
Hail the King (Personal)

An ordinary student accidentally traveled into another universe and became the king of a small kingdom. He had gotten a “Cheating Code” of life and was able to complete something extraordinary. This is the story about a king that was able to conquer continents and leave behind him an ultimate legend that will be recited between every generation to come. This is not my work, if this is your work you can ask me to delete it. Thank you.

Tushar_Vashishta · Jeux vidéo
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58 Chs

Ch 261 - Ch 265

Chapter 261: Maybe One Day

All four exits were guarded by Chambordians.

At the first exit, a red-haired warrior with a huge sword was guarding it. This man had a lightning elemental warrior energy, and his punching speed was so fast that it was hard to catch. Arshavin who was a six-star warrior was only able to roughly see where this man's fists were. It would be very difficult for him to dodge the fists if he tried. Arshavin knew this man mastered a lightning elemental combat technique.

At the second exit, there were two huge men wearing strange armors. One of them was black-haired, and the other one was white-haired. Their muscular bodies would allow them to create a dragon-roaring noise whenever they swung their fists, and it made them look like two beasts in human skins. In addition, their combat techniques were advanced; those two techniques felt ancient and mysterious like the stars.

At the third exit, there was a beautiful female magic archer who Arshavin saw on the Peak of East Mountain at Chambord. Compared to a month ago, this magic archer's power had almost quadrupled. The storm-like arrows and vast magic power on those arrows told [Zenit's God of War] that this archer didn't use any combat techniques. The damage was purely done by this archer's lightning, ice, and fire magic power as well as her archery skills. However, this girl wasn't weaker than the red-haired warriors who was guarding the first exit.

At the fourth exit, there was a handsome blonde young man. This man's archery skill was like an art. He looked like an elf who was dancing under the moon as he used the bow and arrows. What was the most surprising was that there weren't any magic power on the arrows that this young man shot out, but they contained a mysterious power. Arshavin didn't know what power that was, but he felt like those arrows could pierce through any armors; the bodily protective warrior energy of four-star warriors couldn't protect again these arrows at all. Beside this young man, there was a huge fat dude. Although he hadn't got the chance to show what he had, he had a chilling and demonic sensation around him; it was obvious that he was a great warrior as well.

Four exits, six master warriors.

The six warriors with these powers would be invited and recruited by the superpowers at St. Petersburg as well as the top ten battle legions.

"Since when did the monster-like King Alexander of Chambord cultivate these master warriors? Since when did Chambord acquire such an impressive amount of power?"

Arshavin who had been through a lot of life-and-death moments on the battlefield was shocked by the one-sided massacre.

Besides the shock, [Zenit's God of War] who was very influential in the empire sensed a vague threat.

"If this trend continues, would King of Chambord be strong enough to stand up against Zenit?"


In the sky, on top of the dark cloud.

The talkative number one traveling poet of the empire, Matt Razi, stopped talking for some reason. He squinted his eyes as he looked at the battle happening below him; he was so taken that he even forgot to drink his wine. The flames were getting bigger and bigger, and it symbolized the end of Blood-Edge Mercenary Group... The speed of this ending was just a little bit too fast. It was so fast that Matt Razi even closed the mouth that he was not willing to close.

However, the eyes of Krasic who was beside him lit up.

Matt Razi caught that.

"Old friend, I feel like you are moved. Are you really going to do it?" Matt Razi asked.


"You know what kind of strength Chambord has now, and do you know what that would mean for the empire?"


"So you are still going to do it?"


"Ah... There so many things that are not controllable in life. What can you do with powerful strength? What can you do with noble status? What can you do with everyone respecting you? It is all just a game, and only the most powerful person would win the final prize!"

Matt Razi said as if he was summarizing the journey of life.


Krasic moved, and he turned into the dash of light that disappeared into the darkness.




When Fei reached out for the [Demon King's Wisdom], a series of silver energy rippled, and an invisible shield appeared to block Fei's fingers.

The repulsion force from this energy shield was so strong that Fei wouldn't even make a tiny dent on its surface.

At this time, Fei found out surprisingly that there were six stone lanterns that were also floating in the air. There weren't wicks nor fuel in the lanterns, but there were green fires burning inside them. The six stone lanterns were chained together by eighteen stone chains that had a ton of symbols and characters on them, and they together surrounded [Demon King's Wisdom] as if they were moons that surrounded the earth.

Perhaps Fei's attention was completely drawn by [Demon King's Wisdom], and that caused him not to see the stone lanterns and stone chains.

He tried to get the book several times, but he wasn't able to do so.

Fei frowned as he tried to come up with plans. He had to get everything in here; the golden skeleton, the [Demon King's Wisdom], the stone lanterns and chains, the silver energy and symbols on the walls... they were all secretive, and he couldn't let them fall into the hands of others.

Soon, he had an idea.


