only two were left, one who seemed like the leader and the other who was a somewhat tall and beautiful girl, who's skin was both blue and hair orange, the leader seemed to transform into full power, skin turning green and hair becoming red, and attacked Gohan.

However, this proved no match against his powers.

During the time this happened, Hercule had gone into the transporting cars to take him to the location of the fight: which almost led to disaster.

His screaming could be heard through the camera, yet when people realized it was in fear, they became confused and scared.

But Bulma didn't blame them. How else would anyone react if their savior was acting in fear like this before even fighting?

The leader used him as a distraction, and as Gohan tried to save Hercule, he ended up almost getting a blast to the face.

Gohan flew away then, and the cameras picked up on them talking briefly, "Stay here." He said, voice cold yet clear.

Hercule simply nodded quickly, and watched as Gohan left again.

As he returned, Gohan looked at the duo remaining, the girl's eyes wide with fear.

"Why are you so afraid?" Gohan asked, footsteps leisurely as he walked towards them.

She only stared back, unable to speak an answer.

The leader decided to use the girl as a distraction then, and he pushed her roughly towards him, so hard she went flying.

But Gohan could tell what the leader had been doing; he moved so quickly that he couldn't have been seen by the naked eye, and he appeared before the green skinned man, his surprise so evident that his charging up for his ki blast faltered somewhat.

Gohan took that chance to punch a hole in his stomach, and the leader roared in pain, before Gohan pulled his hand out, letting the man stumble back.

"You... You incompetent fool!" He roared at the young warrior, "You'd better say your last words!"

He spread his hands, focusing his ki into his palms, them emitting a great light.

Gohan didn't even blink as he saw this, only got into the position for his father's trademark attack, blue light forming the ball in his hands.

As his opponent released all of his energy at Gohan, he responded in kind, blasting his own ki blast at him.

The two powers met, pushing against each other, "Hahaha! I'll destroy you, you little pest! Then I'll destroy this pathetic planet of yours!" He roared, his smile confident.

Gohan's blast was pushed back slightly, only for him to boost his power up, while keeping his own ki blast steady.

But now, at the man's words, the rage behind Gohan's eyes became lucid, and he charged up, much beyond his maximum limit, and a bright light blinded everyone watching in th stadium.

When it faded, it was easy to see what had happened: Gohan's eyebrows, once thick, were now nonexistent, and his hair reached below his waist, almost to his feet, electricity moving over his body like lightning on storm clouds.

He'd gained another transformation.

"Not only do you turn against your own for your own benefit, but you take away what is never yours to begin with!" Gohan roared, his infuriated face covered by one sole golden lock.

His Kamehameha expanded in size, overtaking his opponent, and making him fade to ashes as he was burned into nothing, the blast leaving an deep trail.

Gohan stood back up on his two feet, standing straight, looking back at the girl, who was staring back at him, fear evident in her eyes.

From the audience, Bulma could hear many shouting out, something along the lines of how he was going to kill her too, but to their surprise...

"Can you stand?" Gohan asked, walking around 2 meters away from her.

She seemed to start to speak, or at least try to, but something must've made her unable to do so, for she only shook her head.

Gohan responded by walking to her, picking her up bridal style, walking away like that.

It was needless to say the girl's shock was mutual, for everyone watching looked on in stunned silence as he carried her, though the fact that there was a large dent in her back made it obvious she needed him to.

But after a minute, she asked, "Why did you do that?"

"What?" He responded, not even bothering to look at her.

"Kill him... he was my boyfriend, and now you-"

"You should be grateful for being alive. Because if it weren't for me, you'd be nothing but a pile of ashes right now." He responded bluntly.

That was something else about his second super saiyan form; he was always more blunt about things instead of just gently honest.

The girl stared in surprise for a long time, then wrapped her arms around his neck, "What's your name?"

"I'm Son, Gohan. Yours?" He actually looked at her now.

"My name is Zangya... thank you Son, Gohan." She replied, closing her eyes as she held him more tightly.

He gave no response, to which she looked up at him, somewhat surprised.

After another minute, Gohan laid her down on the ground, and left her there, walking in the direction of the world champion.

Once arriving there, Gohan looked upon him, "The rules said that you were supposed to fight me if I beat the competitors to you, right?"

Hercule nodded simply, his teal green eyes scaring him witless.

