
Chapter 1: First mission


If you have the power to change the world, what will you do? What will you choose?

The path where you kill all of the bad guys, bring justice to their victims, and become a hero, or the path where you kill everyone who stands in your way and becomes the king of the world?

However, you can choose to live like a normal person too, and that's a different challenge in its own way.

Many people think that life will be easier if they just had the power to make their dreams reality and obtain everything they desire. Then some of them were corrupted by that desire and sought more power as they grew powerful.

Power always comes with great responsibilities and often great sacrifices.

The world changed and so did humans, but the true nature of humans didn't change at all.

They have acquired power but the greed, envy, violence, and darkness still lurked inside of their heart. Surely, it will corrupt them in the end.

The million-dollar question is "who will save them from themselves after?"

Chapter 1

On a certain evening, the city of Tana was peaceful as always. The AI security bots were wandering around keeping the peaceful environment around the beautiful and heavily populated city, while the citizens were out on the street with bright faces as if everything was supposed to be that way.

In the middle of this city, a big building stood out from the other due to its particular orange color. The building served as the headquarter of the AFO industry. It was composed of around 400 floors and the highest floor was reserved for the chairman.

Tap, tap, tap...

On that quiet evening, only the sound of a clicking keyboard echoed inside of that room, used by a fat man with a big belly and a huge figure, sitting on a chair.

"Keke, the business is doing well these days... But I need to take care of these myself, I can't leave them in the hands of these amateurs after all...Keke.." Happily, he continued to use the keyboard as if he was having fun.

The man was called Boniface, chairman, and leader of the AFO industry. Anyone could read that at the entrance of the room.

The room was large for an office and contained many rare types of furniture from the old era, which are considered priceless.

Mr. Boniface looked excited about something and began to mutter some kind of weird song.

His mood indicated that the business was doing well for him.

Tak, tak, tak...

At his surprise, he heard someone walking inside of this overprotected room.

Surprised, he looked at the suspicious person in front of him with puzzled eyes.

Nonchalantly, the intruder said "I will give you one chance because your sin will never be forgiven. Give up on everything you own and restart from nothing... Then do everything better this time... Can you do that?" And as simple as that, he was standing confidently in the middle of Mr. Boniface's office.

This intruder appeared from the dark corner of the room while saying these words. He had red eyes that seemed cold and full of mystery. He wore a black suit covering his whole body and amazingly, it looked perfectly designed for the job.

He walked toward Mr. Boniface, who was still sitting on his chair.

Mr. Boniface began to panic and wondered how did he come inside. After all, the place was on the 400th floor and he didn't even hear anyone opening the door nor the sounds of the elevator arriving.


With a frowned forehead and a loud voice, Mr. Boniface asked "How did get you inside? Who are you? I will call the security!!" Then stood up from his chair out of anger.

However, at that time Mr. Boniface pushed rapidly the emergency call button on the interface of his desk, without making it obvious. Despite his surprise, Mr. Boniface didn't lose his cool.

He clearly understood that something was not right with this intruder. He was a man who trusted his instinct because that was how he crawled his way from the bottom and earned the privilege to sit inside of that room.

Nevertheless, Mr. Boniface was too preoccupied with the origin of the intruder and didn't listen to what he said at all.

The intruder wasn't pleased by his behavior and made a simple gesture. He reached out his hands toward the desk, precisely toward the place where Mr. Boniface's left hand was. Then as simple as that, that part of the desk disappeared along with Mr. Boniface's left hand. Only holes were left on the desk and the wall behind.

It all happened in a blink of an eye and didn't even make a sound. It looked as natural as breathing.

The two men were looking at each other right in the eyes, then blood burst out from Mr. Boniface's arm.

"Aaaaaaa, my hands... Bastard, I will kill you, I will kill you..." His face was full of rage causing his forehead to frown abnormally and his teeth clenched tightly, as he tried to bear the pain.

Quickly Mr. Boniface reached and pushed the button right below his desk. That button was surely designed for urgency situations, which were rare but he insisted and made it just in case.

Despite his rage, Mr. Boniface made yet again a wise decision without losing his cool. That showed that he had some experience in this field.

The room became illuminated by red lights and everyone in the building was alarmed. It caused some panic inside and around the building.

"You will never leave here alive...Guah...Hehehe". Mr. Boniface seemed to be confident about the security system of this building.

He threatened the intruder with a menacing glare.

The man in black left out a big sight.

Then confidently he said "You are more composed than I thought huh... So what's your answer? Will you give up on everything or will you die here..."

