

"I'm sorry, you guys! I'm sorry, Elros!" Gasper cried as he rushed them, tears streaming down his cheeks. Elros quickly kneeled down and scooped the vampire up, holding him tightly as he started to comfort him.

"Hey, don't worry about it, little buddy! It's not your fault. They didn't let you do anything. As far as I'm concerned, whoever made that stupid rule is the person to blame. I'm still proud of you, kiddo," Elros murmured.

"Why?" Gasper asked, angry at himself.

"Azazel told me how well you did in training. I'm entirely confident that you're going to kick ass and take names next round," Elros said.

"I promise I will!" Gasper vowed.

"I know, little buddy. Now, come on - big boys don't cry, right? Don't worry, don't worry," Elros soothingly said as he rocked him. Gasper nodded into his shoulder but continued to cry, berating and chastising himself severely. Akeno and Rias traded smiles with each other before gently rubbing Gasper's back to comfort him. They headed towards the room Sona and her peerage were resting inside.

"Hey, you guys," Rias said, walking in. She saw them resting on separate beds, sporting cuts and bruises that had yet to heal.

"Hey. Congratulations, Rias," Sona said, hugging her. Tsubaki did the same for Akeno; while Issei and Saji bro hugged.

"Ah, Saji. Feeling better?" Elros asked.

"Huh? Oh, ye-," Saji said before turning white. He saw Elros carrying the young vampire, a dangerous glint in his eye.

"I CAN EXPLAIN!" Saji shouted.

"Oh? Explain what? Why you made Gasper cry?" Elros asked, his voice menacing.

"… I'm dead," Saji said weakly.

"Told you," Issei said sagely, clapping his friend on the shoulder.

"That's not helping!" Saji hissed.

"Don't worry, Saji. I won't do anything right now. But in our rematch, beware. Gasper's gonna lay you out," Elros said. Saji grimaced and nodded; he'd let the little vampire get a hit in next time.

"So what's next, Rias?" Issei asked.

"We're going to be evaluated. Do we know if the others have already had their matches?" Rias asked Sona.

"I don't think so. I believe the others have been watching us. We'll likely be able to observe the matches we don't participate in. That said, it's likely those Games will be concluded today," Sona said.

"Mmm. We should go observe, just in case," Rias said.

"Ah, I have other duties to attend to, I'm afraid," Elros grimaced.

"Hmm? Like what?" Akeno asked.

"That accursed essay that I have to write. Everyone - suffer through the headaches and pray for me! I need every last bit of help I can get!" Elros said dramatically.

"They're not that bad, you know," Tsubaki said.

"Yeah, right. Next, you'll be telling me that schoolwork is fun," Elros said, rolling his eyes.

"I can give you some motivation if you'd like," Akeno suggested.

"Oh?" Elros asked, brightening up.

"Mhm. Follow me," Akeno said, wrapping an arm around Elros's waist.

"I'll see you in a bit, alright buddy?" Elros asked Gasper, who nodded. Setting him down, Akeno and Elros quickly left - leaving a grumbling Rias, Sona, and Tsubaki.

"That's messed up," Issei deadpanned.

"Pervs…," Saji said.


"This… wasn't the motivation I had in mind, babe," Elros groaned as Akeno began talking to him about the philosophy of aim and greed.

"Oh? What did you think was gonna happen?" she asked innocently.

"I was 100% sure that I'd be fucking you on that desk," Elros said. Akeno giggled before shaking her head.

"Nope. If we do that, then all you're gonna be thinking about during the essay is me. Next thing you know, you'll have written my name for two hours straight," Akeno smirked.

"If that's not enough to pass me, nothing is," Elros said.

"We can have our fun after you finish the essay," Akeno said, walking behind Elros and nibbling his ear.

"But at this point, all I'm gonna be thinking about is that!" he whined.

"Ugh. My boyfriend is such a whiner," Akeno sighed.

"That cuts deep," Elros grumbled.

"Because it's true?" Akeno asked.

"Yup," Elros said eliciting a giggle.

"Come on. You need to take this seriously," she said, leading Elros to the desk. Sitting him down, Akeno hugged him tightly. This was an important moment in his life, she thought.

"I am. Trust me," Elros sighed as he returned the hug.

"I know you're gonna do great on it. I have faith in you," Akeno said as she tilted his head up and kissed him. As they broke apart, Elros smiled at her.

"Talk about luck," he whispered.

"Hmm?" she asked.

"I'm talking about how lucky I am to have you in my life. I love you, Akeno," Elros said.

"I love you, too," Akeno said, blushing as she kissed him. She felt his hands trailed down her back, squeezing her tightly as he drilled into her mouth with his tongue. Surprisingly, she didn't feel him go much further than that. As they broke apart, she rested his head on her breasts and began to stroke his hair.

"So… after the essay?" he reiterated.

"Ha. Yes. After the essay. Don't worry; I've been thinking of some new ways we can have fun," Akeno said.

"LET'S DO THIS!" Elros roared in excitement, whisking her up and back into the room.


"That was quick. What'd you do?" Rias asked.

"Nothing," Elros said.

"Nothing?" she asked in surprise.

"Just gave Elros a little motivation," Akeno said, snuggling closer to him. Another door opened, and several Devils walked in. They led the two peerages to a room where everyone was assembled.

"Congratulations on your win, young Gremory," Luke said with a smile.

"Thank you, Mr. Star," Rias said, bowing to him; the others, except Elros, did the same - he just raised an eyebrow before looking at Luke who laughed uproariously.

"Please, never bow to me again. It's quite awkward. Only the insecure would have you do such," Luke said. Elros saw several Devils behind Luke shift uncomfortably, while others glared at his back.

"Some of them don't agree with you," Elros whispered to him.

"Indeed?" Luke asked, rounding on the Devils. He tilted his head in curiosity, placing the ones that didn't agree with him.

"Luke," Zekram said.

"Yes?" Luke asked.

"I understand how you like to do things. However… there are certain times and places to make your opinions known," Zekram said. Elros noted that he chose his words carefully; behind the old man's stark gaze, he saw something else: deep set fear - likely to what Luke's reaction would be. Feeling a gentle nudge from Elros, Luke sighed.

"Correct, Zekram. I appear to be slightly inebriated. I shall, of course, wait for a more… proper time," Luke said. Zekram sighed in relief and nodded before turning his gaze on the peerages and adopting a more serious tone.

"That said, Luke is right - congratulations, Rias Gremory. You and your peerage performed well. That said, I expect to see both peerages improve considerably," Zekram said before leaving.

