
Chapter 3

But, the odds were against them. Nature's laws dictated that there were few who had the luck, the opportunity to awaken the powers within them, regardless of their stature. Money could not buy you aptitude, luck did. The parents could be seen praying, hoping that their child would have that opportunity that they didn't. A few representatives of sects were also present, hoping that they would chance upon talent to nurture.

There was a low light coming from an orb on the platform. It was reacting to one of the girls apparently, as the runes on her head were shining. Then the orb showed a dim red light. Although this was one very mediocre talent, it was a talent nonetheless. Her parents cried with joy, while the other two watched with envy, They did not get any reaction from the orb. Disappointed, they left, while a crowd formed around the girl.

The sect representatives approached her, and the crowd gave way. They were highly respected and even the girl bowed her head in respect. There were an old woman and a young man, both very kind to those around them. They asked to speak to the parents and girl privately. Clearly, recruitment was going to be on full swing. When the crowd slowly dispersed, Aeger approached the platform. He took a look at the orb and studied it. It was similar to the one he initially gave to the first cultivators but was less potent. There were ranks from red to violet, going through the rainbow spectrum, but this one could only measure till yellow, and even violet talents would be seen as yellows in this orb.

But that was not the concern of Aeger. It was that the orb had been tampered with. It reacted only with half the people it was supposed to. Many talents who were supposed to be great figures were unearthed. It seemed like greed and corruption prevailed in the mortal world after all. Aeger shook his head with pity, pitying the small confined minds of the humans.

Aeger shook aside his thoughts. All this pondering was for later. He had some work to do. He left the platform, and glancing at a corner, gave a nod and a smile. At that very corner was an old man, who had come with the other two representatives, but had not even bothered to approach the girl. He was astonished that he was discovered.

"Well, this is a large world indeed. To find a talent like this in such a remote place. Patriarch, you truly are great. I thought this was a punishment but you divined this outcome." The old man muttered to himself, walking away.

Aeger, meanwhile, went to the inn and sat down cross-legged. He closed his eyes and assumed meditation, slowly recovering, preparing for his siege of the silk peach.