
Ch.60.1: Prolog- The day my heart died

6 Months prior...

The moment the chunk of dark metal liquidizes itself Merry feels the newly acquired life concept acting upon its own account. Feeling something invade Sifs body, Lara is still with the maid and as such a step too late to prevent her lover from falling.

Rushing into the countess study, totally disregarding butler and maids, Merry finds the Countess that preventing Sif from hurting herself. Seeing her own virgin lover in the arms of another woman Merry instantly feels jealous. -Get your hands off of my girlfriend.-

''I think something is wrong! I can't feel her pulse.'' Lara cries out, seeing Merry rush in while laying the unconscious Sif flat on her back onto the carpet.

Pushing her personal feeling regarding the Countess aside the djin crouches down beside Sifs lifeless body. Feeling disconnected from the concept of life Merry uses common spells to determine Sifs unnatural state. Seeing her normally strong lover and childhood friend on her back, not in the sexual way mind you, something inside of herself hurts.

Feeling and seeing the results of her conservative spells, Sif seems totally healthy if not for the metal circulating in her body and abnormal brain activity. Unable to pinpoint the exact root of the problem Merry can only lean back, feeling helpless because the situation is way beyond her expertise.

Seeing the pain of being helpless when somebody you love is hurting, Lara asks Merry. ''What did you see or feel? What is wrong with Sif?''

Lara is just near me to get an answer because in the next moment a cold, dark and deadly aura begins to spread around Sifs body.

''We have to get out of here that the aura of death!'' Merry screams, being as especially sensitive and aware of death magic thanks to her intimate connection with the concept of life.

Evacuating the study both djin and human leave Sif behind, only to be just in time to exit the room before it is filled to the brim with death energy, killing everything inside.

''The aura doesn't seem to exit the study...'' Remarks Lara, checking up on the study room door. ''... What has happened to Sif?''

''I don't know, I will have to ask my Master. This is so far outside of my realm of experience, I don't even know where to begin with...'' Answers Merry the countess honestly frustrated.

''... I have to write Sifs grandfather who also is my master and the headmaster of Oaktree University...'' That said Merry walks in the direction of the stairs, stopping when reaching them she contemplates for a moment before saying. ''... In all the years I have known Sif she always loved you. Even when she lay with me I have always know that deep down she also wanted you to be with us. You not writing really hurt her... I wanted you to know this.''


Hearing the redheads words and seeing this proud Djins words before going downstairs a feeling of deeply rooted guilt and shame assaults the young Countess.

-I really wronged Sif and now I am even unable to apologize to her. What to do? What to do?- Lara asks herself when a maid comes up the stairs telling her. ''My Countess, I am here to inform you that Lady Turner asked for you to play with her and Miss Liz is waiting as requested in the parlor.''

-Shit did Sam once again regress into her childlike state?- Lara thinks to take a deep breath looking back at her now sealed study.

''Thanks. I will go see Lady Turner shortly, but first I will have to meet Miss Liz.'' She tells the maid and goes downstairs to meet the female technician.

Entering the parlor Lara finds Miss Liz instantly stand up from a lounge chair, greeting her. ''Countess.''

''How often do I have to tell you...'' Lara partly annoyed partly amused by the woman's stubbornness scolds her. ''... Call me Lara. Since all we have been through... there doesn't have to be formalities between friends.''

''As you wish my Lady Lara,'' Liz tells her while bowing.

Exited to hear good news from her friend Lara asks. ''So tell me how is your research into the old dwarfen ship and the hand cannon going?''

Shaking her head the mechanic tells her. ''Not as good as I would like it to be. The ship is using basically the same structure as today's dwarfen steamships. Its great advantages concerning speed and durability are mostly thanks to the use of black oil as fuel and the use of special metal alloys. I am unable to reproduce both.''

''What about the hand cannons?'' Lara asks disappointed but still hoping for good news.

''Concerning them, I am even more sorry to disappoint you. I was able to easily reproduce the cannons basic structure and even make some improvements like a rotating preloaded chamber at the beginning. To fully reproduce the handcannons functions I am still missing many core components like the black power and the ignition mechanism.'' Liz tells her looking very sad.

''Is there any help I can get you?'' Lara asks her friend wanting to cheer her up.

Once again shaking her head Liz tells her. ''No, not really, unless you could get me an Arcane Mage...''


Speaking of an arcane mage. The most likely strongest one of them all formally known to the world as King Quentin VI. is sitting deeply immersed into some research papers in his study when a piece of paper suddenly appears in front of him.

Recognizing the paper as one of the few he gave his beloved granddaughter but the writing that of his apprentice the old man is instantly distressed without having read the letter.

Unfolding the paper and reading it's content Q instantly disregards his position as the Dean of Oaktree University. Calling his magic wand/staff to his side he swiftly casts a teleportation spell onto himself and vanishes from the south without a trace. Half an hour later by nearly over exhausting his mana reserves by casting multiple high-level spells in close succession.

Using the coordinates from Merry's letter Q arrives in the rented store. Deviating by only five meters Q suddenly appears in the middle of the closed store totally taking Hefty Steel, Lance Copper's uncle totally by surprise.

''Huia!...'' The dwarf shouts before recognizing Q. ''... My king?''

''Be at ease, my friend. I have stopped being a king a long time ago. Where is my granddaughter Sif or my apprentice Merry?''

''You mean the white-haired beauty and the red-haired djin? I think they went out early in the morning...'' Hefty answers Q when suddenly the front door opens and Merry comes rushing in.

''Good you are already here, Master...'' Merry says greeting Q by slightly lowering her head. ''... Please follow me. Sif really needs your help right now.''

''Before we go anywhere I need to take a break while you tell me what the hell is going on?'' Asks Q stopping Merry from running of alone while sitting down on some boxes.

''Well this morning Sif and I went out to meet Countess Wimbleton...'' Begins Merry with her retelling of the recent events, including her losing control over her concept as well as Sif having her body invaded by some kind of metal and falling asleep while triggering a magical phenomenon.

Causally listening to his student's retelling Q remembers a conversation he had with his arch nemesis Gwena. The witcher had told him about his granddaughters first love the little girl Lara Wimbleton.

Unable to hold back a smile thinking about that, Q hears Merry conclude her story in the present.