"Lucy, I'm ready to take that first essay," Elros said.

"Ha. You look as though you've seen a ghost," Luke chuckled as saw how white Elros was.

"Worse. Two hours of writing," Elros gulped.

"You shall be fine. Probably. This way. Michael, if you would come as well - there is something I have to discuss with you," Luke said.

"Best of luck," Rias said, giving Elros a tender kiss; followed by Akeno, Sona, and Tsubaki. Gasper, Koneko, and Asia gave him a hug, while he fist-bumped Saji, Issei, and Kiba and gave Xenovia, Momo, Tsubasa, and Reya a kiss on the cheek.

"You'll do fine, dear," Venelana said, giving Elros a tight hug and kiss on the cheek, eliciting a whine from her daughter.

"Indeed. We've faith in you," Sirzechs said, clapping him on the shoulder while Zeo clapped his other shoulder. Giving a hug to Grayfia and Serafall, Elros finally took his leave.

"Best of luck, Elros Eärendil," came Titania's soothing voice. Everyone turned to her, surprised to see a warm smile on her lips as she looked at Elros. He gave her a grin and a thumbs up before taking his leave with Luke and Michael.


"Lucy, Mikey," Elros said as she suddenly shielded them with a thin membrane, making sure no one could hear.

"Mmm?" Luke hummed.

"Does anyone know?" he asked.

"Not as of yet, no," Michael sighed.

"Alright. You two ought to be careful, though. Some people started talking last night when you two acknowledged each other," Elros told them.

"Yes, I've heard. They're also quite keen on learning how you know both of us," Luke said.

"Fucking gossips. Can we make that a sin or something? Mikey?" Elros grumbled, eliciting a chuckle from the serene Angel.

"If such were the case, the entire world would be one of sinners," he said.

"Yeah, yeah… you know best, I guess. Still, try to keep it on the outs. That'd cause more problems than it's worth if I had to guess," Elros said.

"It might not be well for you if they figure out that you know our relationship, yet didn't say anything," Luke said.

"Yeah, let me worry about that. I already have a contingency," Elros said.

"Oh? What is it?" Luke asked, intrigued.

"Charm them so hard, that they orgasm and have a sudden onset of retrograde amnesia," Elros said with a devious grin. Luke laughed happily at that while Michael sighed, although a smile was evident on his lips.

"But really, Elros - you are putting yourself in a precarious position," Michael said seriously.

"Yeah, but you two are as well. I mean come on… Luke M. Star. Plus, they're probably talking about you two right now. After all, why would you, a Devil that hasn't been seen for decades, need to speak with Michael so urgently the day after he already pulled you aside?" Elros said.

"Quite. I've no ties, however. You have multiple," Luke said.

"Yeah… like I said, leave it to me. Don't worry, though, Lucy, Mikey. I've got your backs if and when it comes down to it," Elros said as he finally came to a full stop and gulped, looking through the door: a desk, a chair, a pen, and looseleaf paper were visible.

"I get the strangest feeling you're much more worried about this test than you are anyone finding out," Luke said thoughtfully.

"Yeah, you'd be right. I'll see you two later," Elros said. He punched the air a few times to get himself pumped up before walking in. Luke and Michael observed him sit down and look at the prompt in front of him - and then saw him crash his head several times onto the table, shouting profanities and obscenities that would make the hardiest sailor cringe. Luke and Michael both laughed happily before taking their leave.

"He is taking on quite a risk, Luke," Michael said as he opened a magic circle and stepped through with Luke. As they emerged on the other side, they were both standing atop a snow-covered mountain, in the middle of a raging blizzard.

"You do not have to dictate that to me, Michael. I am well aware of the risk he is in. You know how Elros and I prefer to handle situations. You are much the same," Luke replied coolly.

"Earth is changing. The others will soon be coming out, Lu-," Michael was cut off.

"There's no need to call me Luke while we are in private," Luke said.

"Very well, Lucifer," Michael said.

"Ah. Every time you call me that, you add such a pained inflection. It hurts, dear brother," Lucifer said with a faint smile. Michael narrowed his eyes before sighing.

"You've always been like that," he said tiredly.

"Ashamed?" Lucifer asked.

"You know that I was never ashamed to call you that," Michael said.

"Perhaps not," Lucifer shrugged. Looking at the spot they came out of, Michael smiled.

"What? Why are you smiling?" Lucifer asked.

"I never thought that you would share that kind of relationship with anyone. While I am not ashamed of you, I certainly do not abide everything you've done. However, it came as a sheer surprise when you took Elros in," Michael said.

"Blame Mazikeen," Lucifer shrugged.

"Perhaps he charmed her, but you could've kicked him out," Michael said.

"Even I am not that heartless," Lucifer said offhandedly.

"Yes, you are," Michael said. Lucifer paused before exhaling.

"We've discussed this topic already, Michael," Lucifer said.

"We have. I wonder how Father would've reacted? Regardless, it remains one of interest to me. But I suppose I can see why. You two are similar in several respects," Michael said, looking his brother up and down.

"Yes. We both could've had better fathers," Lucifer said, the cold in his voice exacting itself on the environment. The wind began to whip around faster and faster, although the two powerful beings didn't seem to care at all.

"Does he know?" Michael asked quietly.

"No," Lucifer said.

"Will you tell him?" he asked.

"No," Lucifer replied. Michael sighed.

"I suppose that's for the best. Knowing Elros, he'd be more upset at you saying so," Michael said.

"Indeed," Lucifer said with a fond smile before looking at Michael. "That said, let us talk."

"Go ahead," Michael nodded.


"He looks so adorable," Akeno cooed as she looked at Elros. To make sure he wouldn't cheat, a camera observed him, as well as a proctor.

"Is it just me, or is the desk… splintered?" Issei asked.

"Yes, I was told that Elros smashed his head against it several times," Venelana giggled.

"This really isn't his kind of thing," Rias said fondly.

"Looks like he's doing well, though. Already written a few pages," Saji said.

"While he hates actually doing the work, Elros is fairly intelligent. I've confidence he'll achieve a high mark," Sona said.

"Wouldn't be so sure, Sitri. Kid looks like he's about ready to kick it," Zephrydor said as he observed as well. Sona and Rias both ignored him.

"What? The loser can't even talk to me?" he wondered.

"You ought to respect others, Zephrydor," Rias said coldly.

"Still so cold. You know, my offer to warm you up still stands," Zephrydor said.

"No," Rias said.