He used one of the three miraculous skill [Summon] and created another sky-blue portal.

He walked through it and appeared in [Rogue Encampment].

It looked like that mysterious stone room didn't block Fei from using his skills nor his portals. Since that succeeded, he was able to continue with his plan.

If the plan worked, he would be able to turn this stone room into his own backyard garden.


After ten minutes.

Blue lights flashed, and Fei reappeared in the dark pit in the underground. When he stepped on the same footprints, the cranking mechanism gear noises sounded again. After a light buzzing noise, the portal disappeared.

Fei used his spiritual power and pushed all the bones to aside.

Behind those footprints, there were two foot-shaped mechanisms.

They were like two paddles, and two mid-tier magic stones would be pushed into the magic array on the wall to activate it when someone stepped on them. When they were stepped on again, the two magic stones would be taken out of the array, and the teleport portal would close due to a lack of power.

This explained why Fei was able to activate the portal the first time.

After observing the mechanisms, his feet sent a force downward and destroyed all of them. The mechanisms were turned into dust along with the bones, and no trace was left behind. Then, Fei placed his palms on the wall and rubbed it. After he took his palms off of the wall, a ton of stone dust fell off, and the magic array was completely wiped out. Since the walls in the pit were rough to begin with, no one would be able to tell that there was a magic array on this wall before.

After Fei inspected it again and made sure it was clean, he jumped out of the deep pit.

The underground hall was still being lit up by the treasures and valuables, and it felt like nothing had happened. Fei was sure that even Sun-Class Lords won't be able to enter that mysterious stone room without that magic array to lead them.

Also, Fei suddenly understood what was going on.

It was obvious that another person came to this underground hall and entered that mysterious stone room frequently.

If Fei wasn't wrong, it was the leader of Blood-Edge.

That man was really lucky. It seemed like this man was trying to build a deep underground warehouse in this pre-existing cave, but he was able to activate that mysterious magic array and entered the stone room. After he saw the golden skeleton and [Demon King's Wisdom], he realized the value of them, and he killed all the workers to keep the secret to himself.

However, since this leader of Blood-Edge wasn't that strong, he couldn't approach that golden skeleton and get that war axe, and he couldn't break away the shield guarding [Demon King's Wisdom]. He was only able to see the knowledge that was being displayed from afar and learn the basic magic traps and mechanisms.

It seemed like all the magic traps that were set up in the entrance were done by the leader of Blood-Edge to prevent others from coming in.

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Chapter 262

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Chapter 262: This Man is A Blood-Edge Member

However, since the leader of Blood-Edge didn't understand the knowledge recorded in the book in detail, he wasn't able to do it properly. The design of the traps made Fei who was great under Assassin Mode clap his hands, but the leader of Blood-Edge butchered the implementation and execution of it. If Fei was the only who created the traps, the power of those traps would at least double; they would easily block the path for six-star or seven-star warriors.

This also explained why Fei was able to find books and scrolls that covered the translation between the ancient text and modern language. It was probably because the leader of Blood-Edge was really careful and didn't want to let translators see the content of [Demon King's Wisdom]. He decided to learn the ancient text himself and slowly understand the book.

It was fortunate that the leader of Blood-Edge was careful, and the news of that mysterious stone room didn't leak out. Otherwise, the superpowers at Zenit would have detected it and secured this treasure before Fei.

In fact, Fei's guesses were 90% accurate.

That was what happened.

A man can only plan for so much. After the leader of Blood-Edge discovered this place, he held onto the secret tightly; even his closest henchman didn't know about the mysterious space in the underground hall.

From now on, Fei was the only one who knew about the existence of that mysterious stone room.

A lot was gained unexpectedly in this operation to take out Blood-Edge.

The only thing that made Fei a little upset was that the calling sensation came from the golden skeleton, and that skeleton made him feel very familiar and intimate. However, Fei couldn't get close to the skeleton under his current power level, and he couldn't really understand what message that calling sensation was conveying.

It looked like he had to take it slow.

As Fei was turning around and getting ready to leave.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!


After a series of loud explosions and gear grinding noises, Fei knew that other people had come in. It was obvious that master warriors were using their warrior energies to destroy the magic traps. Also, a series of soldiers whining and screaming noises were also mixed in with all these other sounds.

Actually, Fei wasn't really surprised.

After he walked into the tunnel, he didn't seal the entrance to the underground hall. All the other forces at St. Petersburg saw the end of Blood-Edge and wanted to come and take their share of the resources. When they saw the tunnel behind the throne, they all rushed in one after another with their minds filled with greed. They encountered the magic traps and mechanical obstacles, and they were using brute force to pass through them.

Fei didn't try to hide his existence.

As the exploding and colliding noises became closer and closer, Fei used the last bit of alone time to search the underground hall to make sure that he didn't miss any treasures that were important.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

"We passed! Finally!"

