

Linfan a pro game player in a secluded environment in China has achieved nothing but games achievements he was even called to be giving awards in various game companies and was used to promote games there by Earning the name Game Emperor Linfan who was 30 years old had thousands of haters who were jealous of his accomplishments Unfortunately Linfan was assaulted by some Thugs and killed due to hatred "so this is how my life Ends",Linfan thought as he watched his life slowly slip away from him, well I have nothing to lose there is no longer a game in this world that I didn't defeat so even living would have been boring Linfan said as he finally descended into darkness.... Ding! Game Emperor has been acknowledged by the God rank game system... Ding! transferring Host to a cultivation world.......

Author_juice · Bandes dessinées et romans graphiques
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17 Chs


This! Linfan was surprised but he accepted the handshake, no problem Linfan replied with a smile before breaking the handshake, so where are you heading to Longyun asked he didn't know why but he felt like he was connected to linfan somehow but he was sure he didn't know linfan before which made him confused.

To my Courtyard linfan replied , "oh okay here" Longyun threw something towards linfan, Linfan caught it as he stared at the object it was a watch what is this thing for linfan asked. I assume that you are new here this is a basic requirement for all disciples you would have to purchase one later on Longyun replied as he then explained the uses to linfan, Oh! Linfan was surprised by the watch uses "thank you" linfan muttered but he didn't wear it for now I guess we'll see later Linfan said as he started walking back to his own Courtyard Longyun stared at linfans back for some time before heading back to his own Courtyard.

getting into his room Linfan stared at the Watch, "system what is this" Linfan asked, Ding! this is a device that has a watch like appearance and could read the users data also don't worry it can't read the systems data so host is safe. hearing this Linfan heaved a sigh of relief he has seen it was in all the disciples he came across wrist so he wasn't scared that it was a trap set by Longyun he just wanted to know if it will reveal his system after being assured by the system linfan wore the Watch on his wrist as an energy corsed through his body after a while that feeling disappeared Linfan saw the watch screen lit up then he saw the watch display his cultivation level or it was supposed to, but the watch was currently displaying 'NONE' in the middle of the screen, Linfan was dumbfounded why was it showing None linfan thought hey system do you have an idea Linfan asked the system. Ding! host body cannot be measured with any device since host is currently masking his cultivation since the device could not Sense host cultivation level it automatically assumed the user don't have spiritual energy thereby displaying NONE the system explained sh*t! I would now be looked down on Linfan muttered he knew when others see this they will try to bully him again, he wanted them to look at him with reference not Disdain or mockery, he couldn't change the watch because according to Longyun a disciple will only be able to purchase one watch to use as a watch won't work again if someone decided to make use of another watch it will display error. The most important feature of the Watch is that it is like a bank account Linfan could place spirit stones inside and also retrieve it later on and also that's where disciples contribution would also be paid to, "well I have no other choice" linfan decided to place the watch in his space Ring he would only take it out when it was needed.

Linfan lied down on the bed as he slowly drifted into dreamland.

after few hours it was already evening linfan remembered the watch had a time displaying at the top of the screen, Linfan took at the watch as he checked the time which was already 7 p.m. linfan stood up as she walked out of his room to his surprise every where was lit up it was like it's day time, linfan decided to head to the training room on his way he saw disciples outside, after a while he arrived at the training room he noticed the door was shut, with a Gentle push the door let out a Creek sound as it opened Linfan walked into the room as he glanced around the training room he didn't see anyone in the training room, " seems this disciples are still as lazy as ever" Linfan thought he could see different equipment in the room, running device obviously to text ones speed, a big drum it will be made to test ones strength there were different training equipment for any type of student from Rangers up to milli combat, etcetera...

Linfan walked towards a running device as he stepped on it at the moment he wanted to start the device he noticed a figure walking towards him, he thought he was the only one here turning his head he paused it was the pretty girl from earlier what was her name again.. "Right Qinxuan" Hey Qinxuan called out with a smile ,"hey i thought i

I was the only one here" Linfan replied but why are you up late you should go get some rest Linfan added as he stared at Qinxuan he had to admit she was very pretty, haha! I have to prepare for the upcoming grand competition you know Qinxuan laughed as she replied if any of the Disciple was to see that Qinxuan who never smiled was even laughing right now and was because of linfan he wouldn't last a day before he would be beaten to death. Ohh! Linfan muttered before it struck him, "WAIT" You are participating life asked his voice slightly raised, Qinxuan was slightly surprised by his outburst, "sorry I was just really surprised", Linfan apologized seeing Qinxuans expression he quickly used the system ability to check her stat,

NAME: Qinxuan

LEVEL: Level 5 Earth realm


this Linfan was shocked to think this girl who seem to be younger than him was already at level 5 Earth realm, are you among the top ten Linfan asked "Yes" Qinxuan replied, I see if so what's your Rank Linfan asked again, well I am currently ranked 8 but if I was to fight seriously I will be able to defeat the top one but I guess it's not worth it since the rank one to 10 receives the same treatment , Linfan nodded he was now understanding why the system said she has Unlimited potential it seems if Linfan wasn't in this World she would have been the protagonist, 'I would also be participating" Linfan said as he stared into the distance deep in thought.

he has to take this seriously he has noticed there were monsters around he had to put an extra effort, Linfan didn't know that what he said earlier had shocked Qinxuan although she couldn't tell linfans cultivation as he wasn't releasing any Aura from his body which made her curious but she knew that Linfan was new which means he was still at the core formation stage, the top 10 in the Inner Rankings are all at the Earth realm but she just took it as Linfan just wishing he could participate when a knew Disciple is been promoted to the rank of 10 there would be an announcement on everyone's watch "I wish you luck in the competition" LinFan muttered as he placed the running device on the first level he started running but he found it easy.

I'll go practice first Qinxuan said to Linfan as she headed towards another part of the training room linfan only nodded as he increased the level to level 3 the speed increased instantly Linfan was struggling to keep up but he was able to Barely handle it, after an hour Linfan stopped the machine he was sweating all over he decided to take a Break, he then remembered Qinxuan who walked into a certain direction, he went to see what type of training she was undergoing, he saw her practicing with a sword in a large stage Linfan was watching her every move the sword technique she was using was really mysterious Linfan couldn't understand it at all also he noticed her moves were very refined as she was moving with so much Grace her toe was the only thing touching the ground at some point she would seem to float a bit above the ground, after sensing Linfan Qinxuan paused as she faced him,

"Want to spar"

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