"Come on. Your boy toy doesn't even need to know," he said.

"You appear to be much more confident now that he isn't around," Seekvaira sneered as she joined them.

"I'm not afraid of him if that's what you're implying," Zephrydor said.

"Oh? I wouldn't have guessed. You didn't seem so confident when he walked up to you last night," Seekvaira said, smirking.

"Look here, bi-," Zephrydor began before Yama suddenly cut in.

"Shut your mouths before I shut them for you," Yama said, observing Elros's form. Zephrydor snarled at the Devil but stopped as Yama looked to him. Turning his body towards the blue haired Devil, everyone stopped.

"A brave one," Yama said, tilting his head.

"Zephrydor," Falbium said strictly. Zephyrdor went over to his brother, hissing.

"You can take him, can't you!?" he asked.

"Keep. Your. Mouth. Shut," Falbium said sternly. Zephyrdor sputtered before looking at Yama.

"If the boy wants to prove himself, let him," Yama said to the Satan.

"What?" Falbium asked in surprise.

"I'll take his peerage on. If he can beat me, he'd make a name for himself, instead of trading on his brothers," Yama said.

"That's enough, Yama," Zekram said sharply.

"Just a suggestion. Otherwise, silence. All of you," Yama said, his gaze falling over every Devil in the room before he turned back to observe Elros. No one else spoke a word for the rest of his test.


As Elros walked into the room, he immediately collapsed on a chair, rolling his neck every which way.

"I can't believe… I did it," he said, his breathing so heavy, one would've thought he had just climbed Everest in one go.

"It was an essay, not a war," Rias giggled.

"I can't… tell the difference. ANYWAYS! You! With me!" Elros said, taking Akeno's hand and quickly leading her away. Rias saw several Devils blush, an idea in their minds of what was going to happen.

"Devils appear to be more reserved than I initially thought. It's heartwarming," Titania said, smiling at them. As she spoke, heads turned towards her, taking in her soothing voice with smiles.


"Mmm, so frisky. Shouldn't you wait until you get the result?" Akeno asked as Elros had her pinned against the wall, kissing her down her neck.

"Nope. Best I get this just in case I completely bombed it," Elros said.

"And just after the Game," Akeno sighed.

"Would you rather I stop?" Elros asked, breaking the kiss to look her in the eyes. She observed him scan her face with a remarkable intensity.

"What? Something on my face?" she asked softly.

"Your eyes…," Elros whispered.

"What about them?" Akeno inquired.

"They're beautiful. Such a gorgeous shade of violet…," Elros trailed off as he brought a hand to her cheek, keeping her face still as he took in her eyes. Akeno blushed deeply and smiled.

"Such a charmer," she said.

"Maybe, but I'm serious about this. I can't think of anything to compare them to. The violet shade of a rainbow? No, not even close. They're one of a kind, that's for sure," Elros said. Akeno smiled as she softly kissed him before resting her head against his.

"Thanks," she whispered.

"I love you," Elros said before crashing his lips against hers again. Akeno giggled into the kiss before bringing her legs up around his waist and pulling him in as she began to undo his shirt. As she tossed it aside, she pushed him back and smiled.

"I'd rather everyone not hear me scream. So I've thought of a little present for you," she said as she rounded him and pushed him against the desk.

"I thought you would've been alright with everyone hearing you," Elros said, smiling as she began to undo his belt. Resting his hands behind him, he decided to let Akeno take him through the motions.

"On most days, yeah. Not during the Games, though," she said, getting him free and beginning to stroke. She giggled at how hard he was and continued to kiss him with a loving passion.

"You were right," Elros whispered.

"Mmm? About what?" she wondered.

"If we had done this before the essay, I probably would've written your name for two hours straight," he said.

"Good thing you have such an intelligent girlfriend," she chirped before squatting down. Elros groaned as she took him in her mouth, his head rolling back as his mind was set ablaze in pleasure.

"No need… to remind me," Elros said, feeling her tongue running laps around him.


"Where's Elros?" Luke wondered as he reappeared.

"With Akeno," Azazel chuckled.

"Good thing Baraquiel's not here," Odin sighed.

"As if he would have any room to speak," Azazel said.

"Did Elros pass, then?" Issei asked Luke.

"Probably. Maybe. I've no idea, to be quite honest. Either that or he wrote obscenities for two hours," Luke shrugged.

"So what's next? Another round?" Asia asked Rias.

"We have the rest of the day off. I believe Sairaorg and Zephrydor are next, followed by Seekvaira and Diodora," Rias said.

"We should go observe, shouldn't we?" Xenovia said.

"Bah! Why would you want to spoil that for yourself, though? Go into it blind is what I say!" Luke said.

"That doesn't work for everyone, Luke," Odin said.

"I suppose. Meh… so dull otherwise. Oh, the proctor! Well, my good man? Did he pass?" Luke asked as a wizened old Devil walked in, thumbing through Elros's work.

"Indeed. Mr. Eärendil has quite a flourish for the pen, it appears. This is a fine paper," he said.

"Really? That good?" Rias asked in surprise.

"Well written, well sourced, and well argued. Fit to print, truth be told," the Devil said.

"May we…?" Venelana asked.

"Certainly, Lady Gremory," the Devil said, handing the paper to her. Sirzechs, Grayfia, Zeoticus, and Rias gathered around her and began to read the paper as well while others looked on with interest.


"What the hell…," Elros trailed off as he lay on the desk, Akeno smiling at him as she cleaned up.

"What is it?" she wondered.

"I can't think straight," Elros said.

"Guess I did my job, then," she giggled.

"I'll say. Christ, you are unbelievable," Elros said, rolling off as he clutched his head in pain.

"You really should stop blaspheming," she giggled.

"I need to reciprocate, you know," he said.

"Don't worry. We'll have a lot more fun tonight after we get back home," Akeno said, clicking her tongue as she joined him on the floor. She rested his head in her lap and began to stroke his hair, staring at him with loving eyes.

"Your birthday is coming up," Elros suddenly said, smiling.

"How did you know that?" she asked in surprise.

"Never question my methods," Elros said as he caressed her cheek.

"Yup. Another year," she sighed.

"You're far too young to think about it like that," he said.

"I guess. My first birthday with you, though. That's something I'm really looking forward to," she said.

"Happy to hear it. We're gonna have a blast," he said. The door soon opened and Rias walked in.

"Are you two finished yet?" she grumbled.

"Care to join?" Elros said.

"Maybe later. Come on. We can head back home in a little bit," Rias said.


