
Chapter 30: Irene's territory, imaginary.

After several hours of dispatching her summoned troops to survey the surrounding area, Irene finally uncovered the cause of the earlier disturbance that had resonated throughout the land.

 Seated upon her throne, she gasped in fear as the map interface revealed the harrowing sight before her.

"What... what happened here?" 

"Such destruction"

Irene whispered, her voice trembling with apprehension as her gaze fell upon the desolate landscape that was once teeming with life. 

Mountains now riddled with gaping holes, spewing forth magma and tendrils of black fire, painted a picture of devastation akin to an apocalypse.

Irene, with her flowing green hair cascading like gentle waves down her back, sat with an air of grace and poise upon her throne.

 Her attire, a simple yet elegant white dress, hugged her form in a way that accentuated her natural beauty. 

Unlike the ostentatious garments often worn by nobility, Irene's attire exuded a sense of comfort and ease, allowing her beauty to shine through effortlessly.

 Her long greenish hair draped over her back, giving off a sense of closeness to nature.

"Sister Isabelle, I pray that the creature you spoke of is not responsible for this"

"My little territory is fragile, and I can't be tossed around for an unwanted battle"

 Irene murmured anxiously, her fingers hovering over the map interface as she swiftly recalled her troops, a sense of urgency creeping into her movements. 

As Irene was recalling her troops, a notification chimed in her ears, alerting her to a new message. 

Hurriedly, she accessed the message and read the sender's name with a mix of surprise and excitement.

[Lord Liam]: Come outside of the wall, I am about to arrive.

'Huh, right now?'

'His territory is close to mine, He must have noticed the strange roar from before, no?'

Upon reading the message, Irene's heart skipped a beat, and she wasted no time in springing into action after a little thought blinked within.

With a sense of urgency, she called out to her advisor and maids, her voice filled with a blend of apprehension and anticipation.

"Quickly, everyone! Our guest is on the way"

"Let us prepare to receive Lord Liam"

 Irene exclaimed, her tone conveying a mixture of excitement and nervousness as she led the way toward the outside area of the wall.

Irene, filled with a mix of excitement and nervousness, hastily gathered all her summoned troops that were currently available in the territory. 

She organized them to create ample space for a welcoming stage for Liam's anticipated arrival. Little did she know that Liam wouldn't be arriving through conventional means on land.

With a sense of urgency, Irene orchestrated the preparations, ensuring everything was in place for Liam's arrival. 

Outside the castle walls, she arranged for a grand celebration, complete with gifts of food and maids adorned in elegant attire. Everything was meticulously set, and they waited eagerly for Liam's arrival.

As time passed and Liam's arrival seemed delayed, a strange unease settled over the gathering. Irene's advisor suddenly clasped her hand to her chest, her voice trembling with concern.

"M-my lady... Why do I feel a strange palpation around our area?"

Irene's heart skipped a beat as she turned to her advisor, her own sense of unease growing with each passing moment.


"It can't be... "

Irene exclaimed, her eyes darting around anxiously. The sensation in the air grew stronger, causing a knot of apprehension to form in her stomach.

With each passing moment, the strange palpation intensified, sending shivers down Irene's spine. 

Suddenly, she too felt the unsettling sensation deep within her.

"What's happening?"

"Could it be... the same phenomenon as before?" 

Irene muttered, her mind racing with worry. 

The possibility of the monstrous presence returning filled her with dread.

"No, it can't be..."

"One issue after another, give me a break please"

 she whispered, her eyes wide with fear as she braced herself for whatever was to come.

"Should I run?"

In the next moment, their worst fears seemed to materialize before their very eyes. The once serene sky turned dark and foreboding, ominous clouds swirling ominously overhead. 

Irene's words choked up within her throat with her eyes gaping the horizon in fear.

 The wind howled and whipped around them with an eerie intensity, signaling the impending arrival of something sinister.

A colossal shadow emerged on the horizon, growing larger and larger with each passing moment. Panic seized Irene and those around her as they watched in horror, their hearts pounding with dread.

"W-what is that?" 

"A monster?"

"How can it be here... the devastation area is over 300km away from here"

Irene's voice quivered with fear, her hands trembling as she desperately reached for her communication panel. 

With trembling fingers, she attempted to send a message to someone who might have answers, but her efforts were thwarted by the overwhelming sense of terror that gripped her.

As the shadow drew closer, a deafening roar echoed through the air, drowning out any attempts at communication.

 Irene's message, though sent, was filled with confusion and fear, a desperate plea for help in the face of impending danger.

"Oh god..." 

Irene's breath caught in her throat as the people around her began to panic, their faces drained of color. 

The looming shadow, now fully visible, cast a menacing presence over them, its proximity sending a chill down their spines. They were now dangerously close to whatever malevolent force lurked beyond.

The monstrous dragon, wrapped in a halo of mysterious energy, hovered ominously above the trembling populace. 

 Its colossal size, akin to that of a mountain in motion, cast a looming shadow over the entire territory, instilling a profound sense of fear and awe.

