
Chapter 9 – Hannan's Sincerity

"I don't love back uh."

Hannan chuckled lightly seeing how his lover sneered, then kissed her lips briefly.

"One day you will also love me," said Hannan in a tone that sounded very confident.

"It's up to you," replied Dhea. "Eh, Hannan you won't ask me to do ‘that’ while I'm sick, right?"

"Yeah. Why? Do you want to be touched again?”

Dhea clicked her tongue when she saw Hannan raising his eyebrows, trying to tease her. "Do not want! I'm still sick, you know."

Hannan chuckled again and rubbed the top of Dhea's head gently. "Don't worry, Love, I'm not going to do anything to you. I promise, okay?"

Silence for a moment, Dhea finally nodded her head and smiled a little. She hoped that Hannan would keep his promise.

Because, what made Dhea doubtful was, just now the man had been casually rubbing and provoking Dhea's desire.

If that's the case, how could she just believe it?

"Hannan, I'm sleepy. May I sleep?" Dhea asked in a doubtful tone because she felt bad for her lover.

"Why? Yes, you can, Love. Instead, you should get plenty of rest to get well soon," Hannan replied. "Come on, I’ll help you to bed."

Quickly, Hannan carried Dhea into his arms and walked towards the bed, then gently lowered his girl there.

"Aren't you going to sleep with me?" Dhea asked when she saw Hannan who just sat on the edge of the bed after adjusting the position of the blanket.

"No, I just accompany you until you sleep, then I want to check my work for a while," Hannan replied. "I'm still in this room checking it, not going to the work room."

She nodded her head and thanked him and closed her eyes.

Hannan who saw that smiled and caressed Dhea's forehead, hoping that it can help her fall asleep faster and soundly.

»Guide Me to Your Heart«

Dhea has been asleep since fifteen minutes ago, but Hannan did not move from the edge of the bed.

He still felt at home sitting there, even though his hand was not rubbing Dhea's forehead anymore.

All Hannan did was stay there, watching Dhea who was sleeping peacefully, Hannan hoped the girl wouldn't be as restless as last night.

Hannan didn't know what made his lover as restless as last night. He forgot to ask because he was already happy to see the girl getting better.

At first, Hannan wanted to follow Dhea to sleep. But when he remembered that he had a very important job that he couldn't afford to neglect, so the thirty-two-year-old man walked over to the bedroom sofa and tried to focus on the tablet in front of him.

However, even though his focus was on work, Hannan occasionally glanced at Dhea who didn't move at all, until an hour later the girl fell asleep and Hannan's work was done.

‘Doesn’t she shore sleep on her left side?' asked Hannan in his heart.

Just as Hannan had just placed his tablet on the table next to the sofa, he saw Dhea who was restless in her sleep.

This made Hannan step quickly toward his lover and finally realized that the girl's body temperature had risen again.

"Geez, thirty-eight again," Hannan whispered when he saw the number on the thermometer he used to measure Dhea's body temperature.

Finally, because it was impossible to wake Dhea and ask her to take fever-reducing medicine, Hannan took a small towel from the closet and wet it with water and then put a compress on Dhea after changing the girl's sleeping position to supine.

"What are you dreaming of, Love? How can you sleep like this?" Hannan asked quietly, not caring if Dhea didn't answer him.

Hannan noticed, that every time he moved away from Dhea, the girl seemed to be sleeping restlessly. But as soon as he came back closer, Dhea's sleep was calm again.

As a result, Hannan decided to lie down on the bed, beside Dhea and hugged the girl affectionately.

Hannan didn't sleep, because it was very rare for him to sleep if not at night.

Even when he had insomnia, the man still couldn't sleep during the day even though he was forced to, unless he took sleeping pills before.


The low call which sounded more like a groan made Hannan wake up from his daydream and immediately return his focus to Dhea.

Looking at her, she still had her eyes closed. But Hannan knew that the girl had already woken up.

"Yes, Love? I’m here," said Hannan.

Slowly, Dhea opened her eyes, turned to Hannan to make the compress fall, then hugged the man and cried there.

Hannan, who didn't understand anything, obviously panicked and immediately hugged Dhea back after he had previously picked up the compress that had fallen on the pillow and threw it on the nightstand.

"Why’s wrong, Love?" Hannan asked softly when Dhea's crying had subsided a little. "Nightmare, huh?"

She didn't respond for a long time until she finally nodded her head. "Yeah, I had a bad dream. It's so scary that I don't want to remember anymore."

"Okay, now you're calm. I’m here, you are not alone."

She nodded again and wrapped her arms around her lover. Trying to find peace there.

"Love, do you still want a hug like this? Let's take some medicine first, okay? You have a fever again you know, your body temperature was thirty-eight again."

"Hmm? Really? No wonder my head is so dizzy. I think this is the effect of me crying.”

"Are you dizzy again? If so, do you take the medicine first? After that, you can hug me again, if that makes you feel calmer."

Dhea nodded and let go of Hannan's arms. Let the man get up and get her some medicine.

»Guide Me to Your Heart«

As before, the reaction to the drugs that Dhea had taken worked so quickly, that she had started to sweat profusely before she had taken the medicine for thirty minutes.

Her head is not as heavy as before, so Dhea can easily open her eyes.

"Are you hungry? It's time for lunch again. If you want, I can order food now," said Hannan.

"I'm hungry, but it's not that bad," said Dhea.

"Well, if that's the case, I still order now. What do you want?"

Hannan moved to take the phone from the nightstand, then opened the food ordering application.

"Just chicken soup, I want the soup."

Nodding, Hannan quickly ordered what Dhea wanted then looked back at his lover.

"You don't want to go to the doctor, Love? I'm worried if your fever goes up and down like this. I'm afraid you'll catch a virus or something."

"No need Sir. I'm sure, I'm just tired. After all, the doctor checked me here earlier."

Although hesitating, Hannan finally nodded and obeyed Dhea's wish.

He wanted to force Dhea to go to the hospital. He wanted the girl to get well soon.

Not because he couldn't stand to touch his lover, but because he couldn't bear to see a girl he knew cheerful, so quiet like this.

"Thank you, Hannan, for taking care of me. I hope my body temperature doesn't rise again after this. It's useless if I take a vacation like this I use rest because I'm sick."

Chuckling softly, Hannan ruffled the top of the girl's head and replied, “Yeah, I hope you don't have a fever after this. Let's go for a walk.

"You see, it's not funny that this holiday is used to lie down all day."

"So I want to take a walk to the beach."

"Alright, let's go to the beach when you're healed. Which beach do you want to go to, hm?”

"Just Sanur Beach, so the waves are not too big. I feel calm when I see small waves like in Sanur. While eating spring rolls and watching the sunrise, oh, the taste is complete."

"Okay, the day after tomorrow we will go to Sanur Beach if you don't have a fever anymore."

"Why not tomorrow?"

"Tsk! If you just recovered today, tomorrow you will use full recovery first, Love, so you don't get sick anymore.

"I feel bad if you get sick for a long time."

"Why pity? So you can't do it?"

"It was one of them. But the basic reason is, I can't bear to see you limp like this, it's like people don't have the energy to do anything."

"Yes, the name is also someone who is sick. Obviously, I don't have the energy."

"So get well soon. You need a lot of energy later."

Dhea slightly shuddered when she saw Hannan who smirked a little before bringing their lips together to kiss for a moment and walk away again.

"I go outside first, want to wait for our food to come."

"Is it close?"

"It's not like that yet. But, I just wait in front. I'm afraid of losing control because we just talked about it."
