
Cappuccino Extra Hot

It was just a normal day in a coffee shop, upon entering the store, the aroma of coffee is playing in your nose, there was something in it that makes your day better.

Yes. I love it. Its not simple as a one sided love. It's more than an addiction.

I was sipping my cappuccino, as I waiting for my girlfriend. It's almost time, well being a gentleman needs patience, no need to rush.

As I waiting, it's better to enjoy the coffee here. Yes indeed the cappuccino here is my favorite. It's already 3 o'clock, where is my girlfriend? Is she trying to get on my nerves again, this time she said she will be on time. I should call her.

Ring ring ring...

Beep beep beep...

The person you are calling is not available at this moment please try to call later...

What happen to that girl, well what ever, I should go now this is just a waste of time.

The guy left after paying the bill.

The barista went to clean the table and what he saw surprises him to the extent of screaming.


The customers in the coffee shop look at him like what happen?

Table 9. Area to left. This is the area for lovers to seat. It's a good to talk privately because it's located at the back so no one can see what you doing.


At exactly 2 PM. A guy ordered cappuccino. The barista take the order. And asked the guy, Sir your good name please?

Yves. A good name. Suit you well Sir. The barista said.

Thank You. Yves look at the name tag of the barista. Please make my cappuccino extra hot Mark.

Ok Sir Yves, please have a seat and I will be there in minute. If there is something else I can help you Sir please asked me.

Thanks Mark! I help myself.

Yves look for a seat and find the table at the back. This is a nice spot. Yves look at the time. 2:05 PM.

Sound of the coffee machine, sound of cups, sound of chit chat. This normal from a cafe. Yves was busy looking at the time.

This your extra hot cappuccino Sir Yves, condiments are all set, if anything else just raise your arm and I will be there. Now if there's anything else you need Sir?

Wow! This Cappuccino is indeed the best! Thank you Mark! I will surely enjoy it. Yves smile and the dimple in his cheek show up.

He sip the coffee like a pro.

Mark was shocked! The coffee was extra hot! He was sure it is hot, he checked the temperature and it exceed 180c.

Yves smile again. The coffee is a bit warm Mark! I asked for extra hot right?

Yesss Sir! It's exceed 180c Sir! Is your tongue hurt Sir? Do you need cold water? Mark asked.

Yves smile again. No need. I'm not sure if you will believe me but I have high tolerance in heat. So this normal for me.

Ohhh okay Sir, Its my first time seeing my customer drink extra hot cappuccino like that, you surprise me Sir. My heart beat like a drum.

You are quite different from normal Sir Yves!

Mark said while wiping his sweat.

Hahaha. Yves laugh loudly.

While looking at the time. 2:30 PM.

Mark return to the counter area. To attend some customer's. Thinking of Sir Yves.

Then he left like that. No goodbye?

I guess he is mad because the cappuccino is not extra hot. This was all my fault. Mark who is making a coffee thinking of Sir Yves like crazy. Then he heard a scream.


He turned his head and saw his coworker fainted. What happened?

His heart beat faster like again, is there a problem with me today. It's not like this happen every day. Mark ran to the area of the incident.

What the hell!!!