"Quick! Get in! I smelled treasure!"

"Who dares to fight with our Beag Family?"

"Fight? Don't forget our agreement!"

After the last bit of dense exploding noises, the magic traps and mechanical obstacles were all cleared. A lot of people were shouting at each other as they rushed in, and Fei was quite familiar with some of their voices. All these people were literally charging at the treasures with their red eyes.

"Ah, gold, magic gems….. Haha, mountains of them!"

"Damn, Blood-Edge has a lot of accumulations. We already cleared ten treasure warehouses, and there are more here in this basement?"

"Huh? God, so many items... weapons ... armors... so sturdy and so sharp... Used hundred-forge technique? So many?"

"So many items made from refined iron... Enough to equipment a medium size cavalry team."

"Every piece of weapon or armor would worth more than a hundred gold coins, and there isn't enough supply for all the demand. How can these bastards of Blood-Edge get so many of these precious items?"

The first ones that charged in were the frontline soldiers of these superpowers. They were all promised a lot of rewards as long as they cooperated with the master warriors. They used their lives to help the master warriors to get through the magic traps like suicide squads. Under the pressure of death, those soldiers were all thirsty for treasures and ignored everything else. With wounds on their bodies, they shouted and ran around like prisoners who saw a lot of beautiful women.

Greedy and raw desire shone in their eyes.

If the superpowers didn't pressure them down, they would be killing each other.

At this time, a man saw Fei. "Huh? There is someone else here."

"Must be a member of Blood-Edge who wasn't killed off. Looks like he is not a low-status mercenary. Let's all kill him and use his head for rewards!" Someone clenched his blade as he suggested to everyone around him. Since they knew Fei wasn't one of them, their desire to kill grew; they didn't care if Fei was really a member of Blood-Edge. In fact, those soldiers even wanted to kill their peers to keep all the treasure to themselves.

That provocation worked.

"Let's go!"


They saw that Fei was young and was alone, and the last bit of hesitation in their minds was gone.

"I'm not a member of Blood-Edge." Fei said clearly.

"Bullsh*t! Kill him!" The soldiers shouted: "If you don't want to die, drop your weapon and let us search you."

"Huh! Greedy bastards!"

Fei didn't bother to explain himself twice to the soldiers who couldn't think clearly. He sneered, and an invisible energy shot out of his body. More than twenty soldiers who were running at him were knocked back like eggs smashed onto stones; they flew back while puking up blood. When they landed on the ground, they all looked at Fei in shock; they couldn't even stand up.

Fei already held back.

If these soldiers weren't from the superpowers that he had an agreement with and he didn't care for these soldiers, he could have used his level 40 Barbarian's strength and turned these soldiers into blood mists and bones.

After sensing Fei's power, all the soldiers started to back off while staring at each other's face.

At this moment –

"What is going on? Who is he?" A man and a woman walked into the hall as the man asked with an arrogant voice.

The one in the front was a young beautify woman who had a perfect figure. She was wearing a silver armor, and she was the princess Beyoncé Beag of Beag Family.

This woman had met Fei once before, and they had a confrontation. As the VIP audiences of Fei's duel were targeted by the Spartax Assassins, the genius of Dean Family was killed, and Beyoncé's grandfather was killed as well. But under the protection of her grandfather, Beyoncé survived. However, both Fei and Beyoncé weren't expecting to see each other tonight. It was obvious that Beag Family was one of the participates in tonight's operation.

Behind Beyonce, there was a young mage. He was wearing a black robe and a silver crown with a ruby inlaid in it. There were five stars on the robe of the mage, and it showed his five-star mage status. Since the young man was only twenty-three, twenty-four years old, he would be considered a genius with his five-star power. Although the man was young and handsome with the brown long hair, he looked arrogant as if he was better than anyone else.

"Huh?" Beyonce was surprised to see Fei here.

"You know him?" The young mage frowned.

A strange light flashed through Beyonce eyes. After a short moment of pause, she said something made Fei a little surprised.

"I don't know him." She said.

The young mage was a little relieved. He looked around and said to one of the soldiers that were on the ground: "Lafa, what is going on?"

That soldier slowly got up, looked at Fei viciously, and kneeled down in front of the young man. "Your Highness, this man is a member of Blood-Edge. He is arrogant, and he is not willing to surrender." Lafa said in a wronged tone.

"Oh? Kill him!" The young mage said lightly.

After he couldn't sense any warrior energy or magic power from Fei, he looked at Fei in disdain. He then quickly moved his eyes onto the items in the hall. It was obvious that he was more interested in the treasures and weapons.

But after a while.

The young mage looked back at the soldiers who were hesitating; the soldiers didn't execute on his command.

"Huh? What? You guys dare to disobey me?" The young mage got angry.

"Your Highness... He... He is too powerful. We... We couldn't defeat him..." The soldier named Lafa stuttered as he said.

