
chapter 10

'What the hell?!'

Angora froze, and a translucent screen appeared in front of him.

There was only one line on the screen: 'Game, grant us new life'.

Before Angora could think of anything else, the words on the screen disappeared, and the main page of the system was revealed after a cool boot up screen composed of polygons and particle effects.

[Player: Angora Faust]

[Class: Unknown Lord]

[Territory Prosperity: 0/100]

[Achievement Points: 100 (Starting Points)]

[Population: 0/0]

[Players: 0]

[Buildings: None]

[Warehouse (Level 0): Hitman Lamp (Grade A) x1, None, None]

[← Page Switch →]

Angora skimmed through the words displayed on the screen, and finally focused his attention on the 'Hit People Drip Drop Magic Lamp'. As soon as he focused his attention on it, the corresponding item description window popped up beside him.

[Item: Hitman Lamp (Grade A)]

[Description: Consumable. Rub the lamp to summon a Grade A God's Messenger to fight for you, lasts for one minute.]

[Note: Please do not treat the God's Messenger as your servant, and do not grant him any wishes. He will not grant you any wishes other than to beat up your enemies.]

[Do you wish to take it out? Yes/No]

"What the hell is this …"

Angora could vaguely feel that he was experiencing the most unbelievable thing in his life.

However, he did not have the time to think before the door of the carriage was smashed by the bandits outside with their weapons and chopped into sawdust.

A burly, bald bandit with a tattoo on his head grabbed Angora's leg and dragged him out of the carriage with a menacing smile.

Angora landed heavily on the ground, a metallic taste in his mouth. He felt as if every joint and every bone in his body was aching.

There was no time to hesitate.

Angora finally made up his mind when he saw the bandits surrounding him raising their weapons high up as if they were about to chop him into meat paste.

He focused his attention on the Hitman Lamp again and chose to take it out.

In the next second, a brass lamp that looked like a teapot fell into his hand.

"What?" "Hey, did you see that?" "Why is there something in his hand?" "It's not a divine spell, is it?"

The bandits hesitated at the sudden appearance of the magic lamp.

"Don't be afraid, even if it's a priest, no one will know that we did it if he dies here!" The bald bandit yelled, and was the first to raise the broadsword in his hand to chop down at Angora's head!

Almost at the same time, Angora was rubbing the outside of the magic lamp as if he had gone mad.

Just as the bandit's sword was about to land on Angora, the lamp suddenly spewed out blue smoke.

The smoke quickly expanded as if it had a physical form, blocking the bandit's blade.

After that, the blue smoke gathered in mid-air and formed a huge blue-skinned humanoid figure.

"The genie is at your service. Now, point out the enemy you want to kill!" A strange smile appeared on the blue face that looked like Will Smith. He twitched his eyebrows and spread his hands. With a flash of starlight, an axe that was even larger than his body appeared in his hands. "My axe is thirsting for blood!"

Angora was not the only one. Even the bandits were frozen in fear by the genie's appearance.

The bald bandit was the first to react. "Don't be afraid, everyone. This thing is only big, it definitely doesn't have much combat power!"

The other bandits were encouraged, and they all raised their weapons to surround the genie. Some of the smarter ones secretly aimed their weapons at Angora, who was still lying on the ground. They felt that as long as they killed him, the summoned creature would naturally disappear.

"Save me, kill them!" Angora immediately shouted when he realized that the situation was bad.

"Yes ~" the genie said happily.

Then, he swung his axe, and apart from the bald bandit who did a backflip, the other bandits that surrounded him were instantly cut in half along with their weapons!

Even at the moment of their death, those bandits couldn't understand why they were instantly killed by that fat sheep in an instant. It was clearly just an ordinary robbery …

The bald bandit, who was probably the leader of the bandits, was even more regretful. "Damn it, didn't that guy say that the fat sheep this time was only the useless son of the Faust family? How could he summon such a terrifying thing! "

He already understood that the genie was not on the same level as him, and naturally did not dare to continue facing it. He could only turn around and run, hoping to escape with his life.

However, the genie merely swung his axe, and the already huge axe expanded once again. With a wave of the genie's hand, the forty-meter-long axe chopped down at the fleeing baldie!

"Wait, spare his life!"

Angora suddenly said.

Thus, the genie's axe moved slightly to the side, creating a five-meter-deep ravine beside the bald bandit. While the bald bandit was not injured, the explosive attack at such a close distance scared him so much that his legs gave way and he fell to the ground.

"What do you plan to do with him?" The genie dragged the bald bandit in front of Angora. "Behead him? Cut him in half? I'm very good at death by a thousand cuts too ~ "

As the genie spoke, the axe in his hand disappeared, replaced by a fishing net and a razor-sharp knife.

"I'm sorry, Lord Faust, please have mercy and spare my life!" The seemingly tough baldie was so frightened by the genie that tears flowed down his face, and he knelt on the ground and kowtowed desperately.

"I have a question for you. If you answer it honestly, I won't kill you!" Angora said, looking at him. "How did you know that the useless son of the Faust family would pass by here? Who was the 'that guy' you mentioned just now?"

"I-I don't know either …" The baldie replied, trembling.

"Kill him."

"Understood ~"

"Wait, I really don't know! Our employers have always been very mysterious … Ah, but I can tell you that they're from the Society of the Secret Eye! "" Society of the Secret Eye? "Angora mulled over the term, feeling like he had never heard of such an organization before.