
GOT/ASOIAF: Break the Wheel

The Main Character is a Male Targaryen who is named Eragon Targaryen, he is Daenerys Targaryen's twin brother. This is tagged Yuri because girls in his harem will get intimate during sex with the MC and people cry when they aren't warned. (people also seem to cry when they don't instantly see Yuri sex if it's tagged Yuri, you can't make people happy.) This is AU - This is an Alternate Universe of George's world. Expect people and things to be entirely different because of small changes butterflying out. Alternate Universe! Like how The entire first 25 chapters is a 'Time skip' until Eragon is 14 years old. So the first 25 chapters are just random POVs of others and him to build up the world and show changes. Instead of just saying "he was born and 14 years passed." I wrote out the 14 years in a 'fast' way and showed some character build-up for different people. Now that the easily triggered have been warned I can let you know more about the story. World exploration and conquest will be a big theme in this over the many chapters it will eventually be. So far he hasn't gotten around all that much but it's only chapter 70 out of like at least 1000 if I estimate it right. And that might be shorting it quite a bit as I will be making this a very long fan fic. Dragons are in this, new ones. Magic will be touched quite a bit, nothing like altering reality but definitely a cool flaming sword. I like to think I build up the characters pretty well and have them stick to their personalities pretty well. I said it before but world exploration and diving into the lore of new places are one of the things I look forward to the most so it's a pretty big part. I don't know what else, try it if the world of ASOIAF interest you, if it doesn't then this wont be something you like in the slightest.

Pretending_Author · Book&Literature
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189 Chs


[ I wrote this huge notice before this chapter starts that almost made it to two thousand words and I decided to throw it out. I am going to simplify it and not over-explain, I am writing this to inform some upcoming events. Magic and gods in this world is the subject, there are tons and tons of theory and speculations to be made. I have my own and am going to be using them for this fanfic, simple as that.

I am not saying I am right and anyone that thinks differently is wrong, there is little to no real info on the magic and gods in this world. Sacrifice is the name of the game thus far though, always a price that must be paid to work magic.

Other than that I am going to be using what I believe to be true or makes sense to me, that way the fan fic stays consistent all the way through and I can write it smoothly. My goal is to write something entertaining to read, which is made easier when I don't have a huge gaping hole of magic and gods, and by making my own conclusions I fill that hole and can make a better story.

I am not going to be having Eragon learn spellcasting or something like that and making him a super mage anytime soon or maybe not even at all because that would take a lot away from what the world is and would be boring. Similar to how giving him a dragon changes the entire tempo and how his battles will play out, magic would flip any combat on its head. But magic will be out and about and he will learn about different parts of it and will make his own conclusions of it that won't be a mirror image of my own because he doesn't have all the info that I do. A simple example is that there are red priests that can write flames into the air and make runes and also revive the dead, I have my conclusion on how it works, and Eragon and other characters will have their own as well.

This is not me saying there won't be magic, there will be, I am just going to be giving it structure that I will be following and put ' limits ' on it so it won't be some stupidly overpowered force that ruins the novel. No one wants to see a cultivator in the game of thrones world sacrificing tons of people and punching holes in castle walls, it's just stupid for this world. But something like Melisandre and how she can stay young using magic, or maybe making himself fireproof like how Danny was during the funeral pyre scene in the show. Simple stuff that doesn't change the entire structure of the world.

Still almost 500 words, yikes.

That's all I wanted to say, I hope you just keep this in mind and can enjoy the fan fic!!! ]


292 AC

Braavos - House with the red door

Viserys Targaryen


"Don't worry so much Eragon, I am just showing you some things that you will need to know in the future." I don't understand why he and the other two think chasing cats around the house is going to make them better with a sword. That teacher is scamming us and mother just won't hear me out when I try to tell her. The gold from the lessons could be used to help reclaim the throne instead of wasting it on some woman's ramblings.

"Alright, it's just the last time we snuck out together to go and watch duels at the Moon Pool you were just wanting to go to the Brothel." I did indeed, but a boy who hasn't experienced a woman wouldn't understand so it's better to not argue with him.

