
Delivery of a Child is Filled With Hurdles

Dark clouds drifted as they slowly covered the bright moon, casting a large shadow on the ground.


Inside a room, a woman's painful scream could be heard out loud. Her face was completely pale and her eyes were bloodshot. Her dark brown hair was scattered and some of the strands were stuck on her forehead.

"Ryu, you Bastard!!! Why the hell did you get me pregnant? Try giving birth to kid by yourself next time!!!"

She squeezed the hand holding her's.

Meanwhile, a purple-robed man looked extremely nervous. His forehead was covered in sweat and his eyes looked anxious.

"Breathe, breathe, darling. Take a deep breath in and then let it out."

Ryu spoke as he could only tolerate the pain of his hands getting squeezed silently. After all, giving birth to a child is much more painful than squeezing a hand hard.

"But still, Asuka said that there will be a next time."

Ryu thought internally as he tried to guide his wife while the baby was being delivered.

His expression was serious as he waited for his long-awaited son to see the light of the day.

At this moment, he didn't dare say that getting pregnant was all his wife's idea while he strongly resisted the temptations put forward by his wife to get pregnant.


Meanwhile, in a hidden location.

"Aaaahhhh, Minato! You son of a bitch. If you want a baby next time, you get a sex change!!" A red-haired woman shouted with a pale expression.

Meanwhile, the said father was placed outside the room for security purposes.

After all, the identity of these two is too sensitive and the news of their child being born can be targeted by many parties with malicious intent.

"I am sorry, Kushina. Even if I am the Hokage of the village, I can't accompany you during such a stage of our marriage."

Minato, a blonde handsome man with blue eyes spoke out loud. His expression looked determined.


In the hospital, a purple-robed man looked a little joyful as he heard the doctor saying that she could see the head.

"It has a head..."

He thought happily and then his expression changed

"Of course, he has a head. Why wouldn't he have a head?"

Ryu reprimanded himself, but he knew the answer to such a question.

"Next time Asuka gets pregnant, I ain't going to have any sex with her. This time, she did me so intensely that I thought that I have damaged the head of my unborn child."

Ryu looked extremely determined.

But when he thought the fierce expression of his wife, he felt his courage deflating.

After some time and guidance, the baby was finally delivered successfully.


The middle-aged doctor looked at the baby and hung it upside down and slapped its butt.

"Hey! What the hell?"

Ryu immediately flared.

"Shut up! Did you even forget the protocols of delivering a child."

Even though Asuka felt weak, she remained clear-headed. Hearing her wife's words, Ryu also felt that he had been too anxious lately.

"This kid better grow well and remain obedient."

"But even I know that my kid can't be obedient."

Ryu felt proud of the future of his son even when he has just arrived in this world.


The doctor frowned as he felt no reaction from the baby.



Now, even Ryu and others felt that things were slightly off.

"It couldn't be..."

Asuka's body trembled and she started tearing up.

Even Ryu's expression was extremely ugly. His eyes were red, but he did his best to hold back.

The doctor sighed and wrapped the baby in a clean towel and placed it in the hands of the crying mother.

"Hey, I am so sorry! I am not a good mother! I am not a good mother!"

Asuka cried as she hugged her baby tightly.

The baby wasn't alive.

It didn't breathe, neither it moved a single inch.

Ryu hugged her wife as he remained silent. Teardrops rolled off his eyes, he also couldn't help but cry.

It was his son!

My Son!

Ryu looked at the peaceful expression of the baby and felt even sadder.


"We can see the head, Kushina! Push!"

The woman who was delivering the baby of the red-haired woman spoke and encouraged her.


Immediately, a low trembling sound could be heard as the small hut started to shake.

'Not good!'

Minato's expression changed as he felt the trembling.

He immediately disappeared from his position and re-appeared inside the room where his wife screamed and pushed the baby out of her body.

The trembling didn't last for too long and the baby was delivered during the trembling.

A beautiful blonde kid with bright blue eyes, just like his father!

'Something isn't right!'

Minato's instincts screamed as he immediately threw an inscribed Kunai towards the left wall of the hut.


A shadow shot out before the blade could hit it and rushed towards Minato's newborn and his wife.

Minato didn't show any signs of anger, but his eyes turned cold.

The other nurses had already retreated and one of the old women held the newborn in her hands.

"Combined Lightning Jutsu: Thin Needle."

A purple needle was shot out of Minato's mouth.


The dark figure didn't even dodge as the needle simply phased through its body and immediately touched the wooden platform where Kushina was laid down.

Minato immediately performed another hand sign as the needle struck his wife and felt an inscription mark on her arm.

The figure looked behind when he felt that things didn't go according to the plan.

He was already close to Kushina and immediately grabbed at her.

"Who are you?"

His hands passed through the air and a Kunai was stuck on his neck.

A cold voice whispered as the dark figure felt a chill all over his body.

"Hehe, truly worthy to be a Hokage."

The dark figure had an orange mask with spiral print. His voice was hoarse and his body covered with one black robe.

"Who are you?"

By now, Kushina was already secured by other women as they kept the women and the child safe.

"I guess this Jutsu is your trump card. Infusion of Fūinjutsu into a Lightning Jutsu to leave your marks on the body of your wife. Very creative!"

Suddenly, Minato's senses tingled and he disappeared immediately, appearing in front of Kushina and others and immediately slammed on the floor as a dome of wind appeared around the group.


A huge explosion occurred and the wind barrier could barely remain intact.

Without waiting for others, he slightly hugged Kushina and Naruto before disappearing with them.

Meanwhile, the group of ladies saw a written message on the floor of the hut.

"Stay put, it's safer here."


A tremor occurred and the whole hospital was sent into a panic.

Ryu's expression changed and he immediately hugged his wife. His eyes were flashing purple and the pattern of his pupils had changed.

The purple flower pattern in his eyes rotated gently as Ryu picked up Asuka and retreated immediately.


The floor cracked and the bed where Asuka laid weakly, fell on the lower floor.


Suddenly, Ryu's body trembled as he heard a soft sound. Even under such loud surroundings, his senses were acute enough to hear the sound emerging from the baby in Asuka's arms.

Meanwhile, Asuka could feel the heartbeats and soft breathing of the baby, as if it was hard for him to breathe.

"Ryu! Quick, his windpipe and nose are filled with liquid."

Ryu nodded and he felt extremely anxious.

He quickly got out of the room and surveyed the corridor with his purple pupils.

"Five Seconds!"

Ryu gritted his teeth and took the baby from Asuka's arms and immediately hung it upside down.


Ryu's rough hand slapped the poor butt once again.



Meanwhile, the dark clouds covering the moon started to drift away as the moonlight finally fell on the big village below it.

Hey guys, I hope you like what I did with this chapter.

The whole story is changed and I feel that this time it is more interesting.

Anyway, let me know your thoughts in the comments

Broughtwaorldcreators' thoughts
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