
Hail the King (Personal)

An ordinary student accidentally traveled into another universe and became the king of a small kingdom. He had gotten a “Cheating Code” of life and was able to complete something extraordinary. This is the story about a king that was able to conquer continents and leave behind him an ultimate legend that will be recited between every generation to come. This is not my work, if this is your work you can ask me to delete it. Thank you.

Tushar_Vashishta · Jeux vidéo
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58 Chs

Ch 65 - Ch 70

Chapter 65: The Jump in Strength of the Female Mercenary

"Sister Elena, so this is the Barbarian Warrior that you've always kept in mind? Wow, he's a little different from what I'd imagined. I didn't know that a Barbarian could be this handsome!"

"Heehee, yeah, look at his muscles. He's so muscular... No wonder he could travel on the dangerous moor alone!"

"Warrior, you have to take good care of Sister Elena. She's the prettiest [Rogue Flower] and also a strong and reliable magic archer...Heehee, I bet you didn't know that after hearing that you were going to challenge the Fallen Paladin Griswald-Edward, Sister Elena has been super worried for the last couple of days; she was even calling your name in her dreams!"

A bunch of flower-like youthful female rogues crowded Fei and Elena as they twittered and laughed like sparrows, flirting with both of them.

Some of the more daring girls even walked up to Fei and giggled as they touched Fei's ripped pecs and biceps with their cold hands. These cold female rogues who protected [Rogue Encampment] and battled against monsters on the moor had shown their naughty side.

When the women started "bullying" them, it was terrifying. Fei was overwhelmed with all the surrounding female rogues; a bright blush also covered Elena's beautiful white face. After Fei realized that the situation was turning in the other direction, he grabbed Elena's small hand and ran away from the girls wind chime like laughter.

"I'm so envious of Sister Elena, that Barbarian warrior is such an upright man!"

"Yeah, Elena is so lucky, it's rare to meet these kinds of friendly and nice travellers."

"Heehee, If I was Sister Elena, I would immediately make him my man..."

At the entrance of the female rogues' tents, the girls played with each other as they watched the two of them run away. They all had envious expressions on their faces. In this world where survival wasn't guaranteed, love was a luxurious good. Righteous and kind travellers like Fei were the ideal lovers in many female rogues' mind. However, even if they didn't die in battles with monsters, the rogues would only become the wives of farmers and reproduce to make sure that there was always fresh blood at the camp.


The Barbarian character was Fei's highest leveled character, so it had the most damage and defense. Fei had decided a long time ago that he was going to main the Barbarian and level him up as fast as he could. That way, he could become powerful in the shortest amount of time. Other characters such as the Sorcerer and Paladin were defined by Fei as support roles.

Before leaving to the moor and leveling up, Fei had some preparation to do.

Because he broke open the stone bridge on the Zuli River, his Barbarian's double-handed axe had been destroyed in the process. Fei had to go to the female blacksmith Charsi to purchase some new items. This time, he spent 2,000 gold coins and bought another double-handed axe that had a damage of 1-30. This axe looked similar to the last axe, but the maximum damage on it increased to 3 more points; among all the axes that Charsi sold, it definitely had the highest damage.

After Fei had finished purchasing his items, he suddenly found out that there was a golden exclamation mark. This meant that there was a new quest for him to complete. Fei tried to communicate with this sullen brown haired girl; after about twenty seconds of talking, just like how he expected, he received the quest to find a magic hammer at the [Barrack] that would allow Charsi to build magic items.

After he received the quest, he began right away. With some planning and reviewing of the map, he decided to complete the quest that was easier to get to first. Before starting Charsi's request, Fei planned to complete the third novice quest which showed up after he finished rescuing Cain – kill the Countess in the [Forgotten Tower]. Fei took Elena who was full of joy after their reunion through the portal in [Rogue Encampment] and arrived at [Dark Woods].

Currently, it was noon in Diablo World. The weather surprisingly wasn't rainy, and even the dark clouds that usually never dissipated were gone. The sun appeared in the sky and shined on top of their heads; it was very warm and comfortable.

After confirming the direction, both of them chugged down [Stamina Potions]; like an eloping couple, they ran towards the [Black Marsh].

"Oh, right. Elena, this bow might be useful to you..." While running and slaying a bunch of monsters, Fei suddenly remember the golden rare item [Boreal Razor Bow]; he kept it just for Elena. He quickly got it out of his [Item Slot] and gave it to the hot mercenary.

It was a light short bow. The bow's body was light gold, and numerous mysterious lines were engraved onto the curved body. A thin golden thread that exuded a soft light connected the two ends of the bow together and the whole bow was permeated with magic powers; it looked like a piece of artwork.

Elena flushed. The magic archer lowered her head and revealed a rare gesture similar to that of a baby girl. She raised her hand and took the short bow out of Fei's hand lightly; her voice was soft, like the fluttering of a mosquito, "Thank you, Mister."

"Eh...Elena, don't call me mister anymore. From now on, just call my name directly." Fei was a little captivated by this mercenary's looks. He was stunned for a little bit and scratched his head as he smiled.

Elena replied, "Alright, Mister Fei."



Killing the Countess wasn't hard.

The location of the quest was at the [Forgotten Tower] in the [Black Marsh]. After entering the tower, they had to go to the deepest floor at level 5 to find the hidden Countess. Every level in the [Forgotten Tower] was filled with all kinds of monsters and demons, including some mini-bosses too. The difficulty here was much higher; it was obvious that compared with the moors and plains outside, the underground environment were more suitable for higher leveled dark and undead creatures. Fei and Elena spent a tremendous amount of effort to get to the underground level 5 floor in the [Forgotten Tower].

Fei had a good plan; if the situation didn't turn out well, he would open up a town portal and send Elena back to [Rogue Encampment] first and try to take down Countess by himself using the shameless kiting and running tactic. However, as soon as they entered the fifth level, the short bow in Elena's hands bloomed with blue frost arrows continuously; like a call from the Grim Reaper, the final boss Dark Hunter Countess didn't even have a chance to chant her magic spell. She was shot by the frost arrows accurately and had a hard time moving. Fei immediately took the opportunity and charged at the Countess while swinging his new axe. In a couple of strikes, the dark hunter had fallen to the ground.

"Damn, why was that so easy?" Fei was surprised.

He realized that Elena's strength had increased beyond his expectations. That level of damage was equal to the attack of a level 8 magic archer, but Fei clearly remembered that this female rogue was only level 5 when he entered the Diablo world last time. "How did her strength increase this fast?"

When Fei was stunned and thinking, new changes occurred –

Numerous white lightning strikes exploded from the Countess' corpse and the whole tower began to shake, as if there was a huge earthquake and the sky was falling down. Suddenly, a golden treasure chest appeared out of nowhere; it was surrounded by a white cloud of haze. The chest was like a gold mine, and gold coins flooded out of the opening non-stop.

"Damn! I'm rich!" All Fei could see were gold coins.

In the blink of an eye, the ground was covered in a layer of gold coins. The gold lights were flashy and bright. There were so many coins that the floors looked like it was layered in gold bricks. The "clinking" sounds of heaven from coins falling out of the chest stopped after about twenty seconds, and then the chest disappeared.

Fei turned around and looked at Elena. He saw the same thing again; it looked like the natives in the Diablo World couldn't see all the items and rewards that were dropped from the monsters and bosses; Elena hadn't seen this magnificent scene, and she held onto her bow and guarded Fei. After feeling Fei's gaze, Elena's white face turned red instantly; she lowered her head and looked helplessly as she didn't know what to do.

