
Hail the King (Personal)

An ordinary student accidentally traveled into another universe and became the king of a small kingdom. He had gotten a “Cheating Code” of life and was able to complete something extraordinary. This is the story about a king that was able to conquer continents and leave behind him an ultimate legend that will be recited between every generation to come. This is not my work, if this is your work you can ask me to delete it. Thank you.

Tushar_Vashishta · Jeux vidéo
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58 Chs

Ch 51 - Ch 55

Chapter 51: The Push

In just two minutes, the specialized defense formation had been wrecked.

In contrast, the twenty three opponents didn't suffer any casualties at all. They tirelessly continued their murdering spree and pushed forward unstoppably.

The thin stone bridge had turned into a road of death to hell. The enemies had no way of resisting, and could only slowly face their end in wails and screams under the call of the Grim Reaper.

Quickly, the remaining four siege ladders were pushed off of the bridge into the river hundred yards (m) below. They were swallowed by the fast current and disappeared in seconds.


The twenty three roars in unison shook the sky. The strongmen were enraged at their homeland being invaded on. Their blood burned as they followed their king resolutely. The twenty three beasts looked like they had just crawled out of a pool of blood in hell; blood dripped off of every part of their bodies.

They pushed four or five hundred yards (m) into the mile and a half long bridge.

After destroying the siege ladders, the trebuchet formation was next. But farther into the bridge, it got thinner and thinner. At the centre of the bridge, it was less than 2 yards (m) wide. It was also the most dangerous place on the bridge. The fast current somehow formed a giant swirl and periodically created a bizarre suction force underneath the bridge. If an ordinary person didn't pay attention, they would be sucked into the river and get devoured.

The battle was continuing.

Fei along with his loyal strongmen were getting closer and closer to the six trebuchets as they pushed forward. Back on the defensive wall of Chambord, it was filled with cheers and applause. The soldiers and the new recruits shouted, trying to give all the energy they had in their voices to the intense bridge battleground.

Sometime during the battle, even the scared and weak citizens had climbed onto the defensive wall. They were holding various tools that could help with the defense and yelled with craze as they watched their king and loved ones rushing into the enemies and getting their revenge. That scene was deeply engraved onto their souls, and they would probably never forget it even when they passed away.

The beautiful Angela and Emma were scared to watch and covered their eyes with their fingers as if they were watching a horror movie. However, they couldn't hold back their care for Fei and peaked at the battleground through their fingers. They screamed every time the situation got dangerous and hugged each other and cheered every time Fei had turned the situation around.

The number one warrior Lampard stood firmly on the defensive wall.

From the beginning of the battle when Fei jumped off of the defensive wall to him destroying the Tower Shield-Dragon Lance formation, as a three star warrior, Lampard had seen and understood the situation much better than the other people. Although his expression was calm and collected, Alexander's power created a storm in his mind. It was clear that Alexander had at least three different types of mysterious yet strong powers – the monstrous physical strength, the white cold energy and the holy knight-like divine energy. This had confirmed Lampard's hypothesis – the young King Alexander was the one who had displayed four different types of powers in the watchtower.

"What exactly happened to Alexander that allowed him to return back to normal and grant him such strong powers? Is it really the God of War..."

Lampard wouldn't wrap his head around it.

But deep in his heart, he wanted Alexander to continue his mysterious miracles. He suddenly became emotional; he looked up to the clear blue sky. It seemed like he had seen a familiar face and was gratified, "Old friend, you can see your son being so brave and strong in heaven, right? Maybe one day, he can grow powerful and can help us find the missing Helen..."


The south bank of Zuli River, on a hill.

"Impossible! This is impossible! Shit...Someone tell me, how could this happen? How could this happen?! That man is a holy knight? A dual battle ring holy knight? But he clearly didn't have any energy before...My tower shield formation...Unforgivable!"

The silver masked knight stared at the battlefield. He was calm and collected, but was now a bit sluggish.

He couldn't believe what he saw.

The elite formation that he was proud of vanished into thin air under the challenge of a bunch of dogs.

He was enraged; a blue energy shined around his body and the temperature around him dropped a couple of degrees. Like an iceberg releasing all of its cold energy, the horsewhip in the silver masked knight's hand was frozen into an icicle and crushed into icy bits.

Had there ever been anything that embarrassed him more?