The intruder began to show a chilling killing intent while glaring at Mr. Boniface. Normal people would have collapsed if they were to be in front of him at that moment.

The fat man began to shiver but he was confident about one thing. His power.

Scared for once, since he became a big figure, Mr. Boniface thought 'This is bad... I escalated many walls in order to attain this position... Killed countless people and fought many strong guys, but I never felt this much pressure coming from a single guy... Keke this is interesting...'

Mr. Boniface clenched his fist and fire began to envelop his right arm, while the temperature inside the room raised considerably. In his prime he was known as the "Fire demon" So of course he didn't lose confidence in his ability even if his body became a little fatter.


With his right hand, Mr. Boniface punched and shot a blazing fire at the intruder.

It was powerful enough to turn a human into a cinder without leaving even bones. Because of the intensity of the fire, the desk, and the furniture that were inside of the room all melted. The temperature was abnormally high, causing smoke to gather inside.

When he saw that, Mr. Boniface showed a relieved face as he said "Hahaha, I was worried for a second... Guaaaaaah but it still hurts!!! Luckily we have nanomachines nowadays to treat this, but familiarizing with an artificial hand like that will be difficult... Tch, why now of all time... This is a pain in the ass, shit!!!" Then he left out a sigh of relief while burning his left arm carefully, in order to close the wound and prevent any further loss of blood.

Only smoke was gathered around the place where the intruder stood. That lead Mr. Boniface to think that he was certainly incinerated. After a while, he realized that the security agents and his bodyguards were nowhere in sight, and that irritated him more.

"Where are the security, shit!!! What are they doing at a time like this tch!!!"

Showing displeasure on his face, he began to search his cellphone because everything around was incinerated. He remembered that he had it somewhere inside one of his pockets.

Suddenly, a silhouette appeared inside of the smoke, blowing away the smoke surrounding him.

"So this is your answer huh..." A cold voice, that made Mr. Boniface shiver again.

The intruder was unscathed, there wasn't even any trace of dust on his clothes.

Shocked, Mr. Boniface took a step back. He began to panic. He used almost his full power in that attack but it didn't do any damage to this intruder at all.

Confused, some thoughts crossed Mr. Boniface's mind, 'What's going on??? If I used that attack outside, I could take down 5 buildings easily, but not only the attack didn't do any damage but he is not even unscathed... This room is special and can cushion a level 7 full-power attack but this guy made a hole in the wall easily... I guess he won't go down that easily too...Tch...This is troublesome..." Then he began to wonder about the intruder's abilities while thinking about an escape route.

"Why are you unscathed? What do you want? Do you want money? Kekeke... You want money right? I will give you One billion... So just get out of here..."

The intruder seemed indifferent. He didn't seem to be interested in the offer. His eyes were still glaring coldly at Mr. Boniface.

Then with a relaxed voice, the intruder asked, "Do you remember the name Liza?", while walking toward Mr. Boniface.

"How can I remember a name like that!!!? There are many people who come to this place... Did that person hire you? What grudge did she hold against me? I doubt she can pay you more than me though, so how about it? Why don't you change your target and eliminate her instead? I will add one more billion if you finish the job..." Mr. Boniface sounded desperate when he said these words. He planned another attack to buy time before the security guards arrive, but he needed to distract the attention of the intruder first.

The intruder stopped.

"You really like to talk, don't you? ...I see, so your life is precious to you huh... And of course, you don't even know her name... You are worse than I thought... No need to talk any longer, you are helpless."

The man in black reached his hands toward Mr. Boniface again, while glancing at him with a murderous gaze. This time he aimed directly at his body.

Without any clear grasp of the abilities of the intruder, Mr. Boniface was alerted and tried to dodge by jumping on his side. However, in a blink of an eye, the upper part of his body disappeared without a trace and there was no time for him to know that. His body looked like it was sucked in a black hole. He died on the spot.

His fleshes should have been scattered around if it was an ordinary attack. However, only his lower part remained along with half of his spine.

Blood burst out of the lower part as it slowly fell to the ground. Most of the blood covered the floor and some were scattered on the desk and all around the body.

A big hole was left on the wall behind, showing the clear sky full of stars as the moonlight enlightened the bloody room.

The scene was not pleasant to see.

The intruder looked at the body with blank eyes, and his hand was shivering.

Mr. Boniface was surely dead, before his eyes.

'An unpleasant sight'

"This is hard than I thought... But this my decision and I sacrificed many things in order to follow this path. As long as I can protect one smile, I will be satisfied in the end... This is something that must be done... Haha yeah someone must do the dirty job..." The intruder was talking to himself with a cracking voice.