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Chapter 263

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Chapter 263: Do You know Who I Am?

"You disappoint me..." The young mage said as he pressed his palm onto Lafa's forehead. A cloud of fire suddenly appeared on his hand and instantly created a burned and nose-piercing roasted smell. The poor soldier cried and screamed in desperation, but that didn't help him survive the flame. After a few seconds of torture, his body turned into a cloud of ash. "What can you do? Trash..." The young man murmured as he cleaned his hand with a delicate golden handkerchief.

The entire underground hall turned silent.

All the soldiers looked at the young man while shivering; they were all scared by the man's cruelty. As a response, they all kneeled down and didn't dare to breathe heavily.

"You can suicide now so you don't have to go through the pain of getting burned up." The young man smiled at Fei.

"I'm not a member of Blood-Edge." Fei shook his head as he said.

"Doesn't matter if you are one of them or not. I just want to see you die in front of my eyes." The young man smiled again; he didn't hide his disdain at all.

"Oh? Interesting." Fei laughed. The King of Chambord hated people who were arrogant in front of him. He felt like pranking this young man, so he said: "Do you know who I am?"

"I don't need to know who you are, you just need to know who I am." The young man said with a cold expression on his face: "I want you died, so you have to die."

"Oh? Interesting. Can you tell me who you are?" Fei was still smiling.

"Low life, you talk too much." The young mage started to get impatient. He lightly raised his hand, and red flame reappeared in his palm. The fire increased the temperature of the underground hall by several degrees, and the young mage pointed the flame at Fei as he lightly said his name: "Chrystal, the fourth prince of the empire. Now you know my name, so die!"


A ton of fire spread from his arm, and the fire made everyone feel like the entire hall was being burned. Then, all of the fire circled in the air and formed a huge dragon. In an angry roar, the dragon charged at Fei and soon enveloped his body.

It was Fire Elemental Magic – [Fire of Dragon], a spell on the level of peak Four-Star mage.

Although Chrystal didn't give it all he got, this [Fire of Dragon] was one of his proudest attack magic.

Every time the fire turned the opponents that he hated into beautiful ashes, Chrystal would feel a satisfaction while listening to the screams and the whining.

Now, he was anticipating the arrogant and poor opponent in front of him to become the source of his joy.

He closed his eyes and couldn't wait to hear the terrifying screams and begs for forgiveness that was like music to his ears.

However –

After more than a dozen seconds, there wasn't any "music".

He opened his eyes.

He saw something that shocked him.

The roaring fire dragon that [Fire of Dragon] created suddenly got quiet, and it wasn't able to move forward anymore.

One hand grabbed onto the neck of the fire dragon through the heat and fire as if it was a cat. As if that fire that could melt iron encountered something terrifying, it whined as it started to disappear. In a few seconds, the four-star fire elemental magic [Fire of Dragon] was put out.

The method used was to lightly squeeze it with one hand.

Fourth prince Chrystal's pupil contracted instantly.

He was arrogant, but he wasn't an idiot. It was obvious that the power the man in front of him had was far beyond his imagination. His opponent destroyed his attack with a single hand, and his opponent told him that he was no match for him with silence.

"Who are you?" Chrystal's face got serious as he asked. He didn't try to attack the second time; he knew he would be embarrassing himself even if he tried his best.

"Didn't you say that you don't need to know who I am?"

Fei put down his hand as he answered with a smile. However, this smile no longer looked weak in Chrystal's eyes; it looked like the calm before the storm.

The fourth prince Chrystal paused for a second and said with an ugly face: "Strength won't give you the privilege of being reckless in front of a prince."

"Haha, the status of a prince also won't give you the privilege to be reckless in front of someone who is a lot stronger than you. Your Highness, I need to be honest. From now on, I don't want to hear any noise from you. Don't act so superior in front of me because of your little status and shut your mouth. Otherwise, I can't promise you that I will let you leave here in one piece..." Fei suddenly heard more footsteps from the entrance of the tunnel, and he lost the interest in teasing this arrogant and sick little prince.


The fourth prince got angry, but all the anger and pride disappeared as he saw the ice-cold stare from his opponent. He didn't dare to say anything that might make himself look better.

The footsteps got louder and louder as another group of people appeared.

"Yeh? Alexander, so you are here. I was looking for you." Paris's eyes lit up as she saw Fei. She was in her signature white dress with a red rose in her hand. She greeted: "Hehehehe, looks like you have been here for a while."

"I just got here." Fei responded calmly.

Behind Paris, there was [Red-Beard] Granello and a dozen master warriors from Imperial Patrol. In the center of this group of people, there was a handsome young man, who was prettier than a woman, with a little dog that was disabled in his arms. This man was still quite sleepy as he staggered around while his long black hair fluttering in the air.