Fei was stunned yet again by the hot mercenary's reaction. He really wanted to flirt with her, but before that, he picked up all the items and gold coins first.

It was a little disappointing when the Countess died; not a single rare item had dropped from the final boss in the [Forgotten Tower]. There were only a couple blue magic items, but at least there were over 5000 gold coins.

After he cleaned up the battleground, Fei looked at his experience bar.

He needed 5 of 6% before he could get to level 13. One hour had passed by already; it was the same as his estimate; more experience would be needed each level, and his leveling speed would slow down as a result.

After killing the Countess, Fei and the hot mercenary immediately rushed to the next quest location – [Monastery Gate] at [Tamoe Highlands] to complete Charsi's request. This monastery was the holy place where nuns and monks served god. However, after the monsters and demons took over, it became a miserable hell. What was worth mentioning was that the final boss for the novice map [Rogue Encampment]- Andariel was also hiding at this place.

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Chapter 66

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Chapter 66: Combine Kill

However, Fei didn't plan to challenge the final boss at [Rogue Encampment] just yet. After he entered [Monastery Gate], the first place he went was a small map on the exterior of the Monastery – [Barracks].

The magic hammer was in the deepest part of the [Barracks]. Once he obtained the hammer and brought it back to Charsi at [Rogue Encampment], she would add a couple attributes and properties to one of his items.

Fei followed his memories about the map from the original game. After searching for a while, they quickly found the [Barracks]. This place was more like a huge maze. There were numerous chained corridors and many dark chambers attached to them; it made both Fei and Elena dizzy by just looking at them. It felt like this place was more like an underground tomb rather than a barrack. The atmosphere was very depressing; the inexplicable screams and whistles in the wind, the squeaks of the big black mice running around and the stinky and bloody smells made it feel like hell.

There were monsters and demons wandering around throughout the corridors and chambers; they were all high level, such as [Devilkin], [Death Clan], [Black Rogues] and [Bone Fire Mages]. Blood spilled whenever they stepped forward. Danger was hidden everywhere.

After they stepped into the [Barracks], battles occurred nonstop. After about half an hour of bloody fighting, Fei and Elena were covered in thick blood and white rice-like bone fragments. However, they finally found the chamber where that hammer was stored in.

"Elena, the hammer that we're looking for is in this chamber. A powerful boss [The Smith] is guarding it with a crowd of monsters. After we charge in, you have to stay behind me. Don't rush in like last time in Tristram, alright?"

Before they challenged and took on [The Smith], Fei remembered what happened before and urged Elena to listen to him.

"I got it, mister." Elena lowered her head again. She stood in the dark like a quiet, lovely orchid. The burning flame far away "engraved" her beautiful figure on the dark floor. She said lightly and gently, "Mister, I won't disappoint you this time."

Fei was surprised.

For some reason, he felt that Elena's behaviour was weird sometimes. During battle, she was the cold, aggressive warrior; every arrow that came from her hand meant death. Under the light of the magic and rare items, she looked like a Valkyrie...But when she was talking to him, she was extremely obedient, gentle and even a little bit shy. The two completely different personalities fused together in her.

"Hehe, does this sturdy chick have feelings for me now?"

Fei was stoked. He instinctively cared for Elena, so he turned around and continued reminding her, "Also, safety is your main priority. If the situation becomes too dangerous, you have to retreat instantly...Don't worry about me, I have my own method of escaping."


After three minutes.

Fei finally understood that his worries and reminders were excessive. [The Smith] was very powerful in his memories, but didn't even stand a chance under the joint attacks of him and his mercenary. [The Smith] roared a couple times and died like a pedestrian in a superhero movie; Fei didn't even have to use any [Healing Potions].

"Pooh, this bastard died too fast. Not a single good item dropped!"

After seeing three or four blue magic items on the ground, Fei kicked [The Smith]'s corpse. The 7 feet tall (210 cm), blue skinned monster didn't have any merits except for his strength.

"You're also a boss, but why is there such a huge difference between bosses? Although [Countess] at [The Forgotten Tower] didn't drop any good items as well, she at least "gifted" me 5,000 gold coins. You didn't drop any good items or many gold coins!" Being poor and stingy, there was no way that Fei wouldn't be mad.

The only thing that calmed Fei down a little bit was that [The Smith] granted him a large amount of experience.

Fei finally leveled up again.

After counting his level up while getting through the corridors and battling with the monsters and demons, Barbarian Fei was already level 14. Fei thought about it and continued the same distribution of attribute points; on top of that, he put one of the two skill points into [Find Potion] and the other one into [Sword Mastery].

The normal items that the monsters dropped weren't even close to Fei's standards, so he didn't bother to pick them up. He checked his current status and realized that after two rounds of battles, the durability of his weapons and armour was very low, and the potions he was carrying were almost depleted. As a result, he used a [Town Portal Scroll] and went back to [Rogue Encampment]

He found Charsi and gave the magic hammer to this sullen girl.

"Wow, unbelievable! You really killed [The Smith] and brought back the hammer. This is amazing! Young warrior, you have won my friendship. As thanks, I will now imbue one of your items with magical powers!" The female blacksmith's eyes shined as she saw the hammer. Her sullen and sad mood instantly disappeared. A bright smile shined on her beautiful face, as if all the happiness and liveliness was restored into her body. She suddenly looked younger and her attitude towards Fei was unusually enthusiastic.

This change made Fei a little surprised, because it wasn't like this in the actual game.

A light bulb suddenly lit in Fei's head, and he went along with Charsi's enthusiasm and started chatting with her. They had a friendly conversation, and Charsi delightfully offered a 20% discount on the repairs for Fei's current items; she even expressed that if Fei wanted, he could buy armour and weapons from her at a 20% discount.

The result pleasantly surprised Fei.

However, he didn't choose to imbue an item right away. This was an invaluable opportunity, so Fei wanted to think about it thoroughly and decide what item would be the best to add magical powers to.

Fei also sold all the blue magic items to Charsi; with all the additional gold coins, Fei was now a rich man who had a net worth of 54,000 gold coins. He looked at the hot mercenary to his side and thought of something. He bought a couple suitable items for Elena as well.

"Mister Fei, thank you for your generosity!"

After putting on the new items, Elena appeared even more valiant, slender and beautiful. Her red hair fluttered in the breeze. Her hair looked like a crowd of burning flames, contrasting her white, smooth and milky skin. An indescribable temperament exuded from her body; no wonder she was called the most beautiful [Rogue Flower] in the camp.



"...When flowers see her face, flowers would wither

When the wind hears her voice, the wind would quiet down.

When sunshine sees her smile, sunshine would shy away."

The beautiful poem was what traveling poets used to describe the young nun Andariels. A long time ago in the monastery on the [Tamoe Highland], there was a beauty that made the whole continent proud. Her name was Andariels; numerous men went crazy over her, and numerous women were crazily jealous over her....This woman was an orphan and had the name of an angel, attracting the attention of the whole continent. Even the most pious priests would be distracted when they looked at her.

