
Thomas Andre in MHA

All Might is the number one Hero to Izuku, always has been and will be. He was the one he always wanted to look up to! However, it's also true that the All Might isn't the only idol for him... There's another one. Always positive and prone to pathos, his giant uncle Andre, better known to the public as Goliath. *** [ I'm warning you. There will be mistakes in the text. English is not my first language, and I would appreciate it if you could point out my mistakes. It won't be perfect, and even below average, but I want to improve, so your criticism would be helpful. Be my guest, and point out my problems in the fanfic to me.]

MasterBoner · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs


It's beatiful day otside.

Birds are singing, flowers are blooming.

On days like this, people like Goliath.

Should be on patrol.

But no, he's sitting on his ass on a lounge chair, sitting in the backyard of his mansion with a mug of berry tea his sister made him a few minutes ago.

Goliath with a peaceful face and with peace of mind was just enjoying the silence. His head was on the back of the chaise longue and his eyes were closed, soaking up the warm rays of the morning sun and drifting off a bit into dreamland. Half an hour ago he had listened to his sister's grumblings about challenging this "All Might" to a fight. This conversation had been looming for two days now. All this time, there was no way Inko could catch Andre to talk face to face. First Andre was away on his business ventures, and then Inko herself was busy at the agency, for she was literally the most important, after Goliath of course.

And the green-haired woman was lucky to have caught Andre this morning, but she might not have seen him in the morning, but would have returned in the evening, and Andre would have been in his place.

The thing was, Goliath had decided to take the day off, as long as there were no emergencies, he would sit quietly in his mansion and enjoy himself. Food, juice, video games, etc.


"Ah... " took a sip from his favorite mug the white-haired hero took a sip. Why a favorite mug? Well the answer is simple, it's a birthday present from Inko. But it's not a standard mug, or rather it's not a standard size.

You see, with his phenomal height of four meters comes some problems. He needs specially made clothes, shoes, and even bigger utensils. What he was holding in his hands was a mug the size of a huge pitcher with a shared photo on it.

The photo was of Andre and Inko in identical poses and dark glasses. Inko decided to borrow Goliath's clothing design that day and dressed up like him, i.e. like she was going to Hawaii. Inko knew that Andre loved the photo and decided to make the memory more visible. They ended up giving a huge mug with this moment captured on camera.

Her gesture of giving him this giant cup, with their shared photo was more than just a gift - it symbolized their unique bond and unbreakable friendship that permeated every level of their existence.

Goliath realized that a sister who could bring kindness and gentleness into his world brought a new dimension to his life and relationships. Her presence was stored in his soul and heart with a special warmth and tenderness, for a sisterly bond is different from a brotherly bond and is accompanied by a special understanding and warmth, as if created by nature itself to beautify and expand the circle of kinship.

Goliath appreciated and treasured Inko, despite her unrelated origins. He was grateful that she accepted and recognized him as her brother, sharing with him the joys and hardships of life, supporting him in difficult moments and shining her presence in every event.

" I have sister , I have Nana, what a happy man I am, however...." . He took another sip of tea, feeling the warmth, the taste of berries and the coziness that the drink possessed. In addition, he felt the warmth of the love that his sister was certainly giving him. Such feelings of joy and acceptance were amazing to him, considering his unique character.

" And to think that such a person like me, is needed to anyone. "

Suddenly his thoughts and mental dialog with himself were interrupted by a voice from behind Goliath. He slowly turned his head, turning his attention to the personification of support and understanding that appeared to him.

"You shouldn't be so hard on yourself, brother," his sister told him, and a kind smile blossomed on her face, radiating such a heartfelt warmth that Andre felt it even from his chaise lounge.

Wearing a strict suit that emphasized her professionalism, and the precise and neat collection of her hair showed her natural beauty. Her breathtaking green hair matched her emerald eyes, creating a harmonic combination. Her short stature only added to her charm, not shining with the charisma that tall people had. Her height of 1.65 meters with such a beautiful face made her a truly attractive creature, something Goliath himself had unusually insisted on.

" If you say so, my little beauty," Goliath said, rising from the chaise lounge and slowly approaching Inko.

The sun faded before his immense stature, and his movements were imbued with impeccable strength. His hand still held the mug, and his rough yet beautiful face was adorned with a smile that was different from the one one was used to seeing on Goliath. In front of people he constantly played the role he himself had chosen, but in the family circle he was sincere and genuine. And only in front of his loved ones he allowed himself to bare a sincere smile, full of tenderness and love.

After all, only next to them could he be both loud and tender at the same time, be the kind of sensitive person society would never expect. Even so, however, his softer side can only be seen by Nana, his sister and the wife he hopes to find soon.

With the male half of his family, he would be just as sincere and loyal, but in his own way. A man must have honor, must have dignity, even in front of his brothers must walk with his head held high, remaining the support " pillar " you are bound to be.

Goliath stood before Inko.

The titanic Goliath towered over Inko, his height with his head exceeding her delicate 1.65 meters. The difference in their size was simply enormous and would have stunned anyone but Inko. She looked at him with confidence and calmness, unwavering before this giant. Her figure barely reached the area of his knee, and it was easy for him to grasp her with his fingers. Looking from the outside, she looked insignificantly small next to this 4 meter giant. However, despite the difference in size, Inko radiated a strength and confidence that could match the fearlessness of Goliath himself.

And yet the staggering truth is this - this little beauty, whose cuteness is equal to a rabbit, if not more, could make this huge beast, this proud lion, Thomas Andre, Goliath, listen to himself.

"Sometimes I think I stole your fate from you. Sometimes I wonder if maybe you could have had a better life than the one I offered, for I know that feeling when your desires are ignored and you are forced." Goliath spoke softly as he sat down on his knee, maintaining his superiority over Inko with his majesty.