"Fine then. I've beaten two of my competitors, and one who's power was at least twice as much as those two combined. I'm ready for the final match."

The way Hercule paled at those words made Bulma smile, and he heard Chi-Chi say next to her, "It's about time that show off got his just deserts..."

Hercule looked around worriedly, only then noticing the camera, "B-But, I can't!"

"Oh? What makes you say that?" Gohan crossed his arms, narrowing his eyes.

"You... you're all banged up! I can't take on anyone in that condition!"

"Trust me, I'm fine. I've fought in much worse conditions before. So will you fight me? I'm ready for you anytime."

Hercule looked desperate in that moment, and as Gohan saw this, he pushed further, "Unless you let the world know the truth."

"Wh-What?!" Hercule exclaimed.

"Tell the world what really happened in the Cell Games." Gohan said, gesturing the camera.

"I... I don't know what you're talking about..."

"Would you rather me force the world to see it, or do you want to save what's left of your honor, after I'm done with you that is." His eyes were no longer dangerous, widened instead of narrowed, and he looked as though it were his choice.

"..." He looked down in defeat, "...alright, I'll tell them..."

Within weeks, the entire world knew of the truth of the Cell Games.

All of the credit went to the rightful owner: Son Gohan.

Thousands of people began to say that Hercule should be relieved of his higher class life, and have it be given to Gohan's family.

But Gohan declined almost outright.

Though many people thought this to be kind, Gohan only asked that people don't know where he lived or his friends and family, to which they complied.

For the ones that did try to gain this often lost him anyways.

But, some were wondering what happened to the girl named Zangya.

The answer could be found one day in the Son household when Gohan came back on his hormonal days.

Ever since that day, Zangya had been living with Gohan and his friends and family.

Gohan had made her do it, as she really had nowhere else to go, but even though she complied after he gave that argument, she felt somewhat weird, as he treated her kindly, something that Bojack and her fellow crew mates failed to do.

Though she'd always felt that it was appropriate to be treated the way that her crew had, as that was simply her race's culture, what she expected was no different of Gohan.

But why they treated her that way still made her puzzled.

However, she couldn't help feeling that she somewhat enjoyed being treated that way.

As she stayed with them, she often trained with Gohan and #18, often sparring with them, and over time, becoming stronger.

The Son family also discovered her large appetite, which came despite her thin figure.

But, as Gohan had as much of an appetite, it wasn't very difficult or overwhelming for them.

Zangya couldn't help admitting to herself that she was having the time of her life after two weeks of this new life.

But one day into the third week, as she slept outside, the moans and screams rattled her awake, and she looked towards the round shaped house in which the Son family inhabited.

She didn't really sense the child's power, but the fact that an earthquake rocked the ground made her know it'd be only appropriate to think it was him.

Curiosity driving her, she went to she see what was making it happen.

And due to this, she entered the home, following the sounds of moans to the master bedroom.

Gohan aimed his hardened length, looking down as Chi-Chi got on her knees, then pushed the 11 inch pole fully into her mouth, holding her head as she began to suck on his length.

He smiled at the pleasure, then took #18's hand, the owner looking on naked, leading her onto the bed and making her get into an all fours position, running his hand over her firm ass, before placing his free hand on her waist, leaning in and pushing his tongue into her opening.

#18 moaned lightly, until Gohan's tongue rubbed against a nub in her pussy, where he began licking repeatedly there, her eyes widening as she felt it, before moaning while closing one eye tightly, leaning towards her right while turning herself waist up in that direction.

Gohan could hear her moans, and he began scraping his tongue against her nub even faster, trying to imitate the motion of his dick, while also beginning to start thrusting into his mother's mouth, causing Chi-Chi to suck on him harder in response.

Gohan squeezed #18's ass, licking even deeper into her, moaning somewhat when Chi-Chi grabbed his butt, deep throating him, his hips moving at a more maniacal pace.

He pulled abruptly out of his mother's mouth, picking her up and placing her face down on top of #18, her breasts so big that her pillows pressed into #18's back, resembling a busty girl sunbathing, only Chi-Chi's legs were on top of #18's, and her arms wrapped around her neck.

Gohan got onto the bed, aiming his dick again, thrusting into #18's molten vagina, her gasp changed to moans as he began to pound into her.

Though he couldn't see it, #18's hands gripped the bedsheets tightly as her breasts bounced wildly.

