
A Talentless Boy

The celestial city, it was considered to be the heart of everything. With its occupants enjoying the lively atmosphere, where experts rivalled the number of stars in the universe.

Contrary to the city's hustle and bustle, there was a room deep under, where even sunlight was a precious commodity.

In the giant, cold room, there sat a boy with a blank face and dead eyes, yet when he smiled, flowers came back from the dead. He sat contemplating if life was even worth living anymore, he had been confined to these cold shackles for, a year less than a million years.

"Still thinking about committing suicide"

A grandiose figure came walking down, he looked out of place in this sort of environment, yet he strangely fit in with this heartless environment. He was the current emperor of the entire world and the one who took everything away from the lifeless boy. The boy's name was Li Zhang, he was the younger brother of Li Wei, the current Celestial Emperor and his mortal enemy.

"Why don't you follow through with it already? Has living in this room really grown on you?"

"There is only a year left until I get returned my freedom. The day I get released will be the day that your life's countdown will start"

"What can you even do to me?"

"I am the celestial emperor, and who are you? Just a degraded prince whose talent degraded to the point, who can be knocked out by any old beggar. Even your own fiancee didn't want you."

"You and I both know how my talent degraded, and while we are on the topic of my fiancee, she is nothing more than a prostitute, who will leave you when she finds someone stronger"

"That's where you are wrong. There is no one stronger than me in this universe"

"What about the gods?"

"What gods are you talking about? The ones who left you to die in this rathole and allowed me to be the supreme ruler. There are no gods in this world. You can look far and wide, and the only god you will find is me."

"Will it kill you to be less narcissistic?"


"That's what I have always loved about you, only you dare to speak so bluntly in front of me."

"Well I must get going, have a great day, oh wait you can't, just try to find joy in your suffering like I do"

"Oh yeah, before I go, here is a gift for you"

He tossed over a box beautifully wrapped with a checkerboard pattern, alternating between black and red.

"What is it?"

"Nothing much, just a gift for my lovely little brother. But open it after I leave, because I am pretty sure you wouldn't want to see my face after opening it"

"Leave then, I don't want to see your face either way"

"Till next time"

Li Zhang, ripped open the box while confused about his brothers' words.

Right as he lifts up the lid, his heart dips below his chest. The box leaving his hands abruptly.

As the box rolled on the ground, out came a head, with beautiful long hair, it was blonde with a hint of black. Her face was still smiling, and her eyes were even more lifeless than the boys.

He couldn't believe it. No, no this must not be true. This is just another one of his tricks to break me, I won't adhere to it.

It was Li Mei, his adopted sister.

Why? Why would he kill her? He had already confined me to these shackles, she was just a poor little girl who couldn't cultivate.

Li Zhang at that time had lost all his will to live, even revenge couldn't fuel his desire to live.

He had promised her that her life would be filled with joy, yet once he was sentenced to solitary confinement, she had to live on the run all by herself.

Li Zhang hadn't cried for a long time, the last time he cried was when his brother killed his parents.

No matter how much he tried to get up, he couldn't and soon he picked up the knife that he had made out of a rock a hundred thousand years ago.

A tear fell from the head of the little girl.

A shooting star passed through the sky seemingly representing the universe, it seemed like even the universe was crying at the loss of this boy, who has finally been put out of his misery. Just like that this world lost a once in a millennium hero because he had tried to fight destiny.

A majestic figure sat on a throne made out of gold and enshrined with diamonds.

"He finally decided to do it"

At that time, there was a hint of sadness that lasted for as long as a shooting star. The figure looked surprisingly lonely which did not match his status.

"You were the only one I had ever respected in my life, even though you were my enemy, I wish you have a better afterlife"

"He died, he really died"

"If you had been able to survive this, I would have lost all respect for you but you showed me that even the greatest of talents have feelings"

The celestial city seemed eerily quiet at that time, which was unlike its grandiose manner, nobody knew why they were quiet, but they were. The people had wanted to cry but didn't know why. Once the first person gave in, the rest followed like a chain of explosions and just like that the entire city cried. Even the strongest of experts cried like babies.

It was a monumental moment for the imposing city, it would be recorded down in history as the moment of sadness where a mysterious figure passed away which caused even the cold universe to shed tears

How was my first real chapter? I hope it was bearable at they very least

BlackwingsPheonixcreators' thoughts
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