The strategy that he considered invincible was smashed into pieces by twenty-ish low lives. His pride and sweat, the Tower Shield-Dragon Lance formation didn't even hold on for two minutes. Two minutes! Not even enough time passed for him to give commands and it had turned into piles of junk and flesh!

This sudden defeat was an unbearable blow to the silver masked knight, who was conceited and had never lost a battle in his life. To him, it felt like he was a god who controlled everything, and was punched to the floor by a dirty beggar. Moreover, the dirty beggar stepped on the god's face with his stinky and abscess-filled feet.

"I swear! Not a single creature will be left alive after I conquer this dirty kingdom! I will skin all of the dirty slaves of Chambord and hang their skins on this bridge...I will chop up their flesh and bones into pastes and feed it to the reckless King of theirs!"

The silver masked knight roared angrily.

His blue energy force field was looming around, then quickly expanded. After a white, cold energy blew through, the saddle on his horse condensed into a layer of frost. The precious battle horse that he was riding froze into an ice sculpture; its blood and flesh froze instantly.

The black knights behind him didn't dare say a word. They all lowered their heads and shut their mouths. The horses that the black knights were riding felt the danger too. They all backed off while being disturbed, and fear filled their eyes. They looked at the silver masked knight as if he was a bloodthirsty angry beast.

No one made a sound on the hill.

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Chapter 52

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Chapter 52: Tough Enemy's Arrival

It wasn't certain when the mysterious man under the black cloak had appeared beside the silver masked knight, but he wasn't affected by the silver masked knight at all. A black cloud of energy loomed around him, bending the light around him. The white thin horse he was riding on was snorting and chewing on grass on the ground.

"Pass on my command – ready the armour piercing arrow formation. Make sure to cover the entire front half of the bridge. I will nail those dogs onto the bridge no matter what I have to pay..." The silver masked knight commanded in rage. His eyes were all red and looked terrifying.

"Master, there...There are our soldiers on the bridge...They might be accidentally injured..."

All the black knights were surprised. Those metal beasts had charged into their formations, and the two groups had mixed together. If they shot their armour piercing arrows at them, the opponent would probably be killed, but so would their 100 plus soldiers.

"Soldiers? Soldiers need to sacrifice their blood and lives to build the honour of their commander. It's their duty; if they can on die on the battlefield for me, they should be considered lucky.

The silver masked knight didn't even turn around. A single sentence had determined the fate of the hundreds of soldiers.

The tiniest bit of consciousness hanging on in the silver masked knight's fiery rage made him feel like he needed another plan B. The series of losses gave him more awareness of the situation, as well as some fear. The man that was charging at the very front gave him too much of a shock; it made him feel like even the armour piercing arrows couldn't kill those ferocious beasts.

He sat on his frozen horse sculpture for a while, then turned around and said gently to the mysterious black cloaked man, "Teacher, if...If the armour piercing arrows aren't effective, please help me and use your ruthless magic to wipe out those hard to deal with dogs!"

The mysterious black cloaked man nodded. His movement allowed the wind to slightly lift up his cloak, revealing a wand that had many complex and cryptic engravings.

He didn't reply to the silver masked knight right away, but whispered to himself, "Amazing...I'd never believe that it could be possible to switch between a wild physical strength, a gloomy magic power, and a divine holy power. It looks like that man has acquired some mysterious skill...Although all three powers aren't that strong, it's interesting...I have to obtain his secret. That way, maybe I can advance to the next rank and my strength can increase a ton, hahaha..."

After he thought about that, he turned his head and said to the silver masked knight in his cold, hoarse voice: "I can help you, but that man has to be captured alive; he is useful for me."

He pointed his finger. The finger was dry like an old tree branch, filled with wrinkles; it looked like it belonged to a zombie. Of course, the man he was pointing at was Fei who was leading the charge.

The silver masked knight frowned. He hated that man the most. If it wasn't for that man charging at the very front, his Tower Shield-Dragon Lance formation wouldn't have been so easily torn open and get murdered so quickly. He wanted to shoot that man with thousands of arrows and turn him into a hedgehog, but the mysterious black cloaked man had spoken. He thought about his teacher's four star mage's devastating magic power and finally nodded and accepted that request.

"Pass on my command, tell the archers to be careful. Leave the enemy leader half-dead. Just make sure he lives!" The silver masked knight changed his prior command coldly.