Midoriya pondered those words. A question arose in her mind, could things really have turned out differently? Perhaps in an alternate reality her fate would have been very ddifferent

In her mind, she went back to that fateful day.

Inko remembered the moment that had been the hardest and weakest of her life - the day her grandfather had died. That courageous old man, after the loss of her parents, had become her entire close family. He raised her, nourished, and taught her, becoming her support and all there was to be. Daisuke Midoriya certainly provided everything for her, making sure she never once thought of something bad.

The news of his death had completely crushed her, causing her to withdraw into herself. There was no way she could forgive herself for not being by his side at the last moment of his life. She was in America at the time, staying there on a student exchange program, where she eventually met Andre. This reflection became agonizing for her, and she still harbored a sense of guilt for not being able to be there for her grandfather in his final moments.

At such a moment of Inko's vulnerability, Andre suddenly appeared, enveloping her with his warmth and care. She still remembers clearly how he whispered the words of the calmness mantra in her ear, trying to soothe her troubled soul. He gently and affectionately rubbed her back with his giant hand, creating a pleasant and soothing feeling on her skin. This emanation of his warmth and gentleness allowed her to feel that she was not alone in her grief and that there was someone who cared for her and was ready to support her in her difficult moments. This gesture penetrated her heart and remained in her memory forever.

This memory became one of Inko's dearest and most meaningful. Andre became her new support, protector and everything to her. She does her best to justify his support and care by showing her role as a close sister. After all, this giant of a man with his health definitely lacks a woman's affectionate hands, and Nana alone is not enough.

However, Inko wondered what might have happened if she had simply rejected Andre and returned to Japan. What if she would have been left alone, she thought. This reflection made her feel that she could have faced a long period of loneliness where she would have been deprived of the kind of support and care that Andre had given her.

Andre was always hard on himself, always dissatisfied and prone to self-criticism, striving for perfection. Yes, he wasn't perfect, but who could ever be considered a perfect person? He liked to be the center of attention, and as part of his job, conversations always leaned towards identifying flaws and finding ways to fix them. Andre had a habit of muttering thoughts out loud, even when they were self-critical and not always positive about his actions. He was angry with himself, thinking his actions were flawed and not professional enough.

Inko repeatedly asked him to be less hard on himself, showing how important he was to her and to his surroundings. But Andre, alas, didn't always see it, not realizing how significant he was in their lives. His words about him stealing a better future from her only reinforced her hypothesis.

With a deep sigh, she replied.

" Andre, you have no idea how you changed my life," Inko waved her hand towards the lush backyard they had created together, "You gave me a future I never dared to dream of."

She pointed her hand at the house they had made the place cozy yet majestic, " You gave me shelter and protection, gave me a job and the opportunity to rise to the next level." She patted the papers in her briefcase she held with her other hand, symbolizing the professional success they had achieved together.

You've elevated me to a better place and given me hope for a brighter future." She passed her hand across the middle of her chest, conveying her deep excitement and gratitude.

" Every word you say, every gesture you make, fills my life with meaning and emotion. " Inko lowered her hand from the case and reached out to touch her brother's cheek, to which Andre had to lower himself a little more, savoring the moment. She touched him affectionately expressing her tenderness and love.

You have given me not just material prosperity, but the love I have long sought.

" My deep delight and gratitude knows no bounds." She spread her arms wider, gesturing to show her amazement and gratitude. " You are my Andre, my kindred spirit and an integral part of my life." She shook her head slightly, emphasizing their unbreakable bond."

"Thank you for everything. " she kissed him gently on the cheek, expressing her deep gratitude.

" After all, I'm the one who should be thinking these things, because I'm the one who doesn't deserve you. What do you find in me? An ordinary green-haired Japanese girl with no beauty or powerful quirk" she laughed, slowly removing her hand from Andre's cheek.

He frowned heavily at her words, feeling anger begin to build up in him. After all, he saw in Inko not only her looks, but also her unrivaled beauty of soul. The powerful quirk she spoke of was unnecessary because even without it he saw so much beauty in her, so much character and talent.

André takes a decisive action, enough to communicate his feelings to her. He takes her into his arms, gently covering her with his hand as if to shield her from all doubts and fears.

He dips his head even lower, nuzzling her head.

"Listen to me, Inko," he says seriously, his voice sounding determined. "You are a beautiful, strong, and incredible. Your uniqueness, intelligence and charm make you exceptional. I don't need a powerful quirk to love you, I need your good look to protect you. You and Nana, are the most precious thing in this world and I will never let you go. I love you and I will always be there to support and protect you. Believe in yourself as I believe in you."

Warmth and unconditional love are expressed in his words and actions, showing her that she is unique and beautiful just the way she is.

When Inko heard those words, tears began to flow down her cheeks. She smiled confusedly to hide her emotional reaction. Instead of tears, she felt mingled because strong feelings of joy and gratitude raged inside her.

She tried to wrap her arms around him, though she realized it was impossible because of his gigantic stature. Her attempt was awkward, but filled with all her love and desire to embrace this beautiful man who stood before her.

"Hah~, and it all started with talking about your recent performance" said Inko with a laugh after realizing this thing. She slowly pulled away from her brother, while wiping the tears from her face.

"Oh, yeah...that... You might get a call from All Might. Find some information about him, and as I thought, he's from Japan. Toshinori Yagi is his name. "

If you didn't like the chapter, let me know and I'll be better next time.

I'd also like to hear from you, to know what you'd like to see in this fic. I'll answer to everyone.

Also, if there are any mistakes, just write me

MasterBonercreators' thoughts