Later though, for some unknown reason, the most beautiful woman on the continent had inconceivably fallen in love with the legendary demon – Lord of Destruction Diablo, and accepted the demon's power and turned into the scariest female monster on the continent. She took over the monastery and murdered all the nuns and priests. She turned the monastery on the [Tamoe Highland] into a living hell. At the same time, it blocked the only path from the [Rogue Encampment] to the city to the east [Lut Gholein] and turned [Rogue Encampment] into a deserted land.

On the way to the Monastery, Fei learnt about this distraught history from Elena.

"A nun fell in love with a demon?" Love is so powerful...Elena, the finally battle is about to begin. After we kick open this door, we will be facing the scariest monster on the rogue continent. Remember, no matter what happens, stay at least 30 yard (m) away from her, do you understand?" Fei stood in the fourth underground level in the catacomb under the Monastery and warned the hot mercenary seriously.

In the last hour, both of them wiped out the monsters in the monastery and found Andariel's base. Behind the wooden gate in front of them, the super Boss Anderials in the [Rogue Encampment] was waiting for them. There would be an ugly battle waiting for them, no question about it.

Elena was nervous, but she still nodded decisively.

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Chapter 67

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Chapter 67: The Tale of the Iron Prison – Water Dungeon

Fei held onto the Barbarian's axe with both of his hands tightly. He took a deep breath of the air that was filled with the smell of thick blood and adjusted himself into his optimal state. After his physical and mental strength both reached their peak, Fei kicked his right foot and blew open the thick wooden door…..

In the mess of shattered wood chips, the bloody evil nest of the final boss – Andariel had finally lifted its mysterious veil to Fei.

In the endless howls, numerous [Dark Ones], [Rat Men], [Ghouls] and other monsters flooded them.

At the same time, a huge and unimaginable pressure pressed onto them as if it was tangible. Under the terrifying pressure, even the air had thickened. Fei and Elena's movements were slowed down as if they were in a pool of water. The power of evil was way beyond their imagination.

"Die! Damn intruders!"

A huge roar shook the whole chamber; countless stone statues shattered, the ground cracked and fire started burning on the floor as if it was the call from the deepest part of hell.

Next, a four or five yard (m) tall demon figure appeared in front of them.

It was a partially demonic female giant. She had a stunningly beautiful face; anything pretty would be overshadowed in front of this face. Her face was definitely favoured by the Creation God... However, aside from this face which had the beauty Andariel's elegance, everything else on her body was completely demonized. To become stronger, Andariel had taken in the power from hell. Her beautiful hands had become hideous demons claws, and four huge, snakehead-like limbs extended from her back as if she was Dr. Octopus in Spiderman. An unspeakable horror diffused from her body; the unimaginable pressure was being emitted from her.

"Roar – !"

Fei suddenly shouted and Barbarian Warcry – [Howl] was initiated.

A magical force spread out and scared away all the low leveled demons and monsters who were following Andariel. Unfortunately, the skill wasn't effective at all on super boss Andariel. She didn't felt any fear, and instead lowered her head and roared. Six stinky green frightening clouds emerged from her body.

"Elena, stand far away. Don't touch them; they are deadly poisons."

Fei shouted loudly. He took out a bottle of [Normal Healing Potion] and bit onto it with his teeth. Then, he charged into the green clouds and approached Andariel instantly. The huge axe in his hands turned into flashes of white light and struck at Andariel.

"AoAoAo – !!"

The female demon felt pain; she roared as she counterattacked crazily.

Fei was already poisoned by the deadly toxin, and very hair on his body had turned green. The Barbarian axe was covered with a thick green juice. Fei was hammered a couple times by the female demon's counterattacks; he spurted a lot of blood from his mouth, and his health bar was dropping rapidly like a leaking air balloon.

He had to turn around and dodge the attacks. He ran away quickly and gained some distance from Andariel, then opened another bottle of [Normal Healing Potion] and chugged it down.

Andariel chased Fei closely. Cloud after cloud of deadly poison mists flew towards Fei and embedded him in it.

At this moment –

"Beng! Beng! Beng! Beng!"

The bowstring that could shatter souls shook the air; [Boreal Razor Bow]'s golden bowstring left a series of phantom images. A series of frosty blue sharp arrows were shot into Andariel's body instantly like rain drops in a storm and plundered the female demon's life.

"Valkyrie" Elena immediately pulled the bowstring and magic power surged madly in her body. She stared at Andariel coldly and attacked after she saw that Fei was in danger.

The level of this aggressive attack had attracted the female demon Andariel's attention.

She roared in anger as she turned around and walked towards Elena.

"Maintain the distance... Don't let her get closer than 30 yards (m)!" Fei shouted as he drank another bottle of [Normal Healing Potion]. He turned around and chased Andariel as he struck her back with his axe continuously. The female boss' aggro was finally returned onto him.

Using this method, Fei and Elena tried to alternate between being Andariel's target; they were both in an extremely dangerous situation.

But on the other hand, Andariel's health bar was dropping little by little...

Finally, after about half an hour, what Fei was waiting for had occurred – Alongside a loud, painful and unwilling scream, the scariest female demon had fallen into a pool of her own blood. Fei glimpsed a tear rolling off of Andariel's elegant and beautiful face at the same moment the demonic woman fell down. A sense of relief and fascination filled her pretty eyes, which could make any god go crazy over, as if she was saying farewell to her loved one from far away...

That expression quickly left her face; Fei even thought that he had seen a hallucination.

Then, Andariel's body started burning. Flames covered her angelic face and hideous demonic body; soon, the body was turned into ashes. Her lower level monster and demon followers wailed and fell to the ground as they were also burned in the crazy fire.

Soon, not a single monster or demons was left in the whole fifth underground level.

Fei was still thinking about the astonishing scene, but a white beam of light fell from the sky and surrounded him...

"Haha, I leveled up again!!"

Fei was excited. He opened up his character status panel; his Barbarian character was already level 16 after these aggressive battles – he had leveled up 4 times in the last 4 hours, which wasn't bad.

After finishing distributing all the attribute and skill points, Fei's attention was quickly attracted by the golden lights on the ground. Andariel had dropped four gold rare items continuously. Fei was stoked as he walked up and picked them up. There was a mighty sphinx shield, a pair of exquisite heavy chain boots, a simple traditional steel helmet that had ancient engravings and a three layered yellow leather belt.

"Eh? Ahahahahah, no wonder I didn't get anything good from [Countess] and [The Smith], it seems like all the items were accumulated at the final boss Andariel...I'm the luckiest! All four items are what my barbarian needs the most. Hahahaha!"

Fei was so happy that his teeth almost fell off.

Although all four items weren't identified, Fei could tell that they were quality stuff by just looking at them. After Fei stood there and laughed for a while, he went around and packed all the blue magic items and gold coins that the monsters and demons dropped.

After cleaning up the battlefield, Fei used a [Town Portal Scroll] and returned to [Rogue Encampment] with Elena.

Fei wasn't sure if it was an illusion, but as soon as he stepped back to the camp, he felt something was not the same.

Sure enough, waves of cheers sounded by his ears.

"Andariel is dead....I'm not dreaming, am I?...That damn demon is really dead!!"

"It's that brave Barbarian warrior, he's really killed Andariel...This is unbelievable!"

"Light has finally been restored to the Rogue Continent...We're saved!"

"God bless. Andariel is dead, and the road to the east has been re-opened! We can go to

Lut Gholein now..."