The black knights behind him didn't dare say a word and went to pass down his command.

Quickly, a group of soldiers left the enemy base. These enemies' steps were firm and definitely had good amounts of strength. Each of them carried a huge black bow on their back and quivers filled with hideously shaped arrows that had white tail feathers. The arrows had magic engravings with a little bit of magic stored inside of them. These were the armour piercing arrows that could penetrate through heavy metal armour and lower leveled mages' magic shields. They were the worst nightmare of any knight and mage on the battlefield.

Every single arrow was expensive to make. It could be said that they were made out of gold. Normally, the silver masked knight was reluctant to use them, but this time, he didn't hesitate and took all of them out. He was that mad.

The mysterious black cloaked man turned a blind eye towards this.

He laughed quietly. His voice was sharp and shrill, as if someone was scratching a plate with a fork. He rode his thin horse and approached the stone bridge slowly. The black cloud of energy was looming around him; but as he got closer and closer to the stone bridge, the cloud of energy got thicker and thicker and blunted everyone's vision around him.

At the same time,the battle on the bridge grew even more intense. More accurately, Fei's massacre was getting more aggressive. With Fei acting as the diamond drill head, every single enemy's formation melted like cheese; Fei and the strongmen could easily get through them.

The six siege ladders were pushed into the Zuli River a while ago. In the past two minutes, the twenty three bloody butchers had destroyed a spearmen formation and another swordsmen formation.

Everywhere they went, it turned into hell. Blood was everywhere, and screams and wails were the main theme. With the whiz of the fast current down below, it sounded like the laughter of death himself. The air even turned into the colour red. When they breathed, they weren't inhaling air, but rather blood!

When the battle had turned to this level, even the tough enemies that had a lot of training and went through many battles had lost the courage to fight. The stares of the beasts under their armour that was decorated by minced flesh and bones made them shit their pants. Their roars made the enemy soldiers shiver. Although the bright sun was right in the middle of the sky, the enemies felt like they were standing in a freezer.

The organized formations loosened up completely. The enemies on the front line wailed as they ran back and rushed into the other formations, and organized bridge became crowded and many enemies screamed as they fell off the bridge accidentally. They made many splashes in the water, but those were the last movements they could ever make.

What was even more terrifying was that the blood and flesh that fell off of the bridge had attracted some strange and scary fish. These fish had many hooks on their backs and black metal-ish scales. Each of them were about 4 to 5 yards (m) long and their huge teeth shined under the bright sun. Even if a living man fell into the river, he would become a pile of bones in just a few seconds.

"God! It's the bloody ferocious water beasts...Shit! The blood attracted them here..."

Many enemy soldiers started screaming when the fish appeared in the river. It became even more chaotic on the bridge. The enemies panicked more and more, and many of them fell into the mouths of the beasts. Some of the fortunate enemies held onto the edge of the bridge and tried to climb back up the bridge, but soon, their bodies were slammed into by other falling soldiers; they eventually fell into the river...

"Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!"

Fei switched between Paladin Mode and Barbarian Mode freely. He used the Paladin's auras – [Might] and [Prayer] to minimize the casualties of the strongmen, and swung the Barbarian's huge axe to crush the enemies.

"Boom boom – !"

Soon, they were at the middle of the bridge – the thinnest place on the bridge. The trebuchets were right in front of them. Fei blew off the enemies in his way with his axe and kicked a trebuchet that weighed about six or seven hundred pounds. As if he was kicking a soccer ball, the trebuchet flew off of the bridge and crushed into the river. It killed off some of the water beasts. Some enemies were blown into the river by the momentum of the trebuchets, too.

The mad charges were unstoppable. In a couple hits, out of the six trebuchets, four of them had been pushed off the bridge by Fei and the strongmen...

Everything was turning out as Fei expected; it was even smoother due to the enemies' chaos.

At that moment, something happened –

"[Exploding Sun Strike] – !"

After a loud shout, a huge red energy strike that carried a mountain-like pressure flew over the enemies and was aimed at Fei and the strongmen.

Fei's pupil contracted.

It was enemy's three star warrior – Swordsman Landes.

He finally arrived.

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Chapter 53

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Chapter 53: Enemy's Response

"Haha, great! Daddy has been waiting for you!"