The people below, rendered speechless and immobile by the sheer terror of the creature's presence, could only stare wide-eyed in horror as it surveyed them with intense, condensing eyes. 

"I- can't move"

Whimpered one of the guards on Irene's side.

An oppressive silence fell over the land, broken only by the faint whispers of the wind and the thudding of hearts gripped by fear.

Amidst the paralyzed throng, Irene alone remained unaffected by the strange oppression, her senses sharp despite the overwhelming dread that threatened to consume her. 

As the creature's deep, rumbling voice reverberated through the air like thunder, she felt a surge of panic course through her veins.

"Are you the so-called Irene? The leader of the farming alliance?"

The beast's voice boomed, its words echoing ominously in the stillness of the air. 

Irene, startled from her shock by the unexpected question, struggled to find her voice amidst the chaos of her thoughts.

"Y-yes, it's me..." 

She stammered, her words barely audible above the roar of the wind and the pounding of her heart.

 But before she could finish, the creature interrupted her with a declaration that sent a shiver down her spine.

"Yes, it is me, Liam. Do not be afraid"

"I have come as agreed upon our promise yesterday night"

"I hope Lady Irene won't mind this Lord's presence, no?"

 The dragon proclaimed, its voice commanding and yet strangely reassuring.

 Despite the overwhelming terror that gripped her, Irene found herself drawn to the enigmatic presence of the beast before her, a sense of curiosity mingling with her fear.

"O-of course, the lord's presence is warmly welcomed"

"It's nice to see you, Lord Liam" 

Irene replied, her voice tinged with puzzlement and fear, her mind reeling with questions and uncertainty. 

The sight of a talking dragon claiming to be a lord left her struggling to comprehend the surreal situation unfolding before her.

As she forced a smile and attempted to address the creature before her, Irene's thoughts raced with confusion.

 'What is this? Can dragons really speak? '

'And this dragon is Lord Liam?'

'Am I crazy?'

'Sister Isabelle never told me that among the human lords, there are those that can become dragons?'

Her comprehension skills strained to make sense of the bizarre encounter. Though she could only bite the bullet and believe so.

"L-lord Liam, c-can you put the pressure away? My people are suffocating to death down here"

 Irene pleaded, her words trembling with urgency and also fear of saying the wrong words. 

Liam, realizing his oversight, immediately retracted his imposing aura, a wave of relief washing over the panicked populace as the oppressive pressure lifted. 

Finally being able to move and speak, though their mouth remained shut as they stood silently on the side and let their Lord do the talking. Falling down to their knees with their back soaked in sweat, coughing.

"It's my mistake, my apologies"

"There... I have retracted the pressure from the area"

"Now your people can move freely"

 Liam apologized, though his deep rumbling tone gave off no sense of guilt. Especially with such a form, who would dare to question such a being intentions.

 Irene's heart sank at the realization of the immense power wielded by the creature before her, yet she knew she had no choice but to cooperate.

"And also, c-can you become human again?" 

"A-after all, y-you should be a human, right?"

"Y-you should be"


Irene nervously laughed, her voice hesitant yet firm. 

"You are too big to enter my territory"

"I-it would be best for you to become human"

'End me, please'

Irene cried deep within.

 She could only hope that the dragon, who had thus far shown a surprising ability to reason, would comply with her request.

Hearing Irene's request, Liam nodded. 

"Alright, I also don't want you to think that I am actually a monster pretending to be a lord"

"Hahaha, that would be laughable gossip for the lord of the people, no?"

"Imagining that their strongest Lord is actually not human"

"But of course, I am just joking"

He laughed, affirming the situation.

Internally, he acknowledged the complexities of his identity, no longer purely human yet striving to maintain his humanity. 

'Please don't make such a joke'

'That would be a disaster'

Irene wailed inside her brain.

With a graceful descent, Liam landed on the ground nearby, his form gradually shifting and contorting until he stood before them at a height of over 1.9 meters.

 Adorned in a regal black and golden robe, his long golden hair cascaded behind him, framing his striking features. 

His deep black eyes locked onto Irene's face as he approached, a sense of intrigue mingling with his gaze.

Observing Liam's transformation, Irene felt a slight blush creep onto her cheeks. 

'He's a human but can transform into a dragon?'

'Or is he a dragon originally?'

'M-maybe, he was a dragon and a human back in our human world?'

'Gasp! A human dragon!'

Irene pondered within, seemingly to be confused about Liam's origin. Making up her thoughts and odd origins on her own.

'But his name and status is undoubtedly the lord of the human race'

'The lord of the earth human race...'

'Maybe I should ask sister Isabelle after this meeting'

'And also... '

Irene paused for a moment, her eyes carefully seizing up the cold-looking man before him, feeling a little bit flustered.

'I-is he even human? No way a person can look like this '

'I am leveling up too, why aren't I becoming prettier'

 She secretly thought internally, momentarily captivated by his ethereal appearance.

 Quickly composing herself, Irene forced a smile and extended her hand in greeting.

"It's nice to meet you, Lord Liam."

"Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Irene Virst, the lord of this territory"

 She said, her voice steady despite the flutter of nerves within her. 