"It appears as though you've drawn more attention to yourself, my friend," Luke chuckled as Elros came out, resting his head in Akeno's hair.

"Hmm?" he wondered.

"Your paper. Very well written," Luke said.

"Does that mean I passed?!" Elros asked excitedly.

"Indeed. You may take the next portion of the test when you wish. You will have two hours to write an essay upon Devil history and government," the proctor said, eyeing him keenly.

"Alright. Hmmm… I think I'll do that one tomorrow," Elros said.

"You sure you don't want to do it right now?" Rias wondered.

"Pick up on the subtleties, dear," Elros grumbled, eliciting a chuckle from Luke and a quizzical look from Rias.

"I don't get it," she said, eliciting and eye roll from her boyfriend. Elros looked at Luke who shook his head in displeasure.

"Tsk, tsk. Perhaps I spoke to soon… role play, little Gremory, role play! Must we subject you to the vast library of pornography in which this has occurred?" Luke asked. Rias turned red, as did several other Devils.

"Just because we're Devils doesn't mean you need to be so open about it!" Rias complained to him.

"Forgive me," Elros whispered, kissing her atop her head. She smiled at the touch before leaning up to kiss him square on the lips in front of everyone.

"It appears you two are quite in love," Titania suddenly said.

"Yes, ma'am!" Elros said happily.

"It's quite heartening to see. I wish you the best," she said with a gentle smile. Elros and Rias smiled their thanks at her. As Titania looked at Elros, Yama let out a scoff before heading towards the door.

"Ah, leaving already?" Luke asked.

"Until his next match," the armored Devil replied. Elros saw that some of the other Devils didn't care much for his attitude, despite having no will to give their thoughts verbiage. They simply glared at the Devils back; the motion drew chuckles from Luke.


Rias had put on her glasses and stood in front of Elros in a tight, black pencil skirt; a white blouse that was threatening to blow apart with a frilly black bra underneath; and biting on the end of a pen as she explained the basics of the history and government of the Underworld to Elros - who had a look of horror on his face.

"STOP!" he said.

"What? Isn't this what you wanted?" she wondered innocently.

"I didn't think it'd be so literal about teaching me! You've been talking for half an hour now! You should've been blowing me at least twenty nine minutes and thirty seconds ago!" Elros grumbled as he sat on her bed. She giggled and walked around, wrapping her arms around his neck and pushing against his back with her breasts. She wrapped her legs around his waist and began to kiss him gently along his shoulder and neck.

"Sometimes, it's nice just to sit like with you. Not everything as to be about sex," she said.

"Mmm… true enough. That said, it does feel really good," he said, caressing her arm.

"You did well today. Now I'm definitely confident I made the right choice in bringing you on as a pawn," she said.

"Pretty sure I chose well in agreeing to it. I expected to have some fun as a Devil, but this is more than I thought. I never imagined this is where I'd be this summer," he chuckled.

"What did you think you'd be doing if you didn't join me?" she wondered.

"I'm not sure. I had a slew of missions for several months straight. Been fairly bare these last few - not that I'm complaining. Honestly, I thought I'd be off world at this point," he said.

"I'm happy you're not," Rias said softly.

"As am I," Elros said, getting up and laying on his stomach. Rias got comfortable on his back, resting her face in his hair.

"Mmm… this is nice," she said, giggling slightly.

"It really is, isn't it? On a soft bed with the beautiful Lady Rias Gremory. An enviable position," he said.

"Mhm. And you're the lucky guy," she said teasingly. Suddenly, Rias found herself on her back, Elros towering over her and smiling. He quickly leaned down, an inch from her lips. She inhaled deeply, taking in his scent and rewrapped her arms around his neck.

"Very, very lucky. Thank God, right?" he said, taking the pain like a champ before giving her a passionate kiss. As he drew off, Rias pulled him back down, resting him on top of her breasts.

"This is even nicer," he said.

"I'm glad you think so. Now, I did teach you some things. Let's take a little nap so you can commit it to memory," she offered.

"Sounds good to me. Now that you mention it… I am feeling a bit tired," he said, yawning. Almost a minute later, he was out like a light. Rias continued to lovingly stroke his hair and held him close as she slowly drifted as well.


"Mmm… talk about a wonderful way to wake up," Elros said, his eyes fluttering open. As he and Rias were napping, Akeno happened to join him. She was tightly wrapped around his neck while Rias held him close to her in front.

"I'll…. say," Rias yawned, her eyes fluttering open as well. Looking at the clock, she sighed.

"What is it?" he wondered.

"Our next match is in eight hours. We probably shouldn't have slept for so long," she said.

"We'll win it like we won the last one. Who do you think it's going to be, though?" Elros asked.

"I'm not sure. It could be any of them. I know that the Devils want me to fight my cousin - Sairaorg. Pretty certain he won his fight against Zephrydor. Between Seekvaira and Diodora, though… I'm not sure. Whoever it is, though, they'll be as strong as Sona's peerage. Hopefully, they don't hinder you and Gasper this time, though," Rias said.

"Whatever the handicap, we got this," Elros said, kissing her along her chest before pausing to kiss and bite her neck. She moaned at the touch and held him there, taking in as much of the sensation as she could.

"Mmm… threesome?" Akeno asked as she yawned as well.

"I don't mind," Elros said excitedly.

"I'm sure you don't. But no. Let's go get ready," Rias said as she got up. Elros sighed and soon turned his attention to Akeno, who giggled and held him close.

"Congrats on passing the first part," she whispered.

"I had an excellent teacher," he whispered, nibbling her ear.

"Mhm. I'm sure it was because you had the proper motivation," she said.

"Ah! Which reminds me," he said. Moving between her legs, he quickly had her half naked. With a wink, he got to work.


Fresh out of the shower, Yubelluna headed over to the door to answer the knocks she had heard just a moment prior. She smiled as she saw Elros standing on the other side. Ushering him in, she held him tightly, having a slight idea of why he was at her door.

"How are you feeling with what happened last night?" he asked quietly. As she recalled Riser speaking to her, she let out a small whimper and tightened her hold on Elros. He reciprocated the motion, holding her as close as he could as he weaved a hand through her hair.

"I'm… dealing with it. I would've preferred that he stayed away," she admitted.

"Don't worry, Bella. I'm not going to let him lay a single finger on you, alright? You're going to be completely safe. I promise," Elros whispered to her. She nodded into her chest before leaning back a bit and kissing him tenderly.

"I know. I trust you, Elros. Thank you," she whispered.

