

New-York, USA

The world-famous metropolis, the dream of millions and the symbol of the American dream - New York. This city, with its pulsating energy and endless possibilities, forever leaves an indelible mark in the hearts of its inhabitants and everyone who has ever been on its streets. New York is a place where dreams come true, where culture, art and business thrive, creating a unique atmosphere unlike anywhere else on earth.

This city is constantly on the move, echoing hundreds of languages, uniting people of different cultures and nationalities. New York is a small planet where everyone can find their place, realizing their ambitions and aspirations.

New York is not only the famous skyscrapers of Manhattan, but also a rich history embodied in different corners of the city. In each of the five boroughs: Manhattan, Brook-


The moment the explosion sounds, people on the streets of New York City freeze in horror and begin to look around, trying to figure out what happened. Then a loud panic begins: screaming, running, trying to take cover. Some people start making phone calls, while others try to get farther away from the blast site.

As people are fleeing the streets and trying to find shelter, another loud explosion is heard. At this time, the sky lights up brightly and a huge multi-armed monster appears on the horizon. Its eyes shaped like huge beads quickly survey the area. He makes a leap, using his powerful arms to grab onto part of the nearest building, using it to increase his inertia.

On his back, his comrade, dressed in multi-colored spandex, with a mask on his face, a cocky grin, and a pile of money.

They robbed a bank, and successfully smuggled the loot out of the law enforcement zone. No unnecessary trouble for them, a quiet escape from the scene of the crime. Except there's a problem: one huge monster in the middle of the city, the other in a colorful suit with guns and... In the middle of the city.

But it's amazing how ill-conceived the plan of these two cretins turned out to be. Too bad they didn't realize it themselves.

"BWHAHAHAHA, well done Jumbo, your giant ass made our escape! " shouted the one on his back, trying to speak loudly because of the headwind that was drowning everything out. He patted the money bag with his hand, satisfied with the distinctive sound. Paradise for his ears. The thief also kept the tool designed for him at the ready, and his ear sharp. He's sure he can handle anything as long as he has Jumbo and a gun! They're unstoppable!

With the biggest grin possible on his monstrous face and a huge adrenaline rush in his blood, the green monster, Jumbo, jumped from building to building, causing panic below. And Joe, that was the name of the second thief, slightly drunk with success and excitement, was laughing on his back as he continued to enjoy his daring act.


Their bravado was suddenly interrupted by even louder laughter, drowning out their own exclamations. They turned around and saw him, Goliath.

This giant among men, treading with his huge feet, kicking up dust with his mere movement, a golden aura moved around him as if the sun had illuminated with its blessing. A cherry lushness of curly blonde hair surrounded his head, he bared his fiery red eyes, and his toothy smile filled the space with ferocious notes of might.

He was like an ancient god among mortals, the inconceivable size of his body looming over the people around him, reaching a height of an impressive three to four meters. The people who had panicked earlier now seemed to be transfixed by his aura and regained their composure.

And his magnificence didn't end with his attraction. He was dressed in a brightly colored Hawaiian shirt that showed off his massive muscles, and boldly wore short shorts, showing off his massive legs like two sturdy oaks.

But what made him truly image divine, stuck into his peeling body were the black tattoos, each telling its own epic story. Symbols of wind and fire, beasts and swords embodied in inky patterns shone on his skin like living beings, giving even more power and mystery to this unapproachable giant.

Goliath himself came to their attention.

A man that received his hero license not so long ago, but has already formed a fanbase around him. He promptly broke into the ranking of heroes and like a rocket, conquering unprecedented heights, flies to the very top. Power, speed, skill and professionalism are his bargaining chips. His enormous stature and incredible quirk have already unofficially branded him America's top 1 hero.

Impulsive, a lover of spectacular appearances and a master of drama. Very fond of working on camera, a trait that some would disagree is inherent in a true hero. But the fact is the fact, it brought him not a few fans. It is very rare for someone to get such an influx of audience right after the start of his career.

His laid-back and spitfire attitude towards the villains was amazing, so far, each of his opponents was first humiliated verbally, and then turned turning into shreds. Goliath's face

never changed, no matter the problem.

Calamities were not disasters to him, and villains are only mere civilians, whether he has a powerful quirk or an all-consuming weapon. He and his team, his battle buddies work efficiently, leaving no unnecessary questions. When they're together, their efficiency factor triples, with Goliath's comrades entangled in the same aura as his.