Fei was expecting Landes to show up. In the dark, an assassin was dangerous, but once the assassin exposed himself, all his hidden danger would be gone. That was why Fei was relieved, rather than surprised. He laughed as he used his long prepared [Leap]. He stomped his feet and he flew up off the dust. He held his axe tightly and concentrated his full strength into this one strike.

"Rip –"

This strike produced an almost inaudible noise, as if someone was tearing up a thin piece of paper.

Compared to the three star warrior Landes' [Explosive Sun Strike], which was so fancy that its energy almost covered up the sky, Fei's strike was plain and looked like a lumberjack was hacking at a tree.

But to everyone's surprise, Landes' 4 to 5 yard (m) long energy slash which seemed to be able to destroy the sky was chopped in half by Fei's axe. The two waves of energy flew past Fei and disappeared after a small explosion.

At the same time, very quickly-

"Tink, tink tink, tink, tink!"

Numerous sparks appeared in mid-air. The two were fighting in mid-air at a speed that human eyes couldn't even follow. The sound of metal colliding and sparks from the collisions were suddenly the center of the battle. Soon, both of them roared and backed off...

"Tap, tap, tap!"

Both of them were pushed a couple steps back and breathed heavily as they landed.

In the series of exchanges, both of them had used their most powerful skills. Landes relied on his sophisticated sword techniques. Like a phantom, he stabbed at Fei twenty eight times in a single breath. Because the axe was very heavy, Fei only was able to strike six times; he tried really hard to block the attacks with his huge axe most of the time...

Both of them didn't leave any wounds on the other's body as they had wish. Although Landes kept his calm demeanor, he was inwardly shocked.

He started to rush towards Fei and the strongmen right after he received the command from the silver masked knight, but due to the large number of retreating soldiers and the fast pushing speed of Fei and his followers, he wasn't able to arrive on time until the Tower Shield-Dragon Lance formation was destroyed. The spearmen and swordsmen formations were dismantled and the siege ladders and trebuchets were almost all gone.

When he finally arrived at the center of the battlefield, he instantly identified the unstoppable opponent who was covered in blood and leading the massacre. It was the 'beast' who injured him on Chambord's defensive wall yesterday. The bloodiness and wild nature of the 'beast' had left a scar in his mind, and he was still a little bit scared of the 'beast' even after a full day. He was hesitating and didn't attack right after he arrived.

Landes gave up his pride as a three star warrior and hid in the chaotic sea of soldiers and attempted a sneak attack.

He was trying to finish off his nightmare off with his [Explosive Sun Strike], but who knew that the 'beast' seemed to be ready and didn't panic under the sneak attack. The beast jumped up and chopped the air in half with his physical strength and cracked his proud technique [Explosive Sun Strike].

"What level of physical strength does he have?"

From the mid-air combat, Landes felt the ferocious strength of his opponent. Compared with their previous battle, the beast's strength had increased by almost double. Every strike of his that hit the "door-sized" axe caused his arm to become numb from the force of the impact. It was as if he was trying to pierce a hundred-layered iron.

After Landes landed, he didn't dare underestimate Fei. He gathered up all his energy and maintained his peak strength. Red energy flames covered him completely, which got rid of the numbness in his arm. He was ready for battle.

On the other side.

After that short exchange, Fei had also obtained a lot of information.

The physical strength of a level 12 Barbarian was enough to handle a three star warrior and their energy, but the Barbarian class lacked proper techniques. Fei sharply sensed that although Barbarians were the masters of close ranged combat and could master all types of weapons, they hadn't developed a complete system of techniques. Except for their incredible special skills like Warcry, the combat skills and techniques of Barbarians were sorely lacking compared to the warriors on Azeroth Continent.

"It looks like I have to spend some time to learn more combat skills and techniques."

Although Fei was thinking, his movements didn't slow down at all. He hit his armour with his axe. "Tink!" It sounded as if the sound smashed the enemies in their hearts. Then he roared to the sky "Bless me, God of War", and his axe turned into a blade storm in his hand and struck at Landes.

"Tink! Tink! Tink! Tink! Tink! Tink!"

The sound of metal colliding.

Landes' attack speed was way faster than Fei, but his strength was not as strong. Whenever Fei striked, Landes' sword would turn into a shadow and pierce at the same spot on the axe a couple times to cancel out the terrifying power of the axe.

It was a battle between two different types of power.

One was wild and powerful, full of destruction.

