
GoT: Giant Falcon

Arryns: As High as Honor Altair: OUR ONLY DISHONOUR IS IN FAILURE. Once in a century event on earth leads to the soul of a formidable Doctor (in making) reincarnating into the heart of Westeros. A land steeped in honor, tradition, and treachery. But this time, destiny takes an unexpected turn. The soul that awakens belongs not to a noble knight or a chivalrous lord, but to a man forged in the crucible of ice and fire. In “Giant Falcon” the game of thrones takes a chilling turn. The most honorable house becomes the harbinger of change, and the echoes of Altair’s bloody footsteps reverberate through the annals of Westeros FYI MC not a good person, period. Huge R18 Warning R*pe In*est G*re Tor*ure and Lemons.....honestly don't read if you have a soft stomach. slight time adjustment A/N: I don’t own the rights of this novel or the characters of the Series. This is my first fanfiction. English is my second language and I'm still learning it, so don't expect the most impeccable writing from me. I had this idea for a while and I wanted to bring it to life, so I started writing. I appreciate any helpful feedback. Also, again I don't own anything except my own MC and I don't want to offend any party. This is just for entertainment. enjoy~

Fanficstein · TV
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32 Chs


I return back to my room and am met with concerned gazes from all three of my personal maids. Jenna being the person very close to me starts speaking with concern

Jenna: What did Lord Arryn say to you, my young lord?

Altair: nothing of importance that you should concern yourself with. I just had some discussions about starting to learn reading and writing from tomorrow.

Jenna: my lord may I ask you a question?

I knew what she wanted to ask but I still indulged her curiosity as she is closest thing to a friend I have in this world.

Altair: go on, ask what you have in your mind. I will answer what I can.

Jenna: My lord I know you are not someone who does things rashly, I have known you since the day you were born. You are very intelligent and calm for your age, you have never cried or thrown tantrums over the years of being so sick. So why did you act so rashly in the great hall? There must be some hidden meaning behind your actions.

The other maid's eyes widened, Jenna ever so smart girl had figured out that my actions were not thoughtless. I gestured for her to bend down to my height and then kissed her on the cheeks.

Altair: Smart girl, for being able to notice my actions I'll answer your question. I gouged the master's eyes to deter my enemies and prevent myself from getting killed.

Jenna: enemies? What enemies my lord?

Altair: everyone who isn't us is an enemy, dear Jenna.

She understood something while being even more confused. The other maids listening to the conversation perked up at my words and couldn't help but ask.

Maid1&2: Are we your enemies as well my lord?

Altair: Till the time you come into my definition of 'US' you are not my enemy.

The maids shocked quickly went on their knees and said in unison.

Jenna, Maid1&2 in unison: We pledge our loyalty to you forever my lord

Altair: rise, there is no need for such pretences between us but remember - if you are not with me then you are against me and I will have you destroyed

Jenna (back to her feet): My lord I still don't how your violent actions thwart your enemies. If anything your actions will be seen as violent madness like some Targaryens. It is not like you can defeat a trained knight or an assassin.

Altair: This is Westeros, my dear, here weakness is a deadly sin. Since my birth, I have been seen as a weak and frail child. Rumours of my sickness are known throughout 7 kingdoms.

Altair: This sign of weakness can easily be used in the schemes of others. I can be poisoned by some unknown poison or strangled in my sleep by my enemies. When they dump the blame of my death to my sickness or frail nature not a single soul in this castle or the seven kingdoms would doubt their words. As it was before killing me was without any consequences.

Altair while sitting on the chair looks at them and speaks.

Altair (In a self-mocking tone): Death to Heir apparent of the Lord of the Eyrie, Defender of the Vale, and Warden of the East.

doesn't cause a single ripple on their great game.

Maid 2: However, My lord we are in the castle of Eyrie with its high walls set upon the peak of Giant's lance. The walls and corridors are manned by hundreds of guards of your house. How can the blades of your enemy reach thine throat My lord?

Altair: No matter how high the walls of the castle or how impenetrable its defences are, the day they breach the hearts of men inside it. The walls, the castle, the walls, the ramparts and the defences in all its glory are nothing but mere decorations.

Jenna and the other maids understood the meaning of my words.

Jenna: My lord aren't you a bit paranoid? Currently, you don't pose any threat to anyone, and neither is there anything to gain from you.

Altair: Jenna that may be true if I was a bastard or a secondborn. However, as Heir apparent to Vale since the day I was born, I was lying on a bed of weeds, I have to rip them out by the root, one by one, before they succeeded in strangling me in my sleep!

I got up from the chair and walked towards my bed. I could see from the corner of my eyes that Jenny had some more doubts but before she could ask another question I spoke.

Altair: That is for today I am going to bed. You may rest as well as I will need more of your milk in days to come. I hope you keep your silence out of this room for your own good. Dismiss.

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