
Great Academy System

A legendary academy has been established, practicing perfect exercises that make the heavens and the earth tremble. The indomitable dean leads a group of teachers and students unafraid of the sky and earth to create a myth together!

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46 Chs

Terrible mortal medium martial arts

Although he only has the sixth level of cultivation, Zhang Yu's strength is far beyond what Wu Xinxin, Lin Ming and others can match.

 Use one word to describe Zhang Yu's strength, that is... unfathomable!

Having practiced the complete version of "Ji Wu Jue", the real power in his body has already been converted into a more terrifying vortex force. Therefore, his strength has exceeded the limit of the vortex realm. Perhaps he can be described as a strong person in the pseudo vortex realm. more appropriate.

As the swirling force flowed into his limbs and bones, Zhang Yu's speed instantly exploded to an extremely terrifying level. Wherever he passed, a strong wind blew, and the vegetation on both sides was blown left and right.

In just a few breaths, Zhang Yu, who had disappeared, reappeared, blocking Zhan Feng and Luo Jun's escape.

Zhan Feng and Luo Jun were startled by the sudden appearance of Zhang Yu. The two of them quickly stopped running away, as if they had seen a ghost, and stared at Zhang Yu in disbelief: "You, you..."

They turned their heads to look behind them and saw that Wu Mo was empty. Then they turned back to look at Zhang Yu, who seemed to have been standing in front of them from the beginning, their eyes widening.

 God, this is a distance of more than thirty feet!

 Can human speed really be so incredibly fast?

"Whirlpool...whirlpool realm." Zhan Feng's face turned pale, he couldn't help but swallowed, and said with trembling lips.

Such an astonishing explosive power, such terrifying speed, and the fact that he couldn't see Zhang Yu's cultivation at all. Apart from the fact that Zhang Yu was a strong man in the vortex realm, he really couldn't think of any other possibility.

Hearing Zhan Feng's words, Luo Jun's face became even paler: "How is it possible, how is it possible..."

He was shouting crazily, terrified and uneasy in his heart: "Who can tell me how this kid became a strong man in the whirlpool realm? Didn't it mean that this kid only has the cultivation level of the seventh or eighth level?"

Luo Jun clenched his fists tightly and cursed: "Lin Haiya, I'm going to fuck your mother!"

 Letting the two of them assassinate the powerful man in the whirlpool realm is tantamount to letting the two of them die directly.

 Let alone the two of them, even if all the masters in Huangcheng were put together, they would not be enough for the strong men in the vortex realm to deal with them.

"It's over, it's really over this time." Zhan Feng was timid before he started fighting. He had frightened himself and looked desperate.

 "Run, run!" Luo Jun had no fighting spirit at all. Facing a strong man in the vortex realm, he had no choice but to run away.


Different from Zhan Feng and Luo Jun, the students of Cangqiong Academy stared at Zhang Yu from a distance, with brilliant eyes.

   "The dean's speed is so fast!"

 "Oh my god, in the blink of an eye, I caught up with two powerful men of the ninth level of Qixuan!"

 "Too fast! I didn't even see the dean's movements clearly!"

 Everyone was amazed and looked at Zhang Yu with eyes full of admiration.

Like a flower-obsessed girl, Wu Xinxin stared at Zhang Yu without blinking: "Big brother is so awesome!" She suddenly felt lucky. If she hadn't been confused at the beginning, she might not have had the chance to become a member of Cangqiong Academy. member.

Lin Ming was also filled with admiration. He looked at Zhang Yu with eyes filled with enthusiasm: "This is the dean's true strength!"

"This speed... is faster than a month ago!" Wu Mo exclaimed. Among the students present, he thought he knew Zhang Yu's strength best, but at this moment, he found that he still underestimated Zhang Yu. "It turns out that when the dean fought with my father, he didn't use his full strength at all!"

 For a time, Zhang Yu's image in Wu Mo's heart became more and more unfathomable.

 He even suspected that Zhang Yu at this time still did not exert his full strength!

"I'm afraid no one in the entire deserted city can force the dean to exert his full strength!" Wu Mo thought to himself, "My father can't do it, and Lin Haiya and Luo Yueshan can't do it even more."

Looking at Zhang Yu's indifferent face from a distance, Wu Mo seemed to be able to feel the loneliness of a master.


  A sparse forest edge.

"Spare...spare your life, Dean Zhang, spare your life." Zhan Feng gave up running away completely and begged for mercy in a very nondescript manner.

He knew very well that if a strong man in the vortex realm made up his mind to kill him, even if he escaped back to Morning Light College, he would still die.

In this remote border town, the strong man in the vortex realm is a god-like existence. He can decide a person's life or death with one glance. No one can resist. Even if Lin Haiya, the dean of Chenguang College, comes in person, he can't change the outcome.

Luo Jun also woke up from fear and begged for mercy: "Zhang...Dean Zhang. We are also forced, please spare us!"

 His voice had a harsh hoarseness due to excessive fear.

Zhang Yu crossed his hands and said leisurely: "I'll spare you? Okay, as long as you don't die after taking over one of my martial arts skills, I'll spare you!"

Hearing these words, Zhan Feng and Luo Jun's breaths froze, their hearts trembled, their faces turned pale with fear, and their feet became weak.

