
glitch into the unkown

glitch is an agent, he is being interrogated by Agent 47, as the story counites we see into glitch's past and learn more about him and the mysterious hard drive and about the agency only known as S.H.A.D.E

Shahardel90 · Action
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32 Chs

The Past Unraveled

Agent 47: Hey, Glitch, have you ever wondered what happened to your sister?

Glitch: (pausing for a moment, his expression tense) She died in the terrorist attack that killed my parents. I thought you would know this. Isn't that what your research uncovered? Sloppy work, Agent 47.

[Agent 47 walks up to Glitch, his gaze unwavering, and places pressure on Glitch's bullet wound.]

Agent 47: (with a cold, calculating tone) Oh, Glitch, that's just what they wanted you to believe.

[Glitch's eyes widen in confusion and anger.]

Glitch: (raising his voice) What do you mean? What aren't you telling me?

[Agent 47 gives a subtle smile as he walks towards the door, leaving Glitch seething with unanswered questions.]

Glitch: (yelling after Agent 47) WHAT DO YOU MEAN? TELL ME!

[Four days have passed Agent 47 walks into the room where Glitch is still tied to the chair.]

Agent 47: (approaching Glitch) Hello glitch how is it been?

Glitch: (sarcastically) Haven't heard your voice in four days. Thought you might've died. Could've been heaven on earth for me.

[Agent 47 chuckles softly, seemingly unaffected by Glitch's resentment.]

Agent 47: (smirking) Really? I've been keeping you company during these tough times, you know. Most hostages I've taken end up dead

Glitch: But you need me. You need to know what's on that hard drive. and i need to know what happend to my sister agent 47

[Agent 47 walks out of the room, leaving Glitch tied to the chair. He calls out to Agent 35 outside the room.]

Agent 47: Agent 35, get our prisoner some food and a glass of water. It doesn't have to be gourmet, just enough to keep him going.

[Agent 35 nods and heads off to fulfill Agent 47's request, leaving Glitch alone with his thoughts and mounting curiosity about the truth behind his sister's fate.]

Agent 35 walks into the room, carrying a tray of food and a glass of water. He approaches Glitch, who is still tied to the chair, and places the tray on a nearby table.

Agent 35: (in a cold and detached tone) Here's some food and water.

Glitch glances at Agent 35, his expression filled with a mix of exhaustion and defiance.

Agent 35: so how long u think u can survive like this? in this shit hole. just give us the info on the drive then instead of a slow painfull death. i will give u a quick painless 1

Glitch: (defiantly) I won't give in, Agent 35. If you want what's on the hard drive, you'll have to provide me with answers about my sister.

Agent 35's expression remains unchanged, but a hint of frustration flashes in his eyes.

Agent 35 : suit your self.

With that, Agent 35 turns and leaves the room, leaving Glitch alone with his thoughts . Glitch understands the gravity of the situation, and his determination to uncover the truth about his sister's fate grows stronger.

[Two days have passed. Agent 47 walks into the room where Glitch is still tied to the chair. Glitch's frustration has been mounting, and he is eager to gain some leverage.]

Agent 47: (walking towards Glitch) Hello, Glitch. How have you been holding up?

Glitch: (filled with anger) Two days of silence and isolation. You must think you're playing mind games, Agent 47. But I won't break easily.

Agent 47 chuckles softly, seemingly unfazed by Glitch's defiance.

Agent 47: (smirking) Oh, Glitch, it's not about breaking you. It's about finding the right motivation. You want information about your sister? Well, perhaps I can provide that in exchange for what's on that hard drive.

Glitch: my sister died in a terorist attack there is nothing new your blufing what possbile info could you have on her

Agent 47: (leaning closer, his tone cold) The information i have is not something I can simply hand over. But if you cooperate and provide the necessary details about the hard drive, I might be inclined to share what I know about your sister.

Glitch's mind races, weighing the options. He knows the importance of the hard drive, but his longing for the truth about his sister is overwhelming.

Glitch: (determined) how do i know you will do you hand of the bargain

Agent 47: (smirking) Rest assured, Glitch. If you fulfill your end of the deal, I will do the same. Now, tell me what you know about the hard drive.