"Well, we both get what we want and you can be my cover story when we get back. I get to fuck a beautiful woman and you get to watch be almost kill each other." He shakes his head and climbs the wall so we can head out to have some fun.


"Alright, you should be fine to watch from here, if anything happens you can just walk inside and act like a customer and nobody will be able to mess with you." Eragon sits on the staircase out of the way and watches a duel currently going on and I walk inside the establishment.

Arriving inside I am greeted with the familiar smell of burning sticks that are imported from Yi Ti. Ignoring the smokey smell I walk in and am soon approached by a woman with purple-dyed hair and a good figure. I believe that I have been with this one before but don't remember her name.

"It's nice to see you again, came back for more?" I guess I was right, would help if I bothered to remember her name.


292 AC

Braavos - Moon Pool

Eragon Targaryen


Leaning back on the staircase and getting comfy I look around to make sure no one is observing me, after not seeing anyone I go back to watching the duel. I can't wait to be able to fight like these guys!

The way they move so fast and dodge just as quickly is amazing to watch, and I just enjoy the more fluid movements of the water dance compared to the hack-and-slash of Knights of Westeros.

I move to the side some more as people pass by leaving the Brothel, it has already been half the time Viserys usually stays in there and the duel has ended. Not seeing anyone else walking up to challenge the winner or someone else I feel a bit sad.

Deciding to people watch to pass the time I look toward the direction of the iron bank and see all kinds of different people heading in and out. Some people dressed in normal Braavosi attire and some dressed in foreign gowns.

A woman with beautiful red hair catches my eyes and as I am looking at her head when she turns in my direction her deep red eyes meet my own. I feel a chill looking into her eyes even from this distance, she wears a long red dress of the red priests of R'hllor. As I am about to look away feeling weirded out she smiles and gives a little wave surprising me.

A man walks past me going into the Brothel and I lose sight of her, shrugging off the random encounter I lean into the wall the staircase is built into. Viserys should be out soon, I wonder if I can make him buy me something on the way back to keep me from telling mom where he really is going.

Speaking of buying, where is Viserys getting the money to go into this place anyway? I don't know much about the prices of this kind of place but it can't be cheap if it's right near the Moon Pool.

Still not sure why Viserys even comes here, mother said that you shouldn't make love with someone you don't care about. Though that could have been directed more toward the girls based on what Viserys has told me about.

"Hello boy." A voice as smooth as silk pulls me from my thoughts and I am staring at a woman dressed in red. Looking up I am surprised to see it's the woman from earlier and prepare to punch her in the gut and run. Right as I am going to push off the stairs and strike her she puts up both her hands. "I don't mean you any harm, in fact, I want to help you. I have seen a vision in the flames and I am almost certain it was you I saw." I stand up quickly and back up the stairs.

"I am not interested." She puts her hands down and smiles.

"It's good you are so cautious but it's unnecessary, if you just hear me out then I will leave and you can come to find me in the god isles in the temple of the lord of light." Her danger level only rises the more she talks. "I just wanted to say that you should befriend the girl from the summer isles when you meet her. Other than that I can wait until we meet again at the temple." What girl from the summer isles I almost ask but I think better of it and take a few more steps up the stairs hearing the door open I plan to run inside until I spot Viserys.

"What's wrong with you?" He asks as I run up the steps.

"Crazy red lady trying to pull me into her crazy religion." He smacks my head and I glare.

"What red lady?" I look and find her gone and get a bad feeling, I don't know what she wants but it's not good that's for sure. "Let's go." He starts walking and I follow behind him looking out for any more crazies.

"Wait! You need to buy me something on the way back if you want me to keep it a secret." I won't forget to exploit my brother even if a lunatic approaches me.


After arriving back home and Viserys begging Ser Barristan who caught us to keep quiet I slip off to bed feeling exhausted. Walking into the completely pitch-black room I share with Daenerys I try to be as quiet as I can so I don't wake her.

"Where were you?" Walking into my room in the pitch black I almost jump out of my skin hearing Daenerys speak up.

"Gods Danny, you almost killed me." I fumble through the dark and find the edge of her bed and try to feel out where she is and find nothing. "Where are you."