 Taking a move from a strong person in the vortex realm, what is the difference between this and letting them die directly?

 They don't think they have the ability to take on the attacks from the powerful men in the vortex realm!

Zhang Yu didn't care what they thought, and continued: "Also, let me remind you that this martial skill was just developed by me, and its level is...medium mortal level."

  Ordinary-level medium martial arts!

Hearing what Zhang Yu said, Zhan Feng and Luo Jun seemed to see the glimmer of hope in a desperate situation, and their emotions became calmer.

If they have ordinary-level intermediate martial arts, they may still have a glimmer of hope.

In their impression, the increase in strength of low-level martial arts and medium-level mortal martial arts is very limited. In other words, the power of such martial arts is only slightly better than ordinary attacks. If they are lucky, maybe He could really survive Zhang Yu's attack without dying.

"I hope Dean Zhang will keep his word." Zhanfeng took a deep breath and regained his fighting spirit.

Luo Jun also barely controlled his emotions, forcing himself to calm down and face Zhang Yu's next attack in the best possible condition.

Zhang Yu glanced at them, then smiled at Wu Mo and other students standing in the distance and said, "Look carefully. What I am going to teach you tomorrow is the martial skill I am about to perform next. It His name is... Slash."

After finishing his words, Zhang Yu's body rotated 180 degrees around the original spot, his slender palm suddenly stretched out, and then slashed down diagonally.

His movements are extremely simple and smooth, without any unnecessary bells and whistles. It looks like an ordinary hand knife.

 Zhang Yu's movements are ordinary, and the name of his martial arts is also ordinary, just two words for slash. This kind of martial arts name is rare in the entire wilderness continent. After all, the creation process of any martial skill consumes the efforts of its owner. Naturally, it is impossible to just give it a simple name. That would be disrespectful to oneself and the martial skill created by oneself.

Wu Mo and other students watched lazily, with nonchalant expressions on their faces. It was really difficult to arouse their interest in such simple martial arts.

If Zhang Yu hadn't asked them to look carefully, they wouldn't even be interested in paying attention.

Zhan Feng and Luo Jun were also a little confused. Watching the whole process of Zhang Yu's martial arts, they almost couldn't help but laugh out loud: "Is this considered a martial skill?" They even suspected that Zhang Yu casually struck out with a hand knife, and then The good name is that he has developed a martial art by himself.

If this is considered a martial skill, wouldn't it mean that any ordinary person can create a lot of martial arts?

 Zhan Feng and Luo Jun suppressed laughter, lest Zhang Yu think they were laughing at them.

"If this is the martial art he is talking about, then our hope of survival will be great!" Zhan Feng and Luo Jun both had smiles on their faces, and felt relieved.

However, is the martial arts that Zhang Yu attaches so much importance to really as simple as it seems?

"Boom..." A deafening sound suddenly echoed through the sparse woods.

Before anyone could react, the sound sounded again, continuously: "Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom!"

In the blink of an eye, a real strong wind, with Zhang Yu as the center, suddenly swept across. The deafening sound came from the strong wind. The strong wind was so violent that it rolled up the rocks on the ground. The surrounding trees shook violently, and as soon as the strong wind appeared, it quickly moved towards Zhan Feng and Luo Jun, swallowing them up in an instant under their stunned eyes.

In the center of the strong wind, Zhan Feng and Luo Jun were swept up in the air, with red blood oozing from their bodies, and they screamed shrilly: "Ah!" In their screams, more than a dozen nearby trees fell to their roots. And it broke, split into dozens of pieces, and were drawn into the air together.

Wu Mo, Wu Xinxin, Lin Ming and others all fell silent, staring in disbelief at Zhan Feng and Luo Jun who were swept up into the air.

After a long while, the terrifying strong wind gradually subsided. Zhanfeng and the two fell down together with a pile of rocks and broken wood, hitting the ground hard. Their bodies looked riddled with holes, with almost no injuries. The place was intact and buried among rocks and splinters of wood, never to be heard again.

Six feet in radius, it was like experiencing an apocalypse. There were huge craters everywhere on the ground, and the land seemed to have been turned over and was in dilapidated condition.

Under the hazy moonlight, Zhang Yu stopped in the center of countless huge pits and calmly stared at the mutilated corpses of Zhan Feng and the others. There was no joy or sorrow on his face, as if he had done a trivial thing.

Silence, deathly silence!

 All the students, including Wu Mo and Wu Xinxin, held their breaths and their eyes were filled with shock.

They had never seen Zhang Yu take action before, but Zhang Yu's action was earth-shattering. The movement and terrifying destructive power it caused were really scary!

 The destructive power of a strong man in the vortex realm is vividly reflected in Zhang Yu!

Although Zhang Yu is just a pseudo-vortex realm expert, the strength he displayed at this moment is no less than a real vortex realm expert!

for a long time--

 "Is this the dean's true strength?"

"too strong!"

 "Simply invincible!"

A gust of cool wind blew by, and the coolness made the students wake up from the deep shock. They looked away from the corpses of Zhanfeng and Zhang Yu again, and couldn't help but swallow a few mouthfuls of saliva.

At this moment, the eyes of all the students, without exception, were focused on Zhang Yu, worshiping him like a god. Their eyes were full of awe.

ps: There are a lot of words, so please send some flowers after reading this.