

Dike_Peters · Horreur
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10 Chs

Chapter 9: Playing COD(2)

***One could easily follow the trail of black smoke in the air and find the crashed chinook. Jacob shook his head, this was just the first occurrence dished out, and they've lost four men. And some enemies were waiting for them on the ground.  Their weapons aimed and ready to fire at the survivors.

Burke:"<F**k...guys, take an hard left now.>" Burke spoke through his communicator,  and the soldiers immediately did as they were told. Jacob's reaction was fast enough as he immediately snatched up his handgun and fired off several rounds of bullets towards the enemies on the ground.

Paa! Poww! Poww! Poww! Powww!....

They weren't able to withstand the damage of a legendary weapon and fell to the ground dead. The party of four landed safely, not too far apart. Jacob immediately dispatched his parachute and took out his assault weapon, aiming it at any where possible. Burke 's  party mates assembled around him, performing the same procedure he did.

Hades127:"What the fuck is our next step now? We've lost three(3)men."

Burke:"We keep moving." Burke lowered his weapon, turning around to face his comrades."The mission is still ongoing. We can't turn back. Plan's the same as before. We keep moving." Hades127 shook his head and exhaled.

Hades127:"If you say so."

Burke:"Get ready to run. Our enemies wont give us a chancw to look twice. As long as your accuracy is above 65%, your shot will count. I'll keep a look out forward, Hades, I need your eyes above always. Dirk, do well to stay beside me. You'll be my left wing, and James, do well to eliminate any individual we didn't handle on the way. Remeber.....every shot fired must count. Put that in mind. At the count of three, we run. Follow up as fast as you can, I won't stop no matter what the case is, so don't hope on backup whwn you fall behind and get ambush. Current destination, heliport. 3, 2,.....GOOOOO!" Burke right foot lifted off the forest floor and his left following up, completely taking off from that point. In an instant,  he was off, his speed was insane, covering several meters in mere milli seconds. His comrades were nothing to laugh about.  They took off too, almost immediately, with every strength they could muster. They were fast, each one of them catching up to Burke at insane speeds. They carried out the orders they were given, keeping an eye out for the enemy, any where possible. Burke gripped his assault weapon tighter, his finger placed on the triggeron, ready to annihilate his enemy.

***Its been several minutes.On the way, the party of four eliminated 30 targets.Twenty-three (23) were several  SOF'S.  All the way, the soldiers had no flaw.  They were good, granting headshots to their targets. But this was just the first phase of the forest. The enemies here were much more easier to eliminate.

NOTE: District 18 is a forest, split in five (5) phases. First phase is the most easy part to eliminate targets. The Second phase was the intermediate stage. The Third phase was the master stage, when players approach this stage, they receive a minor increase in their stats and skills, making it a bit adadvantageous for them to eliminate their enemies. The fourth stage was known as the highest phase of the Master stage. Still, players receive an increase in their stats and skills before approaching this stage. Finally, the Last phase, known as the Heavenly stage. THE BOSS STAGE! Well, that's all you need to know in order do you not to get confused. Enjoy reading.

***The party of four were slowly approaching the second stage. On the way, Burke was confident. If his team mates were to follow his orders without lacking, then they had a chance. On the way, three small choppers flew past their view. Jacob slightly shook his head. Some players just always decided to seek the easy way out, but unknown to them, this forest wasn't a place you could expose yourself so easily without getting dealt with. At that similar moment when that thought passed through his mind, the sound of an engine rang in everyone's ears. Hades turned around to view where the sound came from.


***An enemy truck recklessly rode around the forest,  avoiding the sturdy large trees in its way. The vehicle was a forerunner truck. An off road vehicle with a very strong engine. A total of three people were in this truck. The driver and two passengers. One of them settled at the back where an armour piercing machine gun was installed. The enemy soldier at the back immediately cocked the machine and took aim.

Burke:"Fuck! Everyone, scatter!" Burke immediately yelled out, and in that same moment, he and his comrades dispersed into several areas of the forest. Luckily, they were fast enough to escape the rampant firing of the machine gun. The bullets casement earnestly fell with ease creating metallic dings as it made contact with the vehicle's surface. The bullets easily penetrated the forest floor, whipping up dust and sand particles. The enemy stopped firing when no one seemed to be in his field of range. Meanwhile, Burke and his comrades kept running, unwilling to stop. They easily communicated on their comms. Technically, they were faster than the truck, so it didn't overtake them. They seemed to be well hidden in the bushes.

James 327:"F**k, if we weren't any faster, we could have been dead."

Dirk:"How do we handle those bastards? They're on our tails."

Hades127:"We can't come out in the open. Its suicide. We need to handle that truck one way or the other."

Jacob:"I'll handle them. You guys keep running. I'll divert their attention"


***Burke decelerated getting closer to the truck. He instantly jumped out of his place of hiding and darted immediately towards another bush-path.The man in the vehicle instantly took out an AK-74U and fired towards the direction Burke took.

Trrrrrr! Trrrrrrrrrrrrrr! Trrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

???1:"F**ker! Why don't you just die?!" The bullets got dispatched with ease. Burke was lucky that none of the bullets made contact with his body.

???2:"Keep your cool man! The brat will come out sooner or later. When he does, I'll be sure to send him to rest." The man at the back of the truck spoke out. He held the machine gun tightly, his finger on the surface of the button, ready to fire. "Come out nigga! There's no place to hide." Burke could clearly listen  to what the idiots yelled out. He still ran, he closed in on the truck. He could see it clearly. He rose his weapon and fired off several rounds of bullets of the truck's surface. He knew it was bullet proof, he just did that to attract attention.

???2:"Mother f**ker, you dare fire at us? Eat bullets you fucker. Yarggggghhhh!" The machine gun fired off bullets towards Burke's position and several other arrears of the forest. Burke easily lay down, avoiding the bullets. He was waiting for the right moment. And finally, that moment came."F**k that mother-f**ker exhausted my bullets."

???1:"Well, don't be a dumbass and reload already."

???2:"F**k you chev! I'm reloading already."

***At that precise moment, Jacob surfaced from hiding and threw something into the vehicle . He had a wide smile on his face and in one of his fingers dangled a silver ring.

Burke:"Have fun f**kers! Hehehe!" Burke was indeed fast and immediately darted off through another bush path. Everything happened too quickly. But the only thing they could muster after seeing that ring was....


Chapter End.