10 Chapter 6

I made it to a forest.

My life has been fucked up since I got here.

My outside is different from my inside.

This world is fucked in more ways than a modern man can survive.

This life is hell but as a man, as a human being, I must move on through this shit.

This world is corrupt, it is disgusting, this society is too quick to believe, it is easy to manipulate, this world may have a god but, kill a man, implement a new man, the ideology of the man will not change unless you give it a nudge.

I have enjoyed politics since my 6th-grade year but during my years I came to find the truth no man is honest, I came to the realization that the only people who become politicians are the speakers, the rich, and the chosen candidates by the rich.

I must rise through the ranks of society to implement the cult, may I spread the word of god, the son of God himself died for your sins, it is easy to say something but hard to believe, but that doesn't stand for this world it should be as said easy to believe hard to say something about it.

This world has a god but only a few questions it's true nature, who first spoke of this god?

The world of the planet earth there are many religions but the corruptions run so deep you'd have to suspect the leader himself was corrupt.

I need land, I need people, I need a cause...

Without these 3 things I'd never succeded, I wish to create a nation based off of America, a land of the free, slavery illegal, this worlds constant abuse of young girls would come to an end, even tho I wish to found land for the free, it would never succeed without a deep state, I'd have to create a task force of loyal followers.

To create this nation all need a shadow, a force to kill the corrupt ones and to eventually take my own life, creating this task force to make a deep state is corruption in its finest, I may be the founding father, but this life would need to go after my tasked where finished.

I need a nation, no no no not a nation, a tribe or even small city-state, I'd start there and move on to create, Civitates Foederatae Americae (Latin for United States Of America).

I pull out the map I got from the guild, It may not show the world but it shows surrounding states, my next step was the City-state of Lepcoro.

Chapitre suivant