
Guardians of Tortisia volume 1 part 2

It is continuation of GOT by Alstoria_Kazuki , which is my old count which got deleted accidently and could not be recovered. This is starting with POV of Arron Ferguson, MC's cousin.

Kina_Alstoria · Romance
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7 Chs

Ch14<Re-uniting with Family(1)>

He went to his room, which was locked and teleports in. "Nothing has changed. The figurines are still at their places. It looks like someone recently painted the walls.<teleports to his father's study and goes the table> He still has kept the picture. Lean grew up a lot. Let's see how much did the house changed." ,said Elijah. He was at the balcony, checking the plants went Gary and Allura came home. He sensed them and rushed to clean up the mess he made. His parents sensed his aura and could not recognize that it was their son. They came up stairs and he teleported in front of them, in fear of getting exposed. "Who was that? And why did he looked like Eli if he was alive.", said Allura. Gary saw the plants glowing with lavender color. "He's alive. Look, the spell to keep the plants alive. He comes home when ever we are not there. That's my son", said Gary (feeling proud). Allura hits his head and said, "I should have known that. Sometimes I regret marrying you.". "Am I that bad?", said Gary, feeling hurt. "You are 48 and still a dumbass. When will you act like of your age? You are very reckless and always end up in hospital. It is really hard to keep you away from trouble. Find our son now or else sleep out side.", said Allura, giving a death stare. "Yes Mam.' said Gary and teleports to his research tower.

Elijah walking down a narrow path in the forest notices a tree, near a lake. He walks to it and sees a carving on it's bark in moonlight. 

<Eli , Lean and dad came here to see stars had a lot of fun.>

"Ah, Yes, lean was just a 3 year old that time. <Laughs > My adorable sister.", said Elijah looking at the carving . His eyes fall on another carving and it looked like Lauran's handwriting.

<Came here to see stars all by myself and missing Nii-san.> 

He smiled. "No wonder why the room looked so clean. I should check the tree house too. I don't think to would be in a good condition.", thought Elijah and teleports to the tree house. It was a small tower in middle of a huge forest and he enters it. "Hmm, Looks like someone recently came here. Gotta stay on guard.", said Elijah looking around and goes to the second floor. Someone shot mana arrows at him and he dogged them. He lowered his guard for a few seconds and Gray pointed a spike at his neck and said, "Who are you? How do you have same aura signature as him?". His voice had so many emotions in it and Eli raised his hands, taking off his disguise. 

"You haven't changed at all , old man. Still Using this move?", said Elijah, smiling and turning the spike with his hand. The spike vanishes and Gary walks closer to him. "You idiot! Why did you leave without a word?! You how much damage you did! Do you really want a thrashing?! Dumbass.", said Gary, punching Elijah's face and shaking him from his t-shirt. "Gezz, you are still strong even if you look weak. Sorry dad.", said Elijah. Gary got mad and beat him up a bit and said , "Rest your mom will handle. Stop acting like that . That's the most lenient beating. Just heal up your self.", said Gary. 

Elijah stands up and gets dragged by Gary from his ear to their home. "I got him, Uri", said Gary, bursting in the living room and releases him. Eli heals his ear and kneels in front of his mom, ready to get beat up. "Good luck son.", said Gary walking away, but he gets stopped by Allura's telekinesis. 

Both of them get beat up by Allura's wooden sword and she walks out of the room. "Dad, Why did you even marry her in the first place?", said Elijah sitting up and healing himself. "Well, I needed a strong and independent woman to help me saving the galaxy from corrupt leaders and she was the only one.<sits up and heals> From political alliance we became a real couple and no one would survive with either of us. Looks like we are stuck with each other in every universe.", said Gary, smiling. 

"Yeah, I can see that and maybe we all are a family in every universe, no matter what. Also I am going to teach at academy to keep a watch to my lil sis. I can imagine her reaction.<giggles > Looks like I will thrashing from everyone.", said Elijah. 

"Well, you did that kind of job.", said Gary. Allura calls them to have dinner and they talk a lot. "Man, I should have come earlier. I could have gotten a chance to be a good big brother. Looks like I will be doing that at academy. Welcome back home, me", thought Elijah and goes to sleep. 

Hello, cadets ! I have released a hand book from my other account : Allura_Kazuki.

Please go check it out as it will help you all to know th story better.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

I am planing to make an discord servere too!

We can talk there as much as we want. And as my exams are over, I will try to post new chapters every thursday. And if i get chance then I may post two chapters on one day.

See you all next week.

Kina_Alstoriacreators' thoughts