
Guardians: Secret of the Core

Loid was a lion king, a beast spirit, someone whose cold red eyes could petrify even the strongest of his opponents. He brought the doom of his kingdom. His land and people perished away and along with them, his pride and spirit. In the pit of the darkness that had engulfed him, he met Rin; a young human with eyes as blue as the flames that he created. Blunt, sarcastic and unreasonable. That mage had a charmingly cold personality, and Loid was about to find out what secrets he was keeping in his guarded heart. ............. "He has sworn to protect her...his love..." Loid's could not keep the hurt from showing on his face; his eyes never leaving his sleeping master "...and I'm nothing but a mean for him to do that, Thor." He lifted his hand but did not dare to touch Rin. Instead, he curled up his fingers, and let out a chuckle that had no hint of humor in it. "What a cursed fate I have!" He slammed his fist into the wall. "Here I am with her very core within my body, but I'm not her." He shook his head. "I'm not the one he searches for, Thor. I could never be." .............. Hello dear readers! I present to you a story about magic, spells, mysteries, blooming feelings and unrequited love! The book will be updated at least once a week. I love writing this book and hope you enjoy reading it too :) Read, enjoy and fall in love with the characters ( like me ;) Support the work and take care. - prettyWriter12

prettyWriter12 · Fantaisie
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26 Chs


The sun had already set and Kim could hear the owl hooting in the tree outside in the courtyard.

His stomach grumbled and he hurried towards the dining hall, his green boots clacking away on the stone floor of the hallway. He past by a pair of final year boys, his eyes meeting the black ones of one of them before they averted their gazes.

He was late for dinner because he had unsurprisingly fallen asleep in the library again. Going to library after school had become a part of his daily routine.

He was searching for something. Anything that would tell him the meaning of the mark on his shoulder; it was a triangle with a circle inside it.

Uncle Gobbles had said that he had had that mark from before he had found him on the river bank. That was 15 years ago and he still hadn't found anything about it.

He entered the crowded dining hall, loud laughter and cheers filling the air. He got his food, returning the smile of the old lady behind the counter.

Tray in his hand, he walked down the rows of wooden benches and tables, looking for a vacant seat. Just then there was a loud crash; someone had went flying across the room and into one of the green benches.

Fools. Fighting would get them suspended for two whole weeks. Handing his tray to the short-haired girl standing next to him, he hurried towards the circle of the onlookers.

His eyes widened when he saw who was behind that ruckus.


The spirit boy looked up, his clenched fist midway from punching the other boy in his face again.

"Let go of him! Now!", Kim cried, rushing towards them. He grabbed Dammy by his shoulder and pulled him away from the beaten up kid who had a black eye, a bruised jaw and a ripped shirt collar.

"Why on earth would you do that?",Kim yelled at the taller boy who just looked at the elf with those cold, crimson eyes of his. His knuckles were split open and now that he was standing close to him, the elf could see a bruise forming on his pale cheek.

He isn't eating properly, the elf thought seeing how hollow the boy's cheeks looked.

"Where are you going?",Kim grabbed his forearm, making him stop in his track. The students had dispersed and that injured boy knew better than to mess with a senior.

Dammy frowned at him, saying,"It's none of your business."

Breaking free his arm, he stomped out of the hall, his heavy black boots tapping away on the hard floor. Kim rushed behind him, annoyed and angry at the younger boy's behavior. Dammy walked across the hallway and into the courtyard.

"I'm telling this to aunt Miya!", Kim cried, standing in the dining hall's doorway, the overhead light casting a golden reflection in his eyes.

Dammy stopped in the middle of the stone path, his back to the elf.Kim walked up to him, crushing the soft grass underneath his boots.

The sprinkling of water from the small stone fountain in the middle of the compound was the only sound breaking the silence that surrounded the two of them.

Green boots came into his field of vision and reluctantly, Dammy looked up from the ground at the persistent boy.

"Why wouldn't you just leave me alone? Just because we are roommates doesn't mean you have to stick your nose in my business!"

Kim's eyebrow twitched and he clenched his fist, suppressing his urge to smack that rude brat,"Your business? Is it punching the life out of others? Tell me, are you a delinquent now, Dammy?"

"That jerk deserved that",Dammy cried.

Kim shook his head. That conversation wasn't going anywhere. He raised his hand, saying,"Give me your hand."

"Buzz off, Kim", Dammy said, stepping around the older boy.Kim grabbed his wrist, jerking him back in front of him. His patience was about to run out.

Dammy huffed, unable to free himself from that surprisingly firm grip of the shorter boy.

HEAL UP. Green sparks surrounded his hand as the elf brushed his slender fingers on the split knuckles of the boy.

The night was getting colder, a light autumn wind blew past them, their hair fluttering in its course. Dammy could never understand that elf. Why would he treat him when he could do so himself? He frowned looking at the elf's lowered head, his green ribbon swaying slightly in the wind.

