

As they looked at the base and discussed everything they argued back and forth.

"The trees stay, we should also expand the forest." Shuuji said. Manipulating the hologram to show ninety percent of the facility covered in forest.

"I agreed the trees should stay but as for expanding we need to see what space the above ground facilities need first." Mike responded reverting the hologram.

"Just build it underground" Shuuji said.

Mike was thinking this argument had been going on for the past few minutes he then struck an idea inspires by a scene from one of the Marvel movies.

"What about this?" He asked before showing the buildings covered in plants and shrubs.

"Hmm" Shuuji thought.

"We can cover the buildings in plants. We will need to keep this space open for testing." Designating a 50 acre patch of empty space near the seaside cliffs. Mike compromised.

"Why are you so hellbent on facilities above ground? You already said the majority of the base will be subterranean and parts will even extend past the cliffs to the seafloor." Shuuji asked.

"If the whole thing is below ground people will get curious. I prefer to show a little to hide alot." Mike responded. Shuuji nodded seeing the wisdom in this.

"Fine but at least build me a small cabin here." He said pointing out an area deep in the woods.

"Sure Master."Mike agreed easily.

Then they began to look at the underground.

It was 10 stories deep. It included all kinds of facilities. Half of it was designated as Hangarspace. There was room for ground vehicles in a upper floor garage, below that was a mobile suit hangar with room for over 100 suits and at the lowest level was a ship hangar. There were passages to the sea for the ships, and sea and ground level for the suits and vehicles. There was a barracks big enough for 150 people each room able to hold 10 people per room in various bunks.

There was a cafeteria, a gym and even a fully stocked armory. All was hooked to an oversized true GN Drive supplying the base with unlimited power. Shuuji was maintaining a calm expression but he was clearly impressed. He even added an addition to the gym, a dojo from which he could train his new student.

Mike used the 50,000 Np he had left to convert the buildings above ground. He bought designs for nanotech medical pods from Iron Blooded Orphans. He also bought enough materials to produce the automatons and set up the factories building his reactors.

He had plenty of money but unless he wanted to run out quickly then he needed to keep a steady flow of income.

After all was complete Shuuji left to inspect his new cabin. He was an old man and preferred his peace and quiet. Something he was afraid would be in short supply.

Mike continued to renovate one of the buildings into administrative offices putting his on the top floor with a secret elevator to the underground.

As he finished he sat looking out the window thinking heavily. 'I need defenses. Master will train me but I need to have defenses for the compound. Looking at the hologram of the base that had moves with him as he walked he fixed the fence.

He then placed surveillance cameras looking at Haro he asked Haro to integrate the systems so that he could monitor for any unwanted guests.

He heard a notification form Haro almost instantly. "Black sedan at main entrance. Requesting entry. They have identified themselves as SHIELD."

Looking at the picture Haro displayed he found A red haired woman driving with Phil Coulson in the front passenger seat. The back seat was hard to see but there appeared to be two people sitting in it.

Sighing "Haro can you let them in and ask Master Shuuji to meet me to greet them?" He knew he couldn't avoid them forever and he hoped by seeing them now they would back off a little.

Approaching the parkinglot he was met by Shuuji. "What's the matter?" He asked annoyed.

Mike gave him a brief rundown of their guests.

"So misguided fools." Shuuji responded.

Mike wanted to argue but considering that SHIELD more often than not created the problem they then had to solve he agreed. Plus there was a decent chance they had been infiltrated by HYDRA and it was just a whole headache that Mike was not prepared for.

"Yeah, but for us who are just getting started they are an entity we can't fully alienate without making things alot more difficult." Mike replied. "Besides many of them feel they are working for the greater good."

"So they are well meaning fools." Shuuji snorted. "A fool is a fool. My student remember never compromise your morals and standards. Hold your head up high you are a disciple of the Undefeated of the East."

The car finally made it to the parking lot. As they waited the four got out of the car. There was Natasha Romonoff, Phil Coulson, Nick Fury and a girl about Mike's age.

Looking at her a little more it clicked. He was looking at Quake. The version from earth's mightiest heroes.

Approaching them Nick Fury introduced them. "Mr Morganrote I am glad to finally meet you. Your a hard man to track down."

"Same, but I had no idea you were looking for me sir." Mike answered back. Knowing he had to be careful. No matter what depiction Fury was known to be a master manipulator.

He was also taken aback he hadn't even told the FF his new name.

"Seems you lied in New Mexico Mr Morganrote." Coulson spoke up. "You clearly have friends in high places."

"Excuse me but are you accusing my apprentice of lying?" Shuuji spoke up.

"And who are you?" Fury asked

"I am his teacher Shuuji Kurosu" Shuuji said easily. "I chose the boy to inherit my martial arts. If you insult him you insult me."

Natasha quickly mover Coulson and Fury back. "Don't engage him." She whispered. "He is at least on Batman's level of martial arts, maybe greater."

Taking a breath and calming himself Fury looked at Mike. "I heard you have developed a new energy source I want you in SHIELD to develop it." He was finally getting to the heart of the matter. If the bugs in the Baxter building and Stark's office were anything to go by this new "GN Drive" would revolutionize the world. Tech like that needed to be in SHIELD hands.

"No thank you." Mike responded. "I have a buisness to run I don't have time to work for SHIELD."

"Now listen here we are trying to be reasonable." Coulson responded.

"So am I, you are only interested in my Pseudo GN Drive," Mike said, "Morganrote is a buisness. I can sell some to you but they are expensive." He saw no reason to refuse their money if they insisted on giving it to him. SHIELD had almost unlimited funding, a true fat sheep for Mike to shear.

Leading them to a conference room Quake finally spoke. "I was under the impression that this had been abandoned years ago. Why is it in such good condition?" She asked confused.

"There is little money won't fix." Mike answered pushing the blame off on Stark getting it prepared for him. He figured if they followed him around this much must know about Mike's connections to Reed and Tony.

Sitting in the conference room negotiations began.

"We would like one thousand units of your new reactor." Fury began.

"The price is fifty thousand per unit." Mike answered.

"Thirty thousand, and we need them next month." Fury shot back.

"Fourty five thousand ready in a month and a half." Mike countered. "After all they are complicated to build"

"Forty thousand per unit and we agree to help cut through all red tape to get your buisness properly licensed. Also we will tweak Cobblepot's work. Your new identity wont just look official it will be."

Mike thought about this and nodded. "Agreed." Shaking hands Morganrote gained a influential customer.

As they left Shuuji approached. "Eight electronic bugs should I remove them?" He asked.

"No. If we remove them they will just replace them." Mike answered. "Let them hear boring office talk, the real buisness is beyond their grasp."

Shuuji smiled. His new student was using the truth to conceal. He was not as straightforward as Domon but that was not a bad thing. Deceiving ones enemy was a skill that Domon never mastered. As long as Mike did not turn into a schemer who manipulated others for no reason, or tried to win through despicable means then he would be happy.

I know I know SHIELD. they are so corrupt alot of times. but for a new company who needs a repeat customer there are few better

Wingzer0creators' thoughts
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