
god of blood and shadows

Daemon son of Lucifer and the goddess Abigail is set for a difficult life as he is the hybrid of the two races who have an immense hatred for each othe.Which side will Daemon choose. The life of Daemon comes to an end and a thousand years later a boy named Gavin begins his adventure as he realizes he is related to the ancient blood lord. "Congratulations you have inherited the blood lord system" Join Gavin as he seeks to save the world from the enemies his ancestors lost to

Owoahene_Sarpong · Fantaisie
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56 Chs


Gradually,Gavin began to open his eyeballs slowly giving him a view of the roof is his room since he had slept on his back. He checked his chest to see how far the wound was. 'Huh did I hit my head as well?' he thought because his chest had no wound on it. " Was that all a dream' No it couldn't have. He realized because his shirt still had burns. So I healed from this. Hiw long had it been when I fell asleep. Gavin kept thinking about all this because an injury light that would take a week or so to heal.

Gavin kept on hearing people talk and wanted to tell them that keep it down when he realized that the people he was hearing were about seventy metres away from him. 'What is happening to me'Gavin thought clearly confused.

He looked outside the window and everything was crystal clear. His eyesight had definitely improved and he could see faraway things as if he was directly Infront of him. Gavin was now slightly panicking because this wasn't possible and immediately after his mind drifted to the last thing he saw before he passed out. 'Thats right, there was something that looked like a system message'

Once these thoughts came in his head. Gavin saw a bright red light Infront of him and after it dimmed he saw a status screen.

<Name: Gavin Crimson>

<Race: Human>

<Level 1>



<Stamina 10>



'What the hell, this is like those virtual games that children play' Gavin thought I'm excitement. These numbers represented his body stats.

Well I guess I really did train on my speed a lot'Gavin thought after seeing his speed stat was higher than his other stats. And only the appel stat was as high as this.He guessed that the appeal stat was more or less about his looks. He saw that there were other tabs such as.

<Skills: none yet>

<Ability: none yet>

<Skill points:0>

Every thing relared to skill is locked. He didn't really get much and much to his disappointment. He still hadn't unlocked his ability yet. 'Well no need to be disheartened. I have a system and no one else has something like that. I will grow stronger and whoever that gave me this system will know that I, Gavin Crimson used the gift to good use.

<Daily quest:>


<100 pushups>

<100 situps>

<Run 10 kilometers>

Quest reward

<Plus one to all stats>

This daily quest is only valid for the user for the next two weeks.

'Woah so if I do this for the next two weeks, I would have almost double the physical prowess I have now. Now this is a step in the right direction. he thought aa the images of those that hurt him appeared in his memory.

Having an ability was something he really wanted because as in his fight with those three, he had come short because of his lack of ability. If he had an ability like maybe wind, water or perhaps super speed, he would have fared much better.

He didn't get his hopes up for abilites like lightning and fire because such abilities were very rare and almost impossible to come buy.

It was safe s that humans got their abilities from powerful beast energy. Not all humans though because some humans known as the 'true users' already had their abilities almost magically and it was thought to them generation after generation. With his current money and strength, unlocking an ability was almost impossible for him because he couldn't kill even the weakest of beasts. And with his money, he was nowhere near rich enough to afford an ability core.

'Well I need to do what I can at the moment. And to grow stronger my current bet will be to do these things as suggest in the daily quest.

Getting into position he began moving up and down using his arms. Pushing his body up and down repeatedly.

About thirty minutes later, he had completed all the exercises and was currently heading out to go run.

After almost another thirty minutes of running he had finally finished his daily quest.

<Daily quest completed>

Gavin felt a sudden rush of energy in him and he felt lighter than before. His feet felt stronger and he was prepared to run to test this out. Sure enough he realized he had gotten faster, not significantly faster but noticeably faster.

"This is amazing!" He shouted in excitement. With this system he would grow stronger and even without an ability he would make sure that he would become even stronger than ability users. Gavin had also received '10 exp' after completing the daily quest causing him to level up.

<You've levelled up>

<You have one stst point to freely distribute>

<Quest received>

<Reach level 10>

Quest reward:


, Well if I'm right I would just have to complete these daily quests and see what happens. I will do anything to get stronger' Gavin thought as he stepped into the academy once more this time not as a scared boy who put on a confident look but as a confident boy who gave of an even more confident appearance.

Immediately Gavin stepped into the academy grounds he felt elated as he could now see everything and hear everything. He was ready for this and he would make sure that everyobe respected him. He would grow stronger than even the teachers and he wouldn't rest until that had happened. 'Just wait a little longer, top spot. I, Gavin Crimson is coming for you' he thought as he walked without even a hint of nervousness causing everyone around him to slightly look his way.

'And what do we have here' A boy with blonde hair said as he gazed at Gavin. 'Well I jus made a new friend'