"Don't mention it," Elros said as he embraced her again.

"Are you ready for the Games?" she asked, turning to a lighter subject.

"More or less. I had fun against Sona's peerage today. Tsubaki nearly had me; that's not often the case. I'm curious about who we're up against tomorrow, though," Elros said.

"I have faith in your victory," Yubelluna said.

"That means a lot to me. Speaking of Rating Games, however, I wanted to ask you something," Elros said, leading her to her bed.

"Oh? What is it?" Yubelluna inquired.

"Well, as you know - I'm going to be promoted to Ultimate-Class - hopefully I'll get everything done in the next few weeks. But I wanted to ask if you want to join my peerage when I make it?" Elros said with a smile.

"Seriously?" Yubelluna asked in surprise.

"Yeah. You're the first person I'm asking. Not sure how these things are usually done. I suppose this might be premature…," Elros said.

"I have faith that you'll make it," Yubelluna said, kissing his cheek.

"You overestimate my ability. I can hammer a problem down, but writing… for two hours? I'd rather drill a hole in my head. I nearly broke the desk today by banging my head on it," Elros whined.

"Ah. Yes, I've noted that you and schoolwork don't get along too well. I suppose it's just as well. After all, it wouldn't be fair if you excelled at everything, would it?" Yubelluna giggled.

"Ha. Don't share my weakness with everyone," Elros chuckled.

"As for your question, however… I will… have to think about it. It's not that I don't wish to join you! I'm… honored that you'd consider me," Yubelluna said, blushing.

"I understand. Might I ask what your reason is, then?" Elros asked. Yubelluna sighed as she snuggled a bit closer to him, holding tight.

"While I made friendships with several of the girls, being in a peerage… I was in it because I had no other choice. While I am not against fighting, being in a position like that - where I had to fight constantly or appease Riser… perhaps if I had someone like you as a master, in the beginning, it'd be different. But at this point, I only wish to… enjoy my life," Yubelluna said.

"I understand," Elros said.

"You do?" Yubelluna asked.

"Of course. Please, don't feel like you have to join. This is entirely up to you, alright? If you just want to stay with me otherwise, that's fine by me," Elros said. Yubelluna smiled and nodded before gently laying him down.

"Mind if we stay like this for a few minutes?" Yubelluna said.

"Sure," Elros said, beginning to run his hand through her hair.


"Hey," Isabela said with a wry smile as she let Elros in.

"Hey. I just wanted to see how you were doing," he said, standing just a bit away from her.

"I figured as much. I… don't know, to be honest. It was surreal to see him again," Isabela said uncomfortably, her hand surreptitiously going to her mask.

"I understand. I'm not going to let him do anything to you, Isabela - to any of you. If he tries, I'm going to tear him limb from limb," Elros said. Isabela moved forward and rested her head on his chest, taking in his calm and even heartbeat. She soon found his hand on her mask as well. She looked at him quizzically.

"You don't have to wear it around me if you don't want to," he said with a smile.

"I don't want you to feel like you have to look at me like that…," Isabela said.

"I don't feel that way at all," Elros said. Biting her lip, Isabela paused before she nodded. Removing the mask, she looked at him again with downcast eyes. To her surprise, Elros gently caressed her burned cheek. She let out an exhale as she felt that, as well as a cute gasp when he leaned down and kissed her, resting her lips there. As he drew back, she leaned forward and hugged him tightly, burying her face in his chest.

"There, there," she heard him say as he kissed her atop her head, gently rubbing her back. As he held her, she noted how nice it felt - something she didn't often experience before. His touch was tender and gentle and loving, all of the things that had evaded her for so many years. She tightened her hold on him, a motion he reciprocated, just taking in the feeling.

"By the way, did your parents come to the party? Rias said something about putting them on a list, right?" Elros asked.

"Indeed. They couldn't make it last night, unfortunately. However, as I understand it, the Peace Talks - and the parties in accordance with them - will be going on for at least a couple more weeks. They will try to attend later in the week," Isabela said.

"Can't wait to meet them," Elros said cheerfully.

"Any particular reason why?" she wondered.

"Embarrassing stories, my dear Isabela!" Elros said happily.

"…What?" Isabela asked in surprise.

"Embarrassing stories! I've noticed I haven't heard much about how you - or even or Rias or Sona or Issei - embarrassed yourselves as children. I must know," Elros said devilishly.

"Why?" Isabela deadpanned.

"Mostly for kicks," Elros replied.

"I don't think I have any," Isabela said.

"Nonsense. Everyone has them," Elros said.

"Even you?" Isabela asked. She regretted it as soon as she asked. Looking up, she saw a sad smile on his lips.

"I wish," Elros sighed.

"Oh… Elros, I'm sorry. I didn't-," Isabela began before she felt a finger on her lips.

"Don't worry about it, alright? It's fine," Elros said. She opened her mouth to speak but soon closed it, looking downcast. Holding her a bit tighter, Elros kissed her atop her head, gently rocking her. Sighing in exaltation, Isabela went with the flow.


"Hey, you two. How're you feeling?" Elros asked as he hugged Marion and Bürent, both of whom hugged him tight, leading him towards a bed.

"We're… alright. Mostly. I could've gone with never seeing that asshole ever again," Bürent said.

"Likewise. That was… too soon to see him, I think," Marion gulped.

"I understand," Elros said as he laid down. Marion and Bürent each took a side, taking turns in caressing and kissing him. Being so intimate with Elros brought them both lots of joy. As Bürent lingered on his lips, she caressed his cheek, a thoughtful expression on her face.

"What's up?" Elros wondered.

"Nothing. Just… thank you," she said. Elros grinned and kissed her again, resting his head against hers.

"Don't mention it. I'm not letting anything or anyone hurt you guys," Elros said. Marion soon guided her own lips to his, giggling slightly as she felt his tongue pass through.

"Rias and Akeno aren't wrong. You're certainly passionate," she said, biting his lip on the way out.

"One of my best traits," Elros said cheerfully.

"Got that right. Move for a sec," Bürent said with a giggle as she pushed Marion to the side. Scrambling on top, she passionately locked her lips with Elros. Grinning inwards, Elros went with the flow, one hand going down her back and giving her a tight squeeze, while the other searched for Marion. He pulled the brunette maid closer, letting her kiss his neck.

"Oh man, if this leads where I think it's gonna lead… well, then Rias is gonna kill me, actually. Then again… what a way to go," Elros said with a chuckle, flipping Bürent over and kissing her neck. She straddled him before suddenly having her head pried from Elros. Marion quickly inserted herself between them, taking control for the moment.

