

New fic is up! It's called Child of Sacrifice. It's a lot more angsty than this. This chapter is short because Jesus I want to get through this quickly.


Sakura, Naruto, and Sasuke met at the Hokage's office the next morning. Sasuke and Sakura looked like hell, yesterday had been rough for them.

Sasuke had underestimated the amount of power it would take to enter Kakashi's mind and he suffered an intense mental backlash that he was still recovering from.

Sakura refused to speak but Naruto noticed she wouldn't let them out of her field of view.

Kakashi showed up an hour after their meeting time, silently gesturing to them to follow him.

"We're taking our first mission today."

The Genin didn't complain, though they knew what was coming. Naruto had hired Genin to tend to the gardens a couple times, which led to the rest of the 9 realizing what being Genin really meant.

They made it to the desk and Kakashi took two missions from a bored looking Iruka.

"Hi Iruka-sensei."

"Hello you three. I'd say have fun...but…"


Kakashi eye-smiled, the Genin didn't notice.

"Well Genin...you get to clean the Inuzuka kennels."



"We were told to always be happy it wasn't Tora."

Even Kakashi shuddered at the thought.

"How many d-ranks do you guys think we can do in a day?"



"Ooo, look at Sasuke here being an optimist."

""Shut up Naruto.""

"Well...I can't say I disagree with your logic. Let's go!"


Naruto scrubbed with all his might, getting up weeks of fur and other things dogs made. It wasn't fun work but he was getting paid, which he desperately needed, because his mother's remaining money was running out. She had likely moved most of the money she had into a Namikaze account.

Naruto kept scrubbing, stuff kept coming up. The other two Genin worked just as diligently.

"This is not what I expected from my Ninja career."

"At least we're getting paid, Sakura."


Kakashi hadn't even stayed to watch them, just screwed off into the unknown.

"How long until we're finished, do you think?"

About 100 clones popped out from Naruto.

"20 minutes."





"Okay kids, who wants to learn ninja things?"



"Another one? Okay, clean up on training ground…"


45 shadow clones sprinted through the grounds, grabbing weapons while the three Genin practiced Taijutsu.

Sakura was finally on par with Naruto in skill and far beyond him in physical strength thanks to Chakra reinforcement, she got beat out by Naruto in speed and endurance.

Sasuke cheated.


"It's a little late guys, I guess you can take this painting job…"


"It's 10 o'clock, really? Okay, a farmer's fence…"


"Go to bed."

Chapitre suivant