Gohan lifted Chi-Chi's waist up, making sure to lift her pussy up to his face, and pushed his tongue into her opening, eating her out hungrily, thrusting his hips into #18's flesh in a more harsh manner after Chi-Chi moaned loudly, wrapping her arms around #18 more tightly than before.

Within minutes, both were screaming loudly.

Gohan spread Chi-Chi's firm butt cheeks out, pushing two fingers into her asshole, pumping into her, adding a third finger to her ass a few minutes later.

After a half hour, Gohan flipped Chi-Chi off of #18 and onto her back, putting the later mentioned android on top of Chi-Chi, face down, putting her right over top of his mother, breasts pressing into hers.

He thrust into Chi-Chi's pussy, scraping his dick into her, pressing his hands together and folding all his fingers together except for his left and right middle and index fingers, pushing his four fingers into #18's pussy, pumping into her welcoming opening, going through his first transformation and increasing his speed and power exponentially, the change visible as Chi-Chi's screams grew in size, her cunt scraping against #18's as she moved to Gohan's thrusts.

He actually could feel how deep his dick was, and he knew that he was currently within her womb, since he could always sense where the layer over her womb was, of which he passed a long time before his first transformation.

Gohan also had a way of noticing the signs the girls always showed when they were climbing towards their climax, and when Chi-Chi showed her greatest signs, tightened hands over the bed sheets, he pulled quickly out of Chi-Chi, flipping the women over in the same position as Chi-Chi groaned in discontent, and re-entered #18 as he pushed his four fingers into Chi-Chi, making her climax a few minutes after, Gohan continuing to pump into her tightened folds.

Gohan pulled out of #18, aiming his length and pushing it between the smaller hole that had been formed when he pushed down on Chi-Chi's ass, making the two women's cunts press tightly against each other.

He aimed again, then pushed into the artificial hole, the two women's cunts sandwhiching his dick, making him groan, before pushing and pulling into it, #18 and Chi-Chi both groaning loudly.

He did this for a long time, and after an hour of groaning, he thrust into the makeshift hole, releasing his cum all over #18 and Chi-Chi's stomachs.

Gohan pulled out his length, turning Chi-Chi off of #18 so that they lay next to each other, then grabbed his length, wiping their abdomens of his steaming cum with his dick, then lifting his still hard dick up, allowing #18 and Chi-Chi to lick his dick clean.

He smirked, then transformed again, his 13 1/2 inch cock wide and red headed.

Soon, Gohan had created a clone of himself using Piccolo's technique again, and each had taken a different position of them.

#18 was laid on her side as she lay on the edge of the bed, legs straight out as they went along the bed's sheets, Gohan's clone holding the side of her ass down as he pounded into her, her screams of pleasure only making it show her less mercy.

Chi-Chi on the other hand had her legs stretched up to her shoulders, knees touching them as they were held by their owner, as Gohan buried his hands in her I-Cups, fucking her so powerfully that Chi-Chi had lost her voice after several minutes, only able to stretch her mouth out widely as Gohan fucked her, the earthquake causing thrusts he gave something she was used to.

Soon, as she came, her walls tightening not as tightly around Gohan's dick as the days when they first fucked due to his immense length, Gohan pulled out of her, putting his dick between her breasts, tit fucking her while moving her breasts up and down his length, before pulling off of her an hour later and forcing his length into her mouth, thrusting wildly, exploding into her mouth and practically filling up her throat with seeds.

He pulled out of her mouth, dick covered in his white cum, then turning to #18, his clone pulling out of her as though reading his mind.

He took her into his arms, lifting her knees up from behind, then thrust into her in that position, laying her feet on top of his knees, grabbing her hips and bouncing her up with his waist, pulling down while she was still up, then thrusting back up as she was slammed down his length again, his hips meeting hers halfway, her breasts bouncing more than basketballs as he did this.

He repeatedly did this, and as #18 screamed, Gohan's clone forced his dick into her mouth, pounding into her orifice, blue eyes widened as he had his way with her, her muffled moans sending endless vibrations up the clone's dick.

Then, an hour later, after she finally began to suck him off successfully, both clones thrust as deeply into her holes as possible, and exploded inside her an incredible amount of cum, the final thrust so powerful that the real Gohan knocked her feet off his knees, making her fall onto his hips completely.