Goliath usually works alone without outside help, not that he perceives his men as unnecessary. It's just that if he fixes the problem himself, it's easier for everyone, him and the environment. Otherwise, he has a habit of losing his temper in company. The more people in the company, the stronger and more destructive he becomes.

"Two idiots decide to rob a bank and let the whole state know about it?! How the hell did you idiots get away with that?! There's a green one, with his big ass and no place to hide, BWAHAHA! " laughed loudly Goliath, taking moderate steps in their direction.

" Shit, shit, SHIT! That lunatic must be in another city! Fuck, what to do, huh!?!" thought Joe nervously, he knew about this "Goliath", a total upstart and bully, but does his job well. This dude looked like he'd just come back from vacation and had sent several of his colleagues to jail, all with varying degrees of trauma. Maybe Jumbo can handle it...

Jumbo twitched, his body shaking. His quirk, his animal quirk, though not unlike any other animal in the world, had its instincts. And as is inherent in nature, animals sense trouble. They also sense fear. Not fake fear, but real and primal fear.


Jumbo took a huge step backward, preparing to jump. Joe didn't like that. " Stop shivering like a dog, pull yourself together!" - Joe shouted angrily, slapping his hand on Jumbo's back. He hadn't expected his partner to react this way to some jerk in a Hawaiian shirt. His chance at victory was going down the drain, and they hadn't even attacked yet!

"What are you guys stopping for? Let's keep going! What pattern are we going to follow? Are you going to start your villainous monologue or are you going to attack from the back or spit and run? HAHAHAHA. "- Goliath stopped halfway towards them and the huge greenish monster stepped back, even though there was a decent distance between them.

As Goliath shoved his pockets into his hands, both villains tensed up. Thoughts flew at the speed of light. Sweat was running down Joe's face, and Jumbo clawed his claws into the sidewalk.

Goliath began to pull one hand out of his pocket...

" Screw this, Jumbo let's get out of here!" - Joe shouted in fear, giving the signal to run. Jumbo didn't have to be told twice, he was already on edge. With a roar he moved from his seat, running backwards away from his enemy, shifting one arm over the other, increasing his speed.

Goliath pulled his sunglasses out of his pocket

" So they chose to escape. I can accept that, heh. " he turned his head sharply to one of the civilians beside him, who was holding a cell phone with a camera pointed in his direction. Goliath smirked. " Sir, thank you for capturing this beautiful moment! Post entire video on Tweeter and it will definitely get popular HAHAHAHA!

The man with the phone nodded, confirming his words and continuing to film. Thinking about how he knew what he was going to do with the video. Although isn't that what videos are made for? To get approval from the public and such? He'll watch it and see what the reaction is. Not just Twitter, oh, he'll put it on Reddit! Heh, he'll get so many upvotes! Of course, if he can get the video up faster than the rest of the people on the street! So he gotta hurry.

Before the man knew it, Goliath had ddisappeare. Leaving him with a questioning look on his face. Only an "Oh..." sound came out of his mouth, as well as the others around him. Looking over to where Goliath stood, all they could see was cracked asphalt and the sounds of explosions heard in the distance. " Damn..."

- mumbled the man next to him.


" David, to the left! "

" Got it, Toshi! "

After the attack was reported from the bank, not only the police task force but also another team came to help. It would be more accurate to say it was a duo. One of which was a recently graduated hero under the promising name "All Might" who went by the name Toshi or his full name, Toshinori, and the other was his partner under the nickname David Shield.... he didn't bother with the hero's name. He acted as the All Might's assistant and stayed out of the fights, supporting him with his inventions and creating a uniform for his friend to wear when he went out to the people.

All Might had an incredible quirk that gave a boost in everything: strength, speed, reaction, jump and all sorts of characteristics. He had the power of a hundred people, maybe more. His quirk remains a secret, and not many people know about it. All Might was characterized by an incredibly kind character and a sense of justice. There wasn't a problem that couldn't be solved without him. He wanted to be everywhere and always, to help as much as possible and as quickly as possible. He wanted to be the one person with whom misfortunes were put on the back burner. To be people's shield, their hope, their symbol of Peace!

His close friend, David, also volunteered to help him achieve this great dream! These two met back in California, when All Might saved a group of scientists from the attack of a villain.