One was complex and dense, and could strike more than ten times in a second.

Landes had utilized his three star warrior's energy completely. The spilling energy flew away from the battle like meteorites. They smashed into the bridge, causing small pieces of stones from the bridge to fly everywhere.

In a while, more and more dust and stone chips were blown to the sky; even the blood and limbs on the ground were blown up. They spun and whirled in the air and slowly formed a red cyclone. Looking from afar, it was like a growing bloody red tornado.

The tornado grew bigger and bigger and completely enveloped Landes and Fei. Only sounds of metal colliding and loud roars came from inside the tornado, and the people on the outside couldn't see what was happening on the inside.

The battle was very aggressive.

The bloody red tornado had separated the bridge in half. Both the strongmen such as Pierce and Drogba on the north side and enemies on the south side of the bridge couldn't participate in the battle. They had to stand far away and observe. They had to wait for the result of the battle; they felt intense and their hearts beat wildly.

Because of the 'break time', the chaotic enemies had slowly calmed down. Some enemy officers shouted and commanded, trying to reassemble their formations. After the Supervision Team chopped off more than twenty heads of deserters and placed them on the tip of their lances, the chaos finally stopped.

Seeing this comforted Landes, who was having a hard battle with Fei. He yelled at a couple of enemy officers, "I will hold him off! You guys go and kill off the rest of them!"

The effect of the battle between Fei and Landes was too powerful; the whole bridge was cut off and the ordinary soldiers couldn't pass through it. They would be blended into pieces along with their weapons and armour by the overflowing energy. However, it wasn't that hard for the officers who possessed some energy. After hearing Landes' shout, a couple enemy officers who were desperate to earn military honours jumped up and moved towards the strongmen to kill them, while trying to avoid the battle between Fei and Landes.

"Fuck off!"

Fei roared as he saw what the enemy officers wanted to do.

A terrifying power hit the enemies like a sound wave and shook their souls.

It was the [Howl] of the Barbarian.

The level 5 [Howl] was much stronger than the [Howl] Fei used on Landes the day before. It had not only scared Landes and caused him to attack slower, but also terrified the four enemy officers who jumped up. Their energies froze for a second in their bodies; they all fell from mid-air into the bloody red tornado and were blended into meat paste by Fei's axe.


A series of gasps filled the bridge. Taking the life of four enemy officers who were all almost one star warriors using only a shout was a performance that almost caused the soldiers on both sides to bite their tongues. The enemy's newly reassembled formation was getting chaotic again; many enemies felt their legs trembling uncontrollably.

"Don't be scared! Keep going, the master had commanded: anyone who kills an enemy on the bridge will be rewarded 1,000 gold coins..."

As Landes pressured Fei with thirty three continuous strikes, he encouraged the officers. Bravery would appear under heavy rewards. The quality of the enemies was demonstrated by the reward; dozens of officers who possessed some level of energy jumped up and flew towards the strongmen.


Fei roared again, [Howl] was initiated and the devastating mind power exploded.

"Whoosh, whoosh...!"

Five or six enemy officers fell off again and were blended as they screamed. However, Landes reacted quickly this time and [Explosive Sun Strike] was aimed at Fei's face. The red flame energy filled the sky and suppressed Fei's power. Finally, about eight of nine enemy officers were able to successfully jump over the bloody red tornado and grinned evilly as they sprang towards the strongmen.

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Chapter 54

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Chapter 54: Together with the King

Instantly, Pierce and Drogba roared and led the charge on the enemies; the battle between the strongmen and the enemy officers began.

The strongmen, including Pierce and Drogba didn't have any energy, and their fighting techniques weren't as sophisticated as the enemy officers who had more experience in wars. They were no match to the enemy officers fighting one on one, but fortunately they had more men, as well as the help from the 'magic water' in the red and blue water bags. None of them were afraid of death, so their fighting style was made to literally perish along with the enemies. Oleg who was a one star warrior, so he was able to hold for a while; no one was sure who would emerge victorious in this battle.

However, casualties were unavoidable.

An enemy officer dodged the axe strike of a strongman, and sung his sword like a poisonous snake; it went through the tiny gaps between the pieces of armour and penetrated the strongman's stomach...

The strongman's body froze under that injury; it obvious that he wouldn't be able to live through it.