Liam accepted her handshake with a warm smile, his gaze lingering on her for a moment longer than necessary.

"You are quite beautiful, Lady Irene."

"Greetings, my name is Liam. You may address me freely"

 Liam replied, his tone casual yet tinged with genuine admiration.

 Irene's cheeks flushed with embarrassment at his candid compliment, her eyes briefly meeting his before darting away.

With a nervous laugh and a slight cough to conceal her embarrassment, Irene gestured towards the castle. 

"Let's go in to have a talk, Lord Liam"

 She suggested, her face still flushed with color as she led the way inside the castle, Liam following closely behind. 

As they walked through the corridors of Irene's castle, Liam couldn't help but notice the impressive structure surrounding him. And the scenery so far had refreshed his view of how different the lord's castle would differ from one to the other.

The castle was clearly well-designed and meticulously maintained, a testament to Irene's capabilities as a lord. 

Especially, being able to reach level 3, it was quite impressive and Liam must admit that she does have some capabilities to reach this far in just 5 days.

 Liam's keen eyes scanned the intricate details of the architecture, his interest piqued by the unique characteristics of the castle.

With a polite smile, Liam initiated.

 "Say, people have it that the castle's appearance will change accordingly based on the Lord's attribute or something related to it. Do you believe this to be the case?" 

His curiosity evident in his tone, he turned his gaze towards Irene, awaiting her response.

Pausing momentarily in her steps, Irene met Liam's gaze with a shy yet earnest expression.

 "I believe it is true"

She replied softly, gesturing towards their surroundings. 

"As you can see, my castle is further changing into the form of a tree"

"From afar, it looks like a tree fortress."

Liam nodded in understanding towards her words, his gaze sweeping over the wooden walls and intricate designs. It has quite a distinctive feature compared to his territory, the dull dark castle of doom.

"Indeed it is"

He agreed, reaching out to lightly tap the sturdy wood on the side, knocking on it twice as it made a dull noise in return. 

"Your castle is a lot fresher compared to mine, it is brimming with..."

He paused, searching for the right words to describe the atmosphere. 

"...light and the feeling of vitality."

"it feels more alive"

Irene's eyes lit up with appreciation at Liam's words, a sense of pride evident in her expression. 

"Thank you"

She replied warmly, a hint of excitement in her voice. 

"I've been working hard to cultivate a harmonious environment within the castle walls"

"Even in the back gardens, I had been continuously gathering wildflower seeds from the forest to plant them back here. "

"Adding a lot more colors to the scenery!"

"Isn't it wonderful and harmonious to look at?"

"My territory is sure to be the most harmonious place in the future for mortals to reside in"

As they continued to walk through the corridors, Liam listened intently to Irene's words, his expression thoughtful as she shared her vision for her territory. 


He asked.

Irene turned to him with a gentle smile, her eyes alight with sincerity. 

"Yes, harmonious"

"Isn't it harmonious?"

 She affirmed, her smile radiating warmth and authenticity. 

With each step, she seemed to glow under the gentle bath of the sunlight from the side, creaking through the window.

"You see, back in my past life"

"I hated the way that the world was operating. The war and chaos, the countless innocent lives lost because of greed..."

"It was an ugly world"

Her voice trailed off for a moment, a shadow of pain crossing her features before she continued.

"I hated those people who caused harm intentionally"

"They were like pests and diseases, and there seems to be no way of getting rid of them"

"No matter how hard I tried, it felt like my efforts were meaningless, and I failed..."

A sense of resolve filled her voice as she spoke, her eyes sparkling with newfound determination.

"But now, in this new world, granted such power, I have finally decided to make my territory the most peaceful place in the whole world."

"A place where people don't have to worry about anything and can live their lives fully."

"The children that lost their parents don't have to steal to get food. The homeless will be provided with houses, and there will be no distinction of classes among the people"

"Isn't it beautiful?"

"There will be no corruption, no senseless killing and death, and no wars!"

As Irene spoke, the sunlight streaming through the windows seemed to dance around her, casting a gentle glow upon her features. Her eyes sparkled in flutters of stars.

 Liam couldn't help but admire her beauty, her words resonating with him on a deeper level. Her long green hair swayed gracefully behind her, and her figure was accentuated by the form-fitting dress she wore.

At that moment, Liam realized that Irene's beauty was not just external but emanated from within, her inner strength and compassion shine through. 

She was indeed a formidable and inspiring woman, with a vision that will undoubtedly touch many people's hearts. 

Though... to him. Her dream sounded like... such a vision is not for him.



Irene's voice wavered, her eyes wide with confusion as she struggled to comprehend Liam's words. 

It was a sudden jolt out of the blue, the unexpected that suddenly came from Liam's mouth. Turning her head stiffly towards his face.

"Like I said... your idea... is imaginary"

Liam interrupted, his smile not quite reaching his eyes. There was a hint of indifference in his tone.

Starting tomorrow, I will be back on update spamming. I mean, not in a bad way. Like, in a good way, I think? :3

ToTallyNoTmEcreators' thoughts
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