
Chapter 122: All According To Plan Part 3

The financial and political world was in shock at the death of one of the richest and most influential people in the world.

His arrest alone had drawn attention but this had flipped people on their heads.

Meanwhile the person responsible was on his way home sporting a smile over what was done. Arias acknowledged that Lex was smart, but far to complacent towards individuals he saw as lesser than him.

It was that foolish sense of superiority that lead him to his death.

While in the car, Arias received a call from none other than Amanda Waller, who was likely just as shocked from the news as everyone else.

[ What the hell did you do? If you planned of getting rid of Lex then you should have told me clearly. His funds were needed in many areas. ]

Arias found it hard to break out into laughter after hearing her complaints. She should've already had an idea that he was plotting something the moment he asked her to do him a favor, but, similar to Lex, Amanda had a bad habit of underestimating people.

In all truth the entire idea of Arias attempting to kill Lex hadn't even crossed her mind.

Why would it? It brought no obvious benefits and it would only cause trouble. Furthermore, the chances of succeeding were beyond minuscule. It just wasn't possible given the current situation, so then how? She wondered.

Her plan had rotated around making Arias a threat to president Ross, just enough to regain her power within the government by making him look bad.

With that power she had the means to release Lex by dropping the charges using fake evidence or whatever else was needed, in exchange of course of a lump sum of money and assistance.

By then, neither Arias nor Lex would be needed. At that time, there was no issue in exposing his past so as she and the government could take over the meta human and alien institutions he was was currently constructing.

Even Arias had idea that the woman's ambitions stretched this far. He only saw the attitude of someone who considered herself better than him and so he chose to act accordingly and show them that wasn't the case.

Responding to her angry words, he showed a smirk and spoke boldly. "That's a pretty wild accusation miss Waller. Lex's death is loss for me, not much emotionally but definitely financially as he and I had plans together."

[ Cut the bullshit or I will make you regret it. You caused this mess so I fully expect you to do more than cooperate to fix things.] She commanded in a very angry tone.

Arias though maintained his composure and couldn't help but snicker ever so slightly. "You really are the delusional bitch people claim you to be. And here I worried that you might be plotting something grand and worthy of my attention, but no."

[ Chose your next words very carefully. With the click of a button I could bring this entire facade you created to an end.]

Her heavy threats didn't move Arias in the slightest. If anything, they amused him. "That's funny, because all it takes is a word from me to end your meager life."

[ Are you threatening me? That's it, I hope you enjoy losing everything. I will personally ensure your coming days are hell.]

Beyond angry, Waller cut the call but before she could even place her phone down. She felt a metallic sensation at the back of her head.

"You have no idea how happy I was when he sent me to do this." Slade, the bearer of the gun that was currently pointed at the back of Waller's head mused with a smile under his mask.

"Slade. Whatever's his offering you I'll triple it and ensure your record becomes clean. Don't ruin your chances over some upstart billionaire."

Amanda's eyes had gone wide and she was clearly scared. But even so, she tried to act as if she was in control of the entire situation, that it is was within her power.

After all, she had worked with Slade before, with him being a member of her earlier suicide squad. A time he recalls all too well, and the reason why he was so eager to carry out this particular mission.

Although, Arias instructed him to shoot her as soon as the call ended. But he wanted to enjoy the moment, like a predator watching its prey struggle.

"You know, if Arias was just your everyday rich guy drunk on power and ambition, I would've taken your offer in the blink of an eye. But that isn't the case."

Slade's words caused Amanda to feel a great unease. "What do you mean? Everyone has a price Slade, just name it." She replied, her desperation starting to lay bear.

But Slade wasn't moved and kept the gun where it was.

"Not this time, not with him. The fact is even I don't know how he killed Lex, but the longer I observe him the less I want to make him an enemy. Tough luck Waller, you bit off more than you chew on this one. Im honored I get to pull the trigger."

Panic flashed on Amanda's face. "Wait don't do anything you'll regret!"

Slade just smiled under his ask. "Save me a spot in hell Amanda."


A few minutes later, Arias received a text reading "it's done" from an unknown contact.

He closed the phone at that point and crushed it in one hand before tossing the remnants out the window.

As he rested in silence, Apeiro's voice resounded in his mind.

[ You are slowly embracing your nature as an entity far above these… people. ]

"I am. With every passing day, the world looks so much more… clear. Just focus on getting your body so you can witness first hand, how I plan to shape the world in my image."

[ I have no doubts you'll succeed, and I look forward to it and… more.]

"And more…" Arias trailed off for a bit as if in thought. "To shape the world and more… in my image."

A/N: Don't you just love character development? Don't worry, Mc won't become a psychopath, if you read the first version of GOTO, should already know what to expect.

Now give me your stones while I debate whether I'm posting a bonus or not.

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