
Herald of a Tumultuous Age

Yuri and Anumay frowned and tried to figure out what the hell just happened for the equivalent of over a minute of silence in that still Timeless realm. This was the first time either of them saw the Dreaming Godhead face to face, and they felt familiar as hell but couldn't quite place it. Finally, they just left with no signs of where they went in the face of two Amaranth equivalents! Vanished without a trace! Where could such a person have come from and how did they get so strong... Yuri would never know.

"Welp... I think it's high time for me to go." Yuri looked back down to the Aurbis and felt for his point of exit, finding the Tower Zero, Adamantia in less than an instant. While doing so, he discovered a quirky fact that he thought was just a fan theory was actually true. Sovngarde, and by extension Alduin, were not locked off from Mundus when the Record arrived because Sovngarde wasn't in Aetherius. It was on the moon, Masser.

'Alduin's threat remains...pfft.'

"You will be leaving so soon?"

"Well yes, but not from the Aurbis just yet. I shall let the Dragonborn achieve her destiny first, tidy a few things up, take a few souvenirs..."

Anumay frowned. He had already taken his grandson's/third soul congealment's two most notable artifacts, their Bow and Shield already. "What kind of souvenirs?"

"Oh, just the Vale, maybe a soul or two. " With that, Yuri vanished, returning three minutes after the exact point in Time he ascended for dramatic effect.

Anumay lifted one of his frowning eyebrows and shook his head lightly. He probably wouldn't mind anyway. Eating Padomay has certainly influenced him.

Around the crown, just after Yuri vanished, the 4 Psijics and the 2 Direnni were a bit confused. The way he left didn't feel as if he teleported somewhere, but the mage seemed so sure of himself?

They started to debate what happened to him, ranging from a normal exit to being Zero-Summed. The Direnni Lord Alvanir asked why the Chief Proctor Yellendor called him the Shadow Lord and that was when he revealed that the man was tied to a series of shocking events. The Direnni were wondering if they should have been a bit more respectful.

Mere moments later, like Jedi Masters they felt a shift in the Force around them and didn't know which way to swing their heads but certainly knew to be very confused, as if the sky would fall in the next second.

"I assume we all felt that?" Lilatha asked, like usual.

"What the hell just happened? Is Mundus in danger?" Alvanir looked to the seniors from the Psijiic order for confirmation.

Yellendor looked at the empty spot where the Shadow Lord had left and couldn't help but once again tie it to him. The very air felt alive yet solidified, by instinct he believed that Magic would start to behave differently and more branches would pop up, but these instincts were inconclusive so he said nothing. Merely tested a few small spells, finding no change.

"I couldn't tell you..."


The sound of a great and powerful bell rang out a heavy and commanding tone from the very Tower they were facing as a man took center stage on the crown by appearing naturally and unnoticeably. The ringing bell reached through the skies and overtook it as it hung in the air and trapped every cloud and flying beast in rapt attention while alarming every man, woman, elder and child residing on Nirn. Whether indoors or outdoors, no matter their status, every mortal looked to the skies in confusion but by the fifth chime they somehow all concluded that it was of great import no matter the origin.

Beside the familiar man, his two Valkyrie floated without issue and looked at Yuri with love and a bit of confusion. He looked fine... in fact, too fine. They could hardly feel him, as if the fabric of reality around him had accepted his visage as the most acceptable and natural painting that may adorn it timelessly.

The bell shook the skeletons of the six remaining mages who were suddenly distracted by his stunning arrival, and they knew his venture was a complete success. The Psijics in particular most likely wished they could change their eyeballs into recording devices, because they knew history when they saw it.

A voice soundlessly slipped from Yuri's general direction and expanded with the same reach and authority as the bell which preceded it, into the heads of every sentient soul, exhibiting Yuri's profound psychic grasp over every mortal in this Record.

'Good Afternoon, sons and daughters of Nirn. My name is Yuri Nightingale, and I bring tidings of great Change. The jaws of Oblivion have once again been closed shut, and so too the doors of Aetherius. Laws of nature and primordial forces will come in a sweeping tide, bringing great confusion to the arts of Magic and great opportunity to those with one of the many talents you may use to seize it.'