Her eyes rolled to the back of her head, and she lost consciousness, the cum still filling her womb and throat for another full half minute as Gohan held her down.

The clone pulled his dick out of #18, and after Gohan had noticed that she was unconscious, made the clone disappear.

Unlike his first fuck times, Gohan had known not to go too far with the girls.

Once, he almost broke Bulma's hips from how badly he screwed her.

So yeah, he understood when it was time to stop.

Or at least to stop when they were knocked out.

Zangya watched this all happen from outside the master bedroom door, eyes wide as she looked at it happening.

She simply couldn't believe her eyes...

But, she accepted it a moment of thought after that.

Her kind had always had more of a cruel side to it.

So as to why these people were so kind was a mystery to her.

But now she understood.

When they were in the process of reproducing, they let loose all of their pent up emotions that were held back from when they were kind.

Maybe that was why they were also so happy and carefree for no reason.

It would explain Gohan being so nice...

She looked down, looking at her own body.

Maybe she could...

Her thoughts were broken when the door she was hiding behind opened, revealing Gohan as he stood in front of her.

Zangya's eyes widened as she saw this, but then relaxed them a second later.

"Are you satisfied with them?" She asked bluntly.

Gohan stared and gave no response.

"If not... then I'll help you use me." Zangya spoke, her skin not hiding the blush that spread ever so slightly across her cheeks.

Gohan responded, but physically next moment.

He picked her up, moving at a high speed, bringing her to the bed next moment, sitting her down.

He grabbed her top, a shirt given to her by Bulma that said "CC: Capsule Corporation" in white lettering, tightly, then ripped it off of her, leaving her in pair of shorts that were just a little too tight on her and a black bra, given to her by Chi-Chi.

Zangya was somewhat taken aback by Gohan's abrupt way of doing this, but still unclasped her bra, throwing it away as her F-Cup sized breasts were revealed onto him, not able to stop Gohan from giving her shorts and panties a similar treatment, leaving her in only destroyed garments and her necklace.

Just when this fact settled into her mind, Gohan was inside of her, hands on either side of her body, and Zangya gasped.

Then, Gohan glowed as he charged himself up, then beginning a flurry of thrusts into Zangya, his hips blurring from how fast he was thrusting.

Zangya moaned loudly, holding the boy's head as he drilled into her, pulling it into her cleavage.

Gohan responded by grabbing her medium sized ass, lifting her up and going more deeply inside of her, scraping his dick into her.

She responded by wrapping her legs around his waist tightly, pulling him in closer as he fucked her.

Hours passed after that, and Zangya came after 2 hours, walls clenching around him in an impossibly tight vise, screaming loudly.

Gohan responded to this by pulling out of her, throwing her on her back, spreading her ass cheeks, revealing a tiny hole, which he thrust into deeply with a large amount of force.

Zangya choked out in pain, eyes widening and almost bulging out of her eyes, before closing them, giving into his wants, taking his hands and pressing them against her breasts, which he responded to by massaging, thrusting even more powerfully into her.

Then, to her surprise, the light emitting from him grew twice as bright, and she glanced back, surprised to see him in his new transformation, hair reaching below his waist.

His length tore into her even more wildly than before, and she screamed at the top of her lungs, in a voice that wasn't her own, much more high pitched, and felt him pull out of her roughly.

She was pushed onto her side, her leg being lifted onto Gohan's shoulder, and she screamed once more as he reentered her pussy, curly hair becoming sweaty, clutching the bedsheets even more tightly than before.

As she came for a second time three hours later, this one more powerful than before, Gohan exploded himself inside of her, cum filling what she thought was her womb, and the light surrounding him fading, his hair turning black as it originally was.

They lay in each other's arms a few minutes later, Zangya on top of Gohan, both still breathing heavily.

"Are you satisfied yet?" She asked him, looking at him.

Gohan looked back, but shook his head, and she felt his length prod her leg after a moment.

She blinked at the feeling, then sighed, "You knocked out two women and yet when you get a third woman you still aren't satisfied..." She sighed again, "Fine, I'll satisfy you."

She lifted herself up, planting her hands on his chest, then lifted her hips, pushing herself inside of him, closing her eyes and breathing out slowly.

Then, she began grinding against his hips, moaning lightly, only for Gohan to grasp her hips, lifting her up and slamming her back down.

