

[A/n: This will be 500+ words because it's only a prologue, but don't worry about it because I always post 1,5K to 2K words every chapter.]


I used to be a human...


A normal human being living his life to the fullest, waiting for the fire in the candle inside to disappear.


Yet, I died. No, no,... not truly dead. You know, when you lose your emotions, that's what makes you a human. That's what you consider dead.


I became an android, a war robot created to help humanity against the invaders.


But why did I become an Android? Even though I know what the consequences would be,


Well, when humanity was on the verge of losing because invaders had robbed all the resources of the Earth, leaving not even a single thing behind, humanity had no choice but to create something... something that would completely change humankind.


And that's where I came to be. I have no choice because I don't want my family to suffer from hunger.


Time passes, a place's name changes, a few people's names change, but the same me, the same situation remains; nothing changes.


Nothing ever really changes, and nothing will ever change.


Like an endless loop, repeating itself forever.


I was trapped in the darkness, like a stone in the middle of a lonely road, endless loneliness awaiting me.


But why did I feel lonely, even though I'm an android? I don't know... and I didn't care, because I was tired. What is the meaning of this kind of life...?


"What a pity. You were once a great android, Zero, but old things must be thrown away forever if humanity wants to develop." The voice of the being that created me rang in my ear.


He is the same as me, but he has emotions because he is not completely an android.


I was in a large tube that fit two humans with green liquid, with a host around my body and a chain completely attached to my entire body.


I'm an android, their ally, their pawn, yet I feel like a beast trapped in a cage.


"Humanity can't exist without the help of Androids," the man met my eyes, "but the war is over, the peace treaty already established — I want to bring you out, but... it may spark a war. And I don't want that, the same as you, right Zero?"


I only stared at his eyes, floating motionless.


The man shook his head, then walked toward the exit before turning off the switch, leaving me again... in this darkness alone...





































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