And David was part of that group. And after his remark about the All Might's hero costume, their friendship began. Shield already had several prototypes of suits, created for universal cases and combining different characteristics: from fire resistance to self-repair. The technology of the present time allowed him to upgrade his friend's suit.

Shield was smart, incredibly smart, as he was one of a group of scientists who had gone to a science fair in California. Engineering was his calling, and that's what he wants to do with his life. Found his campaign specializing in creating assistive gadgets as well as creating costume heroes. In the latter, he found a strange pleasure. Seeing how well he was able to create costumes for his friend, for which All Might thanked him more than once, David also decided to turn it into a business.

David's quirk, however, was no surprise. It allows him to bend his fingers at an unnatural angle. Some would find it useless, but not David's sharp mind. Shield uses this power to do precise work on the inventions he creates.

But we're getting away from the point.

Now, All Might and David were in pursuit of two criminals who decided to rob a bank in the middle of the day. The chase was carried out in a red car, shaped like those formula 1 racing cars. Unlike its predecessors, this version was equipped with all sorts of additions to neutralize problems. Designed by David himself. There were only two seats in the cockpit, because it was just for him and the All Might . But if necessary, the overall shape of the vehicle could be drastically changed to accommodate civilian casualties.

While All Might gave directions, David drove the car, stepping on the gas hard and avoiding obstacles. The radio was tuned to the police line so that both teams would keep each other informed. Unlike the duo, they had a helicopter that kept active surveillance on the target. The information went to the cops, and through them to the duo. But they had to rely on street knowledge, because the view from a height is not a chip that transmits geolocation and displays on a navigator's screen.

"Roger, Swallow to Falcon-1, I'm receiving another hero joining the chase. " - came over the radio, Toshinori and David's ears perked up.

" Roger, Falcon-1 is on the line, I hear you clearly Swallow, is there any information you could give us about this hero? " came an instant reply, as the duo realized, it was some senior by name, they couldn't name his exact rank. Judging from the cold tone and quick response to the report, he is the one leading the chase.

" Roger, tall in stature, very long hair, and wearing a Hawaiian shirt? Wait... He really is! He's in a shirt and shorts running after the target, speed not slowing down. Do you read me, Falcon-1? "

Toshinori and David looked over, both with a questioning look. All Might envisioned this picture of a dude in a flowered shirt running after a huge terrified villain, he smirked at the thought. David, on the other hand, focused on the road again, not filling his head with unnecessary information.

" So he's here again, crap... Roger, Swallow, keep watching, the newly arrived hero is not to be touched, he will help us in catching the villain, over.

" Roger, Falcon-1, continuing surveillance, over."

David realized the senior officer's misfire. This man knew the hero, and that's a good thing. But the way he called him at the end, it's either a sign of affinity or dislike. But the point he's getting at is that the two of them have worked together before. The officer has confidence in this hero, so they shouldn't doubt it. However, that won't stop David and Toshinori from chasing him, they'll just be there for backup. Plus he doubts that All Might will back out of this case.

"We're already close to them, don't slow down, David!" - Toshinori said cheerfully, which brought a smile to David's face. Which was to prove a point.


- HAHAHA, GUYS, WHY ARE YOU RUNNING? WHY ARE YOU RUNNING?!- Goliath shouted with a toothy grin. Laughing he kept up his pace, just chasing after those two idiots. And you know how funny it looks, that a ten-meter monster is running from a man who is three times smaller than him.

Except the monster wasn't laughing at all. Fear and despair were his companions, and it was felt around him. I think Joe had succumbed to fear, too. " Get away from us, you crazy ass motherfucker! " - he held out his gun and with a look of horror on his face fired several shots.

Several rockets flew out of the gun, which quickly gained momentum and flew to the four-meter runner in a shirt and shorts.

" HAHAHA, COME ON, SHOOT YOUR BULLETS, COME ON!" - filled with adrenaline and taking great pleasure in the desperation of his enemies, Goliath shouted.

With a mad grin on his face, Goliath tensed his powerful legs and soared into the air towards the flying missile. Lowering his goggles for a second revealed the gleam in his eyes sparkling with determination, and he boldly reached forward to grab it. The moment the rocket was at arm's length, Goliath clutched at it powerfully and smiled even wider. Grabbing the first missile with his right hand, the other two were in his left hand. Making a sharp turn like a cannonball thrower, he released the two projectiles high into the air so as not to cause unnecessary damage.