Fei was stunned. He turned around and found out that the hot mercenary was tearing in joy. Elena stared at Fei with admiration and worship, and shook as she said, "Mister Fei, you've executed the nightmare of [Rogue Encampment]- Andariel. You shall become the Legendary Warrior of [Rogue Encampment]. According to the Blood Oath of Covenant from the ancestors of the camp 60 years ago, you shall become the supreme leader of [Rogue Encampment] and lead everyone in the camp. Also, you can acquire three legendary miraculous skills from the Great God!"

As Elena spoke, more and more people crowded together; the greedy priestess Akara, military leader Kashya, blacksmith Charsi, "obscene" old man Cain, gambler Gheed, and many more young and pretty female rogues... Everyone walked to Fei's side and sung an ancient, mysterious song as they knelt down onto the ground excitedly and solemnly.

Fei's mouth was wide open.

"This is weird. I don't recall any scene in the game about this." He was very surprised. He was about to ask about the "Blood Oath of Covenant from the camp's ancestors" and the "legendary skills from the God", as they gave Fei a huge shock, but at this moment –

"Maximum gaming time is about to be reached...Entering ten second count down..."

The uninvited cold and mysterious voice suddenly appeared in Fei's head again.

Fei was surprised, but he knew that there wasn't time for him to ask any questions. He quickly converted a couple items that he wanted into the real world. Unfortunately, [Town Portal Scroll] was still not able to be converted due to the level restriction; except for that, Fei had successfully converted a couple bottles of [Stamina Potions], [Normal Healing Potions] and [Mana Potions]...

The zero gravity sensation came again and Fei blacked out.

Everything disappeared.


When he opened his eyes again, he was already back in the real world.

The sun was on the west side of the sky, and lunch time had already passed by. Fei had no idea there Angela and Emma went. Fei asked a maid to bring him some random food to fill his stomach, then went to Chambord's Iron Prison-Water Dungeon with his personal guard Fernando-Torres under Brook's lead. He was ready to execute his orders from earlier this morning and revamp the whole prison.

The Iron Prison-Water Dungeon was where the past kings of Chambord imprisoned and interrogated prisoners. The place was heavily guarded and was located in a remote area. The three of them walked along the wide stone road that led to the mountains at the back of Chambord. They finally arrived after about twenty minutes.

Two thirty yard (m) tall stone warrior statues were standing in front of the gate of the prison. It gave off an oppressive feeling, and the statues looked prestigious. Behind the statues, there was a mile (1 km) long stairway that was layered in white stones; it followed the gently sloped terrain and rose up the mountain. It led to a medium sized square, which held a black bunker style building at the very middle. This was the Iron Prison – Water Dungeon.

This black prison had imprisoned numerous offenders, and many nobles, royalty, heroes, and military officers had died in this place. Numerous civilians and criminals that turned into white bones were here as well. It could be said that this was the scariest place in Chambord. In many tales, when someone was imprisoned in the Iron Prison-Water Dungeon, almost they would almost certainly never walk out alive. Even if it was a hot summer day, no one wanted to approach this bloody, gloomy and bone-chilling "Tomb of Lives". What surprised Fei and Brook was that when they arrived at the square, it was filled and crowded with people...

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Chapter 68

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Chapter 68: Shocking Discovery

Fei stepped onto the square and took a detailed look around. He found out that most people here were pale and thin, and they wore ragged clothing. They were the poorest citizens in Chambord. All of them gathered here for some reason; when they saw Fei arrive, they cheered and kneeled to the ground.

"Look, his majesty really came..."

"Your Majesty, please restore justice for us all!"

"We want to sue the prison officials. They abused their powers and arrested the innocent..."

"King Alexander, my son was arrested and thrown into the Iron Prison – Water Dungeon just because he accidentally offended former Head Minister's son Gill. Your Majesty, please do something about it..."

The citizens kneeled on the ground and cried out loud.

Fei turned around and looked at Brook. Brook quickly shook his head and said, "Your Majesty, I didn't notify these people to gather here; I didn't even tell them you were coming here this afternoon. Strange...Should I dismiss them?"

Fei smiled as he shook his head, "It's ok. Aren't I here to revamp the Iron Prison – Water Dungeon? This is perfect; I can get even more information on each prisoner. Send a soldier to set up tables and chairs on the square and tell Warden Oleg to bring out all the documents. I will revamp the prison in front of all the citizens."

Brook nodded and went to execute Fei's order.

Soon, the citizens on the square were separated by the soldiers. A shed was set up on the square and stone tables and chairs were put inside. Piles of documents written on silk and animal skins explaining the trial process and how each case was settled for the last ten years was delivered into the shed. Some documents even had mold on them; they might've been left in the same spot for too long. When Fei opened up the black dotted files, a musty smell filled his nose.

"Great and honorable King Alexander, these are the files from the past ten years. I have ordered my subordinates to move all of them here, and not a single file is missing, my king. Since I've become the Warden of Chambord, I haven't dared to slack off at all..." The flatterer Oleg stood beside Fei pleadingly as he smiled. The delicate white feathered fan in his hands was moving briskly and fanned Fei to keep him cool.

Fei lightly nodded.

Oleg came out of the shed excitedly as if he was a cock who got encouraged by its owner during a cockfight. He announced, "The Great King Alexander has arrived at Iron Prison – Water Dungeon to expose and correct all the crimes that the conspirator Bazzer has committed against Chambord. Give thanks as justice and fairness has arrived at Iron Prison – Water Dungeon. If any of you have been treated unfairly and have been persecuted by that damn Bazzer, you can safely complain to the Great King Alexander. Our king is wise, just, impartial and kind... He will give all the innocent a fair treatment."

Oleg used at least twelve adjectives to praise Fei. After his saliva had spurted everywhere, he finally ordered the soldiers to carefully separate the citizens from the shed and created a small entrance; the citizens were allowed to enter the shed and complain one by one.

Fei secretly nodded.

Although Oleg was timid, greedy and scared of death, and was just a huge flatterer, he had his strengths. Compared to the military officials such as Brook, he was more attentive. He had a good handle of situations like this. If these types of people were used properly, they would be great assistants.

"Honorable King Alexander, please cleanse my grievances..."

A ragged clothed elderly man came in first and kneeled to the ground. His son was a servant at the former Head Minister's mansion. His son once broke fatty Gill's rough dog food bowl by accident and was asked to pay 10 gold coins. Because his family didn't have that kind of money, his son was locked up in Iron Prison – Water Dungeon; it had been three months now and the old man didn't even know if his son was still alive.

Quickly, a jailer passed Fei the document about the elder's son. Fei glanced it over; the record was roughly the same as what the elder had told him. He stroke his pen and put an end to the case. The elderly man's son was instantly released and Fei took out 10 gold coins from Bazzer's confiscated property and gave it to the family as compensation. The elderly man's son had endured some torture, but overall he was healthy. The father and son huddled together and cried, and then they kneeled down to thank Fei for his mercy...

After seeing this scene, all the surrounding citizens became excited.

People came into the shed and cried as they complained continuously. Most of them were little and minor incidents, but because they affected Bazzer and the other nobles in the kingdom, the citizens were abused by the higher powers and were locked up, enduring torture in the water dungeon...

In just thirty minutes, Fei had released more than forty people from the Iron Prison. All the innocent people had not only gotten back their freedoms, but they also received a lot of compensation; one gold coin was around the annual income of a poor family. Everyone in the square felt grateful and kneeled down as they cheered "Hail the king"...

Fei had enjoyed the thrill of being a judge.