A pause gave the people time to let this revelation sink in while many turned to their closest once again to make sure they weren't crazy. The Psijics first, through small divinations, slowly realized how far and wide his words were projecting. This day would change the world and cement Yuri's name, and the College by extension, in history.

'Among your people, gifts of wide variety and powers of strange and mystical nature will be granted. Strangers will visit from beyond, bringing new forms of thought, language, technology, or war. Trust in the Divines in times of chaos and do not fear or envy thy neighbor lest you fail to seize the greatest of fruits this Change has to offer. Above all, Love and be Loved. Goodbye.'

The moment Yuri signed off he was hugged twice-fold, ensnared in a warm pincer attack by his two well-endowed women. Yuri smiled warmly and grasped his fortunes with both hands around their curvy and very huggable waists and backs. Yuri used his immense grasp of this Records space to seamlessly, smoothly, and cheaply teleport to the inside of his tower in the College before taking them to Avalon. Here too, the Aurbic Record remained and so too Yuri's powers.

Without the change in sound and atmospheric pressure, the girls wouldn't have noticed they had moved, but when they did they lifted their heads and put them back down into the nape of Yuri's neck while letting their hands travel and wrap tightly over Yuri's torso. Toni playfully checked the precious 'Rod of Punishment' after completing her inspection. At will, Yuri erected it like a boast-worthy flag as it pressed against his conjured pants and outlined almost to his knee.

"Jesus..." Toni said a word he taught her inadvertently.

"It still works just fine, if you were wondering. I can even make a second one." Yuri smirked and gestured to both of them, now blushing furiously and imagining the potential. "Alright, enough of that for now." {*Hrnhrm*, got a little distracted}

Yuri leaned back and let them dogpile onto the multicolored grass in the clearing with him on the bottom.

"So what else changed? You feel different, not just physically."

"How about I show you? System, introduce the Titles I just got to the three of us."


[Title: Akashic Archivist]

[The Archivist has completely compiled and subdued a Record in its entirety, lending the Archivist its nature within them and their Sworn, and its power outside of the Archivist. The Archivist may use the skill <Record Domain>. Your soul may cast a Domain that applies the Record to a varied area around you, allowing control over it to your level of completion and suppressing any Record not within the Domain. Costs are varied, efforts are made with Soul and Mana. Completed Records will be continually be added to this skill, and it may be evolved. The effects of the Title 'Champion of Akasha' are retained and the Sworn are hidden from foreign Records under the banner of the Archivist.]

[Title: The Ignorant Man]

[Multi-Realm Overseer Class Entity has given you the Title 'The Ignorant Man'. You now Ignore all techniques, forces, or abilities that attempt to alter, erase, or invalidate your state of existence.]

"Ha! Akasha called you ignorant!" Toni poked his arm as she rested on it.

"Are we under your banner now?" Alera drew lines on his chest and Yuri stuffed his shirt in the inventory. It was in the way.

"It wasn't Akasha who gave me that title, and yes, you guys are. Are you fine with that?"

"Of course!" She beamed. "I will be your most steadfast knight, my liege!" She mock bowed her head, which only got her deeper into Yuri's neck.

{My cat is doing acrobatics over my typing hands and kneading into my lap, help}

"You're so cute," Toni poked at Ally's stomach and grinned. "So...who gave you that title?"

"Uhh... God. The real one."

Yuri then went on to give a rundown of the real god of the Aurbis and the basics of CHIM and Amaranth, which still took over a half-hour. Luckily for them, they no longer applied so explaining was risk-free. After taking a nap in the very same wood clearing, Toni had to ask.

"So what's next?"

"Alduin persists, so I will take you and Ally to the moon."


───※ ·❆· ※───

Yuri leisurely set himself down on the Throat of the World, which was entangled by a giant and magnificently green-colored dragon with four arms and a massive pair of wings. Dremlaashon was taking a grand part of the ground space atop the Throat while conversing with Paarthunax who was perched atop his Word Wall. He listened in for a few minutes and likened the conversation to a very lazy game of tennis played by the most gentlemanly creatures alive. Yuri cleared his throat and interrupted their 'game'.

"And look who has arrived on this auspicious evening! Mr. Nightingale, you have given an astounding message to the whole of Tamriel, had you not?"