While the two missiles flew into the high air, Goliath played with the first missile....

The overall force of the collision with his arms was amazing, but Goliath didn't let the missile explode in his hand. He controlled it with ease, spinning and manipulating it like a toy object. Then, with an insane laugh, he forcefully threw the missile back towards the criminals.

"What the fuck?! "

Joe was stunned. He couldn't believe his eyes when he saw Goliath nonchalantly pounce on the flying missile. His hands were trembling and his expression seemed to be frozen in amazement.

He hadn't expected Goliath to be able to deflect that so easily. There was only one thought in his mind, "Unbelievable..."

The frightening explosion of the missile and their attempt to destroy Goliath was in vain. Having only managed to think of the hero's madness, Joe had to watch the rocket flying at them with genuine horror on his face

The missile whizzed through the air, leaving a trail of fire behind it. It headed straight for its sender , who, dazed and terrified, panicked trying to get his partner to move faster from his own weapon. As the missile crashed into the ground beside them with a squeaking sound, Goliath continued to laugh and jump madly.


" Phew..." - Joe exhaled in relief, glad the missile didn't hit them but was sent into the asphalt. But after watching Goliath's strength, he came to the conclusion that the missile was specifically aimed at the road. The hero either didn't want to hurt them, or wanted to taunt them more. At this possibility, Joe became angry, "That bastard! What does he think of himself, this is too much. That's it!"

Joe decided to go abang, he didn't want to be humiliated any longer, it was time to attack. He shouted, " Jumbo, we're here, stop!"- but halfway through, Jumbo stopped running, apparently having already realized Joe, or something else, Joe couldn't understand. The masked villain lowered his gaze to meet his friend's eyes, wanting to ask him a question. However, in those beady eyes he saw anger, rabid would be more accurate to say.

In his eyes, fiery and full of rage, was readiness to strike a final, decisive blow. A snarl erupted from the toothy maw, muffled only by the short distance between Joe and Goliath. The sound permeated the air and made Joe wince, causing Goliath to raise an eyebrow in surprise.

Jumbo sunk his paws harder into the sidewalk, tearing chunks of concrete out of there with unthinkable force, as if he wanted to show his unwavering determination in the broken path.


The survival instinct in animals is a fundamental aspect of their behavior, especially when they find themselves in a situation where they feel attacked or driven.

When an animal feels threatened or helpless, its survival instinct drives it to fight for its life. Even the most peaceful creature can turn into something completely different when it feels its life is threatened. Thus, if an animal has been cornered or feels that it no longer has anywhere to retreat to, it can go into active defense or attack.

" Heh..."

Goliath saw the scene before him with the enormous beast's exasperation, so he removed his expensive glasses from his face with a quiet laugh and hung them on his shirt pocket. The distance from Goliath to Jumbo was twenty steps.

The huge hero found the silence around them surprising. There was nothing left of the old chase, of the cat-and-mouse game in which he himself appeared as the hunter. And even in all the running around, to make it more surprising, there was no property damage. The green giant only occasionally clung to exposed buildings that didn't cost much to rebuild. Goliath was more than confident he could pay for all of this. He wasn't worried about his budget, he had enough sources of income.

No civilians have been injured or, thank God, killed. Even in his way of doing things, Goliath was extremely observant. Human injuries on his watch were an insult to him. If he could keep safe and failed to complete this unspoken task, he would not forgive himself. Yes, it's impossible to keep everyone safe, but that doesn't mean that attempts to do so are futile.

From the beginning of the chase, Goliath had been tracking the green giant's movements, watching where he stepped, where he put his hand. He was only playing around, trying to keep his speed on par with them, giving them false hopes of a possible escape. The reality is harsh and the truth is that, if he had wanted to, Goliath would have secured the victory in the first ten seconds.

It's not that the blond hero is cocky and narcissistic, it's just that the man knows his capabilities. While there was hope that the villain could withstand his blow, he also wanted to start his day having fun, no matter how selfish it seemed. Well, sorry, he likes it that way and it's the pattern he's working from. First, get the bad guy morally out of his system, if he's in the mood, and then a good punch to get him to a hospital.

20 steps.

A few civilians appeared on the street, though they kept their distance. The kids were eager to watch the hero at work firsthand, and their mothers and fathers became a shield for them to watch safely. Students pulled out their phones.

15 steps.

