
GoT: A New God's Conquest

What happens when a passing omnipotent being gives a lost soul with delusions of grandeur a path to infinite power? He aims to put everyone and everything under his heel, of course. Sure, maybe he's gained a few personality disorders from his time spent in the void, but hey, would a sane person even attempt conquering the Omniverse? First World: Game of Thrones/Asoiaf

CodeKingu · Anime et bandes dessinées
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41 Chs

Chapter 41 – On The Hunt

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my original characters and works; all other characters and worlds belong to their respective owners.

As much as Rose tried not to, she couldn't stop the moans from leaving her lips, her hated nemesis exploring her needy slit with a tongue that couldn't possibly be so naturally long and flexible.

"Have you learned yet, my dear Rose?" her lover asked, fucking the bitch from behind, each thrust making the appendage writhing around her wet cave reach her deepest, most sensitive spots. "Like I've said before, we're one happy family, and the sooner you realize this, the easier things will be," he continued, his sanctimonious tone making her growl through the pleasure she was still enduring.

"F-Fuck that… I'll never accept this cunt as my family," Rose glared at the bastard teasing her, the intended ferocity she'd been going for more than slightly diminished as she broke down into a convulsing mess, Bella's lithe tongue hitting a spot that sent her over the edge.

"Hmm, well, that won't do. Bella, be a dear and shut this brat's filthy mouth," Lux told the older woman, the bitch's attention towards her dripping womanhood ending as she eagerly agreed, a small whimper stifled at the sense of loss.

But still, as plump lips trailed up her midsection, Rose could only moan against her will until her voice was finally muffled in a heated kiss, the sweet taste filling her mouth alone nearly giving her a second climax.

"My, you two look so good together," Lux teased, and with her tongue preoccupied, she could only send another glare his way in return, a shiver of pleasure running through her body as she felt his hand tracing the outer edges of her needy quim.

"It'll only take a heartfelt apology if you want me to give you what you really want," her lover told her, the image of his wonderful cock sliding into her depth filling her mind.

And that finally made her think. Did she really hate Bellatrix that much? The answer was: Not really.

Sure, the older witch killed her Godfather and was the right-hand woman of the man who killed her parents, but, intellectually, Rose knew that the woman now pressed against her soft body was a completely different person.

On top of that, if everything hadn't happened exactly as it had, she'd have never met the man she loved above all else.

Now, the only question was: Would her pride allow her to apologize to the woman she was so used to fighting with?

But as her lover continued teasing her pussy while somehow preventing any form of relief, Rose didn't think that her defiance could last much longer.

And as she was close to losing her mind, she finally managed to break the undeniably pleasant embrace, hesitantly staring into a pair of beautiful purple eyes.

"I-I'm sorry, Bella. I don't actually hate you… It's just that I'm not good with this kind of thing," she managed to squeak out, a smile forming on Bella's seductive lips at the words.

"I forgive you, Rose. Like my master has said before, we're all a family for each other," Bella told her, gently running a hand through her long hair.

"Great, I'm glad that I didn't have to keep to my promise. I had plans tomorrow that I would have had to cancel otherwise," Lux chuckled, breaking the warm moment they were sharing.

But before she could send a scathing retort, she was cut off as the accumulated denied pleasure finally hit her, something piercing her to the core in a single thrust.

And she said something, because it was definitely not the cock she'd grown so familiar with. Nevertheless, it was pleasurable enough, evident by the fact she was silently crying out while spasming in bliss.

Heavily panting after what felt like hours, Rose finally managed to look down, finding the invading object to be some oddly shaped, golden tentacle thing connecting her lower half with Bella's, the older witch happily grinding her hips into hers, and as weird as the situation was, she couldn't deny the amazing feeling, regardless of the implications.

"Nifty bit of magic, Eh?" Lux quipped as he walked around to their fronts, seemingly unbothered by the judgmental gaze she sent his way.

But again, any cutting remark she could give was cut off, Bella taking his offered shaft in mouth while the sack was perfectly positioned for her own.

Humming her annoyance around the testicle occupying her tongue, Rose wondered if her lover had been purposely interrupting her nagging at the perfect moment or not. Either way, she'd find a way to make him regret it, she decided.

But that could wait. At the moment, she was too busy lost in her lust, the heady masculine scent filling her nose while whatever dumb magic Lux had conjured was allowing her to fuck her former foe.

Shit, this was going to be an odd relationship going forward, Rose thought.

A New God's Conquest—

"Well, sister, any ideas on what we could get up to while Pops is busy?" Noire asked, making her golden-haired twin tilt her head in thought.

"Oh! How about we go and pick up those baddies Father and Bella mentioned?" Aurora smiled, happy with herself after coming up with the idea.