Fei also saw Knight Captain Romain who protected Elder Princess Tanasha at Chambord. He also saw Ziene, the girl who was pretty yet powerful and protected Tanasha closely as well. Beside them, there were more than a dozen soldiers who were wearing black iron battle armor with the words [Iron Blood] engraved onto their chest plates. Those soldiers had three-star warrior energy surging around them, and Fei knew they were the master warriors from [Iron Blood Legion] that was under the command of [Zenit's God of War].

Except these two groups of people, there was also a knight who was wearing a bronze battle armor. His body was slender, and his long hair was fluttering outside of the helmet. He had a shiny crystal mask on his face that made him look very mysterious. Behind him, there were also more than a dozen master warriors dressed in bronze battle armor with crystal masks on their faces. Although their faces couldn't be seen, the chilling lights in their eyes told everyone that they were all elite warriors who had been through deadly battles.

Fei wasn't sure which force these people belonged to.

Then, a priest dressed in the robe of Holy Church slowly walked down the stairs that led to the hall. He looked peaceful, and his black and white robe was worn by him for a long time. There were a ton of patches on the robe, and these patches looked like dark flowers that blossomed on the robe. The priest was about fifty years old, and his hair and beard were turning white. He was wearing a pair of shoes made from dry straws, and a ton of scars was visible on his feet. Just like the patches on his robe, those scars looked ancient.

"Uh? From Holy Church? Are they also involved in this operation? Something smells funny..." Fei didn't react on the surface, but his brain was working extra-hard.

This old priest was alone, and he was slow; it felt like he was taking his time with every step.

There was still a ton of people behind him; although those people looked anxious, they didn't dare to surpass this priest. It wasn't just because of Holy Church's name; a powerful energy was coming off of this old priest, and it made the others tremble a little. This power was vast like the ocean, broad like the sky, and warm like the sun; even Fei was moved by it.

The old priest slowly walked into the underground hall, and he looked up at Fei before lowered his head again. He didn't look at anyone else, and he looked like he didn't care about anyone else. However, no one in the hall dared to ignore his existence.

After the old priest got down the stairs, more people rushed in.

These people had a grassroots feel to them. They all looked rough and vicious, but they were all very aware of the surroundings. Although they were wearing the same uniforms, they were using different weapons and felt very different from the warriors from Imperial Patrol and [Iron Blood Legion]. Fei sensed a familiar sensation; they were similar to the mercenaries of Blood-Edge.

In the underground hall that wasn't huge, there were more than a hundred people.

They were all staring at the mountains made from gold and magic gems, as well as the weapon racks with a ton of top-tier items that were enough to equip a medium sized cavalry team. However, no one talked.

Each of the group claimed a spot as they looked at each other with their guards up.

The invisible pressure was dispersing in the hall slowly.

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Chapter 264

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Chapter 264: I Have Something to Say

Atmosphere – Tense, heavy, and scary.

Fei was standing alone at the corner, and he was just smiling while observing the surroundings. He didn't want to talk first.

"Hehehehe, since none of you want to speak first, I will take the lead." As the person who set up the operation and talked to all parties, Paris laughed as she walked up and broke the silence. She was the one who was qualified to speak up.

With everyone's attention on her, the girl walked up to Fei and said with a smile: "Alexander, let me introduce everyone to you. Hehehe, this generous and powerful priest is Balesi from Holy Church on the Holy Mountain. He is following Mr. Kaka, [God's Favorite Child], on the trip, and they are temporarily resting at St. Petersburg..."

Fei nodded peacefully, but he was secretly in shock.

He faked the identity of [God's Favorite Child] when he used Paladin Mode in the past, and he didn't expect there was a real [God's Favorite Child] in the empire. As the [God's Favorite Child] of the Holy Church, this Kaka's status was prestige, and he shouldn't be after the money of Blood-Edge. After recalling that the church people were really friendly towards him during his duel with the Seventh Executive Knight, Fei suddenly got a little uncomfortable, and his guards went up a little bit.

After hearing Paris' introduction, Priest Balesi who looked calm and peaceful nodded. He was really neutral.

"This is Mr. Cande, the number one warriors of the [Bronze Spear] Guards of the Fellon Family..." Paris pointed at the warrior who was wearing the bronze armor as she introduced him to Fei as well.

This Fellon Family was one of the superpowers behind Blood-Edge Mercenary Group, and Blood-Edge didn't expect this family to give up on them. Fellon Family probably only did so after the situation became irreversible. Although from the information that Paris got, the Fellon Family didn't support the slave trade of Blood-Edge, Fei didn't have any good impression of this family.

It was obvious that the number one warrior of [Bronze Spear] Guard – Cande, who was behind the crystal mask, didn't have a good impression of Fei as well. This man only sneered after Paris' introduction.

However, Fei didn't care. He only nodded at Paris to show his acknowledgment.