Joe angrily reloaded his weapon, throwing a glance at the bags of money. Already regretting all of this. He should have gone to the casino after all, then he wouldn't be in so much trouble. The casino would leave him bankrupt, because as they say: "Only billionaires become millionaires from casinos."

10 steps.

Police sirens were heard in the distance, a squad called in to neutralize them. They would have shown up sooner if not for the ever-moving criminals. By the way, now if you listen closely, you can hear the zooming sound of a car engine. And a moment later, a red sports car flew out from around the corner.

It made Goliath stop, as did everyone else. The cockpit of the car opened revealing two passengers. One blond and pumped-up hero, judging by the suit, and his partner in a simple lab coat. The former jumped out of his seat, surprisingly, causing a column of air behind him, indicating the force of the jump. Goliath raised his eyebrows in surprise at this demonstration. The man in front of him exuded power.

Dressed in a full body suit in the standard colors of america : blue, red, and white... (not only of America, but one could sense where the color variegation came from). blond and with amazing bangs that violated all the laws of physics, because by themselves they would stand like that, his hair. Goliath even wondered how much hair gel he used for that shape. Also this newcomer was well pumped, even super pumped. There was not that thinness that young people aspire to, but a full-fledged bulk (the form of a bodybuilder, with huge muscle mass), and two meters tall.

" He is powerfull, not bad. " thought Goliath, returning his attention from the newcomer to the villain, "But I have to finish the job, or this green-haired beauty will strangle me for spending too much time on the villain." The thought ran through his head, referring to his secretary.

Goliath wanted to finish off the giant quickly, but he heard the voice of the newcomer hero.

" I see the villain is already trapped, my friend! Good job!" - Raising a thumb for approval, in a cheerful voice and a happy smile said this hero, " My name is All Might! And please, people, step back, stay behind me. Your safety is paramount, and you need not worry, for I am HERE!" - With such a smile, and with such charisma, All Might managed to subdue the gathered people. It was amazing, because looking at this person, the citizenry was enthusiastic and it was astonishing. Whether it was his aura of peacefulness or his voice that moved them. And that phrase of his towards the end, filled with such confidence....

"All Might? ", Goliath smirked, chuckling at such a name. So ambitious, so cocky. Nah, that wouldn't work. It takes a test, it takes proving yourself worthy of the name. If it were someone else, some passing hero, Goliath wouldn't pay attention to him, thinking such a person a fool.

Not to say that he doesn't think this hero is a fool too, but now he feels that this blond man deserves the name. A powerful aura can be felt from him, his movements are polished and powerful. He shines like a ray of sunshine, and he is like those heroes who care about the state of the world rather than their wallet and popularity.

He wanted to ask him to demonstrate his skills by giving him his prey, but he dismissed the idea, "This green will be too easy for him, he should face someone stronger, hmmm..." Goliath thought.


There was a terrifying roar from a huge green monster. It brought the entire crowd into action. All Might stood abruptly in front of the commoners, and his partner pressed a few buttons in his car, whereupon some contraption remotely resembling a fishing net came out of the back of the car.

10 steps.

That was the distance from Goliath to the beast. Enough to scatter, enough distance for a mid-range attack.

To keep the level between disaster and solution. Ten steps was enough to even think about getting out. Though there's little you can calculate when you're being rushed by a giant monster wanting to tear you apart. Whose mere footsteps make the ground shake. That was enough for Goliath.

" HAHAHA, COME, YOUR DESTINY AWAITS!!!" shrieked the mighty Goliath, spurring even the past roar. His explosion startled his surroundings, but he didn't want to make contact with them right now. His prey was coming into his mouth, and he was here to take it !

As the monster ran at him, Goliath rushed forward. Every step he took was filled with power and his hands clenched into fists.

The 10 steps he had taken earlier.

Abruptly reduced to 0.


And then something incredible happened - Goliath, with his fist, struck at Jumbo with such force that the air shook, the ground shook, and Jumbo himself was knocked down.

Jumbo's huge figure froze in space as if all life had disappeared in it. Goliath's "All Might " punch shattered the frenzied flames in Jumbo's eyes and robbed him of his spirit. His body fell on his back where Joe had been left standing.

The delighted spectators flooded the clearing with loud shouts and applause, exclaiming that they were witnessing the greatest feat of warriorhood.

Goliath was enjoying the attention, which was something he loved. He pointed his finger at All Might


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