
Wolves Holly collier 10-10-20

When u mess with us you go down cause this is our ground and we're dangerous. Mess with my pack and you'll end up on the ground and you won't see us coming cause we are the Kings and queens of stealth... Betray us and we'll hunt you down this is my pack and I'll lead them out to hunt. Did I hear you say "led by a girl they won't take me down!" Well looks like you dug your own grave cause me and my Mandem won't let you escape. If you won't bow down we'll make you grovel on the ground. We will stay peaceful unless provoked, but you dont wanna see what happens next to those who make that mistake;  screw with us and we will put you in place... Your on my turf now and I'm very dangerous!

Set me down in in familiarity and and see the outspoken side of me, but it's drastic cause cause put in in someplace place I I dont know and watch me wait observe everything, just like any wolf does.

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