But as the revamp continued, people who had just planned on watching couldn't help but stand up and complain about the injustices that happened to them. Some people were robbed by the nobles and lost everything they had and became homeless, while others had their heirloom treasures cheated from them by big merchants. Some even had their beautiful daughters kidnapped into the noble's mansions, never to be heard from again...

Suddenly, the citizens on the square were stimulated and outraged, and the situation was getting a little bit out of Fei's control.

As soon as Fei realized that more and more people were coming to the square after they heard the news, he sweated as he paused the public "revamp" event. He ordered a secretary to record all the complaints and give them to the new Head Minister Bast. Fei believed that his future father-in-law could handle the cases properly.

Fei on the other hand went through all the documents. Most of the cases weren't difficult to resolve. After two hours, 60 – 70% of the prisoners were released. Honestly, in a remote kingdom such as Chambord, most of the people were kind and friendly; there wouldn't be any huge or shocking crimes. Most of the cases were created by nobles and wealthy merchants oppressing the poor civilians, while some were disputes between neighbours. To Fei who was educated person from Earth, as long as he followed the principles of equality, all the issues would be resolved quickly.

After finished processing all the documents, all the civilians kneeled down excitedly and cheered. In the cheers of "Hail the King" and "Long live King Alexander", Fei, Brook and Oleg entered the Iron Prison – Water Dungeon.

After entering the stone bunker, Fei realized that the name of the prison, Iron Prison – Water Dungeon was an accurate description. The building on the square was only the place where the prison official lived; the real prison was underground. Someone had drilled a corridor deep into the rocky mountain.

The corridor was about three yards (m) high and two yards (m) wide and headed deep into the ground. Numerous stone stairways were layered in the corridor.

The lights quickly darkened. After about three or four hundred yards (m) deep underground, the corridor finally became flatter; instead of going deep down, it extended further horizontally. On both sides of the corridor, there were many uneven sized artificial stone racks on the wall that held up charcoal torches. The flames flickered and illuminated the entire corridor, but the darkness further away at the end of the corridor created a daunting atmosphere.

Fei became more surprised as he walked deeper into the prison.

He was shocked when he found out that the inside of the mountain at the back of Chambord was completely emptied out. The entire prison didn't have a single brick or tile; it was dug from the inside of the mountain as a whole and was like an underground maze. After more than 2/3 of a mile (1km) of walking and passing through more than two dozens iron gates, Fei heard the gurgling sound of water as the passage opened up. Many stone rooms were dug out on both sides of the corridor and sealed by steel fences. These stone rooms were layered with wet hay and contained some basic stone beds and chairs; these rooms were where the prisoners lived.

Due to the massive release of innocent citizens and revamp of the prison by Fei earlier, most of the stone rooms were now empty. Only a few stone rooms were still locking up prisoners who had actually committed thefts, assaults and other crimes. After seeing the appearance of the power figures at Chambord, some prisoners didn't have any response, some rushed to the steel fence and shouted their innocence and others just laughed at Fei disdainfully...

The further Fei walked, the wider the corridor got; it turned into a large hall.

The gurgling sound of water became clearer and clearer.

Finally, after proceeding 500 yards (m) further, an underground river appeared on one side of the corridor. Cold, bone chilling river water flowed from it. Some stone rooms were dug under the surface of the water, causing the icy water to flood the floor in these rooms; the only way to avoid the chilling water was to stay on the stone beds. This was the so-called "water dungeon".

The scale of the Iron Prison – Water Dungeon was far beyond his imagination. To dig such a magnificent maze in the mountain, even by using tools and the architectural methods of the 21th century, would take a number of years and a huge sum of money, resources and labour...It was too shocking. It was hard to imagine who had actually dug out such a vast cave?

As if he saw Fei's confusion, Oleg followed Fei humbly and explained, "Your Majesty, this prison wasn't built by Chambordians... According to Royal Literature, one hundred years ago, a citizen was hunting on the back mountain and discovered this underground cave accidentally. After the King knew about it, he ordered a blockade on this place. After generations of Chambord Kings' exploration and gradual improvements and transformations, this place became the unbreakable prison. For the past sixty years, not a single prisoner was able to escape from here. It was said that your father, the old King Alexander had imprisoned a powerful and terrifying warrior, but until death, that warrior wasn't able to break from here..."

"So that's how it is."

After hearing Warden Oleg's explanation, Fei instantly understood.

This record was the only way that this could make sense. This huge underground cave could never have been the work of Chambordians. Even if Chambord was still the slightly powerful level four affiliated kingdom, the operation of digging out such a magnificent cave into the mountain would take more than one hundred years.

"Then do you know who created this underground cave?" Fei asked.

"No one knows who created this place. There are no clues or traces left in this place. Except for these simple stone rooms and this corridor, there aren't any statues or murals. When the royals entered here for the first time, there weren't any writings, material or supplies. It looked as if this place was dug out by someone and was abandoned for some mysterious reason. Some people even suspect that this is the work of the God."

"Work of the God?"

"Yes, except for a supreme almighty God, humans have a hard time digging through the hard rocks and creating such a giant cave inside a mountain…..of course, some others say that this stone cave might have been the masterpiece of a cave dwarf, but the dwarfs have disappeared for more than four or five hundred years..."

As Oleg was speaking, Fei's vision lightened. His field of vision suddenly opened. A hall a few hundred yards (m) high appeared right in front of Fei. Numerous torches were located on the walls and ceilings. They looked like the bright stars in the dark night, shiny and beautiful.

Layers and layers of stairs were dug into the wall as they led to another area. The hundreds of yards (m) high stone walls had been divided into ten floors, with numerous stone rooms on each floor. It made Fei feel like he had travelled in space again and was suddenly in a tall skyscraper on Earth.

It was extremely shocking; no words could describe the shock Fei was experiencing.

"Your Majesty, this is where important offenders are kept. The black cloaked mage and the silver masked man's body are all locked up in here. The former first commander of the King's Guard Peter-Cech who was accused of treason is also being kept here."

Oleg explained to Fei carefully.

Fei nodded and said, "Eh, good. Oleg, send someone with Mr. Brook to bring back Cech. I want to meet him."

Oleg quickly called over two jailers and ordered them to take Brook up the stone stairs. They quickly disappeared into the corridor in the stone wall. Cech was a felon, so he was locked up on the seventh floor; it would take some time to bring him down.

In the meantime, Fei took a detailed look of this super massive hall. The more he looked, the more he was shocked. Despite being from the 21 century on Earth, he also believed that the building of this hall was God's work. It was simply amazing; tens of Mogao Grottoes couldn't compare to the size of this cave.

Suddenly, Fei's eyes landed on a twenty yard (m) tall huge black steel door that was on the stone wall further away.

"What is that door doing there?" Fei asked.

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Chapter 69

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Chapter 69: Underground Cave Maze


Oleg turned around as he traced Fei's vision and looked in the direction he was staring. He instantly understood what Fei was thinking and responded right away, "Your Majesty, Iron Prison – Water Dungeon isn't the entire underground cave maze. There's an endless passageway behind the door, but no one knows where it leads to. Some people had entered the passageway to explore, but none of them made it back alive. The passageway is extremely dangerous. Some say that there's a massive maze behind the door, while others say that a terrifying man-eating hell beast hides behind it. Anyways, for a period of time before the door was built, horrible roars and howling noises would be heard everyday, and a great suction force would suddenly occur and pull people into the corridor...To prevent more deaths, the king before your father ordered craftsmen in the kingdom to build an iron gate to seal the corridor behind it and prohibited entry for everyone in the Kingdom."