"Correct. To give this world a wake-up call, I saw it necessary."

"And how did you manage to do it, Yuri? I sense a great change in you..." Drem leaned his long neck over and cut in the conversation. He looked at his very imposing 'partner' who had more power than he could contend with even if the contract was inexistent.

"I met Anu, Oversoul of Anui-El, Oversoul of Auri-El, who was the original piece of your father Akatosh. We discussed the grand design for a time and then I decided to bring this universe into a grander scheme. Or so is the gist." An awkward silence ensued as they didn't quite know how to react. They were the most mortally concerned immortals in the Aurbis, so to speak. "Anyway, I've come to give you both a gift and let Drem know that you won't be needing to leave any time soon if you don't want to."

This was correct. When Yuri opened his Map function he found that at the top of it, the Universe was specified and included an interactive view of the entire structure. At the top, arrows which were currently unhighlighted were at the right and left of the word [Aurbis], indicating that he could switch between worlds. When asked about this, the system confirmed that he could use his Map function to travel between any Record he had already Archived. Avalon was prepared for a dragon to feed for generations, but he didn't know if Drem wanted to be an old gentleman here instead and hang out with Paarthunax.

"Are you unwilling to take me all of a sudden?"

"Take you where?" Paarthunax grew curious.

"To other worlds, Paarth! Imagine the potential! Imagine the food!"

"Other worlds? Like you were referring to in that message of yours, Yuri?"

"Something like that. Why, were you interested?"

"I... I cannot. I must stay here where I am harmless. Besides I am an unwieldy beast. I don't imagine I would be welcome to other worlds."

"Which leads me to my mentioned gift."

Yuri then led them to a certain shout and asked them to repeat it. They knew what it meant instantly as soon as Yuri said it, and followed behind him with a bit of excitement and a bit of stumbling, until after the third or fourth try they had finally gotten it.

"Hama Sviir Diin Seyaas!"

Drem had gotten it first. 'Mantle of Human Arrive Upon Me.' The word for human was as old as the word for Dragon in their language, because they did not learn to speak until humans were already propagating. His wings furled into his back and his muscles contracted in a mesmerizing and painless twist of flesh. His scales receded underneath a bronze glow as his hair popped out like fine metallic coils of a grey sheen. His nails remained gold but shaped into sharpened human ones, his eyes remained predatory, and his teeth while not sharp could still handle concrete like it was tofu. He looked a bit older but manly overall, like the guy who played Cable from Deadpool 2 and let his face and voice be used for Thanos.

'Paarth' came next, an older gentleman was revealed after his transformation with hair as grey as his leather and aging features like the original Magneto, Ian Mckellan.

"Your will and perception turned you into the aspects of humanity that you admire or desire. I can see Drem is a bit detached, he kept many of his features while adding a bit of ferocity beneath the surface."

"A body like this is most convenient for war, all my power in a smaller package."

"And it's clear that Paarth took a different approach. Even as an immortal he seems a bit sagely and older. This image will make you what you perceive humans as, namely with more self-control."

"This... this is what I've always wanted. I don't have to be afraid of going down there and being among the rest of the world now. I can be who I've always wanted to be... Thank you, Yuri."

"Your efforts to make yourself a better person are what made me want to do this for you, Paarth. It's a result of your hard work too."

But Yuri was frowning from a bit of incongruency while he was trying to be genuine. The problem came when they were both still naked as they had been their whole lives, so the conversation quickly devolved.

"Wow, I've never had a penis before!" Paarthunax helicoptered without his usual decorum.

"I've gotten used to mine ever since Yuri transformed me." Replied Drem, swinging from side to side with practiced grace as if showing off.

Yuri covered his eyes while rubbing his temples. A gift for others turned into a curse for him.

But Yuri, Paarthunax, and Dremlaashon all quickly looked up at the sky after feeling an enormous amount of Magicka and Intent class together, starting a string of what seemed to feel like magical explosions. They could even see lights shunting off Masser from their post at the highest mountain in the world.

"What the hell is going on up there?"

"It seems they've started. Care to watch?" Yuri asked them.

Forgot to include his updated Status in this Chapter. I'll do it in the next one.

Reddsaintcreators' thoughts
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