
Guardians of The Galaxy: The Left Hand of Eternity

L1T3RAT1 · Romance
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13 Chs

The darkest dimensions

It did not take the Guardians long to discover why they called that realm the Dark Dimension. There was no light there at all, save for a few shimmering pathways that cut across the darkened sky. What was truly curious was that they were all still able to see, despite the complete lack of light sources. The space around them was odd, and judging by the paths and few structures seen dotting the landscape, the geometry was abnormal, aberrant to anything they had ever seen before.

Dormammu must have brought Galactus there, the immense power could be felt surging through the air. It was almost certain that he would have taken Galactus to the Royal Palace, where he would overthrow Clea, the current ruler, and once again crown himself the Sorceror Supreme of The Dark Dimension. The Guardians knew they would find Dormammu and Galactus here, when Dr.Strange opened his portal to this realm. They had 2 problems however: First, The Dark Dimension was not an easy world to travel through; and second, Dormammu was going to prove to be a formidable foe with the powers of Galactus augmenting his own.


While the Guardians moved through the Dark Dimension, so were Mephisto and his enemies. Mephisto's party consisted of himself, his Lieutenant Thanos, and 15 of his strongest demonic thralls. Mephisto knew what they all sought and snarled out in anger through the Dark Dimension: "You fools! I know what you desire, but Galactus must be mine! Prepare to meet your ends!"


Coming down the Dark Dimension from an alternate point were also Pluto, Seth, Hela, and 15 powerfully built undead warriors. The 3 of Mephisto's fellow Death Gods sought to rob Mephisto of Galactus. They pled with Dormammu "We warn you, Dormammu! Galactus must be ours, and ours alone! We cannot allow Mephisto to control his might. Abandon the captive and surrender while you still have the chance!"


On the pathway through the Dark Dimension ahead of them, they saw suspended in the other the crumbling remains of what was once a small village. There were horrible screams emanating from within one of the shattered buildings that used to make up the village, as what was once an impressive stone statue wavered precariously over its inhabitants.

There were approximately 75 people trapped within the buildings, as most of the village's inhabitants fled to this building when their homes collapsed in Dormammu's attack. After moving the stone statue, the saved villagers bestowed their gratitude upon the Guardians but could assist in no real way.


After arriving in the Dark Dimension with Galactus, Dormammu traveled in haste, accidentally rupturing a magical force barrier accidentally as he passed through. The magical force pen held beings Dormammu had imprisoned known as The Mindless Ones long ago. The Mindless Ones were now pouring out of their prisons towards a cluster of villages below them.

On the path ahead, the Guardians could see shapeless, grey semi-humanoids pouring out of nothingness and descending upon the inhabitants of the Dark Dimension. Whether loosing the Mindless Ones had been deliberate or accidental, the dangerous monsters needed to be corralled into their pens once again. 40 Mindless Ones in all had managed to escape from their containment and were recaptured.


Finally nearing the palace, ahead were a collection of badly charred bodies. The dead were all seeming part of some sort of military unit. As the Guardians approached, a bit of movement was spotted. The movement was coming from someone who had survived. When the Guardians rushed to their aid, the surviving soldier related the tale of how he and his comrades had engaged Dormammu as he approached the Palace with Galactus and were quickly wiped out. For saving his life, the soldier agreed to act as their guide and instruct them on how to willfully navigate through the Dark Dimension.


When they finally reached the Royal Palace, they found it completely deserted except for Clea, who is still chained to the corner, and the unconscious Dormammu who laid on the floor. Clea related her entire story of Hela, Pluto, Seth, and their followers breaking in, defeating Dormammu and running off with Galactus. Clea also eavesdropped enough of the Death Gods' conversation to intuit that they had formed an alliance bent on wresting control of Galactus away from Mephisto, and that Galactus was transported to Pluto's palace in Hades for the time being, until they find what can be done with him. From what she heard, Mephisto also had a search party in the Dark Dimension, and she shared all this information with the Guardians. 

The Guardians sought out the tome they had been told of and read its contents:

The beginning, several thousand millennia ago...in the beginning there was a great explosion, and from it were birthed the two siblings who make up all things. Death and Eternity. Eternity is life, structure, matter, and order. Death is pain, entropy, plague, famine, and chaos. In addition to these two great entities there are two other beings with an intimate connection to the beginning of all. First, there is Galactus, the sole survivor of the Universe that came before our own. Then, there is Voyd, the embodiment of darkness and emptiness that grew out of the brief period of chaos that spanned the bridge of time from the old universe to the new. Galactus still lives to this day, traveling around his new universe seeking new worlds to satiate his cosmic hunger. Unknown to many, Voyd also lives. Just after the emptiness of time and space disappeared with the birth of Eternity and Death, Voyd fell into a deep dormant slumber, from which he has never wakened; and thank the stars this is so. Were Voyd to wake now, he would launch an all-out assault on the entirety of existence in a desperate attempt to restore the nothingness from which he was born. Still, one has little to fear; only an immense and primordial power such as possessed by Death, Eternity, or Galactus could ever hope to revivify Voyd; and such a being would risk much by doing so. It is likely that Voyd would instantly consume his summoning savior. Also, know you that Voyd has a weakness. The light. Voyd cannot withstand powerful light. 


After reading the above, the Guardians all had a pretty good idea of what was going on. Clea then presented Dr.Strange with a gift for saving her kingdom: The Great Crystal Orb. Clea admits the orb is merely a magical object of great beauty, though it does possess the minor ability of emitting an extremely powerful burst of light upon the command of its wielder.