"These people, Captain Romain and Ms. Ziene, I believe you have met before. This is the fourth prince Chrystal, and the lady beside His Highness is the successor of Beag Family, Ms. Beyonce. I believe you also met her after your duel with the Seventh Executive Knight..." Paris' attitude towards Fei was really intimate; it made everyone feel like she and Fei were a couple in love. She stood close to Fei and lightly whispered into Fei's ears as she introduced everyone – "These misters are all leaders of other big mercenary groups at St. Petersburg. This mister is the guardian of the Soros' Merchant Group's branch at St. Petersburg, Elder Ladino."

Until now, fourth prince Chrystal who had an ugly expression finally knew who this young man was. The young man who dared to make fun of him was the King of Chambord who suddenly got famous recently. After thinking about what this man did, Chrystal felt like he was being treated fairly. After all, the man in front of him dared to offend the Imperial Knight Palace.

However, the fourth princes' competitiveness grew even wilder after knowing Fei's identity.

Both of them were the geniuses of the young generation, but Chrystal was a royalty of the empire who was born with a golden spoon in his mouth. He had only been hearing flattering words when he was growing up, and he became very arrogant; he wasn't going to let a little king of an affiliated kingdom stand on top of him.

For a moment, vicious lights flashed through Chrystal's eyes.

"According to the plan we have in place, Chambord is able to get 30% of the total rewards after wiping out Blood-Edge Mercenary Group. The elder prince and the second prince would each get 15%. Preist Balesi would get 10%, Fellon Family would get 10%, fourth prince and Beag Family would get 10%, and the last 10% would be divided by the rest of the mercenary groups and Soros' Merchant Group. We shall now proceed with the current distribution plan, does anyone have any questions?"

Paris lightly stated as she glanced around with a nine-pedal rose in her hands; she was wearing her white dress as always.

"I don't have any questions." Captain Romain said first; he was always smiling with his baby face. He looked at Fei and greeted: "Long time no see your majesty. I need to congratulate you since you became famous at the capital and Chambord is able to take revenge tonight."

Beside him, the purple-dressed girl Ziene who always had a cold expression on her face showed a rare smile. The smile appeared on her face as if an iceberg melted and showed the flowers in the ice. As everyone was mesmerized by it, and she nodded at Fei to greet him.

Fei smiled back politely and said: "Thank you."

"God said... greed is one of the original sins... I have no issues with it." Balesi from the Holy Church was still looking down at the ground as he said in a low voice.

"Huh!" Cande sneered. He was really not happy about this. Blood-Edge was originally one of the forces under Fellon Family's control. It was now wiped out by others, and he had to share the treasures with others as well. Although Cande got furious as he looked at Fei, this agreement was made with leaders of a lot of forces ahead of time, and he didn't dare to push back on it directly.

"Our Soros' Merchant Group also agree with the previous agreement." Guardian Ladino of the group was an elder who was thin, and he looked like he was above all the worries of mankind. He nodded at Fei as he said that, and he appeared very friendly.

The representative of Elder Prince – Capitan Romain, the priest Balesi of Holy Church, Guardian Ladino of Soros' Merchant Group, and the representative of the second prince – Paris were all on Fei's side. These four forces wanted Blood-Edge to be wiped out, and Fellon Family couldn't really do anything about it.

But at this moment –

"Wait, I have something to say." Fourth prince Chrystal suddenly spoke up.

Fei slightly frowned.

As if she expected this from Chrystal, Paris' facial expression didn't change at all. She lightly pulled a bloody pedal off of the rose and lightly dropped it onto the ground. She then laughed: "Oh? Do your highness….. What do you want to say?"

Her tone was light, and her actions looked casual; it felt like she wasn't viewing the fourth prince of the empire as someone important.

In fact, except the second prince, she rarely cared for other people. Her beautiful figure made a lot of people at St. Petersburg fall for her; they want to make this haughty woman their own. However, a lot of people at St. Petersburg also hated her for her vicious strategies and plans. No one dared to make a move on her from both sides. Behind her, there was [Red Beard] Granello, and there was also the madman like Dominguez; the second prince never thought of consequences of his actions, and he was loved by Emperor Yassin.

After seeing Paris pulling off a pedal, some people's face changed color.

The fourth prince Chrystal's expression also froze a little. He knew what this meant as he suddenly recalled a terrifying rumor. However, he straightened his back after some hesitation and said: "When we came in, the King of Chambord was already here. It is obvious that he got here a lot earlier than us, and none of us can be sure if he had taken some treasures already."

"Your highness..." A mid-aged man who was short and had a black bandana on his head spoke out; his eyes lit up as he heard that.

He was Burno, the leader of the biggest mercenary group at St. Petersburg. He was an influential figure.