"Ugh. We're gonna have to figure out a much better way to go about this," Bürent lamented.

"Ah, yeah… you better go for now. I don't want Rias on us as well," Marion giggled. Elros smiled and nodded, giving both of them a quick kiss before taking his leave. The two maids bit their lips as they watched him go, sighing as he closed the door.

"I can still feel it," Marion said, bringing a finger to her lips.

"So can I. Wow," Bürent sighed happily.


"Xuelan! I was just coming to see you," Elros said as he ran across the beauty in the hallway.

"Oh? What's up?" Xuelan wondered, greeting him with a hug.

"I just wanted to make sure you're alright. With seeing Phoenix again last night," Elros said seriously. Xuelan smiled and nodded as she leaned forward, resting her head on his chest.

"I am. I dunno… I feel safer when you're around, I suppose," she said.

"I'm happy to hear that. I'm sorry I couldn't do anything about it last night. If I knew he was actually going to be there…," Elros trailed off.

"Don't worry about it, 'kay? You did enough by throwing him out like that. Just… if you come across him in the Battle Royale…," Xuelan said, a hint of anger seeping into her voice.

"Don't worry. I'll give him hell," Elros said, kissing her head. He felt her nod before she reared back and leaned up, kissing him on the cheek.

"I'ma go get something to eat. I'll be rooting for you in the Games," she said, taking her leave.


"Hello, Elros," Anna said as she answered the door to Mihae's room.

"Anna! Hello! Is Mihae here?" Elros asked.

"Yes, I believe she's just getting changed. Mihae dear, come out - quickly!" Anna shouted. Almost immediately, the door blew open, and Mihae ran out - only covered with a towel.

"What is it mo-," she said before seeing Elros smiling at her. She let out an adorable shriek of terror before running back into the bathroom, leaving Anna giggling.

"That was mean," Elros chuckled.

"My daughter… so sweet and adorable, but timid when it comes to men. No doubt part of the reason is that of that detestable Riser Phoenix. But… she seems to truly be happy with you. Please, do take care of her for me," Anna said.

"Of course. I promise I won't let anything hurt her," Elros nodded. Anna nodded before excusing herself to get something to eat, leaving Elros waiting for Mihae. A few minutes later, she stepped out dressed - still blushing quite profoundly.

"Hey. Sorry about that," Elros said with a pleasant smile.

"I-I-I-It's fine!" she stated in a small voice, sitting next to him. Elros put an arm around her and hugged her close; and while the blush increased ever so slightly, she felt much more comfortable.

"So what is it that you want to talk about?" she asked.

"I just wanted to make sure you're alright. With all you went through with him, I wanted to make sure that seeing Riser again wasn't… umm…," Elros trailed off, trying to think of the words.

"Bothering us?" Mihae suggested.

"Yeah. Something like that," Elros said.

"I am a bit scared. I know you're powerful but… Riser is not a good man. Even when I told him no, it took… every bit of courage I had…," Mihae said fretfully.

"I was a bit surprised as well - but pleased. It's not easy standing up to someone that's made your life so difficult. I'm proud of you," Elros said. Mihae gave him a grateful smile before cuddling closer.

"Please be careful in your battle against him," she whispered.

"Don't worry, Mihae. I will," Elros said, kissing her atop her head.


"Hey, Grayfia! Mrs. G!" Elros waved at the two.

"Hello, Elros dear. Getting dinner?" Venelana asked.

"Yup. Just waiting on Luke," he sighed.

"Luke?" Venelana wondered.

"Yup. He texted me about eating over at his place today. He was supposed to be here around… seven minutes ago. He better have a good excuse. He's not Gandalf last time I checked," Elros grumbled, eliciting a giggle from the matriarch and a smile from Grayfia.

"I'm sure he'll be here soon. Likely, he has to talk to some of the Devils. As has been said, his appearance is something of an event in and of itself. Besides that, though, what did you think of your first Rating Game?" she asked.

"I enjoyed it. Tsubaki really surprised me with the mirrors, though. I've been thinking of ways to counteract that in the future. No doubt it'll come up again sometime," Elros said.

"Sairaorg won his fight, as did Diodora. There's a high chance you'll be fighting them next," Grayfia interjected.

"Don't really know much about either. Whoever it is though, I think we'll come out on top. Right Issei?" Elros called out to the Red Dragon Emperor as he walked along the upstairs hallway.

"Hell yeah! I've been working on a new move, by the way! Can't wait to show you," Issei said, giving him a thumbs up.

"I wonder how perverted this ones gonna be?" Elros thought aloud. There was a knock on the door a moment later. As Grayfia answered it, Luke strode in, smiling. As he came in, so did Sirzechs and Zeoticus.

"Luke - what're you doing here?" Sirzechs asked in surprise.

"Ah, hello Gremory's! A date with my dear friend. Ready, Elros?" he asked.

"Lead the way, Lucy. Later Mrs. G, Mr. G, Zecxy, and… I still need to come up with a nickname for Grayfia… mmm… Gray? Lady Gra-Gra? Hmm…," Elros mumbled to himself as he stepped through the magic circle, leaving a bewildered Grayfia and laughing Gremory family in his wake.


"Mikey! You're here too?" Elros asked in surprise.

"Elros," Michael nodded, smiling.

"Jeez, when was the last time you two ate together? And where's an Italian Renaissance painter when you need one?" Elros wondered, taking a seat.

"It has been quite a while, eh, Michael?" Luke asked as he chose a bottle of alcohol.

"Longer than I remember, Lucifer," Michael answered.

"I still can't get over his name," Elros grumbled.

"Lucifer Morningstar. It has a nice ring to it, no?" Lucifer asked.

"It does. But… Luke M. Star. Come on. You're one of the oldest people I know. You would've thought that in all those years, you could've built a better alias. Should've asked Mark Twain for help," Elros said.

"It's doing the job well enough," Lucifer shrugged as he sat down as well.

"Yes, but where's the pizazz?!" Elros inquired dramatically.

"Considering how little time I spend here, it's not necessary. Besides, I didn't want to have an alias so bewildering, it'd be impossible to figure out," Lucifer said.

"I have to ask, though - Sirzechs. Are you alright with that?" Elros asked seriously.

"Indeed. The boy had the name thrust upon him. Should he let his ego take over, however, I will have to rein it in. Those that disgrace the name will suffer for the indignity," Lucifer said. Elros nodded, although didn't want to think about what that would entail.

