
Crazy Peoples

Moments earliers at the forest.

But I am their captain. They too noticed this suffocating 'air'. They are waiting for my orders... I need to be the 'ace'. For them.. For me... For Light.

But it is a bit too late.. We've been completely surrounded.


" @##=$$@@¿«" a man wearing a loose white robe spouted a strange language.

He have both of his hand behind his back. His long, shiny hair flows freely.

*Ancient Chinese detected. Auto - Translation is activated.*

"These little rabbits, why can't they speak. Are they captivated by my handsome face?" That man spoke again but strangely, i understood it this time.

"Ying Jun! Don't spout nonsense. We have to hurry and eliminate the evil being lest it turns to another mortal city." A pretty woman in her twenties yelled at the man. Her skin was glowing under the sunlight making her appeared like a fairy.

The suffocating pressure is gone? So the presence earlier wasn't from them. Evil being? Could it be the one who makes us sweat bullets earlier? It seems they are not here for us.

"Feng Youya, perhaps these little rabbits doesn't know our language. I've heard that you have some knowledge on the language of mortals. Go and ask them for me please." He said while giving a bright smile.

"Tch fine. But don't you dare picking them up to be your play thing! I'll cut your 'thing' if you even touch their hair." She said while pointing at that man with her index finger. Her glare alone seems to make the temperature drops. Now she turns her gaze towards us.

"Mortals, what are you doing here? Are you criminals condemned to death? How are you even alive?" She questioned us... This time in english.

I didn't need to give order. As long as I remains still, so would the rest of my team. I have no intention of giving them what they want. My mind is on our Savior... Did the 'presence' went to him? As i was racking my brain on how to face that 'presence', a gush of wind blew lightly on my face. A thin sword was there, stabbed into the ground right in front of me.

"You dare ignore me MORTALs!? Answer me! or you won't speak another word, Forever." screamed that beautiful girl.

Is she crazy? I thought as my hand traced my face. A small cut could be felt on my chin, luckily it wasn't deep enough for blood to flow.

I began to take long and deep breath. Every fibre of muscle inside me is now relaxed. The trees now blurry to me, only the three foreign people was clearly focussed.

'Should i really do this?' a small voice sounded in my brain, rethinking this foolish action I would soon take.

The surroundings gradually turned normal again as my rapidly beating heart slows down.

"Don't provoke me." unknowingly i uttered them. *Sigh* I always reprimanded little bro for giving in to his emotion. I am no better than him...

This time i clearly saw it, as her index and middle finger formed a sword, the sword stabbed in the ground became 'focussed'?. She waves her hand and the sword moved to slash me. It was fast, but being stuck in the ground slowed it's movement.

Before i took action however, the thin sword remained still in the air, three inches away from my waist.

The previously quiet boy in black formed a fist in the air. "Feng. Don't stain our name. Righteous Sword of Heavens protects the weak, not oppressing them. Besides, killing the mortal would incur the wrath of Heavens. Don't be foolish, or you head would roll first."

"Humph. You think you are the best? Fine, let's see whose head will roll first."

With that, the two started fighting or should i say waving hands in the empty air.. Still the girls sword is slashing madly towards that boy in black. He remains unfazed by the girls action, picking up a small branch, he deflected each and every sword slash that came.


A loud rumble filled the entire forest, turning every life into motionless statue.

"Stop pretending to be mortals. These three foolish junior of mine can't sense it but I, a Golden Core would be smearing mud on my name if I can't detect it. Your faint aura of a body cultivator that is."

An old figure then descended from the sky, standing on a thin sword and gazing us like an insect. The air turned heavy.

'It is same but this one is weaker by several fold. There is also the possibilities of him restraining his full power but the killing intent is obvious.'

I reached for my communication tool, i said "Bell team reporting. Please send reinforcement. Encountered a group of supermans with thin sword."

'Reinforcement would be the best, we need to hurry to the Savior. I've been having bad feelings for days, a team of crazies and deranged people wouldn't do that. It takes something way out of our league to do that. Something like the calamities. These crazy peoples? At best they are just the same as the beast we've been killing all this time.'

"Look, I don't know what this Golden Core or Cultivator thing is... but you crazy people should just hurry on to your business. I mean, we are here to chase after that 'evil' presence. We haven't seen or felt anything like it for our whole live. Wouldn't it be a disaster should it got away?"

"Humph.. What a bold lie. You wouldn't be alive if you people were to encounter that thing. Ah I get it, you must be related to that thing. We would be helping the Heavens in ridding this world of pest like you. Juniors, eliminate these insects." that old man spouted crazy nonsense again.

'*Sigh* Usually my misdirection works... Guess i can't use it on people with no common sense. All the crazy people in general i guess.'

The scene all around me changes...

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