But before the enemy officer could laugh and pull out his sword, the officer was horrified to discover that the man he had severely wounded threw away the axe and locked him down with his arms. The strongman's clamping arms strangled him tightly, and the officer had a hard time to breathing. Before he could react at all, the wounded strongman shouted, "Hail King Alexander!" and viciously charged, aiming at the other enemy officers. In a series of gasps, the strongman shoved two other enemy officers who didn't have time to dodge, and all four of them fell into the river. Instantly, they were turned into piles of white bones by the human-eating water beasts that had gathered under the bridge.

The self-sacrificing strategy of the strongman had scared all of the other enemy officers.


After seeing the strongman Breno fall to his death in the river, Pierce felt like someone had stabbed him in the heart. He didn't dodge and let one officer pierce him through his leg, and then he countered with a powerful smash. The smash had knocked the enemy's head into his chest.

The battle was getting more and more intense, and both parties had suffered casualties.

The autumn wind blew through the battlefield and echoed the solemn and tragic atmosphere in the sky.

These strongmen may have only been unremarkable and ordinary people, but they all shined with unparalleled glory following Breno's shout and decisive and tragic leap into the Zuli River.

The strongmen who were showered in blood had built a wall of flesh with their lives on this ancient stone bridge; even if they had to die, they would protect their kingdom and families behind their backs.

Under the shadow of blades and the flurry of blood.

The heroes' marching steps were firm and steady. Even if they were pierced by blades, even if their arms were chopped off, even if blood spurted in their helmets…they would never take a step back. They all yelled, "Hail the King!" as they charged into the enemies who were stronger than them. They didn't hesitate to block the way of the mocking enemies who possessed energy and wanted to slaughter them.

The intensity of the battle couldn't even be described. Eventually, the enemy officers were shaken by the murderous will of the opponents and didn't dare face the group of opponents who were weaker than them. They were scared and some of them turned around and tried to escape...

Numerous people stood on the defensive walls of Chambord silently as tears filled their eyes. Flames of anger were burning in everyone's eyes. Their blood was boiling uncontrollably and their hands which were holding weapons started trembling from anger. Some soldiers couldn't hold back anymore and roared as they glided down the rope that was hanging off of the defensive wall. They were willing to support their troops and families who had built that human wall!

Fei who was battling the three star warrior Landes witnessed all of that.

After seeing the strongman Breno jump into the river with the enemy, an unprecedented sadness filled his heart, as if he had lost a loved one. Fei felt something was burning in his body, and if he didn't relieve it soon, he would be burned into ashes...

Fei roared as he turned around.

The twenty two strongmen were brought out of the castle by him. Except for Breno who had already sacrificed his own life, Fei swore to himself to bring the twenty one strongmen back safely to Chambord.

Landes left four or five startling wounds on Fei's back as he turned around, but Fei didn't acknowledge him at all. The axe turned into a blade storm again in Fei's hand and chopped the remaining enemy officers into pieces. Fei shouted to the rest of the strongmen, "Retreat...Go back, go back to the castle! Warriors, our mission has been completed!"

However –

"We will stay together with the King – !"

It was a unanimous response from the strongmen; there was no hesitation. Some of them still had broken blades stuck in their bodies, shocking bloody holes in their armour, and were only able to stand up with the help of their companions. However, their decision was as firm as a mountain and none of them wanted to back off.

Fei was touched and anxious at the same time.

He struck horizontally to rip through the air and dodged Landes' snake-like sword that was stabbing directly at his head. Fei shouted, "Pierce, I command you as the king: bring my warriors back to Chambord right now! Don't disobey my order... Trust me, I have a way out of this."

Pierce lowered his head and avoided Fei's eyes.

As a soldier of the King's Guards, he had thousands of reasons to stay behind and fight alongside the king. If the king was as unstoppable as before, retreating was also an option. However, all of them could see that after the appearance of the enemy's three star warrior, Alexander couldn't battle as easily as before. Both of them were equally powerful, and none of them could defeat the other quickly. If they retreated right now, it meant that they would have left the King behind in an extremely dangerous situation...They would rather bleed and die on the battlefield than leave their King in danger.

After avoiding Fei's stare, Pierce and Drogba led the strongmen to drink the water in the water bags silently. Before the wounds on their bodies could recover properly, they reformed their awl 'V' formation and Pierce acted as the awl tip and led the charge.