"You always have to be the goody two shoes, don't you?" Noire clicked her tongue. "But whatever, it's not like there's much else we can do while Pops wants to stay low-key," she graciously acquiesced, her naïve sister happily clapping at the side.

"Ah, but how do we find them?" Aurora asked.

"Hmph, nothing a little divination can't handle," Noire imperiously raised her nose, disappointed with her sister's lack of foresight. "Now, what were their names? LeBoob? Lacroix? Leroy?"

"I believe it's Lestrange, sister," Aurora helpfully chimed in.

"Yes, I was just about to say that," she lied, and thankfully her sister decided not to call her out on it as she got to work on the spell.

"Show me the Lestrange brothers," Noire commanded, snapping her fingers as a holographic display of England appeared in front of them, two red dots lighting up, presumably marking their targets.

"Hey, weren't we just there?" Aurora pointed to the dot at the center of London.

"Hmm, it seems so," Noire agreed, rubbing her chin. "Let's go and see what's up," she decided, grabbing onto her sister's arm before jumping into the nearest shadow, ignoring the annoying blonde's shocked yelps.

You snooze, you lose, she thought, knowing that her sister wasn't very fond of her preferred form of travel.

But Noire knew her twin would get over it, and receiving a few dirty looks was better than the alternative—she really, really, really hated the light travel that her sister mostly used.

"And we're here," she whispered, the both of them still veiled from any pesky onlookers. And after turning to her partner in crime, Noire had to try her hardest not to burst out into giggles after noticing the mess of disheveled hair and ear fluff.

"I-I'll… remember... that," Aurora wheezed, making her roll her eyes—such a drama queen.

"Stop being a baby. Our prey is waiting for us." Noire chided, ignoring her sister as the paper planes flying through the halls that they'd found themselves in caught her attention.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine now," Aurora grumbled, untangling her golden tresses. "Where are we anyway?" she asked.

"Let's see," Noire said before hopping up and grabbing one of the hovering papers.

"Ministry of Magic, Department of Detention," she read the header, crumpling up the message and tossing it away after not finding anything else of interest.

"So, the baddie has already been caught," her sister commented, making her nod.

"We can't let that stand, can we?" Noire grinned, stalking through the halls with her twin trailing behind.

"Hey, hey, sister. Do you even know where you're going?" Aurora questioned her intelligence, making her pause.

"Of course I do," she quickly replied, frantically looking around until luckily finding a sign labeled Cell Blocks. "See, it's this way," she haughtily sniffed, turning to walk in the opposite direction they'd been heading.

"Fools! Your efforts are in vain! My lord won't stand for this once he claims his rightful throne!" Noire heard the maniacal laughter and shouting before they even entered through the heavy doors that separated the prisoners, giving her sister a look that said, 'Is this guy serious?'

Seeing Aurora give a shrug, Noire didn't bother lollygagging, easily slipping past the measly defensive wards before standing outside the door that they could still hear insane cackles coming from.

"See! I told you!" Their target ranted as she slowly creaked open the cell door. "You'll rue your follies, and it will be us who have the last laugh."

"Eh, who the hell are you?" The man paused after she'd dropped her darkness veil, her eyes narrowed, and arms crossed as she stood in front of the bastard, who'd soon be enjoying Bella's unpleasant company.

"A dead man has no need for such knowledge," she pompously declared, the small shadow behind herself coming to life and gobbling up the fool into her pocket space—the experience just the beginning of his torment to come.

"And that's how it's done," Noire told her sister, who gave her a thumbs up. "Now let's hunt down the other one," she said, reaching for Aurora's arm.

"No, absolutely not!" The blonde jumped back, her hackles raised as she got into a defensive stance. "I'll be making my own way there this time," Aurora told her, disappearing into a ray of light before she could object.

Irritated, Noire huffed before following behind after entering her shadow realm once again, her annoyance growing after reaching the location and finding her twin giving her a smug look.

"What took you so long?" Aurora innocently asked, and she decided to simply put the troublesome girl out of her mind. Instead, looking around the clearing that opened to a Victorian-era estate.

Unimpressed by the choice of architecture, Noire strolled towards the entrance without giving her sister a second glance.

"Um... Bob, are you seeing this shit? Or have I just had too much pixie dust?" She heard an imbecile comment as she walked.

"Fuck, Jon! We're going to be rich!" another added. "I've only heard rumors, but a Beastkin should sell for a boatload of galleons on the black market."

"Hey, little girl, I've got some treats. Want some?" The inebriated goon tried tempting, the gesture giving her flashbacks to the first mission she'd completed for her pops.

"Hmph, disgusting swine," she muttered loud enough for the two idiots to hear, their scowls quickly turning into agonized wails after flicking a black bolt at each of their crotches.