With someone supporting him, Chrystal got more confident. With a proud expression, he continued: "For example, if there are more precious items here before, and they are all taken by someone ahead of time... then the leftovers are just some less valuable stuff. Haha, to my knowledge, the King of Chambord has storage rings."

As he said that, he intentionally peaked at the mysterious black ring Fei was wearing on the right hand.

"This that true? Did the King of Chambord arrive a lot earlier than us?" Finally finding the opportunity, Cande of [Bronze Spear] Guards got excited. A light flashed through his crystal mask as he asked a few soldiers who charged into the hall first. After questioning, he arrived at the same conclusion as Chrystal.

After that, Chrystal got even more arrogant. He sneered at Fei: "Hehehe. That is only the first thing. Second, we had agreed to divide up the properties and treasures of Blood-Edge. We can now see that the King of Chambord burned most of the structures of Blood-Edge. This loss should be deduced from Chambord's 30% share."

Your Highness is right."

"Eh, that makes sense."

"This fire destroyed most of Blood-Edge. All that is out there are just ruins."

A lot of people in the crowd agreed with Chrystal, and those people from the mercenary groups and the big family chatted among themselves.

Chapter 265: Strength Lies in the Fist

The mercenary groups in St. Petersburg were all backed by the big families. Those families actually didn't believe that Chambord could wipe out the Blood-Edge; they thought that Chambord could reduce the power of Blood Edge by a lot, and there would be a lot of causalities on both sides. With that level of causalities, it made sense to reward Chambord with 30% of the gains. But after seeing Chambord taking out Blood-Edge so easily, they started to regret giving out so much value. Since there was a reason to reduce Chambord's share, they all went after it.

Only Paris, Captain Romain, Ziene, Elder Ladino, and Priest Balesi remained silent.

These five people saw how Chambord conquered the Blood-Edge Mercenary Group easily without the help from their king. The master warriors and mage under the King of Chambord all had their specialties; especially that mysterious mage with the mask... his techniques and spells were just too powerful. All of these strengths with King of Chambord's power were enough to go against the families who resided in St. Petersburg for hundreds of years. Under this situation, a 30% split was actually not enough. If they could get this new forces to their side, the big forces here today won't care about the small profit in front of them.

Soros' Merchant Group didn't really care about this amount of money. After getting the report from manager Harry Redknapp, they cared more about Fei as an individual. Therefore, the guardian of the branch came here more for observing Fei.

This mysterious yet powerful priest Balesi always had his head down as if he was praying. He was murmuring something with a neutral expression, and no one knew whose side he was on.

The people who were able to see the big picture all kept silent.

It was funny that the fourth prince Chrystal was ambitious and didn't want to stay quiet in the throne race. He had been trying to grow his influence and power by recruiting a lot of different forces and families. He was trying to match up against the elder prince and second prince in order to get a chance to the throne. If he was able to get the support of Fei, the situation he was in would change dramatically. Instead of recruiting Fei, he pushed Fei to another side.

A person like this would only be boosted even if he thought highly of himself. There was no way that he could get a chance at the throne.

All the forces there knew this, and they couldn't be happier to see Fei and the fourth prince stand on different sides.

This was the politics of St. Petersburg.

Fei didn't really sense the underlying current; he just didn't like this prince. Therefore, he walked forward and smiled as he looked at his opponents: "Oh? You guys are fantastic with the reasoning. So, what should we do?"

"Simple. First of all, we need to deduct the losses of the properties on the ground from your share. After all, you caused the fire, and we shouldn't be responsible for that."

The fourth prince said slowly as he looked at Fei.

At this time, the arrogant expression re-appeared on his face. He looked like he was in control of everything as he looked at Fei in disdain. All the negative emotions he felt when Fei dominated over him were all gone. He knew who the people here represented, and he just needed to persuade them. He didn't think Fei dared to fight against everyone here.

This was pressure via influence!

The influence was king!

"Hahaha, this is strategy and influence. King of Chambord, you are only a bumpkin that is from a remote countryside. How dare you act like that towards me? I will just step on you and show everyone my influence and fame. I will let those noble families who don't want to support me see who I am! I will let them see that the fourth son of Emperor Yassin, Andrew-Chrystal, is capable of competing with that trash army man Arshavin and crazy bastard Dominguez." He thought as he looked at Fei with a provocative expression.

Fei laughed as he responded: "In order to wipe out Blood-Edge, prices need to be paid. I don't have enough manpower, so I need to use the fire. Even if you guys come here to destroy Blood-Edge, damages would be done. Therefore, these losses shouldn't be paid by me."

Although all the treasure here didn't matter to Fei, he had to maintain his temperament and presence. Since a lot of influential forces were here, Fei would give a dangerous signal if he backed off – they would know that King of Chambord actually does back off under a certain level of pressure. If this happened, they would expect Fei to back off in the future….. It would destroy the "mad wolf" image that Fei tried hard to create. From that point on, Chambord would be always at a disadvantage.

