

Seeing this I froze on the spot. I know that this is a life and death situation for all those involved but this is the first death. It finally sunk into me that our lives are nothing but little bugs in the eyes of that cruel god.

Looking around I found a good place to position my Halbert to it'd act like a railing. I closed my eyes and began to think up a plan while resting.

First, I need to find a way out of this tree but jumping to a building wouldn't be possible. The branch I'm on is on a lower elevation while I also have no running room to get the needed momentum. I'll have to take down the remaining zombies first then jump down. Then 'll go inside the house next to me hoping there aren't any zombies inside. I'll barricade my self in a way I can still kill them, but I remain safe.

Having rested for about 3 hours I look down to see the remaining 7 zombies still trying to get to me. I open my stats to check stamina which is now 14/14 while my health is only at 24/35. Looking at my regen of only 1 HP an hour makes me a little bit sad, though my regen of 1 stamina a minute makes up for it.

Having checked my stats, I return to killing the zombies below me. finished with my small purge I check around to see if there are any others close by. Seeing that its safe for the moment I throw down my weapon grab my sack and jump down.

Grabbing my weapon, I rush to the side of the house to get a glimpse at the road and area around. I see many zombies walking aimlessly around, noting that none are in the near vicinity I rush to the door only to find it stuck.

Looking around I'm relieved that none have been attracted to me, so I quickly go around back. the door was again blocked so I go to the window and shatter it after seeing that it's locked. I climb in, look around cautiously, seeing I'm alone I go to the door and look into the corridor.

There being nothing I close the door behind me and walk slowly down the corridor while checking the 3 rooms to the sides. I reach the living room without any accidents to see empty cans and trash littering the floor.

Looking around I see that some of the cans still have liquid in them meaning they were opened not too long ago. With this in mind, I head upstairs with weapon in hand. I search the 3 rooms cautiously, the first 2 were empty so on the 3rd door I opened it with weapon ready to strike in case anything came at me.

The room like the rest was empty but much cleaner than the rest of the house. unlike the whole house that was covered in a thin layer of dust this room looked like it was cleaned not too long ago.

In the corner, there was a bed with pink sheets and a diary on it. feeling curious I began to read it.

Y: XXXX M: XX D:XX – Daddy had to work late again so I'm left here alone again. I miss when daddy spent time with me. It's not that bad since Mary is still here to play with me.

Y: XXXX M: XX D:XX – Today daddy told me that he won't be home for a few weeks since his work is really important right now. He looked really excited so I could only smile and tell him good luck.

Y: XXXX M: XX D:XX – After being gone for weeks daddy ran in while looking a mess. His hair was a mess and he looked skinnier, it made me worry about his health. He told Mary to keep me inside at all time and that the big men outside won't let them in. He then left saying he'll come back soon.

Y: XXXX M: XX D:XX – It's been weeks since I last saw daddy. I asked Mary but she says everything's alright. She's lying, I can tell since she covered the doors and windows with wood and furniture. We also haven't seen the men in days. Plus I can hear them, their growls and sometimes they're banging on the doors.

Y: XXXX M: XX D:XX – We don't have much food left. Mary said she'll go get some but that was hours ago. I think what happened to those men happened to her too. I did as she told me and stayed upstairs the whole time.

Y: XXXX M: XX D:XX – There's no more food. I have to go outside and get some. I plan on going to the supermarket that's twenty-something minutes from hearing. I'm glad I learned how to drive from daddy.

Y: XXXX M: XX D:XX – I'm leaving today. Daddy if you read this please come get me, I really miss you.

- Emily

Special mission triggered: Get the scientists daughter to the bunker safely – +2500IP + B rank Infinity Piece.

<Current Stats>

Name: Mark Millard (XI)

IP (Infinity Points): 2

Gender: M

Race – Human

Bloodline – None

Age: 17

MP: 110

Health Points: 24/35 Regen/Hour – 1 (0/10)

Spiritual Energy: 50/50 Regen/Hour – 1 (0/100)

Stamina: 14/14 Regen/Minute – 1 (0/100)


Strength – 8 (0/8)

Dexterity – 5 (0/5)

Vitality – 7 (0/7)

Intelligence – 11 (0/11)

Spirit – 5 (0/5)

Luck – 7 (0/7)

Skills: None

Equipment: Steel Halbert

Companions: None

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