As Oleg spoke, he looked at the black iron gate and seemed uneasy.

Fei nodded in a calm and collected manner, but on the inside he couldn't be more shocked. According to Oleg's statement, this huge Iron Prison – Water Dungeon was only a part of the underground cave, and maybe only just a tiny part of it.

This was way too crazy. "Who actually built this underground cave?" Fei couldn't help but link this huge unimaginable cave maze with the grand-scale constructions of Chambord Castle. Suddenly, a thought popped up in his head, "Could the ones who built Chambord Castle have created this underground cave as well?"

Fei vaguely felt that Chambord Castle was the same as this underground cave. It only revealed a small portion of itself, as if it was an unknown mysterious treasure that was covered by the dust of time. The secrets of this area hadn't been discovered by anyone yet and were just waiting for itself to be uncovered.

At that moment, Fei's curiosity had reached its peak.

He decided that he had to squeeze out some time later on to go through the black iron gate to the mysterious corridor and figure out what secrets were really hiding in this underground cave maze.

As they talked, Oleg led Fei to a wide open stone room on the first level in the huge underground hall. The room was fully furnished. All the torches in the room added some warmness into the chilly and moist air. Fei walked in and sat on a black fur layered soft stone chair behind a black wooden table as he was thinking about the things he previously neglected.

Suddenly, "Bam! Bam!" It was the sound of the iron fences hitting each other, and it was mixed with "tinkling" noises of the iron chains dragging on the ground. Brook had returned with someone behind him.

"Your Majesty, I have brought Peter-Cech." Brook saluted as he announced.

Fei took a detailed look at the former First Commander of King's Guards who was seriously admired by Brook. The man was about 6 foot 4 (190cm), his clothes were all tattered and he was barefooted. It might've been that he was locked up for too long, but his hair was all messy and had hay in it, like an old and used mop. He had a thin body; both his hands and ankles were locked up in iron chains that were as thick as his wrist, and the areas of his body that were in contact with the chains was filled with calluses. He looked terrible, worse than a beggar.

However, the eyes that were hiding behind the long, messy hair of this impoverished looking man shocked Fei – his eyes were surprisingly bright, and his brown pupils exuded a strange light. It made Fei feel like the man was a dragon sleeping in a mountain or a tiger resting on a plain. He had an unspeakable calmness and confidence in his eyes. No one could relate this pair of eyes to a prisoner.

"Peter-Cech greets Your Majesty!"

After entering the stone room, Cech glanced around and observed everyone; his eyes landed on Fei last. He didn't say anything more and kneeled down directly to show respect and salute Fei. The chains on his body started tickling due to his movement.

"Please get up! Oleg, quickly remove the chains on Commander Cech and get another chair."

Fei got up, walked up to Cech and helped him get up as he said that. Oleg immediately knew that this former first commander of the King's Guards would come back to power and no one could stop it. Although Cech was charged with the most terrible crime – treason, he could be pardoned at Alexander's will. The Warden was great at analyzing the situation; he humbly moved a soft fur covered stone chair for Cech and then grabbed the keys from a jailor and released Cech from the chains.

Fei grabbed onto the big black wooden table and single-handedly moved it in front of Cech. The strength of a level 16 Barbarian was completely showcased. He pointed at the delicious and delicate food that Oleg prepared on the table and laughed, "Peter, eat first. We will talk after you get full."

Cech had a surprised expression on his face as he looked at Fei. After a moment of silence, he grabbed onto a roasted pig leg and started devouring it; he chugged down a cup of wine and ate ravenously as if the food in front of him was the best in the world. Soon, the food that was enough to feed four or five men was cleanly swept up by him. He chugged down the last bit of wine in the silver pot container, got up as he burped and then turned around as he kneeled down in front of Fei again. He lowered his head and loudly swore an oath, "My king, Peter-Cech swears allegiance to you. I shall give you everything I got, even my life!"

Fei was a little surprised. He didn't expect that after the big meal, Cech would instantly declare his loyalty. He didn't even have the chance to say the bossy lines he had prepared...He thought to himself proudly, "Did I already develop a domineering appearance that can subdue people subconsciously?"

But Fei didn't know was that the legendary stories of King Alexander returning to normal, his domination of the battlefield and execution of the powerful enemies, as well as killing the Zenit Imperial Cavaliers at the Celebration Party for the pride and honour of Chambord Kingdom had already spread across Chambord. Even the jailors talked about it for a long time during their free time. What had happened in Chambord had already gotten to Cech. Moreover, Brook had told him millions of times on the way here. The former commander of the King's Guards was a clever person. He knew his turning point was here; the "reborn" King would definitely value his loyalty, so he swore it right away.

"Great, Awesome! Peter, you've been wronged all this time... Brook, pass on my command. Notify the whole Kingdom; after the King's investigation, the crime of treason doesn't stand for the former commander of the King's Guards Peter-Cech. This incident was conspired by the former Head Minister Bazzer. From today on, his injustice is cleared and he shall be reinstated as the First Commander of the King's Guard!"

Brook was elated. He didn't expect things to go this smoothly. He kneeled down with Cech to show his gratitude.

To his side, Oleg was congratulating Cech warmly. From a prisoner on death row to the high ranked First Commander of the King's Guards, Cech had ascended in power unimaginably and returned to the centre of power in the Kingdom. Although Oleg the flatterer wasn't a good person, he was great at observing and analyzing situations. He clearly sensed the high regard that the King had towards Cech, so he classified Cech as the type of person he had to have a good relationship with.

After Cech showed his gratitude to Fei, then got up, turned around and surprisingly thanked Oleg, "Thank you for taking care of me these days, or I would've being tortured to death in this dark and cruel Iron Prison – Water Dungeon. I will never forget your saving grace and shall repay you heavily for this."

This sudden scene shocked Fei and Brook as they stared at each other in unison.

The new military Guru Brook was deeply aware of Cech's personality. He was very dismissive of soft and greedy "thugs" such as Oleg; he could've never imagined that Cech would lower his head and thank the latter. He was deeply surprised. Fei on the other side was also astonished; he looked at Oleg up and down several times, as if he had discovered a new continent.

After Cech thanked Oleg, he saw the surprise on Fei's and Brook's faces and explained what happened. After he was framed and locked up, Bazzer was afraid of potential hidden problems and wanted to get rid of this stumbling block who in the way of his evil plan. He wanted Cech killed before the formal execution date. It was simply too easy to kill a prisoner in this dark and gloomy prison. However, Oleg who normally listened to Bazzer had the urge to be merciful to Cech, so he didn't follow Bazzer's order to torture Cech to death in secret. That was how the former First Commander of the King's Guards could live until the day that justice shined through. Otherwise, Cech would've been a corpse by now.

This was something that no one thought about.

What made Fei and Brook more surprised was that Oleg was rarely thanked by "positive figures" such as Cech, which caused the flatterer to become a little shy. He rubbed his shiny bald head and laughed humbly.

Fei found that interesting and laughed with Oleg.

Although Cech had luckily escaped from torture, his body was still weak due to living in such poor conditions for a long time. If he wasn't a two star warrior, he would be really ill by now. Therefore, Fei ordered Brook to take Cech out of the prison and get some sunshine and fresh air to recover.