On top of that, Fei just hated the fourth prince.

Since the king wasn't happy, no one else could be happy. "I will just fight against you. What can you do?" This was the king's attitude.

Chrystal didn't expect Fei to be this aggressive in this situation. With anger on his mind, he took a step forward and sneered: "King of Chambord, this isn't determined by you. Also, you arrived here a lot earlier than us. No one knows if you actually stole the most valuable items. Since you are a king and we want you to keep your dignity, it is better for you to take out everything in your storage ring for us to inspect!"

Fourth prince's aggressiveness was supported by others who had malicious intents.

The number one warrior of [Bronze Spear] Guard, Cande, stepped forward, and the ten warriors behind him also took a step forward. The eleven of them looked like Gods of Slaughter, and their warrior energies were unleashed in full. Under the bronze armors, the warrior energy flames grew stronger and stronger. It was obvious that the eleven of them had a set of group combat technique. The warrior energies had synergies with each other. The warrior energies present were a lot stronger than them being added together.

Cande sneered: "Fourth Prince His Highness is right. King of Chambord, I know you are strong, but you have to behave within reason."

"King of Chambord, just follow the group's decision." The leader of [Resting Tiger Mercenary Group] said. This group was the largest mercenary group in St. Petersburg.

"Hand over your storage ring..." The leader of another mercenary group, [Palace of Light], stood by Chrystal's side as he said.

"King of Chambord, Beag Family also think His Highness is correct. We are not ill-intended. We just want you to hand over the storage ring, and we can let the royal mages to use the spatial magic to take out the stuff in there. After we are sure that none of what you have are from Blood-Edge, we will return everything to you..." The princess of Beag Family, Beyonce, finally stepped out. Her method was even more vicious... she wanted Fei's ring.

"Give you guys my storage ring? It is not a funny joke. How can you identify my stuff? How would you know if something is mine or from Blood-Edge?" Fei asked.

"Hahahaha..." The fourth prince started laughing as if he heard something funny. He was laughing so hard that he almost cried. "You are a little king of a level 6 affiliated kingdom. You are poor! What kind of treasures could you have? If there are any kinds of treasure in your ring, it would be from Blood-Edge. What is there to ask?"

The fourth prince didn't give Fei any room to breathe. He wanted to use this opportunity to step on Fei more.

The opposition between them started before they met each other, and it exploded when they encountered each other. Ambitious Chrystal was planning to get the attention of all the forces at St. Petersburg by destroying the King of Chambord.

"This is a great idea!" The leader of Resting Tiger laughed.

"Since it is a great idea, you should hand over the storage ring now and return 20% of the share as the compensation for the fire..." Cande said in a cold tone.

"Since we all agreed, you should start moving. Give us the ring, King of Chambord!" Beyoncé smiled as she said.

Fei glanced at these people's expressions and laughed: "Oh? This is your reasoning?"

"Reasons and rules are set by people with strength. A little level 6 affiliated kingdom doesn't quality..." The fourth prince mocked.

"Hand over the ring!" Cande raised one of his arms and opened his palm as he said that. The ten warriors behind him moved at the same time, and their actions were in unison as if they were the same person. Their guards were up, and they were still in the group combat mode. They didn't dare to relax when facing a master warrior like Fei.

Fei laughed out even louder.

"You are right. The reasons and rules are set by people with strength. Chambord doesn't have the strength... but you guys forgot one thing. What is strength? Strength is not about the level of the kingdom, it is not about the title of nobles, and it is not about the status of royalties. Rather, it is about the fist. The person with the hardest fist is the person in charge." Fei stretched his body as he continued: "Which one of you is stronger than daddy?"

After listening to this, Paris laughed, Romain laughed as well ... Behind his men, the handsome man with the disabled little dog in his arms also laughed.

In terms of the fourth prince, his expression changed.

At the next moment, before anyone could react, Fei who was laughing changed his expression.

"Yuck! How dare you weak asses play this in front of daddy? Do you want my ring? I don't think you have the luck!" When the king started to act like himself, he was rough like a madman and tough like a bull. With a mocking expression on his face, he pointed at his opponents' noses and swore; he didn't care about his royal status at all.


Fei frowned, and a transparent crystal palm mark flew out in a split second.

"Eh... Puff..."

The fourth prince Chrystal was hit by this, and his teeth and blood flew out of his mouth like a smashed watermelon. His body turned numerous rounds in the air, and he finally stopped when he smashed into a wall. His body slid off of the wall, and his face swelled up like a bread in the oven. His handsome face deformed... with blood dripping off of his face, it was obvious that half of his facial bones were shattered...

"You... you dare to hit me?" The fourth prince stared at Fei; he couldn't even sense the pain since he couldn't believe what happened.

The entire underground hall was in a dead silence.