
glitch into the unkown

glitch is an agent, he is being interrogated by Agent 47, as the story counites we see into glitch's past and learn more about him and the mysterious hard drive and about the agency only known as S.H.A.D.E

Shahardel90 · Action
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32 Chs

The Mole (Part 1)

[Scene: Agent 47's house - 2010]

Agent 47 (thinking): What does a former MI6 agent, an FSB agent, and an arms dealer have in common...?

[Agent 47 pulls up a board and starts organizing the information]

Agent 47 (thinking): So, the Viper was found dead 2 days after my visit. I'm guessing an actual S.H.A.D.E agent showed up. The thing is, that casino has been visted by hundreds of criminals every day. Each and every one of them could be a suspect. Now, Roger Sil... he said he works for S.H.A.D.E, but why would S.H.A.D.E sell info about Black Watch? Unless... he wasn't interested in selling that info in the first place. He was interested in who would buy it. He was looking for new recruits.

[Agent 47 contemplates the FSB agent's involvement]

Agent 47 (thinking): And the FSB agent, how does he link to all of this? I don't think he works for S.H.A.D.E. He had no reason to give me S.H.A.D.E.'s name. Also, I wonder why both Roger Sil and the FSB agent killed themselves as soon as they were compromised... There must be a connection, but I can't find it. If only I could...

Agent 47 receives a call from Fire Wall, instructing him to report to the briefing room. As he enters, he finds only Fire Wall and Zack present.

Agent 47: Where is everyone? Where are the Nailer and Shadows?

Zack: They're on a different mission. We have a special operation today, and it requires a small team. They're handling another assignment at the moment.

Fire Wall: Agent 47, we suspect that there's a mole within the high ranks of Black Watch. We need to gather evidence to expose their identity discreetly.

Agent 47: A mole within Black Watch? That's a serious security breach. What's the plan?

Zack: Tonight, there's an exclusive party attended by the top-tier members of the intelligence community. I will be attending the party to gather information and engage with the attendees. However, the Director is claming thier is no mole , this is behined his back. We'll have to be careful not to alert anyone, including the Director.

Agent 47: Understood. While you create distractions and gather intel at the party, Fire Wall and I will search the offices discreetly for any clues that can lead us to the mole.

Fire Wall: We need concrete evidence before we confront anyone. This operation must be carried out covertly to maintain the element of surprise.

Agent 47: I'll ensure that we leave no stone unturned. Our priority is to identify and expose the mole without alerting them or the Director.

Zack: Keep your communication devices active and discreet. Report anything suspicious immediately. We'll stay in constant contact throughout the operation, but remember, the Director should remain unaware of our investigation.

Agent 47: I'll remain vigilant and focused. We'll uncover the truth and protect Black Watch from any internal threats, even if it means operating in the shadows.

With the plan set, Agent 47 prepares himself mentally for the mission ahead. He knows that the fate of Black Watch hangs in the balance, and his skills will be put to the ultimate test.

[2 Hours later]

The scene opens with Agent 47 and Fire Wall systematically searching through the offices, each taking a different section to maximize their efficiency. They carefully sift through documents, drawers, and cabinets, looking for any clues or evidence of the mole's activities.

Agent 47: (whispering) Fire Wall, I'm in Agent 12's office. Found something interesting,

Fire Wall: (whispering) What is it, 47?

Agent 47: (smirking) Just some pictures of Agent 12 cheating on his wife

Fire Wall : (disgusted) ew , why would he keep it in his office

While Agent 47 and Fire Wall continue their search, Zack moves through the party, engaging in friendly conversations with high-ranking agents. He skillfully extracts information, subtly probing for any hints or leads.

Zack: So, how's the family, Agent Johnson? I heard your son got accepted into that prestigious school.

Agent Johnson: (smiling) Yes, indeed! He's doing well. Thanks for asking, Zack.

As Zack continues his friendly banter, Agent 47 makes his way to the Director's office, The last office he needed to search. He carefully searches the room, checking the desk, the bookshelves, and even the paintings on the walls.

Agent 47: Fire Wall, I'm in the Director's office now.

Fire Wall: Keep your eyes peeled, 47.

Agent 47's keen eyes catch a glimmer of something hidden beneath the Director's desk. He reaches down and discovers a secret compartment. Inside, he finds a list with the ominous title "KILL LIST." Hundreds of names are meticulously written, representing agents within Black Watch.

Agent 47: Fire Wall, I've found it. The Director has a kill list with the names of numerous agents

Agent 47 then realsised that the names of both of his teammates are wirrtren on that list already name crossed out

agent 47: fire wall... shadows and the nailer are on that list and thier names ... are already crossed out

Fire Wall: no this cant be no no no NO!

fire wall falls crying on the floor

Agent 47 Gives the information to Zack through their communication devices. Zack's demeanor turns serious as he pulls out his weapon and aims it at the Director, causing a commotion among the party attendees.

Zack: it seems i found the breach in our security , IT WAS YOU!

Director: (visibly shaken) What is the meaning of this? I demand an explanation!

(To be continued in the next episode)