Fei stayed at the Iron Prison – Water Dungeon for a while longer.

"Oleg, if a prisoner becomes ill and dies or gets executed here, how do we deal with their corpses?" Fei sat on the stone chair and closed his eyes as he pondered. He suddenly thought of something and asked.

"According to tradition, they should be burned. But in this underground cave, burning corpses will reduce the air quality. Therefore, after a prisoner dies, if their relatives don't claim the body, their corpse will be thrown into the underground waterway and washed away." Oleg didn't know what the King wanted, so he bent his back and answered carefully.

"Oh..." Fei was a little disappointed. He asked another question, "So are there any corpses that haven't been thrown away?"

Oleg felt this was a little odd, but since he still didn't know the King's intentions, he answered carefully again. "Your Majesty, Mr. Brook told me that you were coming to revamp the Iron Prison this afternoon, so...so I ordered the jailors to get rid of the all the corpses already."

"Eh? That's unfortunate. Are there any serious criminals that will be executed soon?"

Oleg kind of had an idea of where the King was getting at. He thought deeply and his eyes suddenly shined, "Your Majesty, there are three wandering mercenaries who killed people in the kingdom. Mr. Brook fought and captured them himself. They're still being imprisoned at the Water-Dungeon and haven't been executed yet. Except for that, the corpse of the silver masked man that you brought back and ordered to watch out for a couple days ago is still here."

Fei was stoked.

"Awesome. Order someone to bring over the three mercenaries...En, and also the corpse of the silver masked man. Prepare a sealed stone room for me...Oh, one more thing. That black cloaked mage is still alive, right? How is he doing?"

"Your Majesty, we followed your instructions. Every time the mage showed signs of waking up, a jailor would instantly smash one of his bones and make him faint him again. That guy is still lying on the prison ground unconscious!" Oleg felt a chill to his bones when he remembered Fei's vicious and sick order.

"Ahahaha, great. Order someone to bring that mage to the sealed room as well. I have something important to do."

Oleg turned around and went to bring the prisoners and prepare the sealed room himself after Fei finished speaking.

After more than ten minutes, Oleg returned. He led Fei to a big, wide room on the sixth level in the huge underground hall. A small, concealed room was dug out on the right hand side of the big room. It was about 180 square feet (20 Sq m). The three mercenaries given a death sentence and the corpse of the silver masked knight had already been brought into the room. The poor four star mage was also dragged into the concealed room like a dead dog.

"Guard the door with some jailors. Don't allow anyone to come in...Remember, it doesn't matter what happens later on, don't come in." Fei nodded in satisfaction and ordered.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Oleg left the room with the other dozen jailors in curiosity and guarded the door of the big room carefully. Although the Iron Prison – Water Dungeon was extremely safe, he could tell from the King's expression that he was about to do something extremely important.

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Chapter 70

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Chapter 70: Crazy [Hulk Potion]

The air in the small concealed room was a little dense, but it wasn't humid.

Fei looked around carefully and found some finger-sized holes on the stone walls; they were most likely used for ventilation. The ventilation system in the underground cave was very impressive. Numerous torches and stoves were burning in this gigantic underground structure and many prisoners were living here, but the air quality wasn't bad; rather, it was quite fresh. Fei had no idea how the mysterious builder did it.

"Crack! Crack!"

The charcoals in the stoves burned and made light popping sounds. The flame in the room was flickering and created a strange atmosphere in the room. The three chained mercenaries were definitely criminals. Although they had been tortured, their spirits were still high and sturdy. After seeing the jailor leave the room and hearing Oleg refer to the luxuriously dressed young man in front of him as "Your Majesty", a hideous expression appeared on their faces and they approached Fei slowly while dragging their iron chains on the ground...

"Just in time to take this little king hostage and escape from this damn prison..."

"This is a godsend! Hahaha, quickly go and block the entrance, don't let him run away..."

The three mercenaries winked at each other mutually and surrounded Fei; they grinned nastily as they got closer and closer. They looked at Fei as if they were looking at a corpse. The expressions on their faces told Fei everything.

"Humph! Your guys sure are overconfident! Die!"

Fei sneered as he raised his arm and grabbed one of them; the bald man who was the strongest among the three of them had no way of resisting; it was as if Fei was easily grabbing onto a toddler. He smacked the mercenary on the head with the other palm. "Crack!" In a crisp and chilling sound, the mercenary's head was smashed into his chest cavity under the strength of the level 16 Barbarian and the man turned into a headless corpse.

The other two's faces paled as they saw the terrifying scene. Their souls were almost scared out of their bodies. They shivered as their hideous expressions disappeared. As if they had epilepsy, they couldn't even speak properly. The three mercenaries were heinous criminals and deserved to die. Half a month ago, for the sake of robbing one silver coin, the three of them cruelly murdered a poor family. They dismembered the poor couples' dead body and raped and killed the 13-year-old daughter. They committed crimes that would anger the Gods. The tragedy was discovered by Brook, and he chased them with the King's Guards more than 10 miles (15 km) and captured them alive. Fei had already went through the documents and records of the three mercenaries, so killing them wouldn't give Fei any psychological burden or feelings of guilt.

Fei didn't care about the two mercenaries who were about to shit their pants. He squatted down and pressed his right hand onto the chest of the bald man's corpse. He suddenly roared lightly and a stream of magical force instantly rushed out of his palm and drilled into the dead body. Following a muffled "bang" sound, the corpse's chest exploded. A huge bloody hole appeared on the chest and all the internal organs turned into a pool of thick blood.

It was the Barbarian's [Find Potion].

Fei was disappointed by the result; not a single potion was found. Under the limitation of the level 1[Find Potion], finding of a potion wasn't guaranteed. There was the problem of probability.

Just like that, he had wasted a corpse.

Fei raised his arm and grabbed again. The big bearded mercenary couldn't escape his fate and was grabbed by Fei. Regardless of the mercenary's desperate screams and struggles, Fei smacked him dead and pressed his right palm onto this corpse's chest as well. He lightly roared and the magical force surged; [Find Potion] was initiated again.


There was still only a slight explosion, and blood spilled everywhere.

All of the internal organs turned into sticky blood again, but Fei was disappointed again; no potion was found.

Fei frowned, and then he thought, "Could there be any differences between corpses in the Diablo World and the real world? Is that the reason why there weren't any potion found? But on the battle on the stone bridge, [Corpse Explosion] in Necromancer Mode was perfectly executed. There shouldn't be any problems..."

Fei turned around and looked at the final thin and tall mercenary. The last mercenary saw Fei's stares, and he screamed, "Devil!". Then, his eyes rolled and he fell unconscious.

Fei thought about it and realized that this mercenary might be useful later on, so he didn't bother with the last mercenary.

He turned around and walked up to the silver masked knight's corpse and took off his mask. A young face was under that mask; his brown hair still had an aroma in it. He had a curved nose, oval-shaped face, and smooth white skin. Anyone could tell that the knight was brought up in a wealthy and noble environment. The knight was very handsome while he was alive, but after his death, there were no difference between him and the other mercenaries.

The knight was wearing a set of delicate and luxurious armour. Although the knight was dead, there was a hint of magic power still circulating on the surface of the armour; a stream of visible blue energy stuck onto it. This was definitely a set of advanced magic armour. The reason why Fei killed the knight by piercing through his throat was to avoid damaging this set of armour. Naturally, he had a use for it.