She moaned loudly, closing her eyes, and felt him bouncing her up and down on him, gripping his shoulders tightly, and as he did this, her breasts began to bounce at the same pace as his own bouncing.

She began to take back some control, grinding her hips into his again, screaming loudly as she did so.

But, without her noticing, Gohan made two clones of himself while her eyes were closed.

Gohan reached up, pulling her on top of him, breasts pressing against his chest, Zangya still moving her hips and thrusting as though she were the one with the dick.

To her surprise, another pair of hands spread her ass cheeks, and she felt her eyes bulge out when the owner thrust into her asshole.

As the two beings fucked her, she cried in a mix of pain and pleasure, only for another one to lift her head up, thrusting their length into her mouth.

Zangya was fucked brutally by all three of the clones, the time going by in a very slow way for her, digging her nails into Gohan's chest.

When 2 hours would pass, Gohan and his clones would simultaneously thrust into her holes when she came, releasing the pent up cum from that round.

Zangya felt her eyes widen at the feeling of the cum filling her, but she managed to drink down Gohan's cum as it spurted in her mouth.

When the last drop was swallowed, she sucked on his member a minute more, only to make sure there was nothing left.

As she stopped, the clone pulled out of her mouth, and the one inside her ass pulled out as well. Seeing this, Gohan himself pulled out of her.

Gohan's cum spurted out of her ass and pussy, and they breathed as they held each other.

"Are you satisfied now?" Zangya asked, looking at him.

"Y-Yeah." Gohan responded.

"And so he finally rests." Zangya spoke in a somewhat joking manner, smiling somewhat.

Then her smile dropped.

"Would it be wrong if I asked you a favor?" She asked after a moment of silence.

"No, it wouldn't be. What do you need?" Gohan said, looking back into her eyes.

"Please, I won't ask how you did it, but don't multiply yourself if you ever try to reproduce with me."

"Why?" Gohan raised an eyebrow.

"My race, known as the Herans, were wiped out a long time ago. As a result, when Bojack and my crewmates were freed, they wanted to repopulate the Herans. However, as I was the only female of the group, they had no choice but to use me to accomplish that." She looked to the side then, "But... that wasn't what I wanted to do. I knew that all races faced genocide after a number of generations. As a person naturally must one day die, so must a race. Bojack didn't see my philosophy as truth however, and by force, he tried to reproduce with me. But, as all of the others could reproduce as well, they all decided to go through the process of reproduction, all at the same time."

Gohan slowly realized what she meant by this, "...I'm... I'm sorry... I wouldn't have done it if I had known..."

Zangya rested her head against his chest, "Your apology isn't necessary. It seems almost appropriate you did it to me. After all, that's how the Herans treat prisoners of war. And as you saved me despite my trying to kill you... You could say I am your prisoner of war." Zangya looked up at him, "So, you may do as you wish with me, but please, don't ever do... that..." She looked down, body trembling somewhat, drops of water dropping onto Gohan's face.

Gohan wrapped his arms around her, then opened his eyes, "As you are my prisoner of war..." Zangya looked up at him, "I will make sure that you become strong enough to never let that happen."

Zangya blinked, then smiled, leaning up and kissing him lightly, eyes closing.

It had been his first kiss (at least, the one that seemed to come from nowhere, Gohan thought as he recalled his first kiss being taken by Chi-Chi in her drunken state).

His first thought was to kiss back in the same way, so he closed his eyes, kissing back lightly.

They held each other like that for a moment, then withdrew from each other.

"Alright then, make sure I become as powerful as you master." Zangya smiled, then rubbed up against him.

Gohan held her closely, until she fell asleep, and smiled, before looking to the still unconscious Chi-Chi and #18.

Summoning his clones, what he did next was by reflex.

The clones lifted both #18 and Chi-Chi to either side of him, the much taller women being placed so that their breasts were in his face.

#18's hand was placed over his balls to his right, while Chi-Chi's leg was wrapped around his on his left.

With that now deeply rooted habit satisfied, he looked back down at Zangya's head.

"I'll help you get stronger... and I'll also protect you until then."

As Gohan himself went to sleep, he would never notice the smile forming on Zangya's face (after the gradual surprise at what Gohan's clones did) as she faked her own sleep.

"Thank you, war commissioner." She said playfully to him as she looked up at him one last time, then genuinely went to sleep.

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