
GoT: The Crimson Wolf

"Boy." A strong hand grabbed my shoulder as I as opened the door. I looked up and saw the face of a middle aged man, well into his life but still strong from his early years of fighting. The man's weathered, weary face was made more intimidating by his well trimmed beard. His wavy black hair, similar to my own, was kept to the length of his shoulders. "Do you want something Lord Stark?"

Jasmine_Oreno · Livres et littérature
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20 Chs

Chapter 1: Jon Snow


A strong hand grabbed my shoulder as I as opened the door. I looked up and saw the face of a middled aged man, well into his life but still strong from his early years of fighting.

The man's weathered, weary face was made more intimidating by his well trimmed beard. His wavy black hair, similar to my own, was kept to the length of his shoulders.

"Do you want something Lord Stark?"

The old man sighed before patting me on the back with a sad smile on his face, "Would you like to learn how to use a sword boy?"

"A sword," I gave a small smile to my 'father', before nodding in the direction of a middle aged woman quietly knitting away in the corner, "Lady Stark would allow such a thing?"

She looked up, her stone cold eyes boldly staring a hole through me as she spoke, "Jon Snow, I am allowing you to learn how to serve Winterfell and your lord, you should be grateful."

She spoke with such bitterness and contempt in her voice that even her own husband, Eddard Stark, was taken aback.

But I didn't care for her hate, or her negligence of the child her husband brought in. I wasn't Jon Snow, and I didn't want any love from this woman.

"Thank you for your generosity Lady Catelyn. I know my intrusion into your life has been hard on your family," I got down on one knee and bowed my head to her, much to both of my parental figure's shock.

Ned's eyes widened as he tried to stop me, "No need to do that Jon Snow. You've proven yourself capable of being more than just a stable boy."

"No. It's fine. I am not a Stark, so I shouldn't be treated as one. I'm genuinely happy to have a roof over my head and food to eat simply because of who my father is. Thank you for taking me in, you saved me from being just a prostitute's son."

Lady Catelyn's hard grimace softened and disappeared, replaced by a pitiful, self deprecating frown.

I imagined she was thinking of that night, when she swore that she'd love me like a mother, and take care of me as if I were her own child.

There was a reason I wanted her to take pity on me, and it wasn't because I wanted her sympathy. Winterfell was my ticket to a good life, and I planned to take in my own hands.

"Child, come here," Lady Catelyn raised her hand and I got up from my knee and walked over to her.

She placed her warm hand against my cold cheek, "I'm sorry that I've mistreated you for so long. I know this won't make up for your pain but if you'd like any form of education, any training or anything of the sort, tell me, and I'll arrange you the best teachers possible."

"If it's possible, I'd like to be taught by maester Luwin to serve as a healer or assistant."

"You don't want to learn how to wield a sword?"

Edd was surprised, and rightfully so. My physical displays of strength were well beyond what was considered normal. Neither Robb nor Theon could match me despite having received formal training for multiple years.

I knew why Edd wanted me to learn how to fight and why Lady Catelyn agreed to it. They expected me to faithfully serve my half siblings as the next master at arms after Ser Rodrik.

With the potential I had shown they knew I was going to be worth training. With enough time I could grow to be one of the best fighters in the seven kingdoms.

"I'm fine with learning swordsmanship, but I want to serve a greater purpose than that of a normal soldier. Guards can always be replaced, trustworthy advisors can't be."

Edd let out a small chuckle as he looked to his wife, "Well? Do you agree with the boy?"

Lady Catelyn looked me in the eye, close enough that I could clearly see the strains in the white of her eyes, "...I agree, but you must learn from maester Luwin on separate days from Robb. When he is being taught by maester Luwin you will be training with Ser Rodrik. Once you reach adulthood you will replace him as the master at arms, am I understood?"

A large, genuine, smile finally reached my face, "Thank you lady Catelyn. I promise to protect your children with all my strength, even if it costs me my life."

Small tears formed in Lady Catelyn's eyes, "I hope so Jon Snow."


"Maester Luwin?"

The old man with grey balding hair held a stack of books in his hands that blocked his vision. The very modest brown robe that he always wore seemed to make him struggle as he walked to me.

Although it looked as if the old man was quite ordinary and unimpressive, the sound of his clinking chains were a testament to his skill in his craft.

"Jon, would you do me a favor and help me with these books?"

"Of course maester Luwin," I grabbed the 16 books he was attempting to carry and took a peek at the title of the top book.

"You're going to teach me about magic?"

"Not magic Jon Snow, just hypothetical nonsense about rituals. If I actually knew magic I wouldn't be here now would I?"

The old maester smiled at my ignorance, which was valid. Even if the old man knew magic I don't think he would teach me anything to do with the subject.

The most he knew about the higher arts was purely hypothetical without any actual research. Magic wasn't intensely studied at the Citadel, the only reason it was taught was to deny it's existence.

Still, it was good to know at least something about it. Eventually I would venture out and conduct my own experiments, this would be a good foundation for when that time came.

Maester Luwin blew away the dust and opened the first page of the book, "Are you ready for your first lesson Jon Snow?"

"Of course maester Luwin."

" " are the characters talking.

= serves as a transition from one scene to the next.

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