
Chapter 43-Arguement

"Was it really the best call to do that?" Bailey asked once they were outside.

"Do what?" Denear replied.

"I mean....."


10 minutes earlier


While he was eating, he ordered some packed food and Bailey went to go get it from the counter and returned to the table, handing it over to Denear. Denear nodded as 'thank you'. No-one knew the reason for him doing that. Neither did Bailey. Prince Landon was confused with his action and was on the brink of confirming his presence and status to them. When Denear pointed at his group of friends. "I could hear them from all the way hear...."

Veins could be seen from Prince Landon's fore-head while he was smiling. Denear stood up and Bailey followed him and also stood up from her chair.

"Don't you know who we are!?" Shouted a guy from Prince Landon's group. It was Rowan Dixon, The hot-blooded stupid one from the Dixon twins. If both of them would just shut up, they would seem exactly alike and no-one would be able to tell them apart.

"I do know who you are." Denear replied, walking towards them. Denear was 6ft and 10 inches so he was really tall compared to everyone else.

Denear stood in front of Dixon who was only 6ft 2 inches, Rowan had to literally stare upwards to the ceiling to look at Denear's mocking face. He bent close to Rowans ear and whispered loud enough for everyone to hear. "But you won't want to know who I am, or your whole family would be screwed." Denear smiled, backing away.

"What's that supposed to mean?.....Young Master Denear Lorenzo Cornelius?" Ruby Davenport, from Prince Landon's group, stepped forward. The group gasped.

"Seems like it's not only me who does their research, Miss Davenport...." Denear was impressed. He put his hand on his fore-head and acted like he was gonna die from boredom. "I'm just really really bored these days....." He actually didn't want to act this way but his life was just to smooth sailing. He just wasn't used to it. It was always, danger! danger! danger! in his daily life.

"What do you want?" Ruby Davenport was getting impatient.

"Oh....hmmmm....let me think.. uh..." He paused and returned to his usually serious cold expression. "I don't like it when people mess up stuff in my territory."

"What do you mean?" Edgar Dixon spoke up. He was considered the smarter one between the twins. The smarter loud mouth, that is. At least he thinks before he speaks.

"Ah, it's the smarter twin. Your brother is stupid." Denear insulted.

"Hey! I'm not stupid!!" Rowan was fuming. Everyone knew he was stupid but no one dared to tell him that. He was more of the bronze for brains type of guy and no one wants to get on his bad side also because of his family. At least, not for commoners and lower nobles.

Denear made a shocked expression. "I thought you already knew!?"

Rowan couldn't take it anymore and charged at Denear. He stretched his hand and formed it into a fist. A fast figure appeared in front of Denear. The figure grabbed his arm and tossed him down to the ground with a BANG!!!!

It was Bailey. She had a sharp cold aura. She released her grip from his arm and retreated to Denear's side.

Everyone else didn't know what to do. The commoners were terrified and wanted to escape as quick as possible. It's like watching a tiger and lion fight. You wanna escape but you know you just can't and you don't want to wait to see who wins cause you know what'll happen when predator meets helpless prey.

They all knew about Denear's family. They knew they don't want to make an enemy out of him. They were all just talking harshly without any physical contact. However, the idiot Rowan decided to attack first which makes it their fault.

Denear walked to Rowans side and bent down. "I knew you were stupid but seriously, getting beat by a girl must be humiliating for you."

"What the hell do you mean already!" Chloe Bancroft shouted. She had been quiet long enough.

He stood up

"Don't mess with my roommate you got that...." He paused and looked at them with deadly eyes. "I don't appreciate it at all...and I won't tolerate it."

"I have no idea what you're talking about....." Edgar replied, unsure.

"Chandler Griffin, my roommate."

Everyone in the group's eyes widened in realization. "That guy is you're roommate!?"

"Yeah and I don't care whether you come at me one at a time or altogether but don't think I like you messing with my territory so stay out and leave him alone cause i'm really overprotective with my 'belongings'."

"You can't tell us what to do or not to do." Said Prince Landon, who was watching them argue and at the same time cam himself down. "I am the Second son of King Xavier in the South kingdom of Cesea. I have all authority in this entire kingdom. Who are you to tell me....us what to do?"

"Look Prince....." He walked out of the cafeteria and turned around, said. " The last thing I want to do is fight with all of you Prince.....but"

"That doesn't mean it can't be on my list..."

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