"Here." I turn hearing her voice come from where my bed is and frown.

"You better have bathed if you jumped into my bed you smelly ass." A shoe hits me in the gut telling me she already had it prepared to throw.

"I don't smell, you are the one who smells. Where did you go?" I approach my bed and kick off my shoes and toss off my clothes other than my underclothes. Yanking my covers out from under her I slip under them and wrap up.

"Viserys wanted to go to the Brothel again and wanted me to cover for him if we got caught when we came back." I hear a giggle coming from a bit further away than where Danny is and sit up quickly. "Who?!" The giggle becomes a full laugh and I recognize it as Shieras.

"Viserys is stupid if he thinks the reason he keeps getting caught is that his cover stories suck, he is taking the money from Rhaella and she keeps count of it and knows only he would steal from her." I nod in understanding and feel around the bed with my foot and only find two people. Can't be too careful with these girls and their attempts to make my heart stop with sudden scares.

"Well just don't say I said anything, I made him buy me some spicy jerky on the way back and he practically cried when I got an extra piece for later." Regretting it immediately when a hand grabs my foot and I realize I said too much.

"Where is the jerky?" they said almost at the same time, a tear comes to my eyes at the incoming loss of my jerky.

"I ate it all." I lie as easily as I breathe, earning me a twist of my leg from the surprisingly strong Shiera. How can she be so strong when she doesn't even train!?

"Hand it over and I won't have to pull it from your corpse." She says in an uppity voice as if she is entitled to my belongings, well I guess since Viserys bought it with the family's money I should share. Danny laughs hearing me groan and slip back out of the bed.

Finding the pants I tossed sitting on top of my private chest I reach into the pocket and pull out the jerky reluctantly. I quickly take a big bite since they can't see me.

"That bite is coming from your share." Danny pouts.

"He took a bite?" Shiera asks earning a hum from Daenerys.

"How can you tell?" I ask with a mouth full of jerky causing the room to silence.

"I know you like the back of my hand Eragon." Dang, it's not like I can deny it when she nailed it this time.

"Whatever, here split it up." I reach out to them and feel a hand take it.

After getting back in bed we talked for a while before Shiera sneaks back to her and Rhaenyra's room, I didn't have the heart to tell her she smelled like jerky and will likely attract Rhaenyras attention. That is her problem to deal with.

"Did something happen to you?" Danny asks as she lies on her bed.

"Not really, a crazy red priestess tried to convince me to sacrifice my most beloved family member to her god to gain the power to slay a thousand men." She scoffs and I smile hearing her frustration.

"What did she really say?" I turn in bed and lean on my hand facing her direction.

"To befriend a girl from the summer isles, not sure who or when. Just that it's a girl and she is from the summer islands, couldn't be more cryptic if she tried. She was certain that I would visit her temple in the future though." She doesn't respond for a long time so I assume she fell asleep.

"It might be important though." I shake my head and internally deny, prophecies and soothsayers cause more trouble than they are worth from what I have read.

"Or it's ramblings." she moves around in her bed causing it to make a few noises.

"Or it is important and can help you in the future." I drop my head onto my pillow and ignore her.

If I meet a girl from the summer islands then at the very least I won't be hostile toward her, if we become friends then so be it.

"Good night Eragon." She whispers causing me to feel a bit bad about ignoring her.

"Good night Danny."


292 AC

Braavos - Temple of lord of light



Looking into the flames I see the face of the boy from earlier today filling in visions I have seen of a boy before. My lord showed me the way to this temple and then showed me the boy, now I know who he is. I was speculating that he was the boy when I saw him so I offered my advice, the vision of him meeting the girl from the summer islands. If he can befriend her then it will help him out in the future greatly.

Why is my lord showing me this boy? What makes him so special? Is he the prince who was promised?

He is a prince of the Targaryen line.

"I wonder what My lord wants with you Eragon." I stare into the flame as it crackles and pops, praying for the answers to the questions I have to better fulfill my lord's mission.

Going to start adding the current location in the city in the heading of each POV change to describe the scene a little better.

Thanks for reading!!!

Pretending_Authorcreators' thoughts