"That reminds me of something else. Mikey, when we were fighting Vali, he said his last name was Lucifer. Zero chance in Heaven and Hell that this guy has a legitimate kid anywhere," Elros said, hiking his thumb at Lucifer who deadpanned.

"I resent that," he said.

"Gonna deny it?" Elros inquired.

"Certainly not. Children… the very thought inspires dread," Lucifer shuddered.

"It is true that Vali's last name is Lucifer. His great-grandfather had adopted the name long ago, although I do not think Lucifer was involved in any way," Michael said.

"I hear you did quite a number on the child, however. Tearing off his wings was certainly a nice touch. I'm more surprised you didn't beat him over the head with them," Lucifer chuckled.

"He shouldn't have put so many people in danger - and all for the sake of his ego," Elros frowned.

"I believe he only recently began to heal - at least, that is what Azazel has told me. Whether or not he is keen in fighting you again, however, I cannot say," Michael said.

"Guess we'll see. Kuroka mentioned that he still remembers it. Surprised you're not doing anything about it, though," Elros said to Lucifer.

"Neither the boy, his father, his grandfather, nor his great-grandfather have ever posed a threat. Should they misuse my name, I shall step in. I do know the grandfather - Rizevim Livian Lucifer - has his own proclivities on what a Devil should behave like. Tsk. What a fool," Lucifer said.

"Enough on that. I don't want to learn too much about this," Elros said.

"Ha. Very well. I thought you should know, however, that you've severely piqued the interest of several noble families. Your relationship with the Three Factions as well as other Pantheons is becoming quite well known," Lucifer said.

"Maybe they should try being friendly to people instead of looking down their noses at them," Elros sighed.

"The weak willed have to cling to their thrones somehow. Acknowledgment would lead to equivalence which would lead to their egos shattering," Lucifer said.

"Mmm… they'll probably try to to proposition me somehow - at least that's what Mrs. G and Rias have said. Ha. Wasting their time. I'm not sure why they think that just because I know you guys, it'll do them any favors," Elros chuckled.

"Likely applying the transitive property. They know you, and you know us; ergo, they assume they would relate to us somehow, giving them an edge in negotiations," Michael sighed.

"They underestimate both of your hardheadedness. And Odin would just be drunk while they blabbed to him. Thor would just knock them into another star system," Elros grinned.

"I am curious - has your beloved or her family attempted to gain an audience with me yet?" Lucifer asked wondered.

"Nope. Well… there's that time you came after my Duel with those three… fuck, I forgot their names again. Anyways - those three - and I think Sirzechs wanted you to join the New Satan Faction. Other than that, they've asked about our relationship but haven't asked for anything in particular," Elros said.

"If they do?" he inquired.

"I don't want to disappoint them, but I'll have to. If Mr. G wants some more alcohol, I'll shoot you a text. But if it's leverage - for negotiations or whatever else… the answer would be no," Elros said.

"While they Gremory's may not try as such, others - such as the Baels - like will. Your beloved's mother is a Bael as well," Lucifer noted.

"That Zekram guy doesn't think too much of me. I've no problem in disappointing him," Elros said with a smirk.

"Yes, that family places quite a bit on their Powers of Destruction. In the absence of the Old Satan Faction, the Bael's took de facto control of power and politics. Their Powers are quite impressive and something to behold - in fact, I believe the Gremory boy wonder has an extremely firm grasp on them. In addition to his magic, he's quite a fearsome fighter. A Super Devil, I believe they call him," Lucifer said.

"Knew he was strong, but I didn't know that. Sounds like a badass, to be honest," Elros said.

"Powerful, respected, and idealistic. The boy will no doubt serve as a beacon in the future," Lucifer said.

"Do you plan on throwing you weight behind anyone?" Elros wondered.

"Not at all. I wouldn't be caught dead here if you weren't a Devil. I'm far more interested in what's happening on Earth. The revelation of you and Mr. Kent has not died down in the slightest; ever since your arrival, there's been an ongoing discussion. I believe the representatives are sleeping, bathing, and dining in the same nondescript building since the reveal and shall continue to do so for a good while," Lucifer said.

"Well… I had just managed to forget that, and you brought it back. Thanks, Lucy. You're a real fucking charmer," Elros grumbled, banging his head on the table. Michael and Lucifer exchanged a smile before Lucifer ruffled Elros's hair as a father would.

"Now, now - look on the bright side; you have a harem that continues to grow. I know kings that would give up their rule and power for such an array of beauties," Lucifer said.

"Fucking a," Elros said with a cheerful grin before turning to Michael. "Any news on the Khaos Brigade since yesterday?"

"None. I imagine ever since Ophis and the new arrival took their leave, they've been planning another attack. It's hard to get a read on them; Ophis is quite adept in limiting how much I can see from afar," Michael said.

"To think that their leader is mini-Akeno. Ugh, if only she weren't so adorable. I felt sorry for attacking her," Elros said.

"She's a dragon," Lucifer noted.

"As far as I can see, she's a little girl. Maybe there's another way to go about this…," Elros trailed off, folding his hands as he considered the options.

"Don't tell me you're thinking of trying to communicate with it!?" Lucifer said.

"With her, Lucy. I know. Candy. Kids love candy, don't they? They teach that shit in schools - stranger danger!" Elros exclaimed.

"Your bright idea is candy?" Lucifer deadpanned.

"Hmm… she was dressed pretty Gothic. Maybe something from Hot Topic? Can't imagine kids that hard to bribe…. Candy, clothes… uh…. toys. A Tickle-Me Elmo? Or maybe if I sing the Barney song, I can bring her on to our side… I love you, you love me, we're a happy family…," Elros continued.

"This conversation has taken a turn for the odd. Let's get back to something sensible," Lucifer said with a chuckle.

"Right. This new arrival… she's no joke that much I can tell. Couldn't break my constructs, but the darkness she brought in was pretty intense. I imagine if Ophis is powerful and she considers this lady an ally, she's probably pretty dangerous as well," Elros said.

"Astute observation. I'm curious why she revealed herself now, though?" Michael wondered.

"Probably to help out Ophis, I imagine," Elros said.

"Perhaps, but I don't think that's likely. Ophis is fairly potent, and she had sent Creuserey beforehand. While not exceptionally powerful, he could've still been a threat," Michael said.

"Would've been nice to get some information out of him. Too bad someone had to obliterate him," Elros grumbled.

"He spilled alcohol on me!" Lucifer exclaimed.

"You could've just stopped his attack," Elros said.