Glitch : fine

[Flashback: Year 2023]

Glitch sits in his cluttered office, frustration etched on his face. Months have passed since the betrayal of Agent 47 and his team, and Glitch has been tirelessly attempting to hack into the seemingly empty hard drive. Determined to uncover its secrets, he plugs the hard drive into his computer, focused on his task.

As Glitch furrows his brow, engrossed in his work, a new agent walks into the office. Unaware of Glitch's intense concentration, the agent greets him with a friendly "Hi."

Agent: Hi there, Glitch. I'm the new recruitment assigned to work with you.

Glitch, annoyed and distracted, doesn't even spare the agent a glance.

Glitch: Buzz off. I don't have time for small talk.

The agent, taken aback by Glitch's dismissive response, attempts to explain his purpose.

Agent: Look, Glitch, I understand you're busy, but we're supposed to be a team now. I'm here to he..

Glitch: I SAID buzz OFF

Agent: Glitch, I can't help but notice that you're working on something intense. Care to fill me in?

Glitch, feeling a mix of alarm and irritation, responds tersely.

Glitch: None of your business. I don't need you snooping around my work

Glitch's frustration and suspicion reach a boiling point as the agent continues to observe him.

Agent: Glitch, it's quite apparent that you're trying to hack into an encrypted hard drive.

Glitch's eyes widen in surprise, realizing that the agent has quickly deduced his objective. The sense of urgency and suspicion grows within him.

Glitch: Didn't I tell you to get out of my office? Now get out, or you'll be brought out in a body bag.

Agent: Okay, okay, fine. But just so you know, you can't hack that encrypted hard drive using your current system.

Glitch is shocked by the agent's claim and demands an explanation.

Glitch: What do you mean? Are you saying it's impossible to access the data on this hard drive?

Agent: Oh, well, I happen to be a bit of a computer nerd, and based on my analysis, that hard drive is using a cutting-edge encryption system. No existing software or methods can crack it.

Glitch's hope begins to fade, thinking that there's no way Nastor would leave him a hard drive that's impossible to open. However, a glimmer of curiosity sparks within him.

Glitch: Wait, I don't remember being assigned any new recruits. Who transferred you here?

Agent: It was my old mentor. His name was...

Glitch and the agent say it simultaneously: Nastor.

Intrigued by the connection, Glitch asks the agent to give it a try and see if they can gain access to the hard drive. The agent agrees and begins working on it. After a tense few moments, the agent manages to unlock one file that was still encrypted on the hard drive.

Glitch rushes to look at the file name, his heart pounding with anticipation. To his shock, the name of the file reads:

"Zack Manstor."

Glitch's mind races with questions and emotions. He turns to the agent, gratitude in his eyes, and asks:

Glitch: What's your name, Agent?

The agent replies with a hint of mystery:

Agent: It's K. Agent K.

flash back ends the year 2024 as glitch finshs telling the story to agent 47

Agent 47's face morphs into a sinister grin, reflecting his satisfaction as his plan unfolds successfully. Glitch, on the other hand, feels a wave of worry and concern wash over him. He musters the courage to ask Agent 47 about the information regarding his sister.

Glitch: Now it's your turn. What information do you have about my sister?

Agent 47's expression returns to normal, a mask of calmness, as he responds with calculated precision.

Agent 47: You gave me a name, so I'll give you one in return. Black Watch.

Glitch: Black Watch? What does the agency have to do with this?

Agent 47, a hint of amusement in his tone, responds with a sly smile.

Agent 47: Ah, Glitch, you catch on so slowly dont ya. Your sister, it appears, she is also connected to Black Watch .

Agent 47's smirk widens as he delivers another unsettling revelation.

Agent 47: Oh, and by the way, Glitch, your sister... thinks you're dead.

Glitch's eyes widen in shock, his heart sinking at the news. The weight of the information hits him hard, leaving him speechless for a moment. He struggles to process the implications of his sister's belief in his demise.

Glitch: (whispering, filled with disbelief) My sister... She thinks I'm dead?.

Agent 47, satisfied with the impact of his revelation, turns and leaves the room without offering any further explanation. Glitch is left alone, consumed by a mixture of emotions: confusion, sorrow, and a burning determination to find the truth about his sister and unravel the secrets that lie within Black Watch.