"Your Majesty, the siege ladders and trebuchets have already been destroyed. We will stay behind, please return back to Chambord!" Pierce yelled as he charged.

Fei didn't say anything as he saw that.

He knew that in this situation, even if used his stats as the King, he wouldn't be able to command the stubborn warriors back to the castle. He changed up his fighting style and gave up any kind of defense. He also took on the self-sacrificing strategy, and aimed every strike at the vital points on Landes' body.

"Hahaha, you are cornered! This is useless, none of you can live!"

Landes' laughed. He had already saw their victory, so he didn't fight Fei with his full force. If he could drag out the battle with these fully armoured opponents, as time went on, they could exhaust the opponents with their number advantage.

Fei definitely understood Landes' plan.

He even saw the teams of enemies that were approaching the bridge carrying long bows and huge arrows in their quivers on the other side of the bank. Although they were still almost a mile away, his Barbarian instinct warned Fei about the great amount of threats those archers had.

However, Fei suddenly felt something much more threatening than those archers,causing his mind to become clouded. The terrifying feeling made him feel like he was the target of deadly snake who was sneaking up on him.

Fei had quickly identified the source of that threatening feeling –

On the tip of the south side of bridge, a black cloud of fog was slowly diffusing. A black figure was steadily moving inside the cloud of fog, and Fei who was experienced and had a clear understanding of magic under the Sorcerer Mode could clearly sense the strong and aggressive magical power field around that figure. It was beyond Fei's expectation; even under the assault of the most powerful boss he had faced in the Diablo World – Griswald, he didn't feel that threatened...

"It's a master mage...Far beyond a three star rank!"

Fei was shocked. Instantly, he knew that the real danger was about to arrive.

He didn't expect a super boss to hide in the enemy's troops. The situation turned from bad to worse. Once that figure in the black fog got closer than three hundred yards (m), which was the average magic coverage of spells, Fei and the strongmen wouldn't have any chance to escape.

What was even more daunting was that the appearance of such a mage meant that all the hard work they had put into this mission was wasted. A mage that was above three stars was over twenty times more threatening to Chambord than the six trebuchets.

Hei guiz, If you wanna play diablo 3, its 5 bucks off. Help defend me from getting shanked by Fish balls please. tyty XOXO

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Chapter 55

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Chapter 55: Fei's Plan

"I must find a way to kill that mage!" Fei thought.

With Fei's strength, he was having a hard time fighting a three star warrior; to kill a mage who had an even higher rank than three stars and was under the protection of the enemy troops would have been as difficult as going to the moon. He was trying to think of a possible plan while he was in combat against Landes, but he couldn't come up with anything. Even if he was in Barbarian Mode, Paladin Mode or Sorcerer Mode, his power and strength were no match for a mage that was possibly four or even five star ranked.

In a few moments, the strongmen had approached. They wanted to surpass Fei and block off three star warrior Landes to help Fei retreat.

"It can't be delayed!" Fei decided.

He knew that time was very tight. Any kind of delay could result in their complete annihilation.

Fei suddenly roared and initiated Barbarian [Howl] again. A frightening wave of mind power swept out and scared away the approaching enemies. After pushing Landes back a little with his strike, Fei suddenly jumped into the air. His hands held the axe tightly and struck down as if he wanted to chop a mountain in half.

This strike was too powerful. Sparks emerged from the blade of the axe from the friction in the air, as if a meteorite was about to hit the Earth.

Landes was surprised; he didn't dare take on this strike.


Suddenly, the bridge cracked, and dust and stone chips flew everywhere. The whole bridge seemed to shake. Some large rocks that were attached to the bottom of the bridge fell into the river; the impacts created a series of skyrocketing water columns!

"Hahaha, you chicken! A three star warrior can't take my strike?"

Fei mocked Landes. He stood on the bridge firmly and pointed the tip of his axe at Landes. At that moment, it felt like he wasn't the only one standing there, but rather there were thousands of troops behind him. The domineering impression created an oppressive feeling for the enemies who were ready to make their move.

"Go back!"

After Fei mocked the enemies, his expression changed and he shook his arm.

A huge amount of strength was sent from his arms, and he pushed back the strongmen who were about to charge past him. Faced with the physical strength of a Barbarian, the strongmen felt like they had run into a hard wall and stumbled as they were sent back.