"Ah, but there's no dramatic gasp when you do that. The boy doesn't matter, in any case. If not me, the Gremory boy wonder would've eliminated him with ease," Lucifer said.

"We have feelers out to see if we can pick up on anything. The Khaos Brigade has recruited an alarming number of Sacred Gear users - that much we do know. I believe they may have partnered with other Factions or Pantheons. That said, Odin and Titania are incredibly powerful and revered; it should draw several to our cause," Michael said. As he said her name, Elros frowned.

"What is it?" Lucifer wondered knowingly.

"Titania," Elros said.

"What about her?" Michael wondered, exchanging a glance with Lucifer.

"I get this strangest feeling that I know her. I can't place it… but it's there," Elros said.

"I see. Do you have any guesses?" Michael inquired.

"Nope. I know I didn't sleep with her. I definitely would've remembered that. But there's something… something…," Elros trailed off.

"Should you wish, I may be able to assist you," Michael said.

"No. No, no, no. Keep whatever you know to yourself Mikey, Lucy. You know how I feel about that. I'll figure it out on my own," Elros said.

"As you wish. Keep in mind that asking for help isn't a bad thing, though," Michael said.

"Yeah, but with you two, I have to be careful. I don't want the Wikipedia of my life to be available whenever I want," Elros said with a wink.

"That said, are you prepared for your upcoming match with Yama?" Lucifer inquired.

"More or less. More… I hope," Elros said.

"He is no joke, that much I can assure you. There's a reason that so few have dared to challenge him in the last 10 years - although I suspect you're aware of that. Even compared to the threats you've already faced, Yama will be an entirely different matter," Lucifer said.

"I'm curious - is there a particular reason for his name?" Elros wondered.

"The God of Death? Yes. While not well known, it is known. You're aware of the Four Horsemen?" Lucifer said.

"Who isn't?" Elros replied, raising an eyebrow.

"The name has been given to or adopted by several groups. Yama belonged to such. The three others that he was involved with were known in particular for their brutality. Yes; Pestilence, Famine, Death, and War. We are aware of him because he became a Devil after they disbanded," Lucifer said.

"Is that what Ophis meant when she talked about the ones he rode with?" Elros wondered.

"Indeed. They've clashed with each of the Factions - the Angels, Devils, and Fallen Angels. They've fought against multiple races and Pantheons as well," Michael interjected.

"If you guys know him, why not do something about it? I can't imagine he has many friends," Elros frowned.

"No, but he has those three. Combined, they're enough to fight against armies. We know; we've sent many against them," Michael said.

"Was he the leader or something?" Elros wondered.

"Ah, you would think so, wouldn't you? After all, he's the one that rode as Death. But no, he wasn't. The name wasn't given to him as an honor; it was an insult," Lucifer said.

"… You lost me," Elros grumbled.

"These four were known for their brutality, as I mentioned - as well as the suffering they wrought. Within them, they judged by how much pain they could inflict. Yama was called the God of Death because he killed his victims so quickly. The one who rode as the leader was War," Lucifer said.

"I see. I'm curious how you know about all this? I scanned Mr. G's library and don't recall him being mentioned," Elros said.

"In my one and only Duel with him, I requested that he share his entire past with me. And so he did," Lucifer said with a smile.

"Couldn't you just work your magic?" Elros wondered.

"No fun in doing that all the time," Lucifer said, eliciting a chuckle.

"This guy is pretty bad from what I saw. The others must be a real bunch of bastards," Elros said.

"Quite right. I am curious what they are doing now. I imagine lying low; after all, even killing loses its luster eventually," Lucifer said.

"For some," Michael added.

"Indeed," Lucifer nodded.

"I think he's talking about you," Elros laughed.

"Oh? I had no idea. Michael's voice is so pure; his sarcasm is simply unreadable," Lucifer said.

"Well, I better get going. You two gonna be at the next match?" Elros wondered.

"Perhaps. I do have a prior engagement," Lucifer said.

"I will be. Best of luck, Elros," Michael nodded. Elros grinned and gave both of them a thumbs up before leaving. As he left, they exhaled in unison.

"He will find out," Michael added, frowning.

"He will. What is his reaction is going to be? I find it troubling that I cannot yet see," Lucifer said contemplatively.

"Likewise. I imagine Titania already spoke with you?" Michael said.

"She has. Such talk about regret… it began to grate on my ears after the first thirty seconds; truth be told," Lucifer said.

"You might be a bit more compassionate in this situation," Michael said.

"If she expects that, she obviously doesn't know me very well," Lucifer said coldly.

"Tell her as such?" Michael asked.

"No. I'm not entirely tactless, Michael," he replied.

"Don't I know it. Will she approach him?" Michael inquired.

"Perhaps. I believe she's deliberating on that. I do think that she'll wait until after his match with Yama. I suppose she doesn't know the particulars yet," Lucifer said.

"I imagine the young Lady Gremory or his other loves won't be too happy," Michael said.

"Certainly not. That said, can't wait to watch. Should be fun! Anyways, continuing with what we were talking about earlier…," Lucifer said.


"Enjoy dinner?" Venelana asked as Elros walked into the dining room. All of the seats save for hers were empty, Elros noticed.

"You bet, Mrs. G. But where is everyone?" he wondered.

"I believe Rias and Akeno are upstairs in Rias's room. Grayfia has taken some of the others out to shop," Venelana said.

"Oh! That reminds me I need to do some shopping as well! Later, Mrs. G!" Elros said, opening up a magic circle.

"Elros - do you have a moment?" Venelana asked.

"Sure," he said, closing the circle and taking a seat.

"We continue to receive requests from suitors to see you. Unfortunately, it's not as easy as turning them away. That sort of act leaves a bad taste in the mouth. If you wouldn't mind, could you speak with some of them after your next match?" Venelana asked.

"Suitors? Like… for marriage?" Elros asked.

"Yes. As such a shining star, many families are hoping to induct you into their clans," Venelana sighed.

"Ugh…," Elros grumbled, his face hitting the table.

"I'm sorry, dear," Venelana said apologetically.

"It's alright, Mrs. G. Uhh… sure, I guess. Is Rias ok with that, though?" Elros wondered.

"I spoke with her. Rias made it conditional that she be able to sit in as your master," Venelana said.

"Awesome. Sure, then. Just let me know what time to start," Elros said.

"Thank you, dear. Have fun gift shopping," she said with a knowing smile.

"Don't tell anyone!" Elros said with a grin before leaving through the circle.

Chapitre suivant