"You don't even know how to punch. Tuck your thumb in next time", the elf looked up, green eyes meeting red ones.

Dammy raised an eyebrow,"What makes you think there will be a next time?"

"I just know. That boy won't stay quiet after that beating you just gave him. You have got yourself in a mess, you fool!"

He touched his bruised cheek, healing it up instantly. It was funny how his words didn't match his actions.

"All done",he said, the glowing green sparks vanishing,"You don't want to tell me? Fine. Just don't get in a fight again. You are 14, not a four year old."

Kim stepped around him, taking small steps.

"He called brother a freak."

The elf smirked, he was sure the boy would speak up. Hiding his smirk, the elf turned around.

"For living on someone else's core. I couldn't stand it anymore",Dammy said avoiding meeting Kim's eyes.

"And you threw him flying across the room. What do you eat to be so strong?"

"Huh? What? Why aren't you scolding me?"

"How can I when I too want to punch that jerk? Bad mouthing Loid? That bloody jerk!"

Dammy blinked once and then twice,"I did not know you could curse, Kim."

"Oh yes, I can. You haven't heard anything yet."

Dammy could not believe that boy. The usually calm and collected elf was cursing in front of him, his cheeks red and nostrils flaring. He really was mad for his brother. Dammy shook his head, a small smile appearing on his thin lips.

What am I going to do with you, Kim?,he thought.

Reaching Kim, he wrapped an arm around his shoulder,"Calm down, Kim. Let's go eat before the dining hall closes."

Kim huffed,"I don't think I should see that boy right now!"

"Don't worry. I'll stop you from punching him."

Kim raised an eyebrow at him before they burst out laughing.

The elf yawned as he hurried to give his first lecture of the day. He had pulled an all nighter in the library, looking for information on his mark.

One of the perks of being a professor was the access to the east wing of the academy's library and Kim had availed that opportunity, going to library every single night for the past week, reading books after books but finding no clue, not a single paragraph on that symbol.

He yawned once again, almost reaching the corner of the hallway. A group of young girls nodded at him, greeting their professor as they went past him, giggling over Lord knows what.

He, on the other hand, was a mess with his unruly hair, bloodshot eyes and a loose necktie.

He yawned for the hundredth time, pushing open the heavy door of the classroom. It was a big room with rows and rows of benches and tables in front of a pavilion.

His green boot made a clacking sound as he walked across the stage to his hardwood desk. Plopping down on his cushioned seat, he rested his head on the desk. He had actually made it to class 10 minutes earlier.

He closed his tired green eyes, the window on his left letting the cold morning wind inside the room. The elf hugged his cape closer to his body, too tired to leave his seat and close the window.

"So you are still alive."

A familiar voice sounded in his ear and he opened one of his eyes to see Dammy standing in the doorway, a paper bag in his crossed arms.

A smile involuntarily appeared on Kim's face upon seeing the boy. Reaching him in two large strides, Dammy placed the bag on his desk.

"Do I smell pretzels?",Kim sat up in his chair, opening the bag and he was right.

"Yeah. Eat up before you starve to death."

Kim smirked,"Who knew you were so kind?"

"Don't get weird ideas, Kim."

The elf chuckled.

"Thanks for the food",he said, taking a big bite of the pretzel. A smile made its way on Dammy's face.

Though he would never admit it out loud but he was worried for that boy. For the past whole week, the elf would return to his dorm just moments before the crack of dawn. He would barely get any sleep before having to get ready for the day again.

Dammy did not know why he was looking for that symbol but for the elf to miss his meals over that, that mark must be greatly important to him.

The elf happily chewed on his food, a little bump forming in his cheek. His hair fell into his eyes and Dammy raised his hand, gently pushing them out of his emerald green eyes.

He looks paler today, he thought.

Kim had heard about fateful encounters before but was there a thing like a fateful crash too?

His books in hands, he hurried down the hallway but turning around the counter, he crashed into someone, making him stumble back and fall on his rear. His books scattered all across the floor.

The elf groaned and adjusting his round glasses, he saw who they were. White hair, green eyes, pointed ears.

The Kage offered him her hand,"Are you alright?"

He took Hana's hand, getting up from the hard floor.

"Thanks, Miss Hana",he said, dusting his clothes.

She looked over her shoulder at the white haired boy standing behind her, saying,"Go save me a seat, Shinju."

The boy nodded, his glasses sliding down his sharp nose bridge.

Hana turned to the elf who was picking up his books,"That was one nasty fall. Sorry."

Kim shook his head, saying,"Oh no. I'm sorry. I should have watched where I was going."

Hana picked up the last book, handing it over to the younger boy.

"Thank you",he said.

Just then a paper fell down, landing beside the Kage's boots who picked it up, looking at the symbol that Kim had drawn on it.

"I think I have seen this mark somewhere before",she said and Kim couldn't believe his ears.

A fateful encounter or a crash, Kim was now a believer.