Before anyone could react, Fei jumped up again just like before and concentrated his strength and chopped down.

The axe blade turned red again under the high speed that created friction in the air. With a burning sensation, the axe was aimed at Landes. It had unparalleled momentum.

In mid-air, Fei yelled, "Haha, who dares to take this on?"

No one dared. Including the three star warrior Landes, all the enemies backed off to hide from this strike.

Within the thousands of enemies, no one dared to take on the beast who had blown open the Tower Shield-Dragon Lance formation. When faced against beasts who sacrificed their own lives to take down ensues, their only option was to back off.

But Fei didn't take that as an answer.

He continuously jumped up and chopped down at the enemies, not caring about his stamina at all. He was like a mad beast, pushing into the enemy grounds step by step. No one dare to stop him, nor even respond to his stares.

"Tree! Tree!! Tree!!! Tree!!!! Tree!!!!!"

"What? No one dares to take me on?"

"Hahaha, are all of you cowards who hide your heads in your pants?"

"Pooh! Landes, where is your pride as a warrior? Come fight me!"

"Who dares to battle with me?"


After every single strike, Fei would mock the enemies and take a step forward.

His proud expression was like an emperor glancing at his own territories, and no one dared to look at him. Every time Fei took a step forward, the enemies would tremble and take a step back. Even Landes was pressured by Fei's strikes; he didn't doubt that if he took Fei's strike head on, even with the energy shield of a three star warrior, he would be chopped into two pieces. That fear forced him to move back continuously.

In just seven or eight seconds, Fei had struck eight times.

All these strike smashed onto the bridge like lightning and the whole bridge shook violently. Many huge stones and rocks fell into the river and killed dozens of bloodthirsty water beasts who were fighting for the corpses. The surface of the river turned into the colour red.

The enemies had backed off sixteen or seventeen yards(m) from the pressure of a single man and his axe.

After the eight strikes, Fei paused and started laughing. The enemies backed off slowly in the laughter of their opponent.

Fei glanced at the enemies disdainfully, then he suddenly took a couple steps back rather than forward and jumped up again – Barbarian [Leap]. He jumped up five or six yards (m) into the air and struck down with all the strength he had.

This strike was surprisingly not aimed at the enemies, but rather at the surface of the bridge behind him.


The axe Barbarian Fei was using couldn't handle his monstrous strength anymore, and the thick black twisting handle whined and broke in half.

The huge power collided with the surface of the bridge and the loud sound caused everyone to instantly cover up their ears. The enemies who were close and weren't that strong had their eardrums shattered, and blood flowed out of their ears. Some enemies were so stunned that they couldn't stand properly and fell off of the bridge...

The power of the strike that Fei demonstrated felt like the wrath of the gods.

All of the enemies' faces were pale.

After the shock, many people including Pierce suddenly had a question on their minds, "Why would Alexander turn around and strike the bridge?"

After the dust and stone chips cleared, everyone could see past the bridge again. Fei stood on the bridge and his chest heaved heavily. It was obvious that after such desperate strikes, Fei was exhausted.

He stood there quietly.

With half of the axe handle in his hand, Fei stared at Landes with a sneer on his face.

For a moment, a rare silence spread through the entire battlefield.

Everyone could even hear their own rapid breathing.

Suddenly, something happened.


Everyone heard a tiny sound.

The tiny sound was as soft as the whining of insects, but it hit everyone's heart as hard as thunder. Everyone couldn't help but panic, they were horror-struck as they found out that spider web-like cracks appeared under Fei's feet.

Suddenly, like a flash of light, many people understood Fei's intentions – Fei's nine terrifying strikes weren't done for the purpose of killing enemies, but to create cracks on the surface of the bridge. The whole bridge was covered with cracks and began to collapse.

The stone bridge started to shake violently.

"Crack! Crack! Crack!"

The cracks were getting bigger and bigger.

Huge support stones and rocks broke off of the bridge and smashed into the Zuli River hundreds of yards (m) below and created large ripples in the water.

"Shit-! The bridge is about to collapse!"

Landes almost crapped his pants. Even if he knew what Fei's intentions were, he didn't have time to stop him. He stomped on the ground aggressively and used his energy to push himself back quickly. Even if he was a three star warrior, if he fell into the fast flowing river, there was no way for him to survive under the sharp teeth of the thousands of bloodthirsty water beasts.