14 Love in Trial

"By the way I have something to tell you my little bunny"I said with a serious face

"What could it be scary vampire?"she replied with curiosity

"Sadly , your father is getting guillotined tomorrow morning"i said with a squicky voice.

"Have I had wrongly"she answers back puzzled

"Am serious baby,"I replied with worry.

"Why would they do that?"she replied with anger while breaking the glass in her hands till it cuts her skin.

"Well there is a requirement for spell break to the Urban world and a banned family head must shed blood" I explained with a square face.

"Well I need to mind link mother in a few minutes"she suggested.

As soon as she took a step upstairs to the bathtub, a letter came from the Chimney from Thi world addressed to her.

On picking up the letter , she turned back and asked me to read it on her behalf as she freezes in the bathtub to mind link with her Mother.

And the Letter said,

Hi Alice,


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