"It's a service to humanity, really," she nodded to herself, smiling at the resounding pained cries, any chance of these men continuing their bloodline now gone with their genitals crumbled to dust.

"Was that necessary?" Aurora asked, tapping her small foot on the ground. "Father told us not to cause a commotion."

"What? They were asking for it," Noire defended herself, innocently whistling after seeing her sister's accusing stare.

"Just let me handle this," Aurora went on, nagging like always. "Besides, you got the first one. Now it's my turn," the blonde decided on her own, making her growl cutely.

"Fine, your eminence, show me how it's done," she sarcastically drawled, her nose pointed to the sky.

Aurora just nodded, and Noire watched as her sister's golden light enveloped the still-crying men; their pain washed away before passing out. Luckily, she could sense that the goody two shoes hadn't been kind enough to regrow their fifth limb. Otherwise, she'd have made sure they'd be experiencing another round of amputations while her twin wasn't looking.

Still, she huffed at her sister's kindness, impatiently waiting as her twin ran ahead to capture the remaining Lestrange brother.

"Hey, fuckers, what's going on out there?!" Someone shouted as they opened the front door, Aurora prancing through the open entrance after sending the man off to dreamland.

And not long after entering, radiant light flashing through the windows every now and then, the annoying blonde skipped out the mansion, an infuriating smug look on her face as a golden sphere follows hovering behind, a disgusting man raging against the constraint.

"Done, and without any death or maiming involved," Aurora arrogantly reported, posing with her hands on her hips.

"Whatever, let's just hurry up and find a dungeon to put these fuckers in," Noire said. "And after that, we can find a place to get some ice cream for a day's hard work," she decided.

A New God's Conquest—

Clutching onto a calming cup of tea like it was her lifeline, Hermione took a long sip after finishing recalling the day's events, the Order of the Phoenix members and her friends remaining quiet as they sat or stood around the empty classroom that they'd reappropriated.

"Bloody hell, have you gone mad, Hermione?" Ron unceremoniously broke the silence, making her frown into her cup. "Why would Rose join Bellatrix Lestrange?"

"Now, Ron, I'm sure it was simply the stress getting to young Ms. Granger. Isn't that right, deary?" The Weasley matriarch scolded, while at the same time managing to belittle her recollection.

"I-It's true… I-I saw her too," Neville stuttered out, still shaken over the experience.

Hermione could only imagine what her friend was going through after facing the one responsible for torturing his parents into their current unfortunate state. And all while being powerless to do anything about the matter.

In fact, she respected Neville for even mustering the courage to attend this meeting.

"See, Ron? And I didn't say that Rose joined Bellatrix. If anything, it's the other way around," she pointedly eyed the blabbermouth. "Have you forgotten the part where I mentioned Lestrange fighting You-Know-Who into a retreat?" she continued, only satisfied after the redhead looked away, embarrassed.

Looking to the front of the room, Hermione noticed the headmaster still sat in silence, seemingly in deep thought. She wondered when he'd finally decide to take control here.

"Hermione, was Rose really okay?" Ginny asked, making her give one of her best friends a reassuring smile.

"Yes, Rose seemed better than ever," she nodded, and the younger girl let out a relieved breath at that.

"Oi, can we talk about the part where Rose apparently reappeared from the Veil a few years older, and on top of that, claiming to be pregnant from some mystery hunk?" Tonks butt in, not mincing words, and Hermione couldn't help but notice the weird look that Professor Lupin gave her.

"Aye, that's assuming the one we met was Potter; something I've still got doubts about," Professor Moody added.

"It all does seem a little too fantastical," someone mumbled, opening the floor for others to state their opinion.

"How do we know Granger's not under a charm?"

"I'm sure the headmaster would have noticed that by now."

Hermione slumped in her seat as she listened to the room devolve into arguments, some having nothing to do with the issue at hand. She could only be thankful that Snape was supposedly occupied by other business. He'd have surely fanned the flames even further.

"Enough!" Moody barked, slamming the butt of his staff against the tiled floor after receiving a look from Dumbledore.

"There's much to think about," the headmaster started, his voice sounding more tired than Hermione had ever heard. "But first, I think it's time the students here returned to their dorms."

Was he really sending them away like children after what they'd been through, she thought, the other members of the D.A. voicing her grievances in a clammer of protests.

"What about Rose? We should be asking her any of the questions we have," Hermione spoke up, their headmaster frowning as he stroked his long beard.

"No, there's much risk. Until otherwise stated, I forbid anyone here from attempting to contact Ms. Potter," Dumbledore decided, making her stomp out of the room.

She couldn't believe it… or maybe she could. But whatever the case was, she'd have to solve everything herself. Just like all the other years before.

AN: Reader interaction fuels me, so leave a comment or review and the collective dopamine hits will probably have me pumping out more chapters.

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