He seemed like he wished to be a cold-hearted person, but he knew that all of this would be meaningless if he became like that.

While muttering these words he ran toward the hole and jumped.

He seemed to be convinced by his words, but deep inside he was still unsure.

Deep inside he thought 'will I really be able to help someone like this?'

However, the biggest question was "Why is he doing something like this?". Yes, a reason for this act of murder.

While falling from the top of the building, some thoughts crossed his mind.

'Hero often wins the battle but never win the war... In the end, someone must destroy the evil from the inside...That's why I will never become a hero...But I will save this world!!!!'

It sounded like a cheap self-motivation though.

Directly inside of his ear, a man talked to him using a nanotechnology communicator and said "Hey Lynx, just follow the designed escape route uploaded in the server now... My awesome AI butler will guide you... Oh yeah!!! This is rather exciting hahaha..."


The intruder's name was Lynx and this is his first mission as an avenger. That's how people called this act, even though Lynx never had such an intention.


Lynx's first step toward his unavoidable fate began at 9:00 that morning, during work time.

"Hey Lynx, can you hear me?"

"No problem.."

Lynx was sitting outside of a restaurant, wearing a white shirt and sunglasses. Judging from his face, no one could have guessed that he had something really important to do.

He had his cellphone in his hand and an earbud which served as a communicator.

Obviously, he was talking to someone.

"So which of them are the target? "Lynx looked discretely at the screen of his phone.

"Don't say something scary like that... Calm down, this is just a source of motivation... By the way, do you know how people from the old era called something like this?"

Lynx wondered about the 'source of motivation' part, but he knew that this person will become very annoying if he asked.

A little annoyed, Lynx focused on the movement inside his phone's screen and said "... You talk too much... I might lose sight of the target..." with an indifferent voice.

"You are not fun like always... Well, something like this will be not fun at all, but do you know that in the past, people who did something like this were called " Spies"... Hahaha sounds cool right..."

'They still exist nowadays' Without opening his mouth, these thoughts crossed Lynx's mind.

However, he didn't say anything, because it would have triggered another useless debate with this person again.

"What are you talking about... Don't joke around... Look there are some movements" While dodging the subject, Lynx made a remark.

"Okay... Follow that girl wearing a red dress with short hair..."

The girl in question was situated on the other side of the road.

Lynx stood up and began to follow the girl from the other side while blending in the scenery.

"This is your first time doing something like right? Huhuhu... In your case, people like you are called stalkers you know.. You might awaken a weird fetish after this... You are so perverted Lynx...kyaaa"

"Shut up for a minute old man you are disgusting... Not good, They took a car!"

The girl went inside a luxurious car with a man.

"Tsk tsk tsk, don't worry everything will be all right... But Lynx, even after all of these years, you still can't grasp the awesomeness of my ability? Truly disappointing..."

"You are really annoying at times like this, I should have killed you that day..."

"Tsk tsk, my gadgets are awesome you know... That Bee bots 3.4 was equipped with a GPS and a camera along with a microphone, concocted especially in my laboratory for cases like this... Haaaa... I'm awesome right.."

Lynx thought 'This guy is very annoying' but kept his mouth shut because he knows that it will be a waste of time if he tried to make him understand that.

However, he had a big pride too and bragged " And who hacked that satellite?" with a confident voice. "Hmph...So in the end I just need to follow them through the GPS right..."

Lynx took a taxi. The car was fully automated with an AI and GPS installed inside. Customers had just to state their destination and the taxi will bring them there.

"That's right, the signal from that Bee bots 3.4 is emitted directly to the satellite so we cannot lose sight of our target... But the question is, will you be all right lynx?"

"What are talking about? Is there something wrong?"

"Well, you are going to enter a realm that might be hard for people like us to adventure through..."


Lynx wondered about these words. 'Is there some sort of powerful enemy there?'

"Well in any case don't lose your cool... It's the first thing that you must master now..."

Soon after that, Lynx will witness something that he wasn't prepared to see.

Even when everything changed, the nature of humans stayed the same. There are always trash people and there will be new heroes, but there are always people who fight in the dark but no one will remember them. However, some more powerful people realized that something must change in order to save humanity from itself.

Year 4003, a wind of change began to blow around the world and two individuals are in the eye of this storm.

This is my first time publishing here. There are many mistakes but please give me a fair review. Thank you very much ❤

NOMENAcreators' thoughts
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