
071. Skeleton King -1 (Part One)

[Name: ??? (Black Dragon)

Age: ???

Attributes: Dragon's Breath, wide-area magic, transcendental physique. Starving. Currently suffering from a fatal wound.]

Hey, this is so wrong, ain't it? Wasn't I told that there wouldn't be a bloody dragon here?

I stared dazedly at the Black Dragon.

It was over ten metres tall and its body was even longer than its height. The way the army of mummies stood in front of the creature reminded me of an evil dragon from a fairy tale or some such.

I couldn't help but cower from the intense pressure the dragon emitted.

I made it through all sorts of trials and tribulations up until this point, but now it seemed that I would have to fight a dang dragon of all things.

However, I was puzzled by something. A line among the attributes caught my eyes. More specifically, that bit about 'suffering from a fatal wound'.