Fei wasn't polite. He removed all the armour and items off of the knight carefully and only left some normal clothes on the corpse. He pressed his right hand on to the chest, concentrated his powers and slightly roared. [Find Potion] was activated again and the light magical force drilled into the corpse...



Fei heard two sounds, one after another. The chest exploded and a huge bloody hole appeared. After a quick flash of green light, a test-tube like small bottle appeared out of thin air and floated up and away from all the splattering blood. After levitating about a foot high (30 cm), it stopped moving and floated in mid-air. The bottle was extremely smooth and the green liquid inside had a stunning shine.


Fei was stoked; he reached out and grabbed the green bottle.

A light warmth spread onto Fei's palm from the glass bottle. It was soft and comfortable, just like a living thing. Fei could even vaguely feel a hint of intimacy. This green liquid was exuding a weak spiritual energy, as if it was a newborn lingering onto its mother.

"Huh? This is strange. It isn't a red [Healing Potion], nor a blue [Mana Potion] or white[Stamina Potion] or pink [Rejuvenation Potion] or even a yellow [Exploding Potion]. What potion did I find?"

Fei quickly found out the difference between the potions that he had seen in the Diablo World and this green potion. He hesitated. He didn't know what this potion was called, so he had no way of confirming the effect of this potion. If this was a deadly [Poison Potion], then wouldn't it be suicide if he drank it?

He thought about it for a little while and saw the tall and thin mercenary who had fainted. His eyes shined and he suddenly had an idea. He walked up to the mercenary and kicked him up. Without any explanation, he squeezed open the mercenary's mouth and dripped a couple drops of the portion into it. The mercenary did everything he could to resist it, but his strength couldn't even match a tenth of the level 16 barbarian's monstrous strength. The potion easily slid down his throat and the mercenary started screaming in horror as he clutched onto his neck.

Fei stared at the mercenary closely.

The last mercenary was his "lab rat".

One second...

Two seconds...

Five seconds...

The mercenary dug his fingers into his throat as he laid on the ground and tried to vomit and get the couple drops of "Evil Poisonous Potion" out of his body. But he was disappointed. After the potion entered his throat, it disappeared as if it had already been dissolved into his blood; even if he puked out his stomach, the potion wouldn't come out of his body.

Fei stared at the mercenary and tried to find out the effect of the potion.

After a minute, aside from the struggling and retching, it seemed like there weren't any other symptoms. The potion couldn't heal or recover stamina….. "Did I miss something? Or does this green potion simply have no special effects?"

Fei was disappointed.

But at this moment, an something unexpected occurred –

Following the terrifying and painful screams of the tall and thin mercenary, a green light suddenly appeared on his face, and then it slowly expanded. It moved from his face to his neck, chest, arms and legs... It ended with the light expanding to the mercenary's entire body, which shivered crazily. Under his exposed skin, it seemed like there were living things continuously drilling through his body. There were numerous bulges on his body, along with exposed veins, his body was hideous and scary.

Finally, the mercenary turned green. His screams and roars slowed and quieted down. He stared at his own body in horror; his had a confused expression on his face. After a couple seconds, the green light and the green color on his body started to fade and eventually disappeared, as if nothing had happened.

However, Fei was pleasantly surprised.

This was because after the green light disappeared, the tall and thin mercenary had become mysteriously strong. He was ripped and the muscles on his body bulged. Anyone could see the explosive strength in his strong muscles. He looked lively now compared to his previous half-dead state.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The mercenary subconsciously his hands and heard a series of metal clanking noises. Iron chips and fragments flew everywhere; Fei's pupil contracted because he clearly saw the four thick iron chains on the limbs of the mercenary being easily broken.

"This guy suddenly gained such a monstrous strength!"

His Barbarian's understanding and familiarity with strength allowed Fei instantly make this judgment. A couple drops of the mysterious green potion had suddenly given this mercenary the strength of a level 5 Barbarian.


After feeling the tsunami-like monstrous strength surging in his body, the mercenary was extremely excited. He swung his fist randomly and left a deep and shocking mark into the hard stone wall; the collision didn't even leave a single scratch on his fist.

"It looks like this mysterious green potion didn't only grant him the powerful strength, but it also improved his body's fitness. Otherwise, if his body were still weak, the repulsion force from leaving a deep mark into the stone wall would have at least broke open his hand." Fei made another observation.

"Hahaha, little king, you asked for this yourself. I can feel the unprecedented strength. Hahaha, thank you so much! If you obey my order and take me out of here, I will spare your life!" The enormous increase in strength gave the mercenary a huge boost in confidence. He had a vicious look on his face; he cracked his knuckles as he approached Fei slowly.

"Protect the King!"

Oleg was guarding the gate when heard all the noises in the room and felt something was wrong. He hesitated a little bit, but ended up taking his sword and rushing into the concealed room. He utilized his one star warrior's strength as he charged and struck at the mercenary while roaring.


The mercenary hit Oleg's sword with a backhand smack. The huge force blew the sword from Oleg's hand, causing it to fly in the air and get stuck in the stone wall. The huge strength also forced Oleg back a dozen steps; Oleg wasn't a match for the mercenary...

After getting an advantage in combat, the mercenary's confidence boosted even higher. He charged at Fei, wanting to seize the head of the kingdom and use Fei as a hostage to bargain his way out of this horrifying prison. He had already decided that after he got out of jail, the first thing he would do was chop that damn commander whose name was Brook into thousands of pieces.

However –

"Humph, overconfidence!"

Fei sneered; he didn't even try. He swung his hand lightly and sent his hand flying at the mercenary's head before the mercenary could even touch him. "Crack!" Without a doubt, the confident Mercenary followed the footsteps of the first bald mercenary; he was turned into a headless corpse instantly. The body dazzled a little bit and then slammed onto the ground. The strength of a level 5 Barbarian was like a pile of garbage in front of the strength of a level 16 Barbarian.

Fei then turned his head and stared at Warden Oleg who was in a big shock.

"Your Majesty, I...I heard all the noise and felt something was wrong. I was afraid that you were in danger, so...I..." As Oleg was speaking, he quickly kneeled onto the ground. "My apologies Your Majesty! My apologies. I shouldn't have entered without your permission!"

Fei looked at the Warden who was shivering as if he was in a freezer and calmed down. "When Oleg rushed in, he didn't see anything that he wasn't supposed to see. Plus, he was concerned about my safety." After a moment of silence, Fei spoke, "Next time there won't be any exceptions. For your loyalty's sake, I won't hold you accountable for your intrusion this time. Please leave now!"

"Thank you Your Honour for pardoning me! Thank you!" Oleg quickly got up and exited the room.

The flames flickered, and four corpses were lying on the ground with their chests open beside a half dead skeleton-like mage. The atmosphere in the room was creepy as hell. However, Fei couldn't hide his inner happiness. He pinched onto the green potion with his fingers and held it up close to his face to observe it closer and to feel the devastating energy that was in the potion.

"This green potion...Let's call it the [Hulk Potion]!"

Fei murmured to himself. He didn't expect that the Barbarian's [Find Potion] would discover such a crazy potion. After thinking about the magical effect the potion had on the mercenary, Fei couldn't help but think about the famous fictional character in the superhero movies – The Hulk.

A couple days ago, Fei was worrying about improving the strength of the leadership at Chambord; now, he had the [Hulk Potion], and that question was solved!